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The key role of the foetal germ cell line in the reproductive capacity of the adult has been known for a long time. More recently, the observed increase in male reproductive disorders such as the decline of sperm count and quality and the increased incidence of testicular cancer has been postulated to be due to alterations of foetal and neonatal testicular development in response to increasing environmental pollution. However, few tools are available to study foetal and neonatal germ cell line development and the effects of physiological or toxic substances on this process. The authors have developed an organ culture system in which foetal or neonatal testis is grown on a filter floating on a synthetic medium free of serum, hormones or biological factors. This study, using rats and mice, first compared the long-term morphological and functional development of Sertoli and germ cells in thisin vivo system. In rats, these cells developed normally over a period of two weeksin vitro. Fewer cells were produced thanin vivo, but a similar level of differentiated function was observed. Germ cells, which are difficult to maintainin vitro, resumed mitosis after a quiescent period, at the same time asin vivo. Similar results were obtained with mouse fetuses, but this model was less efficient. This culture model can be used to study post-natal development of the germ cell lineage in testes derived from foetuses on the last day of foetal life and invalidated for P63, that do not survive after birth. This gene was found to be involved in the regulation of germ apoptosis which resumes after birth in the mouse. Lastly, this model applied to the human species (from 6 to 12 weeks of gestation) showed that testicular architecture and germ cells can be maintained for 4 days with better efficiency at younger stages than at older stages. p]In conclusion, testicular architecture and intercellular communications are sufficiently preserved to sustain gametogenesisin vitro with no added factors. This method is potentially useful to study the effects of various factors, particularly xenobiotics.  相似文献   

Seven spatial dispersions of organisms, reflecting some constraints of various physical and biological factors of the pelagic environment were simulated on computer. The relationships between the sampling methods (tow length, net size), the pelagic population dispersion patterns, and the sampling error were investigated by computer simulation. Two categories of dispersions were identified: 1) random or relatively uniform dispersions of organisms (including Poisson, gradient, and negative contagous dispersions), characterized by an index of dispersion s2m < 1.5; and 2) overdispersed distributions of swarming or clustering organisms (including positive contagion and centric aggregation dispersions), characterized by a value of s2m > 1.5.The origin and size of the sampling errors as deduced from the analysis of variance change, considerably from one group of dispersions to the other. In the first case, the net size was dominant, whereas in the second case the tow length and patch size effects are more critical. In general, the precision of estimations decreases as the over-dispersion of organisms increases. The confidence limits, for a simple estimation of abundance, vary considerably with the spatial dispersion, ranging from narrow values for the relatively uniform dispersions to very large values for the overdispersed distributions. There is an increasing imprecision in the estimate of population abundance as the dispersion coefficient s2m increases.Analysis of coefficients of variation indicates that more precise estimates of abundance may be obtained if a practical sampling procedure is applied to a group of specific organisms. Furthermore, it is suggested that a simulated approach, performed prior to ocean sampling, permits the establishment of the optimal sampling procedure for the species under study.  相似文献   



The effects of low energy He?Ne 630 laser (LEL) irradiation on various aspects of cell metabolism, including proliferation, respiration, ATP synthesis and Ca2+ uptake, have been recently recognized in somatic cells, animal spermatozoa and embryonic cells.


1- To analyze thein vitro effects of LEL irradiation on the mouse IVF model. 2- To assess the effects of experimental LEL irradiation on human spermatozoa in the sperm-zona free hamster egg penetration (SPA) model.

Material & Methods

1- In a mouse IVF model, pooled oocytes were incubated for 24 h. with LEL-irradiated and non-irradiated epididymal mouse spermatozoa. The percentage of fertilized eggs, intracellular Ca2+ and Ca2+ uptake as well as the effects of reactive oxygen scavengers were compared in the two groups. 2- In the enhanced SPA model, with overnight TEST-Yolk preincubation, LEL-irradiated and non-irradiated ejaculated spermatozoa from 43 infertile men were incubated for 3 h with fresh zona-free hamster eggs. The percentage of eggs penetrated (SPA%) by irradiated or control sperm was compared. Acrosome reaction (AR) and Hemizona Assay (HZA) were also performed on the same ejaculates.


