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Female remating rate dictates the level of sperm competition in a population, and extensive research has focused on how sperm competition generates selection on male ejaculate allocation. Yet the way ejaculate allocation strategies in turn generate selection on female remating rates, which ultimately influence levels of sperm competition, has received much less consideration despite increasing evidence that both mating itself and ejaculate traits affect multiple components of female fitness. Here, we develop theory to examine how the effects of mating on female fertility, fecundity and mortality interact to generate selection on female remating rate. When males produce more fertile ejaculates, females are selected to mate less frequently, thus decreasing levels of sperm competition. This could in turn favour decreased male ejaculate allocation, which could subsequently lead to higher female remating. When remating simultaneously increases female fecundity and mortality, females are selected to mate more frequently, thus exacerbating sperm competition and favouring male traits that convey a competitive advantage even when harmful to female survival. While intuitive when considered separately, these predictions demonstrate the potential for complex coevolutionary dynamics between male ejaculate expenditure and female remating rate, and the correlated evolution of multiple male and female reproductive traits affecting mating, fertility and fecundity.  相似文献   

Zebra finches are a ubiquitous model system for the study of vocal learning in animal communication. Their song has been well described, but its possible function(s) in social communication are only partly understood. The so-called ‘directed song’ is a high-intensity, high-performance song given during courtship in close proximity to the female, which is known to mediate mate choice and mating. However, this singing mode constitutes only a fraction of zebra finch males’ prolific song output. Potential communicative functions of their second, ‘undirected’ singing mode remain unresolved in the face of contradicting reports of both facilitating and inhibiting effects of social company on singing. We addressed this issue by experimentally manipulating social contexts in a within-subject design, comparing a solo versus male or female only company condition, each lasting for 24 h. Males’ total song output was significantly higher when a conspecific was in audible and visible distance than when they were alone. Male and female company had an equally facilitating effect on song output. Our findings thus indicate that singing motivation is facilitated rather than inhibited by social company, suggesting that singing in zebra finches might function both in inter- and intrasexual communication.  相似文献   

Abstract Insect seminal fluid commonly comprises a complex cocktail of proteins and other biochemical components that migrate away from the female reproductive tract to sites elsewhere in the female body and elicit changes in female reproductive behaviour. The transfer of male seminal fluid molecules to reproductive and somatic tissues of the female Queensland fruit fly (‘Q‐fly’) Bactrocera tryoni is examined and some putative target sites identified. Male Q‐flies are fed a diet containing radiolabelled (35S) amino acids, which are incorporated into male accessory gland products. Radioactivity diminishes within the accessory glands and increases in all assessed parts of the female body during copulation, indicating the transfer of these products into the female soma via the reproductive tract. There are significant changes in the absolute and proportional radioactivity profiles among female tissues over the next 22 h, with substantial reductions in the thorax and increases in the head. This is consistent with accumulation of behaviour‐modifying male products at binding sites in the female head. Parallels can be drawn between the data in the present study and seminal fluid distribution profiles and receptor binding documented in other insects.  相似文献   

The inhibition of female receptivity after copulation is usually related to the quality of the first mating. Males are able to modulate female receptivity through various mechanisms. Among these is the transfer of the ejaculate composed mainly by sperm and accessory gland proteins (AGPs). Here we used the South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (where AGP injections inhibit female receptivity) and the Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens (where injection of AGPs failed to inhibit receptivity) as study organisms to test which mechanisms are used by males to prevent remating. In both species, neither the act of copulation without ejaculate transfer nor sperm stored inhibited female receptivity. Moreover, using multiply mated sterile and wild males in Mex flies we showed that the number of sperm stored by females varied according to male fertility status and number of previous matings, while female remating did not. We suggest female receptivity in both flies is inhibited by the mechanical and/or physiological effect of the full ejaculate. This finding brings us closer to understanding the mechanisms through which female receptivity can be modulated.  相似文献   

Many studies demonstrate that ejaculate size may be influenced by male condition, female quality and the risk or intensity of sperm competition. In the present study, the effect of male and female conditions, male mating history and female mating status on ejaculate sperm numbers in the polyandrous moth Helicoverpa armigera is examined. A large variation in ejaculate size is found and, although female body size and male age influence ejaculate size, female age and copula duration do not. Both male and female mating histories have significant effects on ejaculate sperm numbers. Males reduce ejaculate expenditure in successive matings but deliver significantly more apyrene and eupyrene sperm to nonvirgin than to virgin females.  相似文献   

