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Xu  H.-S.  Zhang  X.-H.  Xu  B.  Ji  W.-S.  Yang  X.-S.  Ma  J.-K. 《World journal of microbiology & biotechnology》1999,15(2):325-328
An indirect fluorescent antibody technique (iFAT) incorporating fluorescein-isothiocyanate conjugated anti-rabbit globulin goat serum, and rhodamine-isothiocyanate conjugated bovine serum albumin as background stain has been developed for the detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus.  相似文献   

By coupling Anisakis larval hemoglobin with cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose, a stable and sensitive antigen for the indirect fluorescent antibody test for anisakiasis was prepared. Using this antigen, cross-reaction with other helminth infections was minimized and the test was greatly simplified.Furthermore, the results obtained indicate that this technique may be useful not only in the sero-diagnosis of anisakiasis but may also be applicable to the diagnosis of other helminthic diseases.  相似文献   

Antibody responses to two filarial diseases of man, onchocerciasis and bancroftian filariasis, were evaluated with the indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT), using antigens derived from the appropriate etiologic agent. Antigenic preparations consisted of frozen cut sections of the adult Onchocerca volvulus and stage III larvae of Wuchereria bancrofti fixed to glass slides. Little difference between the preparations was demonstrated in tests for the diagnosis of onchocerciasis. Of 105 sera from individuals with biopsy-proven infections, 102 (97%) reacted with homologous O. volvulus antigen, and 19 of 22 (86%) with W. bancrofti antigen. In bancroftian filariasis, however, the homologously derived antigen was superior for diagnosis, and the highest seropositive rates occurred in acute, symptomatic infections. All such sera (8) reacted with homologous antigen. In contrast, only 75% (6) reacted with onchocercal antigen. Of those with chronic disease, characterized by long-standing elephantiasis or lymphedema without microfilaremia, 79% (22) were reactors to homologous antigen and 32% (9) to heterologous. The lowest seropositive rates occurred where microfilaremia was unaccompanied by local or systemic symptoms: 38% (3) were positive to homologous antigen and none to onchocercal antigen.Of sera from seven individuals apparently free of bancroftian filariasis, but living in a hyperendemic area, five reacted with bancroftian antigen and four with onchocercal antigen. These reactions could be attributed to occult infections, but more likely resulted from repeated exposure to nondeveloping infective larvae.Cross-reactions in nonfilarial infections were rare with either antigen, and no positive reactions occurred in sera from healthy controls.  相似文献   

A schizont antigen for the indirect fluorescent antibody test was prepared from an in vitro culture suspension of lymphoid cells infected with Theileria annulata macroschizonts. Two cattle recovered from T. annulata infection showed marked rises in antibody titer to this schizont antigen, with peak titers of 1:40,960 and 1:2560. Using sera from these recovered cattle, T. annulata cell culture schizont antigen was shown to cross-react markedly with Theileria parva and Theileria lawrencei cell culture schizonts and with Theileria mutans piroplasms in the indirect fluorescent antibody test. In contrast, using high-titer antisera to T. parva, T. lawrencei, and T. mutans, serological cross-reactions with T. annulata schizonts were only detected with T. parva and T. lawrencei antisera, and in both instances these were minimal. The value of the indirect fluorescent antibody test in the differential diagnosis of Theileria species pathogenic for cattle is discussed.  相似文献   

An immunofluorescence method for detection of Vibrio cholerae serovar 01 in aquatic environmental samples and enrichment broths is described. Antiserum specific for the 01 somatic antigen was produced in rabbits and used in an indirect fluorescent antibody method incorporating fluoresceinisothiocyanate conjugated anti-rabbit globulin goat serum, and rhodamine isothiocynate conjugated bovine serum albumin as background stain. Comparisons of the immunofluorescent procedure and conventional culture methods for isolation of V. cholerae 01 showed that detection occurred significantly more frequently with the fluorescent antibody system.  相似文献   

