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Summary Fixed and unfixed, freeze-dried pieces of isolated retina and the posterior part of the eye bulb from adult rats were examined in a scanning electron microscope.The inner limiting membrane shows distinct cell borders, protrusions, and scattered microvilli-like structures. Different types of nerve cells are observed in the ganglion cell layer and the inner nuclear layer. They all lack synaptic boutons on the surface of their perikarya. There is an intercellular space between the processes in the nerve fiber layer.The inner and outer segments are surrounded by a space with extracellular material. Their surface is smooth or slightly undulated. There is no evidence indicating the existence of basal infoldings continuous with the membraneous structures inside the rod outer segments. The connecting piece between the inner and outer segments resemble a symmetrically shaped hour-glass. The surface of the epithelial cells is covered by microvilli forming a honeycomb-like structure and each outer segment is surrounded by several microvilli.The results obtained are discussed in relation to those obtained by transmission electron microscopy. The probable existence of a significant extracellular space and the distribution of extracellular material between the segments and the microvilli are discussed.Supported by grants from H. Jeanssons Stiftelse Riksföreningen mot Cancer (265-B69-OIX) and the Swedish Medical Research Council (B70-12X-2534-02). I would like to thank the Swedish Silicate Research Institute, Göteborg, for using their scanning electron microscope, and Miss. M. Persson for skilful technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary A scanning electron microscopic technique was used to investigate the surface structure of dentinogenically active odontoblasts.Thin pieces of rat incisors were fixed, rapidly frozen, freezedried at -70° C and fractured to expose new surfaces prior to examination in the SEM. Differences in the appearance of odontoblastic cell surfaces were seen, with the most extensive ridge formations at the distal part of the sides of the odontoblasts. The predentine area displayed a spongy structure which contrasted to the compact appearance of dentine. Results are discussed in relation to previous studies at the light microscopic and transmission electron microscopic levels.This study was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council and the Faculty of Odontology, University of Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional ultrastructure of the pineal body of the rat is described on the basis of freeze-fractured preparations. The pineal capsule consists of irregular cells with very flat and perforated processes. Through these openings, extremely branched canaliculi, extending to almost every pineal cell, communicate with the tissue compartment outside the organ. The pericapillary spaces contain, in juxtaposition with capillaries of the fenestrated type, nerve fibers as well as a flocculent granular and filamentous material of unknown origin and chemical nature.With the technical assistance of Mr. P.-A. Milliquet  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy of the lining of the pituitary cleft was carried out in normal, lactating, castrated, adrenalectomized, and cyproterone-treated adult rats. Four cell types could be differentiated in the posterior wall in control and experimental animals: (1) cells with a smooth surface, (2) cells with microvilli located at the cellular borders, (3) ciliated cells, and (4) cells with evenly distributed microvilli. The anterior wall showed mainly cells with few microvilli located at their margins, and clusters of ciliated cells. In normal, and more frequently in experimental animals, the anterior wall showed shriveled cells, and variously sized cavities. Colloid appeared either as a network of finely granular material or as compact bodies adhering to the epithelial surface. These observations suggest that a compact component of the colloid is derived at least in part from degraded cells.Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina. The author owes many thanks to Professor I. Nouzeillez and Dr. J.C. Cavicchia for their assistance in translating this paper  相似文献   

Summary The retina and pigment epithelium of the bullfrog (Rana catesbiana) were studied with the scanning electron microscope. Fixed-dehydrated tissues were critical point dried with CO2, then cracked in the plane of the long axis of the photoreceptors. The cellular layers of the retina and the lateral surfaces of pigment epithelial cells were visualized. The four major types of frog photoreceptor were identified: red rod, green rod, single cone, and double cone. Cone myoids were observed to be contracted in light-adapted retinas and elongated in more dark adapted retinas.This work was supported by a career development award EY-18,083 to the author and research grant EY 00468 to Dr. Kenneth T. Brown.The author gratefully acknowledges the skillful technical assistance of Ms. Maria T. Maglio.  相似文献   

