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Polyamine content, ODC and SAMDC activities have been assayed in cerebellum and brain cortex of hyperthyroid rats during postnatal development. Daily thyroxine treatment induced ODC and SAMDC biosynthesis in early periods of postnatal life in both cerebellum and brain cortex. In addition, in comparison to controls an increase in spermidine and spermine content was shown to occur in hyperthyroid rats. A functional correlation between polyamine content and nucleic acids could explain a correlation between polyamine biosynthesis and morphofunctional maturative processes in the brain.  相似文献   

C A Lorente  S A Miller 《Teratology》1978,18(2):277-284
Retinoic acid or retinyl acetate was administered to pregnant rats in doses sufficient to induce a 90% incidence of cleft palate. In another study, a delay in the reorientation of the palatal shelves was observed to be longer with the more potent teratogen, retinoic acid. On day 16 of gestation, 24 hours after final dosage with vitamin A, the synthesis of DNA and protein was studied in fetal carcass, mandible, and palate, and that of sulfated mucopolysaccharides (S-MPS) and glycoproteins (GP) in fetal head, mandible, and palate. Increases in DNA synthesis in fetal palate and in GP synthesis in fetal palate were found; thus, the mechanism of action of vitamin A in inducing cleft palates in rats may be caused by interference with the normal biochemical synthetic pattern of the palatal shelves.  相似文献   

Existing experimental embryological data suggests that the vestibular system initially develops in a very rigid and genetically controlled manner. Nevertheless, gravity appears to be a critical factor in the normal development of the vestibular system that monitors position with respect to gravity (saccule and utricle). In fact several studies have shown that prenatal exposure to microgravity causes temporary deficits in gravity-dependent righting behaviors, and prolonged exposure to hypergravity from conception to weaning causes permanent deficits in gravity-dependent righting behaviors. Data on hypergravity and microgravity exposure suggest some changes in the otolith formation during development, in particular the size although these changes may actually vary with the species involved. In adults exposed to microgravity there is a change in the synaptic density in the optic sensory epithelia suggesting that some adaptation may occur there. However, effects have also been reported in the brainstem. Several studies have shown synaptic changes in the lateral vestibular nucleus and in the nodulus of the cerebellum after neonatal exposure to hypergravity. We report here that synaptogenesis in the medial vestibular nucleus is retarded in developing rat embryos that were exposed to microgravity from gestation days 9 to 19.  相似文献   

In vitro development of early postimplantation rat embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rat embryos explanted at 712 or 812post coitum were cultured throughout the major stages of organogenesis in a system of rotating bottles containing heat-inactivated, immediately centrifuged (I.C.) serum. About 80% of the 812-day explants and 50% of the 712-day explants developed a blood circulation in the yolk sac; in these embryos, organogenesis and growth rates were similar to those of embryos in vivo. In cultures continued for 4 or 5 days, many of the embryos developed 30–40 somites. There was little difference in the subsequent development of embryos cultured in maternal serum or male serum during the egg-cylinder stage except for a possible decrease in the frequency of normal axial rotation in embryos from the male serum. Development in rotator bottles was much better than in watchglass cultures.  相似文献   