Summary It has been demonstrated that the heterophile antigen present on the surface of mouse cells can be visualized by means of the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. Depending on the fixatives used, the antigen could be demonstrated on the cell surface or intracellularly. Treating the cells with proteolytic enzymes did not affect either the reactivity of the antigen or its demonstration by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. The pattern of immunofluorescence on the surface of clone 929-L cells, was different from that on the surface of their variant, LE cells. The difference was probably due to a decrease in the number of heterophile antigen sites on the surface of LE cells. This may explain the greater resistance of LE cells to the effects of cytotoxic antibody. This investigation was supported by Research Grant MT1024 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Abstract An improved fluorescent monoclonal antibody staining kit, Cholera DFA, for direct detection and enumeration of Vibrio cholerae O1 has been developed, employing a highly specific anti-A antigen monoclonal antibody, COLTA, labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). An optimized quantity of anti-photobleaching agent is used in a glycerol mounting medium to retard the rapid fading of immunofluorescent stained cells during fluorescent microscopy, thus enabling prolonged inspection of individual fields, as well asimproved photographic recording of results without loss of fluorescence intensity. When tested for specificity, all 30 strains of V. cholerae O1 reacted with Cholera DFA, whereas 100 heterologous species examined did not, yielding 100% specificity for all strains examined in this study. A field trial was conducted in Bangladesh, employing Cholera DFA and the results were compared with those obtained by conventional culture methods. Of 44 diarrheal stool specimens tested, Cholera DFA was positive for V. cholerae O1 in all culture-positive stool specimens and negative for all culture-negative stool specimens. The procedure is sensitive and highly specific, as well as simple, i.e., less complex than the indirect fluorescent assay, requiring only one reagent and less than 30 min to complete the staining process, while retarding rapid fading that often occurs with fluorescent microscopy.  相似文献   

Quantitative direct fluorescent antibody methods were used in antigenic analysis of developmental stages of Trypanosoma brucei brucei strains, most of them having the same variant antigen B, which were derived from a cyclically transmissible stabilate. Antigen-B trypanosomes were used for initiation of cultures in modified Tobie's (Tm) medium and in Glossina morsitans morsitans organ cultures, and for the infective feed of G. m. morsitans. Antisera against antigen-B bloodstream forms and against Tm-grown culture forms were developed in rabbits by inoculations of disrupted organisms mixed (1:1) with complete Freund's adjuvant. The globulin fractions of the antisera were conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate, and processed on Sephadex G-25 and DEAE-cellulose columns. The DEAE fractions with 2.0 and 4.7 or 4.8 molar fluorescein:protein ratios were pooled and concentrated twofold.Examination of 109 flies at 30 or 31 days after the infective feed revealed about 18.3% midgut, about 10.1% proventricular, and about 3.7% salivary-gland infections. A salivary gland suspension from one of the infected flies gave rise to a parasitemia in a mouse, and trypanosomes from the first parasitemia were transferred by two 3-day syringe passages into another mouse. Smears were prepared of trypanosomes (antigens B-164, B-167) from the first parasitemias from these two mice, of intact B-antigen trypanosomes, of culture forms (CT) from Tm medium, and of procyclics (CG) from Glossina cultures as well as of midgut (GM), proventricular (GP), and salivary-gland (GS) forms from tsetse flies. All these forms were fixed by one or more of the three following methods: complete fixation (CoFix) by the formalin-NH4OH-Tween 80 procedure; fixation before affixation to slides (F+); fixation after affixation to slides (F?). The best results with regard to fluorescence intensity and specificity were obtained by using the CoFix technique.Statistical analyses of the fluorescence means of the antigens subjected to direct and inhibition staining gave the following results: (1) CT, CG, GM, and GP forms were antigenically the same. (2) GM and GP trypanosomes from different flies were antigenically indistinguishable. (3) The surface antigen of the variant-B bloodstream trypanosomes was different from these antigens of culture, midgut, and proventricular forms. It differed also from those of metacyclics from two flies and of B-164 and B-167 bloodstream forms. (4) No antigenic differences were found, in preparations fixed by the F? method, between B-164 and B-167 bloodstream trypanosomes and the metacyclics from two flies, one of which served as the source of the salivary-gland trypomastigotes (GS-98) that gave rise to these two bloodstream form antigens. (5) Closer antigenic relationships were noted between B forms and B-164 and B-167 trypanosomes than between B and CT organisms in smears fixed by the F+ technique, but no such differences were discernible in preparations fixed by the F? procedure.  相似文献   

AIMS: A comparison of methods that combine the use of immune sera with specific fluorescent probes for testing viability at single cell level was performed in order to estimate different living attributes of Escherichia coli in natural seawater samples. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cell culturability was assayed by plate method, respiratory activity and membrane integrity were determined by an indirect fluorescent antibody assay, combined with 5-cyano-2, 3 ditolyl tetrazolium chloride and propidium iodide, respectively. Results showed the coexistence of different physiological states within the E. coli population, of which a large fraction (46%) of cells was actively respiring. CONCLUSIONS: The methodological approach used offer interesting perspectives in water pollution monitoring, particularly when the differentiation between dead and living E. coli cells is required for a more precise assessment of the bacteriological quality of seawaters. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study suggests the importance of knowledge of the viability status of faecal bacteria in aquatic environments as a fundamental issue for the preservation of public health; the availability of rapid analytical procedures for this purpose may find significant applications in the evaluation of the sanitary risk consequent to water use.  相似文献   