The morphology of lingual papillae of the ten male mature Saanen goats (11 months old, approximately 42 kg in weight and of a known pedigree) was examined by scanning electron microscopy. Tissues were taken from the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the apex, body and root of the tongue, and were prepared accordingly and observed under the scanning electron microscope. On the dorsal and ventro-lateral surfaces of the lingual mucosa, three types of mechanical papillae (filiform, lenticular, and conical) and two types of gustatory papillae (vallate and fungiform) were observed. The structure and density of the filiform papillae differentiated on the anterior, posterior and ventro-lateral aspects of the tongue. Two types of lenticular papillae, both possessing a prominent surrounding papillary groove, were determined. The pyramidal-shaped type I lenticular papilla had a pointed apex while the round-shaped type II lenticular papilla possessed a blunt apex. Certain number of the type I lenticular papillae had double apices. The larger conical papillae were hollow structures, differing structurally from the filiform papillae with their larger size, a tip without projections and lack of the secondary papillae. The vallate papillae were present on both rims of the torus linguae, were encircled by a prominent gustatory furrow which was also surrounded by a thick annular fold. The fungiform papillae were scattered among the filiform papillae in the anterior two-thirds of the dorsal and lateral surfaces, and each of them was highly protected by surrounding filiform papillae, yet encircled by a papillary groove. Our findings indicate that Saanen goat have profuse distribution of papillae on the tongue displaying morphological features characteristic of mechanical function.  相似文献   

Summary The scanning electron microscope has been used to investigate the surfaces of epidermis, hair follicles, fat cells, glands and blood vessels in sections of human skin. The appearances of structures associated with these surfaces have been described. The results demonstrate that this new instrument can become an important tool in the investigation of surface changes that might accompany the application of loads (extensive, compressive or torsional), or physiological or pathological abnormalities.We wish to thank Prof. R. M. Kenedi for his continued encouragement of this work. One of us (I.A.B.) is also grateful to the Science Research Council for the provision of a post-graduate student grant.  相似文献   

Summary Spermatozoa from the cauda epididymidis of gossypol-treated rats exhibit distinctive departures from the morphology of spermatozoa from control rats: wrinkled and disorganized cell membrane in the head and tail regions, cell membrane missing from segments of the tail midpiece and principal piece regions, malformed heads, decapitate spermatozoa, retention of a cytoplasmic droplet at variable loci along tail midpieces, and looped tails. The observations suggest that gossypol exerts its contraceptive effect during spermatocytogenesis and spermiogenesis, including the posttesticular development and maturation of spermatozoa in the epididymis.  相似文献   

Summary Surface features of the ependymal linings of the fourth ventricle in the fowl were analyzed employing the scanning electron microscope (SEM). On the floor of the median sulcus, each ependymal cell has a solitary cilium, whereas on both sides of the sulcus, cilia are so densely distributed that the details of the underlying cell surface are usually obscured. On the roof of the fourth ventricle, except for the surface of the ciliated groove where numerous cilia are present, the ependymal cells are polygonal in shape, and the center of each cell possesses an aggregate of ten to twenty cilia. Cell surfaces of the choroid tela are entirely covered with delicate microvilli and possess clumped cilia. The ependymal cell surfaces of the area postrema are dome-like in shape. Each ependymal cell has a solitary cilium and shows a smooth surface free of microvilli.This work was supported by a Scientific Research Grant, No. 144017, from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Professor M. Yasuda  相似文献   

Summary The photoreceptor layer in the retina of Haplochromis burtoni (Cichlidae, Teleostei) was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Three types of receptors were identified: rods, single-cones and double-cones. The three-dimensional arrangement of these photoreceptors is described in the light- and dark-adapted retina. The surface of the inner segment of the photoreceptor cells displays fine vertical fissures which give rise to slender processes. These so called calycal processes which are of different lengths in rods and cones, surround the beginning of the smooth-surfaced outer segment. The myoid, the contractile part of the receptor, which is located beneath the ellipsoid, was examined in the single-cones of the dark-adapted retina. It is a slender structure with surface infoldings. The myoid, studied by transmission electron microscopy, contains bundles of parallel myofilaments, which are thought to be contractile.This investigation was supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sonderforschungsbereich 51-E/10)  相似文献   

