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The antennal movements of eight ant species (subfamilies Ponerinae, Myrmicinae, and Formicinae) are examined by high-frequency videography. They show a wide range of antennal velocities which is generated by antennal muscles composed of particularly diverse muscle fibers. Fiber diameter, sarcomere length and histochemically assessed myosin ATPase activity suggest that some thin fibers are fairly slow, while the bulk of antennal muscle fibers show intermediate or fast properties. These morphological properties correlate with the antennal movement velocities measured for the respective species. Based on their morphology, the fibers that generate the fast antennal retraction in some trap-jaw ants appear particularly fast and comprise the shortest sarcomeres yet described (1.1 μm). Accepted: 2 January 1997  相似文献   

Stimulation of the antenna of the male moth, Manduca sexta, with a key component of the female's sex pheromone and a mimic of the second key component evokes responses in projection neurons in the sexually dimorphic macroglomerular complex of the antennal lobe. Using intracellular recording and staining techniques, we studied the antennal receptive fields of 149 such projection neurons. An antennal flagellum was stimulated in six regions along its proximo-distal axis with one or both of the pheromone-related compounds while activity was recorded in projection neurons. These neurons fell mainly into two groups, based on their responses to the two-component blend: neurons with broad receptive fields that were excited when any region of the flagellum was stimulated, and neurons selectively excited by stimulation of the proximal region of the flagellum. Projection neurons that were depolarized by stimulation of one antennal region were not inhibited by stimulation of other regions, suggesting absence of antennotopic center-surround organization. In most projection neurons, the receptive field was determined by afferent input evoked by only one of the two components. Different receptive-field properties of projection neurons may be related to the roles of these neurons in sensory control of the various phases of pheromone-modulated behavior of male moths. Accepted: 30 January 1998  相似文献   

Signals of tens up to hundreds of thousands of (mostly olfactory) receptor cells on an insect antenna are switched to a comparatively low number of neurones in the antennal lobe of the deutocerebrum in circumscribed units of neuropile, the glomeruli. Each glomerulus is connected via its output neurone to two separate neuropiles (calyces of mushroom body, and lateral lobe) of the protocerebrum. Local interneurones interconnect between the glomeruli. Certain modes of convergence between receptors and central neurones provide for a very high sensitivity of the latter to certain odours and their sensitivity for complex odour stimuli, and in many cases for a marked multimodality. Anatomical and physiological data are given especially for pheromone sensitive neurones and their projections.  相似文献   

Dose-response characteristics were evaluated for two groups(I and II) of pheromonesensitive neurones in the antennal lobesof the brain of adult male Periplaneta americana. Group I neuronesreact with about equal sensitivity to periplanone A and periplanoneB, two major components of the female sexual attractant. GroupII neurones are much less sensitive to B than is group I, butA is similarly effective with this group. Each group revealsa specific innervation pattern of the sex-specific macroglomerulusin the olfactory neuropile of the deutocerebrum.  相似文献   

In the pedicellar segment of the fly antenna there is a large campaniform sensillum. The central projection of the sensory cell (LCC) of this large campaniform sensillum is described from labeling with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and cobalt. The LCC projects bilaterally to several regions of the brain and subesophageal and thoracic ganglia. The LCC processes in these termination areas were analyzed in relation to other neural processes, including the remaining antennal sensory and motor projection. This analysis was aided by combining HRP labeling with Golgi silver impregnation. Based on earlier findings and the present data we suggest that the LCC, with its various outputs in, e.g., antennal and leg motor centers, serves as a multifunctional sensory path involved in control functions necessary in flight.  相似文献   