Staged human embryos and fetuses in the Carnegie Embryological Collection were morphometrically analyzed to show craniofacial dimensions and changes in spatial relations, and to identify patterns that would reflect normal developmental events during palatal formation. Normal embryos aged 7-8 weeks postconception (Streeter-O'Rahilly stages 19-23) and fetuses aged 9-10 weeks postconception, in eight groups with mean crown-rump (CR) lengths of 18-49 mm, were studied with cephalometric methods developed for histologic sections. In the 4-week period studied, facial dimensions increased predominantly in the sagittal plane with extensive changes in length (depth) and height, but limited changes in width. Growth of the mandible was more rapid than the nasomaxillary complex, and the length of Meckel's cartilage exceeded the length of the oronasal cavity at the time of horizontal movement of the shelves during stage 23. Simultaneously with shelf elevation, the upper craniofacial complex lifted, and the tongue and Meckel's cartilage extended forward beneath the primary palate. Analysis of spatial relations in the oronasal cavity showed that the palatomaxillary processes became separated from the tongue--mandibular complex as the head extended, and the tongue became positioned forward with growth of Meckel's cartilage. As the head position extended by 35 degrees, the cranial base angulation was unchanged and the primary palate maintained a 90 degrees position to the posterior cranial base. However, the sagittal position of the maxilla relative to the anterior cranial base increased by 20 degrees between stages 19 and 23. In the late embryonic and early fetal periods, the mean cranial base angulation of approximately 128 degrees and the mean maxillary position angulation of approximately 84 degrees were similar to the angulations previously shown to be present later prenatally and post-natally. The results suggest that human patterns of cranial base angulation and maxillary position to the cranial base develop during the late embryonic period when the chondrocranium and Meckel's cartilage form the primary skeleton.  相似文献   

Factors influencing premature chromosome condensation (PCC) in transferred rat nuclei have been examined. Chromosome condensation of rat cumulus cell nuclei did not occur when the cell nuclei were injected into enucleated rat oocytes. By contrast, chromosome condensation did occur after transfer to enucleated mouse oocytes or intact rat oocytes. In the first serial NT experiment, rat somatic cell nuclei were injected into enucleated mouse oocytes, and the reconstructed oocytes were activated by strontium chloride. From these reconstructed embryos, karyoplasts containing pronucleus-like vesicles were transferred into pronuclear zygote-derived cytoplasts by a DC pulse. Transfer of a total of 340 serial NT zygotes into recipient females, including 206 two-cell embryos, resulted in only seven implantation sites. In the second serial NT experiment, rat somatic cell nuclei were injected into intact rat oocytes; the recipient metaphase-plate was then aspirated under UV light from the NT oocytes in which PCC of injected nuclei was observed. After activation of the NT oocytes, karyoplasts were introduced into zygote-derived cytoplasts. Transfer of a total of 115 serial NT zygotes, including 37 two-cell embryos, resulted in four implantation sites but no live offspring. These results establish a mean of inducing chromosome condensation in rat oocytes and demonstrate that reconstructed rat zygotes can be prepared by serial NT procedures. Developmental competence of these embryos remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The individual effects of boric acid (BA) and hyperthermia on the development of the axial skeleton have been reported previously. Both cause an increased incidence of axial skeletal defects including a decrease in the total number of ribs and vertebrae. Because of the similarity in the effects of the two agents, we examined their interaction when given in combination to pregnant rats on gestational day (GD) 10. METHODS: Dams were treated on GD 10 with BA (0, 250, or 500 mg/kg) and hyperthermia (37, 41, or 42 degrees C) and allowed to deliver their pups. Doses of BA were based on results from a dose-finding study. Litters were evaluated on postnatal days (PND) 1 and 3 for number, gender, and weight of pups. On PND3, pups were examined externally and viscerally, and double-stained for skeletal evaluation. RESULTS: A dose-dependent, statistically significant increase in fetal skeletal defects was seen on PND 3 with BA or hyperthermia alone with even greater effects when given in combination. Defects included rib and vertebral fusions, split vertebral centra in the thoracic and lumbar areas, and a decrease in the total number of ribs and vertebrae. CONCLUSIONS: The increased incidence of skeletal defects resulting from combined exposure to hyperthermia and BA was additive for segmentation defects and synergistic for the reduction in numbers of vertebrae.  相似文献   

