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In the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, eggs, haemolymph of 7th and 8th (last)-larval instars, and haemolymph of adults of both sexes contain only juvenile hormone III. While in the male the hormone titre is independent of previous mating experience, juvenile hormone concentration in haemolymph taken from females 36–38 hr after mating (an event which is followed by oviposition) is at a level 5 times higher than that of virgin females. Based on data gleaned from several research groups the identification of juvenile hormone III as the exclusive juvenile hormone in the Order Orthopteroidea is discussed.  相似文献   

A pathogen survey of the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus, in the Western District of Victoria, Australia, during 1979 revealed that cricket paralysis virus (CrPV) was present in 42.7% of the 232 sites sampled. The fungus Metarhizium anisopliae was detected in 5.2% of the sites and represents a new pathogen record for T. commodus. The distribution of both pathogens throughout the sites sampled appeared to be random. There was a positive correlation between sample size and the likelihood of detecting a pathogen, while analysis showed that approximately 30% of the sites were probably virus free. The results are discussed in terms of the potential of CrPV and M. anisopliae as biological control agents for the black field cricket.  相似文献   

Molecular studies revealed that autoregulatory negative feedback loops consisting of so-called “clock genes” constitute the circadian clock in Drosophila. However, this hypothesis is not fully supported in other insects and is thus to be examined. In the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, we have previously shown that period (per) plays an essential role in the rhythm generation. In the present study, we cloned cDNA of the clock gene timeless (tim) and investigated its role in the cricket circadian oscillatory mechanism using RNA interference. Molecular structure of the cricket tim has rather high similarity to those of other insect species. Real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed that tim mRNA showed rhythmic expression in both LD and DD similar to that of per, peaking during the (subjective) night. When injected with tim double-stranded RNA (dstim), tim mRNA levels were significantly reduced and its circadian expression rhythm was eliminated. After the dstim treatment, however, adult crickets showed a clear locomotor rhythm in DD, with a free-running period significantly shorter than that of control crickets injected with Discosoma sp. Red2 (DsRed2) dsRNA. These results suggest that in the cricket, tim plays some role in fine-tuning of the free-running period but may not be essential for oscillation of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Geographically isolated populations often show phenotypic divergence in traits important in reproduction. A large proportion of the phenotypic variation in temporal parameters of the calling song of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus is related to geographical location. Similarity between the songs recorded in different populations reflects geographical proximity. I used a common-garden breeding experiment to determine whether differences between the songs of two populations from the extremes of the geographical and phenotypic distribution (Oahu, Hawaii and Cairns, Australia) have a genetic basis. Differences in the total song duration and the proportion of the long-chirp element in the song remained after five generations of common-garden breeding, indicating that the populations had diverged genetically for these traits. Differences in a third song trait, the intervals between sound pulses and chirps, disappeared after common-garden breeding, suggesting that either the difference between populations in these traits represents phenotypic plasticity or the populations converged as a result of adaptation to the laboratory environment. A prospective analysis of the patterns of genetic variation within populations is presented. Full-sib analyses suggested high levels of genetic variability in song traits. Family mean covariance matrices suggested that populations differ in the genetic architecture of their songs. Females from both populations preferred songs with a high proportion of the long-chirp element, and preferences appeared to have high genetic and residual variability, although the sampling variances on these parameters were high. There was little evidence of a correlation between female preference for the long-chirp element and the amount of the long-chirp element produced by their brothers.  相似文献   

The waveform and the free-running period of circadian rhythms in constant conditions are often modulated by preceding lighting conditions. We have examined the modulatory effect of variable length of light phase of a 24h light cycle on the ratio of activity (alpha) and rest phase (rho) as well as on the free-running period of the locomotor rhythm in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. When experienced the longer light phases, the alpha/rho-ratio was smaller and the free-running period was shorter. The magnitude of changes in alpha/rho-ratio was dependent on the number of cycles exposed, while the free-running period was changed by a single exposure, suggesting that there are separate regulatory mechanisms for the waveform and the free-running period. The neuronal activity of the optic lobe showed the alpha/rho-ratio changing with the preceding photoperiod. When different photoperiodic conditions were given to each of the two optic lobe pacemakers, the alpha/rho-ratio of a single pacemaker was rather intermediate between those of animals treated with either of the two conditions. These results suggest that the storage of the photoperiodic information occurs at least in part in the optic lobe pacemaker, and that the mutual interaction between the bilateral optic lobe pacemakers is involved in the photoperiodic modulation.  相似文献   