The antennal motor system is activated by the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine in the American cockroach Periplaneta americana, and its output patterns were examined both in restrained intact animals and in isolated CNS preparations. The three-dimensional antennal movements induced by the hemocoelic drug injection were analyzed in in vivo preparations. Pilocarpine effectively induced prolonged rhythmic movements of both antennae. The antennae tended to describe a spatially patterned trajectory, forming loops or the symbol of infinity (∞). Such spatial regularity is comparable to that during spontaneous tethered-walking. Rhythmic bursting activities of the antennal motor nerves in in vitro preparations were also elicited by bath application of pilocarpine. Cross-correlation analyses of the bursting spike activities revealed significant couplings among certain motor units, implying the spatial regularity of the antennal trajectory. The pilocarpine-induced rhythmic activity of antennal motor nerves was effectively suppressed by the muscarinic antagonist atropine. These results indicate that the activation of the antennal motor system is mediated by muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

Peripheral events underlying plant odour quality discrimination in the Colorado beetle were investigated. Responses to saturated and unsaturated C-6 alcohols and aldehydes (“green leaf” volatiles) and to other plant compounds were recorded extracellularly. The olfactory receptors could respond by inhibition and/or excitation; inhibition was especially observed at the higher stimulus intensities. Variations in the response patterns were analyzed for a number of receptors constituting a representative sample, as indicated by rank correlation between mean spike responses and electroantennogram amplitudes for each odour stimulus. Application of cluster analysis showed that the olfactory receptors may be divided into two main groups, one reacting differentially to the complex of “green leaf” volatiles and their isomers, and another group showing a selective sensitivity to the aromatic compound methylsalicylate. Evidence is provided suggesting that individual olfactory sensilla can be innervated by more than one functional type of receptor unit. Responses to natural plant odours support the conclusion that plant odour quality is encoded by response patterning across a limited number of olfactory receptor types. The findings are discussed in relation to concepts of chemosensory coding and to the behaviour of the Colorado beetle.
Analyse Cellulaire du Codage de la Qualité des Odeurs par le Système de Récepteurs Antennaires Olfactifs Chez le Doryphore
Résumé On a étudié la capacité de distinguer la qualité des odeurs végétales chez le doryphore. On a enregistré extracellulairement les réactions de cellules de récepteur olfactif séparées à des C-6 alcools et des aldéhydes saturés et insaturés (substances volatiles de la “feuille verte”) et à d'autres composés végétaux. Les récepteurs olfactifs pouvaient réagir par inhibition et/ou par excitation; on a particulièrement observé l'inhibition aux intensités élevées de stimulus. Les variations des types de réactions ont été analysées pour un certain nombre de récepteurs, qui constituent un échantillon représentatif, sur la base de la corrélation de rang entre les réactions de pointe moyennes et les amplitudes de l'électroantennogramme pour chaque odeur-stimulus. L'application d'une analyse en grappe a montré que les récepteurs olfactifs peuvent être divisés en deux groupes principaux, un groupe qui réagit de fa?on différentielle au complexe des substances volatiles de la “feuille verte” et de leurs isomères et un autre groupe qui a une sensibilité sélective à l'égard du composé aromatique méthylsalicylate. Le premier groupe a été subdivisé en différents types de récepteurs avec des réactions qui se chevauchent. Il semble que les sensilles olfactives individuelles peuvent être innervées par plus d'un type fonctionnel de cellule réceptrice. Les réactions aux odeurs végétales naturelles enregistrées appuient la conclusion que la qualité d'une odeur végétale est codée par un modèle de réaction pour un nombre limité de types de récepteurs olfactifs. On discute les résultats par rapport aux concepts du codage chimiosensoriel et par rapport au comportement du doryphore.

