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Embryonic chicken lenses, which had been disrupted by trypsin, were grown in culture. These cultures mimic lens development as it occurred in vivo, forming lens-like structures known as lentoids. Using a variety of techniques including electron microscopic analysis, autoradiography, immunofluorescence, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it was shown that the lentoid cells had many characteristics in common with the differentiated cells of the intact lens, the elongated fiber cells. These characteristics included a shut off of DNA synthesis, a loss of cell organelles, an increase in cell volume, an increase in δ-crystallin protein, and the development of extensive intercellular junctions. The cultures began as a simple epithelial monolayer but then underwent extensive morphogenesis as they differentiated. This morphogenesis involved three distinctive morphological types which appeared in sequence as an epithelial monolayer of polygonal shaped cells with pavement packing, elongated cells oriented end to end, and the multilayered, multicellular lentoids. These distinct morphological stages of differentiation in culture mimic morphogenesis as it occurs in the lens.  相似文献   

The distribution of initiation factor 2(eIF-2) and elongation factor 2(EF-2) in cultured mouse embryo fibroblasts was studied and compared with the distribution of ribosomes. We used immunofluorescence microscopy with monospecific antibodies to eIF-2, EF-2, and proteins S3a and S7 of the small ribosomal subunit. Ribosomes and factors eIF-2 and EF-2 were found mainly in the vicinity of the cell nucleus. This perinuclear zone coincides with the endoplasm - the central part of the cell containing numerous membraneous organelles and inclusions. Besides the perinuclear zone, small stained regions could be seen at the periphery of some cells. After treatment of the cells with Triton X-100 in a buffer conditions, that stabilizes the major cytoskeletal structures, some of the ribosomes, eIF-2, and EF-2 remained bound to the insoluble material. These components were found near the nucleus and some were located along the microfilament bundles.  相似文献   

Maf is a basic domain/leucine zipper domain protein originally identified as a proto-oncogene whose consensus target site in vitro, the T-MARE, is an extended version of an AP-1 site normally recognized by Fos and Jun. Maf and the closely related family members Neural retina leucine zipper (Nrl), L-Maf, and Krml1/MafB have been implicated in a wide variety of developmental and physiologic roles; however, mutations in vivo have been described only for Krml1/MafB, in which a loss-of-function causes abnormalities in hindbrain development due to failure to activate the Hoxa3 and Hoxb3 genes. We have used gene targeting to replace Maf coding sequences with those of lacZ, and have carried out a comprehensive analysis of embryonic expression and the homozygous mutant phenotype in the eye. Maf is expressed in the lens vesicle after invagination, and becomes highly upregulated in the equatorial zone, the site at which self-renewing anterior epithelial cells withdraw from the cell cycle and terminally differentiate into posterior fiber cells. Posterior lens cells in Maf(lacZ) mutant mice exhibit failure of elongation at embryonic day 11.5, do not express (&agr;)A- and all of the (beta)-crystallin genes, and display inappropriately high levels of DNA synthesis. This phenotype partially overlaps with those reported for gene targeting of Prox1 and Sox1; however, expression of these genes is grossly normal, as is expression of Eya1, Eya2, Pax6, and Sox2. Recombinant Maf protein binds to T-MARE sites in the (alpha)A-, (beta)B2-, and (beta)A4-crystallin promoters but fails to bind to a point mutation in the (alpha)A-crystallin promoter that has been shown previously to be required for promoter function. Our results indicate that Maf directly activates many if not all of the (beta)-crystallin genes, and suggest a model for coordinating cell cycle withdrawal with terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

We have used a retroviral vector (RCAS) to overexpress wild-type chicken c-Jun or a deletion mutant of chicken c-Jun (JunΔ7) lacking the DNA binding region to investigate the possible role of c-Jun in lens epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. Both constructs were efficiently expressed in primary cultures of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells. Overexpression of c-Jun increased the rate of cell proliferation and greatly delayed the appearance of “lentoid bodies,” structures which contain differentiated cells expressing fiber cell markers. Excess c-Jun expression also significantly decreased the level of βA3/A1-crystallin mRNA, without affecting αA-crystallin mRNA. In contrast, the mutated protein, JunΔ7, had no effect no proliferation or differentiation but markedly increased the level of αA-crystallin mRNA in proliferating cell cultures. These results suggest that c-Jun or Jun-related proteins may be negative regulators of αA- and βA3/A1-crystallin genes in proliferating lens cells.  相似文献   

