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The transmission of the baculovirus of Oryctes rhinoceros, previously called Rhabdionvirus oryctes, was studied. O. rhinoceros adults became infected with the virus when kept in a mixture of sawdust and ground-up virus-killed larvae or together with other virus-infected adults. In the field, mated females were more frequently infected than unmated females. Adults developing from larvae that had survived exposure to various dosages of the virus were not infected. No virus infections occurred in larvae hatching from eggs surface-contaminated with the virus. Larvae hatching from eggs laid by virus-infected females very rarely were infected.In the O. rhinoceros population the virus is transmitted most frequently during mating, possibly when the uninfected partner contacts virus material excreted by the infected partner. The virus can be transmitted in a similar way when infected and healthy beetles feed together in palm trees. Beetles visiting larval breeding sites containing freshly virus-killed larvae can become infected. Virus-infected beetles can pass the infection to healthy larvae when visiting a breeding site.  相似文献   

Microfeeding of Hylobius pales with as few as 40 conidia of Metarrhizium anisopliae, under conditions that excluded any possibility of integumental contaminations, resulted in high mortality. When larger doses were employed, the insects succumbed faster. Histological sections revealed that the fungus invaded the host from within the buccal cavity. There was no evidence of germination and penetration inside the intestinal tract. Spores retained their viability after passing through the gut. In vitro, conidia mixed with the liquid contents of the midgut germinated within 20 hr. Germination occurred even though both yeasts and bacteria were present in the midgut contents. Fungus-killed Hylobius contained hyphae inside their digestive system, but the intima always remained intact.  相似文献   

The manner in which Metarrhizium anisopliae infects larval and adult Hylobius pales was investigated histologically and by scanning electron microscopy. In the presence of fungal and bacterial contaminants on beetles, none or few conidia of M. anisopliae germinated. Antibiosis is suggested, since the inhibition could be eliminated by surface sterilization. On larvae, the contaminants were scarce, and spore germination was greater. With germination, the germ tubes typically grew extensively over the procuticle or sclerites before producing appressoria of various shapes and sizes. These appressoria consistently produced a light-transmissible mucoid substance. Conidia, germ tubes, and appressoria were frequently fused into infection cushions of random arrangement and size. Sclerites of larvae and adults were not penetrated by the fungus, whereas procuticle and metawings were.  相似文献   

The age of three adult dipteran hosts was tested as a factor governing the virulence of two fungal pathogens. The subjects tested were 1-, 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, and 30-day-old animals. The age of the house fly, Musca domestica, the age of the black blowfly, Phormia regina, and the age of the onion fly, Hylemya antiqua, do not significantly affect the virulence of either Beauveria bassiana or Metarrhizium anisopliae. B. bassiana kills M. domestica and P. regina more quickly than does M. anisopliae, but B. bassiana and M. anisopliae kill H. antiqua at the same rate. The ages of all three flies had no significant effect on average death time after inoculation with either pathogen.  相似文献   

The virus Rhabdionvirus oryctes, originally discovered in larvae of the coconut palm dynastid Oryctes rhinoceros in Malaysia, is also pathogenic to second- and early thirdinstar larvae of Scapanes australis grossepunctatus, a dynastid pest of palms in New Guinea. Mortality of Scapanes larvae occurs within 13 to 15 days of infection. Some older third-instar larvae may be resistant. The possibility of using the virus against Scapanes in the field is discussed.  相似文献   

From the culture medium of a strain of Metarhizium anisopliae, 14 depsipeptides have been isolated. Five of them were identified as known destruxins A, B, C, D and desmethyldestruxin B. The structures of the new compounds, named destruxins E, A1, A2, B1, B2, C2, D1, D2 and E1,were established mainly from the mass spectral analysis of their corresponding open-chain derivatives.  相似文献   

The slipper shell snail Crepidula fornicata forms dense assemblages along much of the European coast, where it co-occurs with oysters. We examined the susceptibility of slipper shell larvae to predation by suspension-feeders, including adults of their own species. In particular, we compared filtration rates on phytoplankton with those on larvae, and determined the extent to which consumption of larvae varied with adult size, larval size, and with the presence of alternative food (phytoplankton). We also examined the ability of competent larvae to metamorphose successfully in the presence of feeding adults. For each experiment, adults were held in plastic jars with seawater or phytoplankton suspension and allowed to graze on larvae (101 larvae per jar) for 4-6 h at room temperature (21-23 °C); larvae were kept in circulation with gentle aeration. Adults of C. fornicata ingested substantial numbers of larvae over the complete range of sizes tested, about 450-850 μm shell length. Ingestion rates were reduced by 43-50% in the presence of phytoplankton, and were not correlated with adult shell length. The rates at which larvae were removed by adult slipper shells were generally lower than predicted from the rates at which the same adults ingested phytoplankton, suggesting either some ability of larvae to avoid capture or some difficulty of adults in consuming larvae entrained into their feeding currents. Slipper shell larvae were also readily consumed by adult oysters (Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas), and indeed oysters consumed larvae at faster rates than predicted from their phytoplankton ingestion rates. Nevertheless, substantial numbers of competent larvae managed to metamorphose successfully during the test periods, either on the sides of the jars they were in or on the adults' shells, suggesting that recruitment probably continues in the field even when suspension-feeding adults are at high concentrations in the benthos.  相似文献   