Administration of N,N'-bis(dichloroacetyl)-1,8-octamethylenediamine, bisdiamine, in pregnant Donryu rats on day 10 of gestation induces a high incidence of cardiovascular anomalies in fetuses. Bisdiamine administration induced aplasia of the sixth aortic arch artery, with both the right and left primitive pulmonary arteries being directly linked to the truncus, and resulting in four types of malformation of pulmonary arteries (PAs). When two primitive PAs shared a single root, the consequence was either pulmonary trunk hypoplasia, as is seen in tetralogy of Fallot, or type I persistent truncus arteriosus (PTA) as classified by Collet and Edwards. When root portions of two PAs did not fuse, either type II or type III PTA resulted. In controls, the right dorsal aorta (DA) between the right seventh intersegmental artery (IA) and the site where both DAs fuse degenerated and the left aortic arch (AA) and the right subclavian artery (SA) were formed. Bisdiamine administration induced two additional types of vascular anomalies. In one of these, the right DA between the right 4AA and the right 7IA degenerated and a left AA accompanied by an aberrant right SA resulted. In the other type, the left DA between the left 4AA and the left 7IA degenerated and a right AA accompanied by an aberrant left SA resulted. These results indicate that administration of bisdiamine induces malformation in the great blood vessels by disturbing persistency and degeneration of aortic arch arteries and DAs.  相似文献   

G J Kesby 《Teratology》1992,45(3):293-301
This study examines the use of heparin-plasma as a culture medium for mammalian postimplantation whole-embryo culture. The growth and differentiation of head-fold rat embryo explants over 48 hours in a standard serum medium was compared with development of same stage explants over 48 hours in a plasma medium prepared using sodium heparin. Heparin disrupted the morphological differentiation of embryos, in a concentration-dependent manner, from 25 micrograms sodium heparin/ml media (i.e., 5 IU/ml media), with overall embryo growth being adversely affected from a concentration of 200 micrograms sodium heparin/ml media (i.e., 40 IU/ml media). Defects of cranial neural tube development were the first apparent structural anomalies resulting from culture in heparin media. Forebrain development was grossly abnormal and associated with failure of eye development. As the heparin concentration in media increased, the cephalic neural folds remained widely open and the edges became increasingly everted, although differentiation of the heart, otic primordia, and pharyngeal arch persisted. Similar concentration-dependent dysmorphogenic effects were seen when embryos were cultured in the standard serum media with added heparin. A minimum heparin concentration of 100 micrograms sodium heparin/ml media (i.e., 20 IU/ml media) was required to effectively inhibit coagulation of the plasma medium over the 48 hour culture period. Although embryonic growth was not adversely affected at this heparin concentration, morphological differentiation was severely disrupted. Therefore, heparin is not a suitable anticoagulant for the preparation of plasma for use in postimplantation whole-embryo culture.  相似文献   

M Fujinaga  J M Baden 《Teratology》1992,45(6):661-670
Rat embryos at a single gestational time in the presomite period were studied for their variation in development and their fate after culture. They were explanted at 8 A.M. on day 9 of gestation from timed-pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats which were obtained by mating between 8 and 10 A.M. (plug day = day 0). In the first experiment, a total of 203 embryos from 20 litters were examined for their variation in development. Several dimensions of embryo/egg cylinder were measured and development of various embryonic/extraembryonic structures were assessed using a scoring system that we developed for the present study. Embryos were then divided into different stages of development based on their scores using the staging system that we developed previously. A large variation in developmental stage was demonstrated; the youngest embryo was at the early primitive streak stage with no signs of amniotic folds and the oldest one was at the late neural plate stage with a foregut pocket but without visible somites. No strong correlation was demonstrated between developmental stage and size of embryo/egg cylinder, nor between developmental stage and development of the proamniotic tube, ectoplacental cavity, or allantois. In the second experiment, embryos were explanted at the same time and those at different stages were cultured separately in rotating bottles and their outcomes were compared after 49 hours. The difference in mean somites number of embryos cultured from the mid primitive streak and late neural plate stages was 6.1. This difference corresponds to approximately 10 hours based on the known linear increase of somites number on day 11 of approximately 0.6 somites per hour. These results indicate a large variation in development of presomite period embryos supposedly of the same gestational age and suggest the importance of careful staging at the time of explantation if precision is needed for whole embryo culture experiments.  相似文献   