Namiki S  Kanzaki R 《Bio Systems》2011,103(3):348-354
We investigated a population activity of central olfactory neurons after the termination of odor input. Olfactory response of projection neurons in the moth primary olfactory center was characterized using in vivo intracellular recording and staining techniques. The population activity changed rapidly to the different states after the stimulus offset. The response after stimulus offset represents information regarding odor identity. We analyzed the spatial distribution of offset-activated glomeruli in a virtual neuronal population that was reconstructed using accumulated individual recordings obtained from different specimens. The offset-activated glomeruli tended to be widely distributed, whereas the onset-activated glomeruli were relatively clustered. These results suggest the importance of lateral interaction in shaping the offset olfactory response.  相似文献   

Summary The antennae of the rock lobster,Palinurus vulgaris, show systematic responses to movements of the legs on a tilting footboard. Myographic recordings in muscles of the first antennal segment have been used in an analysis of the sensory basis of these reactions. Antennal posture is modified in the experimental apparatus, although its relation to the change in loading conditions of the legs is uncertain. The motor control of the antennal equilibrium responses involves a complete reciprocation between both excitatory and inhibitory motoneurones to the antagonist muscle groups in the two antennae. Sensory inputs from single legs produce movements of both antennae, but a stronger drive ipsilaterally. Leg receptor inputs also modulate antennal resistance reflexes in a systematic manner, providing a sensitive test for the involvement of particular receptor organs in the leg. Movement at the coxo-basal leg joint is a major source of sensory input, and ablation/ stimulation experiments have established that stimulation of the CB chordotonal organ is a necessary but not sufficient condition to produce the antennal equilibrium reactions. The possibility is discussed that other receptors at the coxo-basal joint are also involved.D.M.N. was supported by a grant from The Max-Planck Institut to Professor H. Schöne.  相似文献   

In crickets (Gryllus campestris, Gryllus bimaculatus) the contribution of the suboesophageal ganglia (SOG) and thoracic ganglia to the generation of antennal movements during visual tracking, walking and flight was investigated by the transection of connectives. Transection of one circumoesophageal connective abolished the movements and postures of the antenna ipsilateral to the lesion, while the contralateral antenna behaved normally. Simple antennal reflexes remained. Transection of one neck connective reduced fast components of antennal movements during tracking and walking. During flight the ipsilateral antenna could not be maintained in a prolonged forward position. Antennal movements during tracking and walking appeared normal after transection of one connective between pro- and mesothoracic ganglia. However, the antennal flight posture required uninterrupted connections between brain and mesothoracic ganglion. The ablation of more posterior ganglia had no effect on the antennal behaviours investigated. Recordings from an antennal motor nerve revealed a unilateral net excitation relayed via the SOG to the brain. Two ascending interneurones with activity closely correlated with antennal movements are candidates for such a relay function. The data show that the brain is not sufficient to generate antennal movements and postures as integral parts of several behaviours. The SOG and the thoracic ganglia are required in addition. Accepted: 12 March 1997  相似文献   

1. We have used intracellular recording and staining, followed by reconstruction from serial sections, to characterize the responses and structure of projection neurons (PNs) that link the antennal lobe (AL) to other regions of the brain of the male sphinx moth Manduca sexta. 2. Dendritic arborizations of the AL PNs were usually restricted either to ordinary glomeruli or to the male-specific macroglomerular complex (MGC) within the AL neuropil. Dendritic fields in the MGC appeared to belong to distinct partitions within the MGC. PNs innervating the ordinary glomeruli had arborizations in a single glomerulus (uniglomerular) or in more than one ordinary glomerulus of one AL (multiglomerular) or in one case, in single glomeruli in both ALs (bilateral-uniglomerular). One PN innervated the MGC and many or all ordinary glomeruli of the AL. 3. PNs with dendritic arborizations in the ordinary glomeruli and PNs associated with the MGC typically projected both to the calyces of the ipsilateral mushroom body and to the lateral protocerebrum, but some differences in the patterns of termination in those regions have been noted for the two classes of PNs. One PN conspicuously lacked branches in the calyces but did project to the lateral protocerebrum. The PN innervating the MGC and many ordinary glomeruli projected to the calyces of the ipsilateral mushroom body and the superior protocerebrum. 4. Crude sex-pheromone extracts excited all neurons with arborizations in the MGC, although some were inhibited by other odors. One P(MGC) was excited by crude sex-pheromone extract and by a mimic of one component of the pheromone blend but was inhibited by another component of the blend. 5. PNs with dendritic arborizations in ordinary glomeruli were excited or inhibited by certain non-pheromonal odors. Some of these PNs also responded to mechanosensory stimulation of the antennae. 6. The PN with dendritic arborizations in the MGC and many ordinary glomeruli was excited by crude sex-pheromone extracts and non-pheromonal odors and also responded to mechanosensory stimulation of the antenna.  相似文献   