The penetrant hyphae of Metarrhizium anisopliae in the exuvial cuticle of a molting wireworm can form secondary appressoria on the developing new cuticle. From these a new penetrant fungal apparatus can develop through the new cuticle toward the body cavity. The penetrant fungal apparatus in the ecdysial space of the host does not appear to be affected by the histolytic enzymes in the wireworm molting fluid. A mucoidlike substance that envelopes the fungus in the ecdysial space may be, in part, the protective mechanism involved. Bacteria from the soil often invade the ecdysial space of molting wireworms that have difficulty in shedding their exuvia. Pseudomonas aeruginosa can histolyze the proteinaceous exocuticle of the exuvium, the ecdysial membrane, and the dense inner epicuticle of the new cuticle, but not the epicuticle of the exuvium, when it invades the ecdysial space of a molting wireworm.  相似文献   

The high molecular fraction of the extract from Metarhizium anisopliae grown on wheat bran contains proteolytic enzymes which are toxic for Galleria mellonella larvae. The complex of proteases was fractionated using precipitation with ammonium sulfate, gel filtration, and electrofocusing. Two components have been found: one with the optimum of activity on hemoglobin at pH 6.5, and the second with the optimum around pH 9. The prevailing protease acting at pH 6.5 was inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and the inhibition was followed by decrease of toxicity. The molecular weights of the enzymes are 35 × 103 and 71 × 103.  相似文献   

Extracellular enzyme production in solid culture media was analyzed in order to determine the variability among different Metarhizium anisopliae isolates. Using specific substrates, amylase, lipase, chitinase, and protease production was tested in 11 isolates from different regions of Brazil. Enzyme production was determined by the formation of a halo around the colony, and the diameters of both halo and colony were measured. The enzymatic index was expressed by the colony diameter/halo diameter ratio. In general, the isolates from the same region had similar enzymatic indexes, although similar indexes were also found for isolates from geographically distinct regions. The different isolates were tentatively grouped according to index similarity.  相似文献   

Termites encounter a diverse array of potentially useful and harmful fungi in their subterranean habitats. These vary from symbiotic to harmful species with varying levels of virulence. How these hemiedaphic insects survive in habitats with infective fungi is not well understood. Possible mediation of olfactory signals in avoiding contact with entomopathogenic fungi has been explored by a number of workers. In the present study, we initially found that Macrotermes michaelseni detected a virulent isolate of Metarhizium anisopliae from some distance and avoided direct physical contact. We hypothesized that there may be a relationship between virulence and repellency of different isolates of M. anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana to the termite. We compared these for selected isolates of the two fungi. Positive correlations between the two parameters for both sets of isolates of the fungi were obtained. The results show an interesting co-evolutionary phenomenon in which the termite's response to either M. anisopliae or B. bassiana is directly related to potential harm these fungi can inflict on the insect and that the virulent strains are more likely to be recognized from some distance and avoided.  相似文献   

A new genotyping tool has been developed and evaluated for Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae. The tool is based on Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of three chitinase genes that are functionally linked to insect-pathogenicity of this fungus. It allowed for discrimination of 14 genotypes among 22 M. anisopliae var. anisopliae strains of a world wide collection. Analyses revealed that the approach may also be applicable to other Metarhizium varieties. The new tool will be useful for genetic characterization of M. anisopliae var. anisopliae strains, and it is applicable for laboratories with limited access to molecular diagnostic equipment.  相似文献   