Effect of RU486 on development and implantation of rat embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study evaluated the effects of postcoital treatment with the antiprogestin RU486 on transport, development and implantation of rat embryos. Doses of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 mg/rat of RU486 were injected subcutaneously on days 1, 1 + 2, or 4 of pregnancy. Autopsies were carried out on days 5 or 12 of pregnancy. RU486 provoked a significant dose-related reduction in the number of recovered embryos and inhibited their development (day 5) and decreased the number and size of implanted embryos (day 12). Treatment on day 4 was the least effective. Blastocysts recovered from RU486-treated rats exhibited comparable rate of trophoblastic outgrowth in vitro as the controls. Blastocysts transferred from RU486-treated rats to synchronous untreated pseudopregnant recipients yielded implanted embryos 12 days later in all recipients, although at a significantly lower rate than the controls. Blastocysts transferred from control pregnant rats to RU486-treated pseudopregnant recipients failed to implant completely when the dose was greater than or equal to 1.0 mg. The interceptive mechanism of postcoital treatment with RU486 in the rat involves loss of embryos from the reproductive tract and altered development prior to implantation. Endometrial receptivity or the ability of the uterus to retain the embryos until the time of implantation are also impaired by RU486. The embryos that survive these effects may experience delayed implantation in their mothers.  相似文献   

Periodic patterning of iterative structures is a fundamental process during embryonic development, since these structures are diverse across the animal kingdom. Therefore, elucidating the molecular mechanisms in the formation of these structures promotes understanding of the process of organogenesis. Periodically patterned ridges, palatal rugae (situated on the hard palate of mammals), are an excellent experimental model to clarify the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of periodic patterning of iterative structures. Primary cilia are involved in many biological events, including the regulation of signaling pathways such as Shh and non-canonical Wnt signaling. However, the role of primary cilia in the development of palatal rugae remains unclear. We found that primary cilia were localized to the oral cavity side of the interplacode epithelium of the palatal rugae, whereas restricted localization of primary cilia could not be detected in other regions. Next, we generated mice with a placodal conditional deletion of the primary cilia protein Ift88, using ShhCre mice (Ift88 fl/fl;ShhCre). Highly disorganized palatal rugae were observed in Ift88 fl/fl;ShhCre mice. Furthermore, by comparative in situ hybridization analysis, many Shh and non-canonical Wnt signaling-related molecules showed spatiotemporal expression patterns during palatal rugae development, including restricted expression in the epithelium (placodes and interplacodes) and mesenchyme. Some of these expression were found to be altered in Ift88 fl/fl;ShhCre mice. Primary cilia is thus involved in development of palatal rugae.  相似文献   

At various regimens of the secretory activity in the palatile salivary glands, changes occurring in the transversal profiles of the postcapillary venules, but not of the blood capillaries, are most noticeable. Under food stimulation of secretion, the former dilate essentially, that can demonstrate certain functional hyperemia developing in the palatine salivary glands. Some previous experiments concerning interpretation of principles on the microcirculatory bed spatial organization give a good reason to suggest that dilatation of the postcapillary venules is connected with an increased blood perfusion in the canals of the preferrable blood stream. The postcapillary dilatation is possible because blood from the precapillaries gets into the capacitance blood microvessels and its volume at that moment is greater than the capacity of the venous microvessels. A suggestion is made that filtrative function of the palatile salivary glands depends on development of the functional hyperemia. It is possible, that this mechanism is universal, since owing to it, reflectory reactions of the salivary glands directed to the immediate secure of the oral cavity with a necessary amount of liquor become possible.  相似文献   