目的 探讨使用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜 (Laser scanning confocal microscope,LSCM)观察大鼠纹状体内谷氨酸能突触连接的方法的可行性.方法 12只正常大鼠分为两组,6只大鼠进行纹状体中等棘刺神经元的CM-DiI 单细胞标记,然后Ⅰ型囊泡膜谷氨酸转运体(vesicular glutamate transporter 1,VGluT1 )免疫荧光标记,LSCM层扫后三维重建,观察VGluT1阳性位点在中等棘刺神经元树突上的分布.另外6只大鼠用TEM观察不对称性突触在纹状体神经元树突上的分布.对两种方法的结果进行比较.结果 用LSCM 和TEM方法观察到的纹状体神经元上谷氨酸能突触连接分布情况一致,没有统计学差异.但LSCM更具优越性的是,可以对图像进行三维重构,从而有利于对神经元之间突触连接的空间分布观察和定量分析.结论 神经细胞荧光标记技术结合LSCM观察是考察纹状体神经元上谷氨酸能突触连接的有效方法.  相似文献   

Summary The papilla basilaris of scincid lizards is relatively long, slightly curved or bowed, and characteristically has an apical terminal expansion. A limbus-attached tectorial membrane is present but is apparently not continuous with the tectorial material covering the hair cells of the papilla. The hair cells of the apical expansion are covered by a thick spongy mass of tectorial material, while the hair cells above (dorsal to) the apical region are covered by thickened tectorial material that is in the form of uniquely sculptured, twisted or folded drape-like masses (sallets). The surface of the basal (dorsal) quarter of the papilla is unusual in that it is concave rather than convex. The expanded terminals of the hair cell kinocilia are also unusual in being arrowhead-shaped.Kinocilial orientation of the non-apical papillary hair cells is simply bidirectional; the hair cells on each side of the papillary axial midline are oriented toward the midline. Kinocilial orientation of the hair cells of the apical expansion is more complex with the peripheral neural and abneural rows both being abneurally directed, and the central rows being at first neural in orientation, but becoming abneurally oriented as the apical tip is approached. At the apical tip region, most all hair cells are abneurally oriented.I would like to thank Ms Maria Maglio for her skill in handling the technical aspects of the electron microscope, Mr. David Akers for expert photographic assistance, and Ms. Michiko Kasahara for aid in all aspects of the work. Research sponsored by United States Public Health Service Grant NS-09231.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy and cryofracture technique were applied to study neuronal architecture and synaptic connections of the human cerebellum. Samples were processed according to the technique of Humphreys et al. (1975) with minor modifications. The granule cells exhibit unbranched filiform axons and coniform dendritic processes. The latter show typical claw-like endings making gearing type synaptic contacts with mossy fiber rosettes. The unattached mossy rosettes appear as solid club-like structures. Some fractographs show individual granule cells, Golgi neurons and glomerular islands. The climbing fibers and their Scheibel's collaterals were also characterized. In the Purkinje layer the surface fracture was produced at the level of the Bergmann glial cells, which are selectively removed, allowing us to visualize the rough surface of Purkinje cells and the supra- and infraganglionic plexuses of basket cell axons which appeared as entangled threads. In the molecular layer the three-dimensional configuration of the Purkinje secondary and tertiary dendritic branches was obtained. The filiform parallel fibers make cruciform synaptic contacts with the Purkinje dendritic spines. The appearance of stellate neuronal somata closely resembled that of the granule cells. The subpial terminals of Bergmann fibers appeared attached to the exterior of the folia forming the rough surfaced external glial limiting membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies of secretory granules of rat antral G-cells and measurement of serum gastrin level were performed under the condition of fasting and administration of alkaline solution into the stomach. On electron micrographs, no qualitative difference was observed among those experimental groups. However, morphometrical analysis revealed significant quantitative differences. The population density of secretory granules of the rats treated once with alkali first increased and then decreased reaching that of the fasted group, while that of the repeatedly treated group remained nearly equal to the maximum value. The average sectioned surface area of secretory granules tended to decrease for 1.5h after the stimulation but the difference was not significant among those groups.From the results obtained at present, responding to chemical stimulation such as pH changes in the antrum, it seems probable that not only exocytosis but also migration of secretory granules from supra- and/or para-nuclear portion to the basal portion of the cell occurs rapidly in G-cells and that both these processes are inhibited immediately by antral acidification. Moreover, the present results apparently indicate that under the condition of no antral acidification G-cells have a capacity of secreting gastrin for a fairly long time, such as 4–8 h, responding to adequate stimulus. These findings are strongly suggestive of the existence of a capacious pool of granules in the supra- and/or para-nuclear cytoplasm or of fairly speedy production of secretory granules in the Golgi area.The author wishes to express thanks to Prof. R. Furihata, Department of Surgery, and Prof. T. Nagata, Department of Anatomy, Shinshu University School of Medicine, for their constant interest and guidance, and to Dr. F. Iida, Department of Surgery, who has followed the course of this work throughout  相似文献   

