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The annual reproductive cycle of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck) was examined in individuals collected from four habitats in the Anclote estuary near Tarpon Springs, Florida. Two periods of advanced gametogenic activity were apparent, but this bimodal pattern was not necessarily reflected by gonad growth curves. Differences in reproductive events among sub-populations were related primarily to patterns of gonad growth. Reproductive synchrony present during spring became less apparent as spawning and recovery within the sub-populations took place at differential rates during late-spring and summer. The final spawnout in late summer returned the sub-populations into gametogenic synchrony.  相似文献   

The absorption efficiencies of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck) were calculated by an indicator method. Absorption efficiencies for total organic material, protein, lipid, and carbohydrate were highest with Halimeda incrassata Ellis as food (43 %, 65 %, 71 % and 35 %, respectively), and lowest with Eucheuma isiforme C. Agardh as food (?35%, ?42%, ?56%and ?34%, respectively). Moderately positive absorption efficiencies for total organic material were found with Thalassia testudinum König & Sims and Ulva lactuca L. as food, and low positive absorption efficiencies for total organic material are found with Syringodium filiformis Kützing and Sargassum sp. as food. Absorption efficiencies of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson) (calculated from the literature) were much greater than those of Lytechinus for carbohydrate, but less for protein and lipid. Both sea urchins showed negative efficiencies for some nutrient fractions of their foods. The absorption index (mg nutrient fraction absorbed/g dry wt ingested) showed that Thalassia supplied the most protein and total organic material (43 mg/g dry wt ingested and 142 mg/g dry wt ingested, respectively). In general, the absorption indices indicate that Lytechinus obtains more protein and lipid, but less carbohydrate from its food than does Strongylocentrotus. In the field Lytechinus has primarily a detrital diet.  相似文献   

Although most invertebrate larvae are weak swimmers and act as passive particles on horizontal scales, they may be able to regulate their vertical position in response to different factors, including increased food concentration. We examined the effect of the quality of food patches on larval vertical distribution for the sea urchins Lytechinus variegatus and Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, and determined the effect of dietary conditioning on that response in the laboratory. We reared larvae on a mixed algal diet of Dunaliella tertiolecta and Isochrysis galbana under low (500 cells ml−1) and high (5000 cells ml−1) rations. Food patches were maintained in Plexiglas rectangular columns (30×10×10 cm) using a density gradient, where practical salinity in the bottom layer was 33, in the middle layer 30, and in the top layer 27. We examined the magnitude and mechanism of a behavioural response of larvae of L. variegatus in the four-arm stage, and on two developmental stages of S. droebachiensis (four- and six-arm), by manipulating patch quality. In the absence of a patch, larvae of both species and developmental stages swam through to the surface of the experimental columns. In the presence of algae, fewer larvae were present above the patch and more were at the patch than in control columns. More larvae swam through patches of “unflavoured” algal mimics than algal patches, and aggregated at the surface. Larval distribution relative to patches of algal filtrate without algal cells or of “flavoured” algal mimics in algal filtrate was not consistently different from that in either control or algal patches; thus, the magnitude of larval response to filtrate (with or without particles) was intermediate between that to control and algal patches. For L. variegatus, more larvae crossed the patches when reared on low than high rations, indicating that poorly conditioned larvae may be less responsive to environmental cues. Our results suggest that larvae can actively aggregate and maintain a vertical position in response to a food patch that depends on the quality and quantity of food. The response appears to be based mostly on a chemosensory rather than a mechanosensory mechanism.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of culture temperature on feed intake, absorption, organismal growth, and tissue production of Lytechinus variegatus by culturing individuals at three different temperatures representing the normal range of temperature exposure in wild populations in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Large L. variegatus (ca. 42 + 0.6 mm diameter, 36 + 1.3 g wet weight, n = 97) were collected at St. Joseph Bay, Florida, in October 2001. Eight sea urchins were held individually in 1-L containers within an 80-L aquarium with recirculated synthetic seawater at 32-ppt salinity. Three aquaria with the containers were each placed in three incubators at temperatures of 16, 22, or 28 °C for 8 weeks. Sea urchins held at 22 °C had the highest rate of feed intake. Feed intake in individuals held at 16 °C decreased significantly during the first 2 weeks of exposure and then increased to values not significantly different from those held at 28 °C by week 6. The dry matter absorption efficiency of individuals held at 28 °C was significantly higher than those held at 16 °C or 22 °C. The percentage of organic matter in the feces did not vary significantly with temperature. Individuals increased significantly in diameter, wet weight, and gonad weight at all temperatures. The wet weights of individuals held at 22 °C were significantly higher than those held at 28 °C or 16 °C, which did not differ significantly. The gut weight varied inversely with temperature. The wet weight of gonads of individuals held at 22 °C was significantly higher than those held at 28 °C, but neither differed significantly from those held at 16 °C. Production efficiencies, both organismal and gonadal, were inversely proportional to temperature, indicating that the overall metabolic cost of production increased with increasing temperatures. Organism production efficiencies were lower and gonad production efficiencies were higher than those found in small sea urchins, emphasizing that patterns of nutrient allocation vary between small and large sea urchins. Physiological processes associated with feed intake, absorption, and nutrient allocations vary with temperature, but allow the sea urchins to maintain growth and gonad production at a variety of temperatures. These data suggest that temperatures near the upper limits do not promote efficient use of resources, an important consideration for future commercial culture. Since gonad (roe) production is the ultimate goal of many aquaculture operations, gonad production efficiencies will provide a valuable tool for evaluating the efficacy of various feeds and feeding conditions on gonad production.  相似文献   