Summary Two distinct forms of killer whale (Orcinus orca) occur off the coast of British Columbia, Alaska and Washington State. These have different diets, and may be reproductively isolated. Because the primary food of transient whales (pinnipeds) is a potential competitor for the primary food of resident whales (salmon), or for the smaller fishes on which salmon feed, there should be an indirect interaction between the two forms of killer whale. We use simple mathematical models to show that this interaction will be either of a plus-minus type, or a plus-plus type (indirect mutualism), depending on whether or not pinnipeds and residents are on the same trophic level. In the case of the plus-minus interaction, increasing the population density or improving the environmental conditions of transients will increase the population density of residents, while increasing resident populations will reduce the equilibrium population size of transients. In the case of the plus-plus interaction, increasing the population density or improving the environmental conditions of transients will increase the population density of residents, while increasing resident populations will reduce the equilibrium population size of transients. In the case of the plus-plus interaction, increasing the population density or improving the environmental conditions of transients will increase the population density of residents, and vice versa. Such effects may not be currently manifest due to reduced populations at most levels in the food web. Regardless, considering such indirect interactions may be important for the management of many of the species involved, and can also provide a valuable framework for examining the evolution of the two forms of killer whales. Frequency-dependent indirect interactions, acting in concert with density-dependence within populations and disruptive selection on prey-type specific foraging characteristics, may have favoured reproductive isolation of the two forms of killer whales. We suggest that these two forms of whale are in the process of speciating, i.e., the two forms are incipient species.  相似文献   

Despite major successes in its control over the past 50 years, schistosomiasis japonica continues to be a public health problem in the People’s Republic of China (P.R. China). Historically, the major endemic foci occur in the lakes and marshlands along the Yangtze River, areas where transmission interruption has proven difficult. The current endemic situation may alter due to the closure of the Three Gorges Dam. Considerable environmental and ecological changes are anticipated that may result in new habitats for the oncomelanid intermediate snail host of Schistosoma japonicum (Sj), thereby increasing the risk of transmission. The current national control program for P.R. China involves a multi-component integrated strategy but, despite targeting multiple transmission pathways, certain challenges remain. As the Chinese government pushes towards elimination, there is a requirement for additional tools, such as vaccination, for long-term prevention. Whereas the zoonotic nature of schistosomiasis japonica adds to the complexity of control, it provides a unique opportunity to develop a transmission blocking vaccine targeting bovines to assist in the prevention of human infection and disease. Mathematical modelling has shown that control options targeting the various transmission pathways of schistosomiasis japonica and incorporating bovine vaccination, mass human chemotherapy and mollusciciding could lead to its elimination from P.R. China. Here we present the study design and baseline results of a four-year cluster randomised intervention trial we are undertaking around the schistosomiasis-endemic Dongting Lake in Hunan Province aimed at determining the impact on schistosome transmission of the multi-component integrated control strategy, including bovine vaccination using a heterologous “prime-boost” delivery platform based on the previously tested SjCTPI vaccine.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the rhizome galling fly, Eurosta comma (Wiedemann), on rhizome mass and nitrogen allocation in a clone of its goldenrod host plant, Solidago missouriensis Nutt. In comparison to ungalled ramets, galled ramets initiated significantly fewer new rhizomes, and allocated less mass to leaves and stems and more to roots. Galled ramets had lower concentrations of nitrogen in roots and rhizomes but leaf and stem nitrogen concentrations were not affected. In the second year of our study, outbreaks of the leaf-eating beetle, Trirhabda canadensis (Kirby), occurred in three of our four study clones, removing ∼20%, ∼50%, and 100% of leaf area from clones 2–4, respectively. In the most heavily grazed clones, the influence of rhizome galls on plant resource allocation was least pronounced. Despite the overwhelming immediate impact of grazing, the presence of a gall population may be important because they decrease the ability of S. missouriensis clones to initiate new rhizomes and hence to recover from defoliation. Received: 28 December 1997 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Serum from sheep was collected throughout a 30-week period of infection with Fasciola hepatica and specificity for the tissues of flukes of various ages was tested by an indirect fluorescent antibody labeling technique, using as antigen JB4 plastic-embedded sections of flukes up to 30-weeks old grown in rats. Quantitative estimates of host antibody concentration and fluke tissue antigenicity were determined by titration using serially diluted serum. Serum from early infections (pre-7 weeks) gave strong labeling over the tegument of young flukes, but the reaction became progressively weaker with older fluke tissue. This was associated with a decline in the number of T1 bodies in the tegument as revealed by electron microscopy. T1 bodies contain glycocalyx precursor substances and during development they replace the antigenically similar T0 secretory bodies characteristic of early juvenile flukes. Glycocalyx turnover may help protect the pre-bile duct flukes against immunological attack. Serum from sheep with F. hepatica infections older than 7 weeks gave moderate reaction with T2 bodies which accumulated in the tegument during the early stages of infection but only expressed their antigens on the surface about the time of entry into the host's bile ducts. The antigenicity of the gut and excretory system of flukes seemed to remain unchanged throughout adult life. Levels of host antibody specific for juvenile tegument, gut, and excretory system peaked at 3–5 weeks postinfection, and declined once the flukes entered the bile ducts. Anti-T2 antibody appeared 6 weeks postinfection and began to decline 5–6 weeks later.  相似文献   

