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The DNAs purified from condensed and dispersed human chromatin were used as templates for the in vitro synthesis of 3H-labelled complementary RNAs (cRNAs). These cRNAs were hybridised in situ to preparations of fixed human metaphase chromosomes which had previously been stained with quinacrine and photographed with fluorescent (UV) light. Autoradiographs of the hybridised chromosomes were stained and photographed and the results analysed by comparison of the fluorescence photographs with the autoradiographs. This method allowed positive identification of every chromosomal site of hybridisation and quantitative analysis of grain distribution over a number of metaphase spreads. The cRNA transcribed from condensed chromatin DNA (cRNAC) hybridised mainly to a limited number of sites close to or including centromeric heterochromatin (C-bands) and also to the brightly fluorescent regions of the Y chromosome. Many of these C-band regions are known to contain satellite DNAs, indicating that the repeated DNA in the condensed chromatin fraction consists largely, if not entirely, of satellite sequences. The cRNA transcribed from dispersed chromatin DNA (cRNAD) does not contain satellite DNAs and hybridised more generally over the chromosome arms. However, the main sites of hybridisation with cRNAD included the C-bands in the Y chromosome and autosomes, i.e. those regions which bound cRNAC. This suggests that nonsatellite repeated DNA sequences may be associated with satellite DNAs in the chromosomes. No general correlation between the distribution of either kind of cRNA and the overall level of quinacrine fluorescence in chromosomes or chromosome arms was detectable, nor could the dispersed fraction be equated with cytological euchromatin, since it hybridised in many sites which appear heterochromatic. However, there was a suggestion that some non-fluorescing Q-bands bound cRNAD preferentially. The differences which were found between the distribution of the cRNAs from the two chromatin fractions may be associated with differences in genetic activity.  相似文献   

The contribution of the linker region to maintenance of condensed chromatin was examined in two model systems, namely sea urchin sperm nuclei and chicken red blood cell nuclei. Linkerless nuclei, prepared by extensive digestion with micrococcal nuclease, were compared with Native nuclei using several assays, including microscopic appearance, nuclear turbidity, salt stability, and trypsin resistance. Chromatin in the Linkerless nuclei was highly condensed, resembling pyknotic chromatin in apoptotic cells. Linkerless nuclei were more stable in low ionic strength buffers and more resistant to trypsin than Native nuclei. Analysis of histones from the trypsinized nuclei by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that specific histone H1, H2B, and H3 tail regions stabilized linker DNA in condensed nuclei. Thermal denaturation of soluble chromatin preparations from differentially trypsinized sperm nuclei demonstrated that the N-terminal regions of histones Sp H1, Sp H2B, and H3 bind tightly to linker DNA, causing it to denature at a high temperature. We conclude that linker DNA exerts a disruptive force on condensed chromatin structure which is counteracted by binding of specific histone tail regions to the linker DNA. The inherent instability of the linker region may be significant in all eukaryotic chromatins and may promote gene activation in living cells.  相似文献   

The lengths of the DNA molecules of eukaryotic genomes are much greater than the dimensions of the metaphase chromosomes in which they are contained during mitosis. From this observation it has been generally assumed that the linear packing ratio of DNA is an adequate measure of the degree of DNA compaction. This review summarizes the evidence suggesting that the local concentration of DNA is more appropriate than the linear packing ratio for the study of chromatin condensation. The DNA concentrations corresponding to most of the models proposed for the 30-40 nm chromatin fiber are not high enough for the construction of metaphase chromosomes. The interdigitated solenoid model has a higher density because of the stacking of nucleosomes in secondary helices and, after further folding into chromatids, it yields a final concentration of DNA that approaches the experimental value found for condensed chromosomes. Since recent results have shown that metaphase chromosomes contain high concentrations of the chromatin packing ions Mg2+ and Ca2+, it is discussed that dynamic rather than rigid models are required to explain the condensation of the extended fibers observed in the absence of these cations. Finally, considering the different lines of evidence demonstrating the stacking of nucleosomes in different chromatin complexes, it is suggested that the face-to-face interactions between nucleosomes may be the driving force for the formation of higher order structures with a high local concentration of DNA.  相似文献   