Injection of [2,3 14C] sodium succinate into recently emerged, unfed females of Glossina morsitans morsitans resulted in incorporation of radiolabel mainly into surface cuticular alkanes. In vivo experiments with intact flies showed that the distribution of labelled alkanes depended on fly mobility, the legs of unrestrained flies possessing proportionately larger amounts of radioactive hydrocarbon material than those of flies whose legs were tied together with a silk suture. The heads of both restrained and unrestrained flies contained proportionately more material per unit surface area than did any other body part. However, ablation experiments and in vitro incubation showed that the most active incorporation of label into alkanes occurred in the abdomen and that all dorsal abdominal segments were equally active. The ventral abdomen also incorporated label into cuticular alkanes in vitro, but other body parts were apparently less able to do so. The sex pheromone of G. m. morsitans is a trimethyl-substituted alkane, the labelling of which appeared to be in proportion to the relative abundance of its methyl groups among those of the other alkanes of the cuticle following injection of either intact or legless flies. Hence it is proposed that sex pheromone is synthesized along with other cuticular alkanes mainly by cells closely associated with the abdominal cuticle of females and that it is spread over the external surface both by diffusion and by grooming which leads to accumulations of hydrocarbon material on the legs.  相似文献   

In the fiddler crab, Uca pugnax, numbers of displaying males, numbers of burrows with half-dome superstructures (hoods), numbers of females with decalcified vulvar opercula, and numbers of females hatching their eggs, all follow a semi-monthly cycle with peaks near the time of the spring tides. These are all aspects of reproduction in Uca. Decalcification of female opercula, although necessary for mating and egg deposition, is neither necessary nor sufficient for behavioural response to courting males. In fact, behavioural responsiveness to males probably precedes decalcification in most cases. The different aspects of the reproductive cycle are coordinated so that females and males are ready to mate at about the same time near one spring tide, and the resulting eggs will be ready to hatch on the next spring tide. Two decalcified females which were kept isolated from males produced fertile clutches, suggesting that stored sperm from a previous mating may fertilize eggs in a later cycle. This may be one reason for the relative rarity of observed matings or precopulatory behaviour in Uca.  相似文献   

Recent theories on primate sexual selection have paid increasing attention to the importance of reproductive strategies of females living in multimale groups. However, the extent to which females are able effectively to conceal or advertise the time of ovulation as part of these strategies remains unclear. Few studies have investigated the ability of males to discern female reproductive status under natural conditions, and none has taken into account differences in male rank, and thus ability to gain access to females or cues. We tested male assessment of a female's fertile phase under natural conditions in longtailed macaques. We used timing of mate guarding by dominant males and the response of subordinate males towards the repeated playback of a female copulation call to measure male interest in females throughout the ovarian cycle. Relating the degree of male interest to female reproductive status, as determined noninvasively by faecal hormone analysis, we found that interest in females shown by both dominant and subordinate males was strongest during and around the fertile phase. Our results also indicate that males were better able to recognize the fertile period in conception than in nonconception cycles. Furthermore, our finding of a strong positive relation between male interest and female oestrogen levels in all cycles indicates that at least some of the cues used by males to assess female reproductive status are oestrogen related.  相似文献   