We have constructed a matched set of binary vectors designated pGD, pGDG and pGDR for the expression and co-localization of native proteins and GFP or DsRed fusions in large numbers of plant cells. The utility of these vectors following agroinfiltration into leaves has been demonstrated with four genes from Sonchus yellow net virus, a plant nucleorhabdovirus, and with a nucleolar marker protein. Of the three SYNV proteins tested, sc4 gave identical localization patterns at the cell wall and nucleus when fused to GFP or DsRed. However, some differences in expression patterns were observed depending on whether DsRed or GFP was the fusion partner. In this regard, the DsRed:P fusion showed a similar pattern of localization to GFP:P, but localized foci appeared in the nucleus and near the periphery of the nucleus. Nevertheless, the viral nucleocapsid protein, expressed as a GFP:N fusion, co-localized with DsRed:P in a subnuclear locale in agreement with our previous observations (Goodin et al., 2001). This locale appears to be distinct from the nucleolus as indicated by co-expression of the N protein, DsRed:P and a nucleolar marker AtFib1 fused to GFP. The SYNV M protein, which is believed to be particularly prone to oligomerization, was detectable only as a GFP fusion. Our results indicate that agroinfiltration with bacteria containing the pGD vectors is extremely useful for transient expression of several proteins in a high proportion of the cells of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. The GFP and DsRed elements incorporated into the pGD system should greatly increase the ease of visualizing co-localization and interactions of proteins in a variety of experimental dicotyledonous hosts.  相似文献   

Cyanothece 51142 contains a 78-residue protein, cce_0567, that falls into the DUF683 family of proteins associated with nitrogen fixation. Here we report the assignment of most of the main chain and 13Cβ side chain resonances of the ∼40 kDa homo-tetramer.  相似文献   

This study identified a hierarchy in levels of cold tolerance for diverse tissues from larvae of Eurosta solidaginis. Following freezing at -80 degrees C, larval survival and the viability of specific tissues were assessed using membrane-permeant DNA stain (SYBY-14) and propidium iodide.Integumentary muscle, hemocytes, tracheae, and the crystal-containing portion of the Malpighian tubules were most susceptible to freezing injury. A second group consisting of fat body, salivary glands, and the proximal region of the Malpighian tubules were intermediate in their susceptibility, while the foregut, midgut, and hindgut were the most resistant to freezing injury. Seasonal increases in larval cold tolerance were closely matched by changes in the cold tolerance of individual tissues. Compared to larvae collected in September, the survival rates for each of the six tissues tested from October-collected larvae increased by 20-30%. The survival rate in all tissues was notably higher than that of whole animals, indicating that larval death could not be explained by the mortality in any of the tissues we tested. This method will be useful for assessing the nature of chilling/freezing injury, the role cryoprotectants, and cellular changes promoting cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Abstract: The detailed analysis of the expression pattern of a plant gene can give important clues about its function in plant development, cell differentiation and defence reactions. Gene expression studies have been greatly facilitated by the employment of proteins like β-glucuronidase (GUS), green fluorescent protein (GFP), and firefly luciferase (LUC) as reporters of gene activity. The application of reporter genes in plants, specifically in the field of gene expression studies, has expanded over the years from a mere tool to quantify (trans) gene expression in tissue samples, to real-time imaging of in planta promoter dynamics. To correctly interpret the activity that is given by each reporter, it is important to have a good understanding of the intrinsic properties of the different reporter proteins. Here we discuss those properties of GUS, LUC and GFP that are of interest in gene expression studies.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis and intracellular processing of the third component (C3) of complement were studied in cultured rat hepatocytes. In the control cells, the complement C3 was synthesized as a pro-form, a single polypeptide chain comprising both the alpha- and beta-subunits. Although the cleavage of the pro-form into the subunits was not clearly demonstrable within the cells during pulse-chase periods, all the secreted C3 was the mature processed form. The cells were treated with secretion-blocking agents with different modes of action, colchicine and monensin. Colchicine caused an accumulation of the processed C3 within the cells, whereas monensin blocked the secretion without a significant accumulation of the processed form. The results indicate that the conversion of the C3 pro-form into the subunits takes place in the secretory vesicles just before the secretion.  相似文献   

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