In mammals, DNA methylation is catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) encoded by Dnmt1, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b. Since, the mechanisms of regulation of Dnmts are still largely unknown, the physical interaction between Dnmt3b and chromatin was investigated in vivo and in vitro. In embryonic stem cell nuclei, Dnmt3b preferentially associated with histone H1-containing heterochromatin without any significant enrichment of silent-specific histone methylation. Recombinant Dnmt3b preferentially associated with nucleosomal DNA rather than naked DNA. Incorporation of histone H1 into nucleosomal arrays promoted the association of Dnmt3b with chromatin, whereas histone acetylation reduced Dnmt3b binding in vitro. In addition, Dnmt3b associated with histone deacetylase SirT1 in the nuclease resistant chromatin. These findings suggest that Dnmt3b is preferentially recruited into hypoacetylated and condensed chromatin. We propose that Dnmt3b is a 'reader' of higher-order chromatin structure leading to gene silencing through DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Pancreatic DNase I has been used to study the interaction between DNA and chromosomal proteins in extended and condensed chromatin fractions isolated from mouse and Chinese hamster livers. It was found that DNase digests extended chromatin at a faster rate than condensed chromatin, and the evidence suggests that the chromosomal proteins are more tightly complexed to the DNA in condensed than in extended chromatin. This difference in DNA-protein interaction in extended and condensed chromatin may be related to the functional difference which characterizes these fractions, and might be one of the factors underlying the production of bands on metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

Fungal chromatins are reported to exhibit unusually short nucleosomal DNA repeat lengths. To test whether this is a phylogenetic feature of fungi or rather is correlated with an apparent absence of condensed chromatin in the organisms studied, we have examined the chromatin organization and the complement of basic nuclear proteins in the fungus Entomophthora, an organism which exhibits marked chromatin condensation. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of Entomophthora chromatin revealed a nucleosomal DNA repeat length of 197 +/- 1.2 base pairs (bp). This repeat length is 20-40 bp longer than that reported for any fungus. Entomophthora nucleosomes exhibited an HI-like protein which was much less basic than the HI histones reported for higher eukaryotes but which was similar in basicity to the HI histone reported for the fungus Neurospora. However, the nucleosomal DNA repeat length of Neurospora chromatin is reported to be unusually short, whereas that of Entomophthora was found to be typical of the repeat lengths observed for chromatins of higher eukaryotes. Thus, repeat length, at least in fungi, would not appear to be directly determined by the basicity of the fungal cognate of histone HI.  相似文献   

Summary Histones were studied in human mature neutrophils and lymphocytes by means of simple and modified cytochemical procedures carried out on smear preparations of the peripheral blood to provide more information on the composition of the condensed chromatin in nuclei of these cells. The results indicated that the condensed chromatin of mature neutrophils contains mainly lysine rich histones and the condensed chromatin of mature lymphocytes is characterized mainly by the presence of arginine rich histones.  相似文献   

The protein avidin has been conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate and then used to treat cells and chromosome preparations. Fluorescence microscopy reveals that this protein is bound by areas of the specimen containing condensed chromatin.  相似文献   

Using restriction endonucleases which preferentially digest mouse main band DNA and leave satellite DNA intact, we have isolated highly purified chromatin fractions containing only mouse satellite or main band DNA. Following the digestion of mouse brain nuclei with EndoR Alu I, main band DNA chromatin is selectively extracted with 10mM Tris, 10mM EDTA. Satellite DNA chromatin is subsequently extracted from the nuclear pellet with Tris-3M urea and further purified on sucrose gradients. Chromatin extracted from digested nuclei with Tris-EDTA contains only main band DNA and has a molecular weight lower than 2 x 10(6). Chromatin fractions obtained from the lower regions of sucrose gradients of the Tris-Urea extracts contain 40--95% satellite DNA and have a molecular weight of 6 to 8 x 10(6). Both the satellite DNA and main band DNA chromatins contain all five histones and have a protein to DNA ratio of 1.3 to 1.  相似文献   