Estimates of weights of fatty acids, especially arachidonic acid, in spermathecae from virgin and mated T. commodus indicate substantial elevation in all fatty acids and particularly arachidonic acid following mating. Analysis of spermatophore lipids suggests that this can be in part accounted for by the contents of one or several spermatophores. Fractionation of total lipids from spermatophores showed that arachidonic acid comprised 24% of phosphotidylcholine and 4% of phosphotidylethanolamine, but was not detected in neutral lipids whereas it was approximately equally distributed over phosphotidylcholine and phosphotidylethanolamine in lipids from spermathecae. These data indicate that in addition to prostaglandin synthetase, the spermatophore contains a physiologically significant quantity of prostaglandin precursor, arachidonic acid, esterified to phospholipid and presumably unavailable for enzymatic action during mating transfer. We also note that proportions of arachidonic acid in the phosphotidylcholine of spermatophores are the highest recorded for this fatty acid in the insect literature, which in conjunction with recent work emphasizes the likely physiological significance of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in insects generally.  相似文献   

The post-fight display of the field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou) is evaluated as a means of providing an index of level of aggression. This display comprises a bouncing motion of remarkably constant form. Hierarchies constructed using an index based on this behaviour correlated well with those produced by more classical methods and also provided an effective measure of small changes in aggressive levels undetected by these classical methods.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that American lobsters, Homarus americanus (Milne-Edwards), are nocturnally active. However, the degree to which this rhythm is expressed by different individuals and the underlying causes of lobster activity rhythms, are poorly understood. In order to address these issues we recorded daily patterns of lobster locomotion using two novel techniques. In the first, reed switch assemblies were used to monitor the distance traveled by freely moving lobsters (n=43), each fitted with a small magnet, as they walked around a 1 m diameter racetrack. The advantages of this technique included: (1) lobsters were freely moving; (2) the system could be deployed in laboratory tanks or in the field and; (3) actual distances moved were measured, not just relative activity. The second technique involved placing individual lobsters (n=10) into custom-designed running wheels. This allowed for continuous monitoring of locomotor activity for extended durations (>45 days) under normal light/dark (L/D) cycles, as well as in constant darkness (D/D) and constant light (L/L).Under ambient light conditions lobsters in the racetracks moved an average of 60.1±6.5 m/day in flow-through seawater tanks. Overall, lobsters were significantly more active at night, moving 4.1±0.4 m/h in the dark vs. 1.0±0.2 m/h in the light. However, many of the lobsters moved as much during the day as during the night.Lobsters in the running wheels moved an average of 36.6±11.7 m/day and 80% expressed clear daily rhythms of activity, with a mean periodicity of 24.0±0.1 h under L/D conditions. Under D/D conditions 90% of the animals expressed free-running circadian rhythms with a mean periodicity of 24.2±0.3 h, indicating that this species possesses endogenous rhythmicity. While the running wheel results show that the nocturnal pattern of locomotor activity for this species is strongly influenced by an endogenous circadian clock, the results from the racetracks show that there is remarkable variability in the extent to which they express this pattern under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Periodic expression of so-called clock genes is an essential part of the circadian clock. In Drosophila melanogaster the cyclic expression of per and tim through an autoregulatory feedback loop is believed to play a central role in circadian rhythm generation. However, it is still elusive whether this hypothesis is applicable to other insect species. Here it is shown that per gene plays a key role in the rhythm generation in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Measurement of per mRNA levels in the optic lobe revealed the rhythmic expression of per in light cycles with a peak in the late day to early night, persisting in constant darkness. A single injection of per double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into the abdomen of the final instar nymphs effectively knocked down the mRNA levels as adult to about 50% of control animals. Most of the per dsRNA-injected crickets completely lost the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in constant darkness up to 50 days after the injection, whereas those injected with DsRed2 dsRNA as a negative control clearly maintained it. The electrical activity of optic lobe efferents also became arrhythmic in the per dsRNA-injected crickets. These results not only suggest that per plays an important role in the circadian rhythm generation also in the cricket but also show that RNA interference is a powerful tool to dissect the molecular machinery of the cricket circadian clock.  相似文献   