1- In mice, brief LEL irradiation enhanced intracellular Ca2+ influx and increased thein vitro fertilization capacity of spermatozoa. Mitochondrial Ca2+ transport mechanisms and H2O2 appeared to be involved in these LEL effects. 2- In the 43 male patients, AR and SPA were correlated, while SPA and HZA were poorly correlated. In the whole group, the mean SPA% of LEL-irradiated and control sperm were not significantly different: 49.8±39.9 and 51.0±34.9, respectively. No significant change was observed in 50% of cases. Following irradiation, SPA% increased in 25% of cases and decreased in 25% of cases. However, classifying all cases according to the SPA cut-off point of 30% as poor and good sperm in this enhanced SPA model, showed that LEL irradiation significantly increased SPA% only in the poor sperm subgroup (n=16) from 5.5.±8.9 to 23.1±25.2 (p<0.0001). This increase was observed in 50% of these patients. In the good sperm category (n=27), no improvement of SPA% was observed. On the contrary, LEL irradiation decreased SPA% from 76.1±24.4 to 67.6±28.


In a mouse IVF model, LEL irradiation of spermatozoa improved intracellular Ca2+influx and egg fertilization. H2O2 seems to participate in the biochemical cascade transforming light signals into a biological response. In man, using the SPA model, LEL sperm irradiation might improve the penetration capacity only in the case of poor quality sperm, by increasing sperm egg penetration in one half of cases, otherwise LEL is ineffective. Further studies are required to confirm these results, but LEL should not be considered for clinical use until its safety has been proven. (Supported by grants from the Chief Scientist Office, Ministry of Health)  相似文献   

Culture in a phytotron of Cannabis sativa L. originating from S. Africa revealed the presence of two chemotypes varying in concentration of tetrahy  相似文献   

The importance of various correlative influences on growth and vegetative or floral development of cotyledonary buds inScrofularia arguta Sol. is shown. The terminal bud, on the one hand, inhibits growth of cotyledonary buds and, on the other hand, induces their early flowering. The cotyledon stimulates growth of its axillary bud, but has no action on its floral development. Leaves above the cotyledonary node have the same effect as the cotyledon. Finally, roots stimulate vegetative growth of cotyledonary buds and suppress floral expression, but only when apical dominance has been removed at an early stage of development.  相似文献   

L. Lison 《Protoplasma》1929,7(1):489-504
Conclusions Envisageant le comportement général des amibocytes des Invertébrés au point de vue de son expression physique et mécanique, nous en arrivons à la conclusion qu'aucun des phénomènes spécifiques qu'ils présentent ne peut Être rapporté à une simple application de pures lois physico-chimiques. Dans la physiologie des pseudopodes lamellaires des amibocytes, on avait voulu faire intervenir pour une large part les phénomènes de tension superficielle. Nous avons montré que le rôle de ces derniers est en réalité absolument secondaire et ne peut Être pris en considération. La genèse des ptéropodes avec leur forme typique ne peut Être assurée qu'avec le concours de forces étrangères, difficiles à déterminer d'ailleurs. Bien plus, le maintien des ptéropodes ne peut Être assuré qu'en dépit mÊme des forces de tension superficielle; ces dernières tendent à faire rétracter le pseudopode; et si celui-ci jouit d'une stabilité considérable, celle-ci est due précisément à des forces antagonistes des forces de tension superficielle et qui disparaissent à la mort de la cellule.La rétraction physiologique des ptéropodes est d'une complexité telle qu'on ne peut raisonnablement la regarder comme résultant du libre jeu des lois physiques connues.MÊme des manifestations assez comparables, morphologiquement tout au moins, à des phénomènes physiques simples, tels que l'étalement des lames hyaloplasmiques ou leurs propriétés d'adhésivité aux corps solides révèlent des propriétés qui ne peuvent Être rapportées à des lois physiques connues.Bref, le comportement général de la lamelle hyaloplasmique de l'amibocyte ne peut Être situé dans le domaine physique dont certains auteurs avaient voulu le faire dépendre. Son étude relève du domaine biologique.  相似文献   