Properties of condensed chromatin in barley nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. Muller  G. Philipps  C. Gigot 《Planta》1980,149(1):69-77
A method for isolation and purification of intact nuclei from barley leaves was developed and several properties of the chromatin were studied. The dense structure of the main part of the chromatin does not alter the accessibility of the DNA to nucleases. 60% of the nuclear DNA can be degraded by micrococcal endonuclease. Nevertheless the solubility of the chromatin fragments depends on the extent of nuclease digestion; solubilisation occurring only when the major part of the internucleosomal DNA was degraded (30% of digestion). Electron microscopic observations suggest that this was due to particularly dense organization of the chromatin in situ. The possible physiological meaning of some of these properties are discussed.  相似文献   

The sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA region spanning the first internal transcribed spacer, the 5.8S rRNA gene and the second internal transcribed spacer were determined for Ascaris samples from pigs and humans from different geographical regions. The sequences of the 5.8S gene and the second internal transcribed spacer were the same for all samples examined, whereas all Ascaris samples from humans had six (1.3%) nucleotide differences in the first internal transcribed spacer compared with those from pigs. These differences provided some support for the existence of separate species of Ascaris or population variation within this genus. Using a nucleotide difference within a site for the restriction enzyme HaeIII, a PCR-linked restriction fragment length polymorphism method was established which allowed the delineation of the Ascaris samples from pigs and humans used herein. Exploiting the sequence differences in the first internal transcribed spacer, a PCR-based single-strand conformation polymorphism method was established for future analysis of the genetic structure of pig and human Ascaris populations in sympatric and allopatric zones.  相似文献   

A dispersed middle repetitive DNA sequence isolated originally from human chromosome 12 did not show homology with rodent DNA under standard conditions of Southern DNA blot analysis. The evolutionary relationship of this human repetitive DNA to that of other primates was investigated using three hybridization methods: DNA dot blot, Southern DNA blot analysis, and chromosome in situ hybridization. Homology with the human repetitive DNA was found throughout the suborder Anthropoidea, in fourteen ape and New and Old World monkey species. In addition, the human pattern of hybridization to noncentromeric regions of all chromosomes was seen. No hybridization by any of the three techniques was found in five species of the suborder Prosimii. The phenomenon of marked differences in sequence homology and copy number of dispersed repetitive DNA from closely related species has been observed in protozoans (Plasmodia), Drosophila, sea urchins, mice and the great apes (Hominoidea). We report here a similar phenomenon that may have occurred at an early stage in primate evolution.  相似文献   

We have studied the physical properties of a segment of condensed chromatin that lies upstream of the chicken beta-globin locus. This segment can be excised from an avian erythroleukemia cell line by restriction enzyme digestion and released from the nucleus as an essentially homogeneous fragment about 15.5 kbp long. Because of this homogeneity we could measure its sedimentation coefficient quite accurately by a combination of sucrose gradient and analytical ultracentrifugation. By measuring additionally the buoyant density of the cross-linked particle in CsCl we could deduce the total mass of the particle, hence its frictional coefficient, f, directly related to its shape. The measured value of f is consistent with a rod-like particle of the approximate length and diameter proposed earlier for the 30 nm chromatin fiber. The method is generally applicable to homogeneous particles of unique sequence at genomic abundance.  相似文献   

Lam PM  Levy JC 《Biopolymers》2005,79(6):287-291
We have studied theoretically the unzipping of a double-stranded DNA from a condensed globule state by an external force. At constant force, we found that the double-stranded DNA unzips an at critical force Fc and the number of unzipped monomers M goes as M approximately (Fc - F)-3, for both the homogeneous and heterogeneous double-stranded DNA sequence. This is different from the case of unzipping from an extended coil state in which the number of unzipped monomers M goes as M approximately (Fc - F)-chi, where the exponent chi is either 1 or 2 depending on whether the double-stranded DNA sequence is homogeneous or heterogeneous, respectively. In the case of unzipping at constant extension, we found that for a double-stranded DNA with a very large number N of base pairs, the force remains almost constant as a function of the extension, before the unraveling transition, at which the force drops abruptly to zero. Right at the unraveling transition, the number of base pairs remaining in the condensed globule state is still very large and goes as N(3/4), in agreement with theoretical predictions of the unraveling transition of polymers stretched by an external force.  相似文献   

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