Fixed retinae of chick embryos and chicks of the first week after hatching were fractured and examined with the scanning electron microscope. The matrix cells of the retina proliferate up to the beginning of the second week. The migrating cells are oriented in cell cords. This columnar organization prevails up to the development of the plexiform layers formed as a consequence of the outgrowth of the dendritic and axonal cell processes.Special attention was paid to the differentiation of the ganglion, bipolar and receptor cells, and the radial fibers (Müller cells).  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional architecture of the submucosal collagen fibres of the rat (3 weeks old) small intestine was examined by scanning electron microscopy using a selective microdissection method. The main framework of the submucosa was composed of two arrays of collagen fibre bundles running diagonally around the intestinal wall, one set in a clockwise direction, the other counterclockwise. These fibre bundles were about 5 m in diameter and were oriented at a range of angle ± 30°–50° to the longitudinal axis of the intestine. With the advantage of the SEM observation it was demonstrated that these fibres in different arrays did not constitute two separate layers but interwove to form a unified lattice sheet. An irregular network of fine collagen fibrils over the main framework was also seen. The significance of their arrangement is discussed with respect to the skeletal function of the submucosa in the intestine.  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional structure of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in the red, white and intermediate striated muscle fibers of the extensor digitorum longus muscle of the rat was examined under a field-emission type scanning electron microscope after removal of cytoplasmic matrices by the osmium-DMSO-osmium procedure.In all three types of fibers, the terminal cisternae and transverse tubules form triads at the level of the A-I junction. Numerous slender sarcotubules, originating from the A-band side terminal cisternae, extend obliquely or longitudinally and form oval or irregular shaped networks of various sizes in front of the A-band, then become continuous with the tiny mesh (fenestrated collar) in front of the H-band. The A-and H-band SR appears as a single sheet of anastomotic tubules. Numerous sarcotubules, originating from the I-band side terminal cisternae, extend in threedimensional directions and form a multilayered network over the I-band and Z-line regions. At the I-band level, paired transversely oriented mitochondria partly embrace the myofibril. The I-band SR network is poorly developed in the narrow space between the paired mitochondria, but is well developed in places devoid of these mitochondria.The three-dimensional structure of the SR is basically the same in all three muscle fiber-types. However, the SR is sparse on the surface of mitochondria, so the mitochondria-rich red fiber has a much smaller total volume of SR than the mitochondria-poor white fiber. Moreover, the volume of SR of the intermediate fiber is intermediate between the two.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of bone cells in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Embryonic and young rat bone cells have been grown in culture and examined in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Compared with cells fixed in situ and taken directly from the animal, the cultured osteoblastic cells were smoother, flatter and more extensive and showed tighter intercellular contacts. Some matrix is formed in culture and undergoes at least partial mineralization as judged by the accumulation of Ca and P measured by energy dispersive x-ray analysis. Findings concerning the morphology of the collagen arrangement were indecisive. Some superficial cells, free of surrounding matrix, resembled osteocytes in normal in vivo bone. This may indicate that a proportion of the extracellular matrix produced by the cultured cells failed to polymerise into recognizable bone matrix, and that osteocytic morphology is not dependent upon the physical characteristics of the bone matrix.  相似文献   

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