Congenital primary aphakia (CPA) is a rare developmental disorder characterized by the absence of lens, the development of which is normally induced during the 4th-5th wk of human embryogenesis. This original failure leads, in turn, to complete aplasia of the anterior segment of the eye, which is the diagnostic histological criterion for CPA. So far, the genetic basis for this human condition has remained unclear. Here, we present the analysis of a consanguineous family with three siblings who had bilateral aphakia, microphthalmia, and complete agenesis of the ocular anterior segment. We show that a null mutation in the FOXE3 gene segregates and, in the homozygous state, produces the mutant phenotype in this family. Therefore, this study identifies--to our knowledge, for the first time--a causative gene for CPA in humans. Furthermore, it indicates a possible critical role for FOXE3 very early in the lens developmental program, perhaps earlier than any role recognized elsewhere for this gene.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, which are the malignant stem cells of teratocarcinomas, are considered similar to early embryo cells. The EC cells can be grown in vitro, and many of them can be experimentally induced to differentiate; upon differentiation, the cells become benign. Here we review some of the changes that take place in the cellular and molecular characteristics of murine F9 EC cells as they differentiate into endodermal cells. Upon differentiation of F9 cells, distinct changes occur in their cell surface molecules, cytoskeleton-associated proteins and cell adhesion properties. Simultaneously, the rate of cell proliferation decreases due to a dramatic increase in duration of G1 and S phases of the cell cycle. The changes in gene expression and cell behavior occurring during endodermal differentiation of EC cells closely resemble those occurring when the endoderm differentiates in the embryo. Teratocarcinoma stem cell lines may thus be exploited to enhance understanding of both teratoma-type neoplasms and embryonic development.  相似文献   

A partial DNA library of Streptomyces ansochromogenes 7100 was constructed by using plasmid plJ702 as vector and white mutant W19 as recipient. About 3 000 clones were obtained, two of which gave rise to the grey phenotype as wild type 7100. The plasmids were isolated from two transformants. The result indicated that the 5.2 kb and 5.8 kb DNA fragments were inserted into plJ702. The resulting recombinant plasmids were designated as pNL-1 and pNL-2 respectively. The 1.25 kb Pstl l-Apa l DNA fragment from pNL-1 was recognized as its complementarity to W19 strain. The nucleotide sequence of the 3.0 kb Pst I DNA fragment including 1.25 kb was determined and analyzed. The result indicated that this DNA fragment contains one complete open reading frame (ORF1) which encodes a protein with 295 amino acid residues, and this gene was designated as sawB. The deduced protein has 81% amino acid identities in comparison with that encoded by whiH in Streptomyces coelicolor. The function of sawB gene was studied by usi  相似文献   

The specification of a subset of epiblast cells to acquire a neural fate constitutes the first step in the generation of the nervous system. Little is known about the signals required for neural induction in the mouse. We have analysed the role of BMP signalling in this process. We demonstrate that prior to gastrulation, Bmp2/4 signalling via Bmpr1a maintains epiblast pluripotency and prevents precocious neural differentiation of this tissue, at least in part by maintaining Nodal signalling. We find that during gastrulation, BMPs of the 60A subgroup cooperate with Bmp2/4 to maintain pluripotency. The inhibition of neural fate by BMPs is independent of FGF signalling, as inhibition of FGF signalling between 5.5 and 7.5 days post-coitum does not block neural differentiation in the mouse embryo. Together, our results demonstrate that inhibition of BMP signalling has a central role during neural induction in mammals and suggest that FGFs do not act as neural inducers in the post-implantation mouse embryo.  相似文献   

WNT signaling activity is involved in the regulation of many cellular functions, including proliferation, migration, cell fate specification, maintenance of pluripotency and induction of tumorigenicity. Here we summarize recent progress towards understanding the regulation of canonical WNT/β-catenin signaling activity through feedback regulatory loops involving the ligands, agonists and antagonists, the availability of intracellular pools of active β-catenin and the cross-regulation of the WNT activity by β-catenin independent pathway. We also review recent findings on the role of WNT/β-catenin signaling in tissue lineage differentiation during embryogenesis and the maintenance and self renewal of embryo-derived stem cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Fibroblast cell lines, designated R- and W cells, were generated, respectively, from mouse embryos homozygous for a targeted disruption of the Igf1r gene, encoding the type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor, and from their wild-type littermates. W cells grow normally in serum-free medium supplemented with various combinations of purified growth factors, while pre- and postcrisis R- cells cannot grow, as they are arrested before entering the S phase. R- cells are able to grow in 10% serum, albeit more slowly than W cells, and with all phases of the cell cycle being elongated. An activated Ha-ras expressed from a stably transfected plasmid is unable to overcome the inability of R- cells to grow in serum-free medium supplemented with purified clones. Nevertheless, even in the presence of serum, R- cells stably transfected with Ha-ras, alone or in combination with simian virus 40 large T antigen, fail to form colonies in soft agar. Reintroduction into R- cells (or their derivatives) of a plasmid expressing the human insulin-like growth factor I receptor RNA and protein restores their ability to grow with purified growth factors or in soft agar. The signaling pathways participating in cell growth and transformation are discussed on the basis of these results.  相似文献   