Resumé La distribution et l'utilisation du carbone photoassimilé par des sojas (Glycine max L. Merr.) nodulés, cultivés en conditions naturelles ont été suivies durant deux années consécutives par expositions répétées et simultanées de plantes à du14CO2 et15N2 pendant une journée. Cette méthode couplée à une analyse détaillée des flux respiratoires au niveau des systèmes racinaires a permis de suivre le devenir du carbone en relation avec l'activité fixatrice d'azote. Les résultats montrent que le stade de développement des plantes au moment du marquage exerce une forte influence sur la distribution initiale du carbone. Ce sont les organes en forte croissance qui attirent le plus d'assimilats récents. Ainsi les organes reproducteurs, accumulent des quantités croissantes à partir de leur formation si bien qu'aux environs du jour 100, ils attirent près de 70% de la production nette. Les nodules eux stockent da 3 à 5% de cette production journalière entre les jours 50 et 100 alors que leur activité fixatrice chute déjà fortement dès le jour 85. Pendant la phase d'activité fixatrice optimale, les quantités de carbone perdues sous forme de CO2, pour le seul processus de réduction du N2, varient entre 2,5 et 7 mg par mg d'azote fixé. Ceci équivaut à la quantité de carbone destinée aux structures racines et nodules. Les transferts secondaires d'organes à organes se font à partir des organes végétatifs et puis des gousses vers les graines, mais essentiellement à partir de carbone assimilé durant la phase de remplissage des gousses (après le jour 80). Cependant, les quantités remobilisées sont faibles, ce qui indique que la croissance des graines dépend surtout d'une alimentation directe à partir de la photosynthèse.
Distribution and utilization of assimilated carbon in relation to dinitrogen fixation in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril)
Summary Distribution and use of photoassimilated carbon by nodulated soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr.) grown in natural conditions have been studied during two consecutive years by successive and simultaneous exposures of the plants to14CO2 and15N2 during one day. This method, together with detailed analysis of CO2 efflux by root systems made it possible to follow the fate of carbon in relation to dinitrogen fixation. The results showed that the stage of development at which the plants were labelled exerted a high influence on the initial distribution of carbon. The growing organs always attracted more of the recently assimilated carbon. So, the reproductive parts accumulated increasing proportions and by day 100 about 70% of the current net production was recovered in pods and seeds. Nodules stored from 3 to 5% of the daily production, from day 50 to day 100, when their fixation activity already dropped by day 85. During the period of optimal fixation the amount of carbon lost as CO2 due to the only process of N2 reduction ranged between 2.5 and 7 mg per mg of N2 fixed. This was equivalent to the amount of carbon directed towards roots and nodules structures during the same time. Secondary transfers by remobilization occurred from leaves and pods to the grains but mainly from the carbon assimilated during the podfilling stage (after day 80). However, these amounts were small indicating that grain development is mainly supported by current assimilates.

《Médecine Nucléaire》2020,44(5-6):313-319
The linear no-threshold (LNT) model, which has become a dogma in its own right, leads to affirming the existence of the harmfulness of low doses of ionizing radiation as long as their harmlessness could not be demonstrated. It seems important to understand how we came to make dogmatic a scientifically “non-theory”. We propose in this article, after having shown how much RLSS stems from a myth and not from a scientific approach, to expose its origins and genesis, essential to the understanding of its current character of so-called incontestable truth, then to illustrate the worrying practical and epistemological consequences that this reference to RLSS entails. We rely for this on the critical analysis of some of the epidemiological studies that claim to demonstrate or confirm it.  相似文献   

Discovery of fossil rodents of oligocene and lower miocene age (Aquitanian) in the Narbonne — Sigean basin, and of pliocene age at the Leucate plateau and cliff.  相似文献   

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