Serial dilutions of purified female extracts of sex pheromone were analysed for their activity in releasing courting behaviour in males. Running activity and courting displays by males increased with the higher concentrations of sex pheromone. Males responded to sex pheromone in three distinct levels: arousal, running and courting displays. Individual male responses to equal dilutions were variable in that certain males had higher thresholds and required higher concentrations to initiate similar responses. Each level, respectively, was initiated by increasing concentrations of sex pheromone. When exposed to the highest concentration, there was a minimal temporal response time prior to the terminal courting displays. Secondarily purified extracts, as low as 4·5×10?14 g, elicited a response from males.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of brain, thoracic ganglion or corpora cardiaca of female Glossina morsitans were shown to contain a substance which inhibited the synthesis of lipid from l[U-14C] leucine by fat cells incubated in vitro. The highest concentration of this substance was found in the corpora cardiaca; approximately 1 × 10?6 gland pairs μl?1 were required for maximum inhibition. At concentrations greater than 1 × 10?4 gland pairs μl?1 the lipid synthesis inhibiting factor (hereafter referred to as the LSIF) was inactivated by the presence of a substance which could be removed by gel filtration. The concentration of LSIF in the corpora cardiaca and midbrain varied throughout the reproductive cycle of the female. Net release of LSIF from the midbrain occurred between the 2nd and 7th day of the 9-day reproductive cycle. Net release from the corpora cardiaca began on day 5 and continued until the end of the interlarval period on day 9. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that LSIF is synthesised mainly in the medial neurosecretory cells of the midbrain whereas the corpora cardiaca are the site of storage and release into the haemolymph. LSIF was present in midbrain and corpora cardiaca extracts from male G. morsitans but at lower concentrations than in females. No variation in LSIF concentration could be correlated with the feeding cycle. LSIF activity was not detected in fresh haemolymph but was found at high concentration in boiled haemolymph, suggesting the presence of an inhibitor which was inactivated at high temperature. Preliminary investigations into the nature of LSIF have shown it to be inactivated by proteolytic enzymes and to be recoverable in a single peak from a Sephadex G15 column.Results support the view that LSIF is a peptide hormone which, in conjunction with an inhibitor, controls the lipid synthetic ability of the fat cells of the adult female tsetse fly throughout the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Sexual pairing in the fly Scatophaga stercoraria involves ‘capture’ of females by males. Sizerelated choice by males and females is considered, because these flies are highly variable in size, and size strongly affects reproductive success. Results show that males do not discriminate among females on the basis of size. Females choose large males when free to select mates. They move toward larger males when contronted by more than one possible mate, and their movement on the oviposition site takes them to areas where large males are more common. Females paired with large males gain from (1) reduced harm in struggles; (2) more rapid copulation and oviposition, with lower risk to the female and her progeny; and (3) greater ability to escape danger during copulation. These benefits may account for female preference for large males.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are long-chain fatty acids and their derivatives that protect insects from desiccation. They can also be important semiochemicals in insect reproduction. We used behavioural and chemical assays to examine the potential role of CHCs in sexual communication in a solitary burrowing bee, Amegilla dawsoni. Washing CHC blends from the cuticle of emerging virgin females made them unattractive to mate-searching males. Returning the CHC blends restored their attractiveness. Nesting females were unattractive to mate-searching males, whether they were washed or not. Chemical analysis identified significant differences between male and female CHC blends and between virgin female and nesting female blends. Some of these differences were due to specific compounds. Loss of attractiveness is unlikely to be due to antiaphrodisiac compounds delivered by males, because male-specific compounds were not found on nesting females, and because recently mated females with intact CHC blends were attractive to searching males. Nesting females could not be made attractive to searching males by removing their CHC blends. Adding virgin female CHC blends tended to improve attractiveness but the effect was weak, suggesting that some form of volatile compound may also be involved in signalling unreceptivity.  相似文献   

In a recent study (Sargent & Gebler 1980), we allowed male sticklebacks to compete for a limited number of clay flowerpots as nest sites in circular wading pools. Although the males who nested in post enjoyed higher reproductive success (Sargent & Gebler 1980), a further analysis of these data revealed the males in these two classes did not differ significantly with regard to territory size, total courtships, and female rejections of the nest. In the present study, for the first half of the experiment, flowerpots were assigned randomly to half of the males nesting in wading pools; the pots were later taken from those males who first had them and were given to the remaining males for the second half of the experiment. Using paired comparisons, each male's performance was examined with and without a flowerpot. The males received more female nest-choices, and fewer intrusions from other males, when their nests were in flowerpots; however, the females appeared to engage in courtships with males independently of the males' nest site concealment. For the two classes of nest site concealment, the males were not significantly heterogeneous for the number of nest-choices that they received: thus male quality did not appear to directly affect female nest-choice. These results suggest that territory quality, in the form of nest site concealment, was the most important determinant of female nest-choice and male reproductive success in the experiments of Sargent & Gebler (1980). Females appear to minimize the risk of egg-cannibalism by spawning with those males who experience the least amount of courtship interference.  相似文献   

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