Ecologically, sea urchins are an important species in marine habitats around the world. Economically, sea urchins are prized for their gonads (uni). With fisheries declining worldwide, intensive sea urchin culture has been proposed. For urchins in commercial culture, any factor that affects survivorship negatively should be addressed to maximize cost benefit. One potential obstacle to optimizing culture of sea urchins is cannibalism. Approximately 2000 adult and juvenile Lytechinus variegatus (1 g-45 g) were collected from Port Saint Joseph Peninsula State Park, FL between June and September 2009. Urchins were held in recirculating tanks at different sizes, densities, and feeding regimes for 4 weeks. Starvation and high density contributed to the highest level of cannibalism among small (12-21 g) urchins (percent cannibalism = 18.8%), whereas fed, high density conditions contributed to the highest level of cannibalism among large (32-37 g) urchins (percent cannibalism = 18.4%). These results suggest that (1) small urchins cannibalize at higher rates than large urchins, and (2) increased density is an important contributing factor leading to cannibalism. We quantified stress, defined as a decrease in production as a result of environmental conditions, by evaluating weight gain within each treatment and suggest that weight loss or minimal weight gain is an indicator of stress. We hypothesize increased stress caused by competitive interference can lead to increased cannibalism and decreased growth rates, even when food is not limiting. Ecologically, there are no reports of cannibalism of urchins in wild populations. Consequently, the role of cannibalism in regulating sea urchin community structure is not known. However, factors affecting cannibalism of L. variegatus in the laboratory may provide insight into the conditions that could result in cannibalism in wild populations. From an aquaculture perspective, it is important to determine those factors that contribute to the incidence of cannibalism in sea urchins so that the appropriate culture conditions can be maintained to reduce the incidence of cannibalism.  相似文献   