Mazor O  Laurent G 《Neuron》2005,48(4):661-673
Projection neurons (PNs) in the locust antennal lobe exhibit odor-specific dynamic responses. We studied a PN population, stimulated with five odorants and pulse durations between 0.3 and 10 s. Odor representations were characterized as time series of vectors of PN activity, constructed from the firing rates of all PNs in successive 50 ms time bins. Odor representations by the PN population can be described as trajectories in PN state space with three main phases: an on transient, lasting 1-2 s; a fixed point, stable for at least 8 s; and an off transient, lasting a few seconds as activity returns to baseline. Whereas all three phases are odor specific, optimal stimulus separation occurred during the transients rather than the fixed points. In addition, the PNs' own target neurons respond least when their PN-population input stabilized at a fixed point. Steady-state measures of activity thus seem inappropriate to understand the neural code in this system.  相似文献   

Video recordings and single frame analysis were used to study the function of the second antennae of crayfish (Cherax destructor) as a sensory system in freely behaving animals. Walking crayfish move their antennae back and forth through horizontal angles of 100 degrees and more, relative to the body long axis. At rest, animals tend to hold their antennae at angular positions between 20 and 50 degrees. Movements of the two antennae are largely independent of each other. Before and during a turn of the body the ipsilateral antenna is moved into the direction of the turn. Solid objects are explored by repeatedly moving the antennae towards and across them. Both seeing and blinded crayfish can locate stationary objects following antennal contact. On antennal contact with a small novel object, a moving animal withdraws its antenna and attacks the object. When the antenna of a blinded crayfish is lightly touched with a brush the animal turns and attacks the point of stimulation. The direction taken and the distance covered during an attack can be correlated with: the angle at which the antenna is held at the moment of contact and the distance along the antennal flagellum at which the stimulus is applied. From behavioural evidence we conclude that crayfish use information about the angular position of their antennae and about the position of stimulated mechanoreceptors along the antennal flagellum to locate objects in their environment. We suggest ways in which an active tactile system-like the crayfish's antennae--could supply animals with information about the three-dimensional layout of their environment.  相似文献   