The entomogenous fungi Beauveria bassiana (nine isolates), Metarhizium anisopliae (seven isolates), and Paecilomyces farinosus (four isolates) were tested as pathogens of larvae of the elm bark beetle, Scolytus scolytus. Single isolates of B. bassiana and M. anisopliae were also tested against adult beetles. Of the 21 isolates tested as conidial suspensions against larvae, all proved pathogenic. The three most and least virulent isolates were, respectively, isolates of B. bassiana and M. anisopliae. The other isolates fell between these two extremes, with the four P. farinosus isolates all moderately virulent. Spore retention on larvae following inoculation was estimated by washing conidia off the larvae. From the results it was possible to relate larval mortality to the approximate spore dose causing infection at different spore concentrations. Thus, application of spores of the three pathogens at a concentration of 103 spores/ml resulted in limited mortality. At this concentration, an average of only a single spore was recovered from the inoculated larva. Adult bark beetles also proved susceptible to infection by isolates of B. bassiana and M. anisopliae. They were exposed to discs of elm bark dipped in a conidial suspension. It was estimated that a dose of less than 100 spores could cause infection of beetles following feeding on the elm bark discs.  相似文献   

Reticulitermes flavipes workers were individually inoculated with 10,000 conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. After being kept in groups of 20 individuals for 1-6 d, histopathological approach showed that most of the inoculated conidia were groomed from the surface of the cuticle by nestmates within 24 h, and that a large number of conidia was subsequently found in different parts of the gut of the groomers. Our observations showed that, among thousands of conidia found in the termite’s gut, conidial germination never occurred in all inspected specimens, even when the conidia had the chance to bind to the surface of the cuticular lining of the gut. In addition, when termites were left for decomposition several days after death caused by an external infection of M. anisopliae, the hyphal growth was generalized in the body cavity of the cadaver, but was never observed in the lumen of the gut even 2 d post-mortem. Our observation suggests that the putative biochemicals involved in the termite’s gut defense against fungal pathogens are from multiple origins.  相似文献   

Conidial germination and the formation of appressoria are important events in the interactions between entomopathogenic fungi and their arthropod hosts. In this study, we demonstrate the effects of lipids extracted from tick epicuticle and the surface of a mammalian host (calf) on conidial germination and the development of appressoria in two subspecies of Metarhizium anisopliae, M. anisopliae var. anisopliae (M.an.an.-7) and M. anisopliae var. acridum (M.an.ac.-5), which have different levels of virulence toward ticks. Pentane extracts of epicuticles of ticks susceptible and resistant to fungal infection always stimulated the germination of M.an.an.-7 conidia and the development of their appressoria; whereas the effects of dichloromethane (DCM) extracts of tick epicuticle varied depending on the tick. The DCM extracts from most of the tick species and developmental stages stimulated conidial germination and/or the formation of appressoria in M.an.an.-7. However, a DCM extract of lipids from the most resistant tick, engorged Hyalomma excavatum female, inhibited the germination of M.an.an.-7 conidia. Conidia of the non-virulent M.an.ac.-5 did not germinate on agarose amended with any of the examined tick extracts. However, when the tick extracts were placed on bactoagar, conidial germination increased 7- to 8-fold. Extracts from the skin, hair and ear secretions of a calf stimulated conidial germination and the formation of appressoria in M.an.an.-7, but not M.an.ac.-5. This study demonstrates that lipids from tick epicuticles and mammalian skin selectively affect the germination of conidia of entomopathogenic fungi. The effects of these lipids may explain the variability in tick control these fungi provide for different hosts.  相似文献   

Gel permeation, preparative isoelectric focusing, and affinity chromatography were used to purify three inhibitors of proteolytic activity from perchloric acid extracts of last instar Galleria mellonella larvae. Electrofocusing experiments revealed three isoinhibitors with different isoelectric points: inhibitor I-1 with p1 of pH 5.6, inhibitor I-2, pH 7.7, and inhibitor I-3 (of small inhibitory activity), pH 8.6. By affinity chromatography on trypsin-Sepharose 4B the I-1 was purified 9.7 ×, but 71.1% of inhibitory activity was lost. Molecular mass of the inhibitory complex was 12,600 Da. I-1 and I-2 are relatively stable to heat at several pHs with minor stability at pH 10. I-1 and I-2 inhibit serine proteases about 2.5 times as much as sulfhydryl proteases. In the same ratio protease P-1 and protease P-2 from Metarhizium anisopliae are inhibited.  相似文献   

A forced heterocaryon was established between two auxotrophic conidial color mutants of Metarhizium anisopliae. From the heterocaryon, a prototrophic somatic diploid was selected which, in turn, yielded somatic segregants. The virulence of the original mutants, the somatic diploid, and the somatic segregants was evaluated on three species of mosquitoes as well as on Ostrinia nubilalis larvae. The virulence of the somatic diploid was comparable to that of the wild-type parental strain while the auxotrophic somatic segregants exhibited virulence approximately equal to that of the auxotrophic components of the heterocaryon. Putative somatic diploids were obtained between morphological mutants of the two species varieties (M. anisopliae var. minor and var. major). The presumptive diploids were avirulent for the insect species to which the parental strains exhibited virulence.  相似文献   

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