Previously starved urchins, Lytechinus variegatus, (36.0 ± 0.8 (SE) mm test diameter) were held in replicated (3) 10-L aquaria with artificial seawater at 22 ± 2  °C and 32‰ salinity and fed three diet treatments. Urchins were fed diets containing 9 : 35, 20 : 23 or 31 : 12% dry protein: % dry carbohydrate (P : C) ad libitum for a 65-day period. Gonads from urchins fed the 9 : 35 P : C diet had similar organic, lower ash, and lower water content than urchins fed the 31 : 12 P : C protein diet. Water content varied with both diet and nutritional history; consequently, water content may have limited value as a predictor of gonad nutritional status. Protein and carbohydrate concentrations in the gonad were directly related to the dietary composition of these nutrients; gonad lipids did not vary with diet. Excess carbohydrates are frequently stored as fats in fish and mammals but this does not appear to be the case in L. variegatus. Test carbohydrate storage and gut protein storage also reflected dietary composition. Image analysis of ovaries indicated decreased nutritive phagocyte volume, increased germinal epithelium volume and larger oocyte diameters in urchins fed high protein, low carbohydrate diets. Analysis of testes also indicated decreased nutritive phagocyte volume and increased gamete volume with urchins fed high protein, low carbohydrate diets, but differences among treatments were less obvious than in ovaries. This study suggests that high protein, low carbohydrate diets promote gamete growth and development. In addition, the biochemical and gametic composition of gonads can be altered by manipulating dietary composition. This could affect the quality and value of sea urchin roe for human consumption.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Spawning groups of the teleostCyprinodon macularius kept at 28° C in air-saturated water of 35 salinity were allowed to spawn at intervals of 3 to 4 days. Their eggs were transferred 4 hours after fertilization into a variety of temperature-salinity combinations and the newly hatched young fixed within 60 minutes. The body form of these young was then examined by measuring 13 different length, depth and width dimensions.2. All 13 dimensions vary as a function of the temperature and salinity conditions effective during incubation. The dimension versus temperature plot results in differently shaped curves in the three test salinities.3. In fresh water, body length decreases above and below 32° to 33° C, while the various depth and width measurements increase. Maximum total length values are therefore correlated with minimum depth and width values; the body tends to become deeper and wider in the lowest and highest temperatures tested.4. In 35 body length decreases progressively with increasing temperature, especially near the upper critical temperature (34°, 35° C). All depth and width dimensions measured tend to decrease more or less harmoniously; hence there is little change in body form (isometry).5. In 70 body length decreases rapidly from 26° to 28° C but changes little in the next higher temperature level (31° C). All depth and width dimensions measured tend to change proportionally (often not quite as harmoniously as in 35 ).6. It seems possible that the increasing degree of disharmony in the order 35 < 70 < fresh water is related to the fact that(a) all eggs tested were laid and fertilized in 35 and remained there for 4 hours before being transferred into the test salinities and(b) 35 affords near optimum conditions for growth and reproduction. It seems possible that the structural consequences of exposure to the different incubation media may be different if spawning took place in fresh water or 70 instead of in 35 .7. Body depth and width tend to increase with decreasing salinity, resulting in rounder fish in fresh water with less surface area per unit volume.8. Body dimensions (length as well as depth and width) are significantly smaller in 70 than in fresh water or 35 .9. Changes in body dimensions of hatching fry may be related to the concomittant changes in the amounts of dissolved gases, especially O2, in the various temperature and salinity combinations employed.10. Environmental effects during very early ontogeny are of paramount importance for the functional and structural properties of the individual and may modify its ecological capacities.
Die Wirkungen verschiedener Temperatur-Salzgehalts Kombinationen auf die Körperform frischgeschlüpftercyprinodon macularius (Teleostei)
Kurzfassung Eier des KnochenfischesCyprinodon macularius wurden 4 Stunden nach dem Laichakt in verschiedene Temperatur-Salzgehalts Kombinationen überführt und unter kontrollierten Bedingungen erbrütet. Alle zum Laichen angesetzten Elterntiere besaßen einen ähnlichen genetischen Hintergrund (Nachkommen eines einzigen Ausgangspaares) und waren während ihres ganzen Lebens bei 28° C und 35 S gehalten worden. Die frischgeschlüpften Jungfische wurden möglichst rasch fixiert und 13 ihrer Körperdimensionen vermessen. — Alle vermessenen Dimensionen werden durch Temperatur und Salzgehalt des Inkubationsmediums beeinflußt. Trägt man die Dimensionen gegen die Inkubationstemperatur auf, so ergeben sich in den drei Testsalzgehalten unterschiedliche Kurvenzüge. In Süßwasser nimmt die Körperlänge von 28° bis 33° C zu, verringert sich aber merkbar bei 34° C; Körpertiefe und -breite verhalten sich praktisch umgekehrt; die größte Länge wird also bei einer intermediären Temperaturstufe erreicht und ist korreliert mit Minimalwerten für Tiefe und Breite (v-förmige Kurven); die größte Tiefe und Breite wird in den niedrigsten (28° C) und in den höchsten (34° C) Testtemperaturen erreicht. In 35 verringert sich die Körperlänge mit abnehmender Temperatur und sowohl die Tiefe als auch die Breite des Körpers verändern sich nahezu direkt proportional (weitgehend isometrisches Wachstum). In 70 nimmt die Körperlänge von 26° nach 28° C rapide ab, zeigt aber bei 31° C nur geringfügige Veränderungen; Tiefe und Breite verändern sich harmonisch; das Ausmaß der Isometrie ist jedoch zumeist geringer als in 35 . Mit abnehmendem Salzgehalt verringert sich der Oberflächen/Volumen-Quotient des Körpers. Die Befunde werden im Lichte früherer Untersuchungen anC. macularius und ähnlicher Studien an anderen aquatischen Organismen eingehend erörtert. Zweifellos kommt dem Einfluß der Umwelt — insbesondere während der sehr frühen Ontogenie — eine hervorragende Bedeutung zu für die funktionellen und strukturellen Eigenschaften und damit für die ökologische Potenz des aufwachsenden Individuums.