The photo-responsiveness of 2 groups of interneurons responding to light in the protocerebrum was investigated at 2 developmental stages, the last instar nymphs and adults, in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The cricket is diurnally active during the nymphal stage but becomes nocturnal as an adult. In both adults and nymphs, light-induced responses of optic lobe light-responding interneurons that conduct light information from the optic medulla to the lobula and the cerebral lobe showed a circadian rhythm peaking during the subjective night. Amplitudes of the rhythms were not significantly different between adults and nymphs, but adults showed more stable day and night states than did nymphs. The medulla bilateral neurons that interconnect the bilateral medulla areas of the optic lobe also showed circadian rhythms in their light-induced responses in both adults and nymphs. The rhythm had a clear peak and a trough in adults, and its amplitude was significantly greater than that of nymphs. These results suggest that the 2 classes of interneurons are differentially controlled by the circadian clock. The difference might be related to their functional roles in the animal's circadian behavioral organization.  相似文献   

Abdominal peristalsis is a highly sterotyped motor programme which is normally performed only during ecdysis in the cricket. Peristaltic abdominal waves can be released in non-ecdysing crickets by providing them with sensory feedback similar to that which they would normally experience only during ecdysis, and transecting the ventral nerve cord between suboesophageal and prothoracic ganglia. The intensity of the behaviour released by these treatments increases significantly just before the expected time of the imaginal ecdysis, and decreases greatly afterwards.  相似文献   

Bilateral optic stalk severance or lamina-medulla region removal were carried out in 47 adult male crickets Gryllus bimaculatus DeGeer. Effects of the operations on circadian locomotor activity were investigated under 12 h light: 12 h dark and at a constant temperature of 26°C. In the pre-operative days, 39 of the animals showed a typical nocturnal activity rhythm (normal rhythm), but the remaining 8 exhibited an atypical rhythm which is diurnal rather than nocturnal (abnormal rhythm). The operations eventually caused an arrhythmicity in all animals, suggesting that the crucial part of the central nervous system controlling the cricket circadian activity is located in the lamina-medulla region. However, in some of the post-operative crickets, the rhythm did not immediately disappear but persisted for a while: the diurnal increase of activity was observed up to 2 weeks in all 8 abnormal- and 4 normal-rhythm animals. In addition, 8 out of 39 normal-rhythm animals showed a single well-defined post-operative peak which occurred approximately in phase with the nocturnal peak prior to surgery. These results are discussed in relation to a possibility of involvement of the oscillatory structure outside the optic lobes.  相似文献   

Melanerita atramentosa Reeve is active during high water and for a period after the ebb, until the substratum dries. A circatidal rhythm with an endogenous inequality between the diurnal and nocturnal high water activity is present in freshly collected snails placed under constant conditions (LL, 30 lux, temperature 21 °C, water level constant). The free-running period of the circatidal rhythm was approximately 24.3 h, slightly less than the tidal period of 24.8 h. This rhythm faded out after 4–6 days of constant conditions. Snails acclimated to non-tidal conditions were active at night. This rhythm persisted under constant conditions for 5–10 days, after which it too faded out. Shock-freezing re-initiated the circatidal rhythm, supporting a ‘multiple-clock’ hypothesis of control. Its limits entrainment are probably narrow, but an entrained periodicity persists for a number of cycles. A model of clock interaction and environmental influence is advanced.  相似文献   

Pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) is a neuropeptide widely distributed in insect brains and plays important roles in the circadian system. In this study, we used RNA interference to study the role of the pigment-dispersing factor (pdf) gene in regulating circadian locomotor rhythms in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. Injections of pdf double-stranded RNA (dspdf) effectively knocked down the pdf mRNA and PDF peptide levels. The treated crickets maintained the rhythm both under light-dark cycles (LD) and constant darkness (DD). However, they showed rhythms with reduced nocturnal activity with prominent peaks at lights-on and lights-off. Entrainability of dspdf-injected crickets was higher than control crickets as they required fewer cycles to resynchronize to the LD cycles shifted by 6 h. The free-running periods of the dspdf-injected crickets were shorter than those of control crickets in DD. These results suggest that PDF is not essential for the rhythm generation but involved in control of the nocturnality, photic entrainment, and fine tuning of the free-running period of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded from the metathoracic extensor and flexor tibiae of cockroaches when the animals were: walking on a level surface, walking on a ball, or producing rhythmic leg movements while being restrained ventral surface upward. In the rapidly walking (> 2 steps/s) and restrained animals, there was reciprocity between EMGs from the extensor and flexor tibiae. In slowly walking (<-2 steps/s) animals there was a conspicuous overlap in the flexor and extensor EMGs. The overlap was due to an increase in duration in the activity of the flexor. In experiments in which distal portions of a limb were amputated, the overlap observed in slow walking was either reduced greatly or lost entirely. These results are in agreement with recent locomotory models which state that the motor output is produced by a central pattern generator but can be modified by peripheral sensory inputs.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) synthetase was present in the testes, seminal vesicles, and spermatophores of the male house cricket, Acheta domesticus. The enzyme was not detected in bursa copulatrix, spermatheca, spermathecal canal, and oviducts from virgin females, while substantial activity was measured in the same tissue from mated females. The female appears to receive the enzyme from the spermatophore. A PGE2-like material was detected by radioimmunoassay in A. domesticus testes and to a lesser extent in the remainder of the male reproductive tract. PG went undetected in virgin female reproductive tissues, while the same tissues from mated females contained an average of 589 pg of PGE2-like material per female. In in vivo studies, injected PGE1, PGE2, and to a smaller degree PGF stimulated oviposition by virgin females. Moreover, N-acetyl-p-aminophenol, a PG synthetase inhibitor, suppressed oviposition in mated females. Post-copulatory PG biosynthesis in the female reproductive tract might be partially responsible for triggering oviposition in A. domesticus. Since PG synthetase appears to be acquired from the male, it could be considered a primer pheromone.  相似文献   

Male crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus Degeer, turned lights on or off in a chamber by a seesaw device: (1) during a 12 h, and (2) during a 24 h day. The crickets in (1) and the last-instar nymph in (2) turned the lights on and off at irregular intervals and duration. The selection rate for darkness was greater than that for light by an average exceeding 80%. The locomotor activity of the nymph in (1) was arrhythmic. In (1) the adults stridulated and were active in continuous darkness during the 12 h, while, in contrast in (2) they turned on the light and stridulated without switching the light off. The locomotor and stridulatory activities of the adult crickets in (2) were free-running. These activities resulted in a free-running rhythm of selection for light or darkness in (2). Under the conditions of the present experiments, the circadian pacemaker functioned in the same way in light and dark cycles as in constant light conditions.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity of adult Penaeus semisulcatus (de Haan) and P. monodon (Fabricius) has been studied. The former was reared entirely, and the latter partly under artificial conditions. Both species display circadian activity rhythms in response to light entrainment. Light appears to be a major synchronizer, although the results indicate that feeding also has a certain synchronizing effect in starved prawns.The expression of endogenous activity rhythms in both species is affected by their substratum requirements and burrowing habits. Choice experiments show that both P. semisulcatus and P. monodon select a fine grade sand for burrowing, although the burrowing frequency of the latter species is always low. In a non-choice situation, P. semisulcatus will readily enter a coarse substratum whereas P. monodon will very seldom do so.The effects of various light regimes on the activity patterns of P. semisulcatus and P. monodon were examined and the results show that for both species an imposed long photoperiod regime (18:6 LD) induced 6-h periods of brief but intense activity, alternating with 18-h periods of almost complete inactivity. This activity pattern is discussed in relation to feeding and energy expenditure.  相似文献   

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