Gordon J. Eaton 《Genetica》1968,39(1):371-378
Escape from pre-implantation lethality by homozygousyellow embryos depends on differentiation of trophoblastic cells. The evidence presented herein suggests that progesterone stimulated differentiation of trophoblastic giant cells in some homozygousyellow blastocysts and thereby increased the percentage ofA y/Ay “escaper” embryos. This work was supported in part by funds from research grant HDOOO36, National Institute of Child Health and Development, National Institutes of Health, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Spasmodic, a mutation on chromosome 11 in the mouse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new recessive mutation, spasmodic (spd), producing behavior that mimics that of the neurological mutation spastic (spa) with rapid tremors, stiff posture, and difficulty in righting, arose spontaneously in strain A/HeJ at the Jackson Laboratory in 1979. It is not an allele of spa and linkage tests show that this mutation is located close to vestigial tail (vt) near the center of chromosome 11. Additional genetic tests show that it is not an allele of trembler (Tr), shaker-2 (sh-2), nor vibrator (vb), all neurological mutations located in the same region of chromosome 11. No differences were observed in the levels of the major CNS and PNS myelin proteins or lipids of spd/spd mice versus littermate controls, suggesting that, unlike several closely linked mutations, the spd mutation does not affect myelination. Pharmacological studies reported here show that aminooxyacetic acid improves the behavioral abnormalities of affected spd/spd mice in the same way it improves the behavior of affected spa/spa mice. However, unlike the spa/spa mice, there are no changes in the postsynaptic receptors for glycine, GABA, or benzodiazepines in spd/spd mice.  相似文献   

Bandeiraea simplicifolia B4 isolectin (BSLB4) and polyclonal antisera against von Willebrand factor (VWF) were used to study the origin of endothelial cells and their organization into blood vessels in the postimplantation mouse embryo. Examination of BSLB4-stained whole mounted and sectioned embryos revealed intense staining of the endothelium, highlighting large vessels, capillaries, and many individual cells. Dorsal aorta formation was first obvious at E7 when many lectin-positive cells appeared in paraxial and lateral plate mesoderm. As development proceeded to E8, BSLB4-positive cells became organized into craniocaudal lines destined to become the aorta proper. At E9, BSLB4 stained all vessels of the embryo including the dorsal aorta, the intersomitic arteries, and the endocardium. VWF expression was not detected until E8 when BSLB4/VWF double-stained sections revealed the dorsal aortae as the first VWF-positive vessels, while other endothelium visible with BSLB4 remained negative for VWF immunostaining. By E12 many other vessels became VWF-positive, including the aortic arches, the intersomitic arteries, and the cardinal veins. However, many angioblasts and capillaries remained VWF-negative, reflecting the heterogeneous expression of VWF among endothelium that has been reported in adults of other species. The histochemical data reported here support the conclusions of earlier avian studies by showing distinct vascular patterns in the initial formation of vessels from isolated angioblasts (vasculogenesis), followed by the extension and organization of the initial vascular structures (angiogenesis). Moreover, our data suggest that the endothelium arises from distinct VWF-positive sources associated with the dorsal aorta, as well as VWF-negative sources associated with other vessels in the embryo.  相似文献   

A new cataract mutation was discovered in an ongoing program to identify new mouse models of hereditary eye disease. Lens opacity 12 (Lop12) is a semidominant mutation that results in an irregular nuclear lens opacity similar to the human Coppock cataract. Lop12 is associated with a small nonrecombining segment that maps to mouse Chromosome 1 close to the eye lens obsolescence mutation (Cryge(Cat2-Elo)), a member of the gamma-crystallin gene cluster (Cryg). Using a systemic candidate gene approach to analyze the entire Cryg cluster, a G to A transition was found in exon 3 of Crygd associated with the Lop12 mutation and has been designated Crygd(Lop12). The mutation Crygd(Lop12) leads to the formation of an in-frame stop codon that produces a truncated protein of 156 amino acids. It is predicted that the defective gene product alters protein folding of the gamma-crystallin(s) and results in lens opacity.  相似文献   

Aphakia, a new mutation in the mouse   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

TT embryos have been first distinguishable at 8 days post coitum by their gross morphological abnormalities. By quantitative morphometry of histological sections, anomalies in the homozygotes were expressed numerically. At 8 days p.c., morphologically identifiable T-homozygotes had an increased number of ectodermal and a reduced number of mesodermal cells compared to the wild type. At 7 days p.c., embryos with a low mesoderm/ectoderm ratio were found only in litters of T+ × T+ matings at the expected frequency. At 6 days p.c., one-fourth of the embryos in T+ × T+ litters showed a delay in the transition from cuboidal to squamous endoderm. No such embryos were found in the +/+ × +/+ matings. In 6-, 7-, and 8-day mutant embryos, cells proliferated at statistically normal rates. Therefore, it may be said that advanced morphological irregularities of 8-day homozygotes cannot be accounted for by anomalies in cell proliferation. When the total cell number was 5 × 104/embryo (8 days), a sudden change was observed in the regional distribution of mesodermal and ectodermal cells along the anteroposterior axis of TT embryos. Since no regional difference in the cell cycle time was observed, these abnormalities may best be explained by anomalies in cell migration. These results strongly suggest abnormal morphology of TT mutants resulting from defects in morphogenetic movement.  相似文献   

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