A subset of olfactory projection neurons in the brain of male Manduca sexta is described, and their role in sex pheromone information processing is examined. These neurons have extensive arborizations in the macroglomerular complex (MGC), a distinctive and sexually dimorphic area of neuropil in the antennal lobe (AL), to which the axons of two known classes of antennal pheromone receptors project. Each projection neuron sends an axon from the AL into the protocerebrum. Forty-one projection neurons were characterized according to their responses to electrical stimulation of the antennal nerve as well as olfactory stimulation of antennal receptors. All neurons exhibited strong selectivity for female sex pheromones. Other behaviorally relevant odors, such as plant volatiles, had no obvious effect on the activity of these neurons. Two broad physiological categories were found: cells that were excited by stimulation of the ipsilateral antenna with pheromones (29 out of 41), and cells that received a mixed input (inhibition and excitation) from pheromone pathways (12 out of 41). Of the cells in the first category, 13 out of 29 were equally excited in response to stimulation of the antenna with either the principal natural pheromone (bombykal) or a mimic of a second unidentified pheromone ('C-15') and were similarly excited by the natural pheromone blend. The remaining 16 out of 29 cells responded selectively, and in some cases, in a dose-dependent manner, to stimulation of the antenna with bombykal or C-15, but not both. Some of these neurons had dendritic arborizations restricted to only a portion of the MGC neuropil, whereas most had arborizations throughout the MGC. Of the cells in the second category, 9 out of 12 were excited by bombykal, inhibited by C-15, and showed a mixed response to the natural pheromone blend. For the other 3 out of 12 cells, the response polarity was reversed for the two chemically-identified odors. Two additional neurons, which were not tested with olfactory stimuli, were tonically inhibited in response to electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral antennal nerve. These observations suggest that some of the male-specific projection neurons may signal general pheromone-triggered arousal, whereas a smaller number can actively integrate inputs from the two know receptor classes (Bal- and C-15-selective) and may operate as 'mixture detectors' at this level of the olfactory subsystem that processes information about sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Abstract Recordings were made from the pheromone-sensitive receptor cells within antennal hairs of normal and mutant male cabbage loopers, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), using a cut-sensillum technique. From sampling 136 sensilla on normal males and 123 on mutant males, cells excited by pairs of behaviourally redundant minor pheromone components were discovered: Z9–14: Ac was found to be replaceable with 12: Ac and 11–12: Ac was found to be replaceable with Z5–12: Ac. These cells were not found during previous neurophysiological investigations, but explain most of the associations between mutually replaceable (redundant) pheromone components which had been demonstrated previously to be behaviourally redundant in wind tunnel studies. Our results indicate that the mutant gene in T.ni that affects pheromone production does not affect pheromone receptors in males. Using both AC- and DC-coupled recordings from receptor cells, we found that a single minor component could apparently hyperpolarize one cell while depolarizing another cell within the same sensillum, suggesting that noise reduction and other complex signal processing by receptor cells may contribute to odour processing in the macroglomerulus of the antennal lobe.  相似文献   

The temperature receptor cells on the cockroach antennae are all excited by rapid cooling. In the antennal lobe, however, cold- as well as warm-responsive neurons occur. They are excited either by rapid step-like cooling or rapid step-like warming. Responses to such temperature transients do not show, however, whether antennal lobe neurons convey information on slowly changing temperatures typical of temperature gradients used for orientation. In contrast slow temperature changes permit an analysis of the effects of both instantaneous temperature and its rate of change. We compared the effect of slow temperature oscillations on the responses of antennal cold-receptors cells and cold- and warm-responsive projection neurons. In all cases the discharge rates were modulated by the temperature oscillations. They displayed a double dependence on instantaneous temperature and its rate of change. Information about cooling and warming, first contained in the output of a single cold-receptor cell diverges to form the parallel pathways of cold- and warm-responsive projection neurons, thereby in particular improving the detection of fluctuations in temperature.  相似文献   

Using electrophysiology, the stimulating effect of 13 sugars and three sugar alcohols (each at a concentration of 100 mm ) to antennal gustatory receptor neurones (GRNs) is tested in the carabid beetle Anchomenus dorsalis (Pontoppidan, 1763) (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Maltose, sucrose, glucose and raffinose are the most stimulating sugars for the sugar‐sensitive neurone (SuN), evoking 6.7–18.6 spikes s?1 in fed insects, whereas the others had little or no effect. The firing rate of the antennal GRNs is not affected by any of the tested sugar alcohols, dulcitol, inositol and sorbitol. Additionally, concentration/response curves for sucrose and maltose are obtained in the range 0.01–100 mm . The responses of beetles starved for 96 h to this range of sucrose are two‐ to three‐fold higher compared with those of fed beetles. The presence of a terminal α‐glucose unit is an important feature of the molecular structure determining the stimulating properties of the two disaccharides, maltose and sucrose, as well as glucose. The other monosaccharide unit of the molecule is also of great importance in determining the stimulating properties of various disaccharides. The sensitivity of the SuN to the four most prevalent aphid honeydew sugars suggests that A. dorsalis uses these chemicals as sensory cues when searching for aphids as prey.  相似文献   

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