A method for time-lapse cinematography of in vitro cultured rat embryos is presented. Technical details (especially with respect to the possibility of manipulation during filming) and the first results obtained are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Since we previously proved that the fertilized rat eggs in early developmental stage have antigen(s) cross-reacting to spermatozoa, the effect of antibody to spermatozoa on the cleavage of fertilized rat eggs was examined in vitro. Fertilized eggs from Fisher rats in the morula stage were cultured in vitro for 15 to 39 hr in the medium containing antibody to rat spermatozoa and rabit complement, and the developmental rates of morulae to blastocysts were compared with those cultured in the presence of either antibody or the complement alone. When rat morulae were cultured in the medium containing rabbit complement and IgG from rabbit antiserum to rat spermatozoa (heteroantibody) or from rat antiserum to rat spermatozoa (isoantibody), the development of moralae to blastocysts was markedly suppressed, whereas those cultured in the medum containing rabbit complement and IgG from the control rabbit serum or rabbit antibody IgG to rat spermatozoa alone without complement normally developed to the blastocysts. These results indicate that the antibody to spermatozoa in presence of complement can impair the in vitro development of fertilized rat eggs.  相似文献   

Rat embryos in culture were exposed to pulsed ultrasound at SPTA intensity of 1.2 W/cm2 for 5, 15, and 30 min on day 9.5 of development. The whole embryo culture system allowed precise temperature control for directly examining the effects of ultrasound on the developing neural plate. After exposure, embryos were maintained in culture for a further 48 hr. No major morphological abnormalities were observed but a reduction in somite number occurred in the group insonated for 30 min, which was equivalent to a 2 hr delay in embryonic development. Similar delay in growth and "blistering" in the prosencephalon region of some embryos were observed after insonation for 15 min at 40.0 degrees C, an elevation of 1.5 degrees C over the temperature used for controls. Exposure to ultrasound for 15 min at 40 degrees C caused significant reduction in the growth of the head compared with that of control embryos. Heat shock genes for hsps 71/73 and 88 kD were induced after insonation for 30 min at 38.5 degrees C. Insonation did not cause any temperature changes in the culture medium. However, when the temperature of the culture medium was increased during insonation, defective development occurred. The results of these in vitro experiments suggest that ultrasound if resulting in significant hyperthermia could affect the development during early organogenesis of the neural plate and in particular they suggest that the embryo is at greater risk of damage during hyperthermic conditions. These results should provoke discussion of the concept that ultrasound in the febrile patient may present an increased embryonic risk which should be considered when deliberating on the use of diagnostic ultrasound procedures in the pregnant patient.  相似文献   

In this report we demonstrate the successful in vitro culture of fertilised embryos from 1-cell to blastocyst stage, albeit in a strain-dependent fashion. We report procedures for the enucleation of rat oocytes; nuclear transfer by injection of nuclei (NT) from adult rat cumulus cells, rat primary embryonic fibroblasts and genetically modified rat fibroblasts; and activation resulting in advanced preimplantation development. Blastocyst stage rat embryos were obtained after in vitro culture of nuclear transfer zygotes at similar frequencies with each of these nuclear donor cell types. Transfer of NT embryos to surrogate mothers leads to implantation of 24% of the zygotes. These results suggest that the nuclei of cultured rat cells, even following genetic modification, can be reprogrammed to support early embryonic development, which is a prerequisite to cloning the rat.  相似文献   

To study the mammalian craniofacial development, the culture conditions of rat whole embryo during the period of major craniofacial morphogenesis were examined. The improved rotating apparatus which is gassed continuously was used. Rat embryos explanted at 11.5 days (plug day 0) developed in vitro for up to 72 hr, that is, throughout the period of major craniofacial morphogenesis, and cultured embryos showed normal facial formation. The medium was equilibrated with a gas mixture of 95% 02, 5% CO2. The 100% rat serum improved the protein content of embryos cultured for 48 hr compared with the medium consisting of 50% rat serum and 50% Tyrode solution, although somite number was not altered. Furthermore, 100% rat serum containing 2 mg/ml glucose was the best medium for supporting growth of embryos when it was measured by protein content. Thus, the best culture medium was pure rat serum containing 50 units/ml penicillin, 50 micrograms/ml streptomycin, and 2 mg/ml glucose. Protein content, body weight, craniofacial formation, and somite number of embryos cultured for 48 hr with continuous gassing were much better than those cultured with noncontinuous gassing.  相似文献   

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