The herbivorous snail Littorina unifasciata (Philippi) is widely distributed, and different species of predatory whelks occur in different parts of its range. At Coobowie, South Australia, L. unifasciata coexists with and avoids Lepsiella vinosa (Lamarck), while at Portobello, New Zealand, Littorina unifasciata similarly coexists with and avoids Lepsiella scobina albomarginata (Deshayes). By transporting Lepsiella vinosa from Coobowie to Portobello it was shown that Littorina unifasciata from the latter population did not avoid this foreign species but were captured, drilled and eaten by it.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the probability, distance, and direction of swimming in bay scallops (Argopectenirradions Lamarck, 1819) were studied through a series of experimental releases in the field and in a 3-m tank. The probability of a scallop swimming was significantly influenced by the type of substratum on which it was released (sand vs. grassbed), by contact with two natural gastropod predators (Murex, Fasciolaria), and by the amount of rest allowed after a previous swim. The horizontal distance traveled by a swimming scallop was significantly influenced by artificial weight of a magnitude equivalent to a normal load of shell-encrusting organisms, by the amount of rest allowed after a previous swim, by the height attained in the water column, and by the scallop's size. The direction of scallop swimming was significantly influenced by the location along the mantle edge where a predator was contacted, and by factors probably related to the asymmetrical water flow pattern through the mantle cavity. Swimming in bay scallops apparently serves to maintain position in grassbeds and to avoid predators.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence suggests that female Cyprinodon variegatus do not select between competitively inferior and superior males, but rather, deposit eggs randomly and in proportion to the size of the male's territory. The females do seem to have an habitat preference and probably influence the location where males compete for territorial space.  相似文献   

Western banded geckos, Coleonyx variegatus, responded to the presence of a potential snake predator by raising or undulating the tail or by doing both. The lizards responded to large snakes more often than to small snakes, and individuals with original tails responded with a defensive posture more often than those with regenerated tails.  相似文献   

Populations of three coexisting intertidal gastropods, Nerita atramentosa Reeve, Bembicium nanum (Lamarck) and Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby), were sampled from a shore in Botany Bay, New South Wales, from July 1972 to September 1973. The recruitment and growth rates of each species were analysed from size frequency distributions. Mortality of each age cohort, and longevity, were estimated from analyses of the densities of Nerita atramentosa and Bembicium nanum.Nerita atramentosa showed no significant mortality during the first two years on the shore, but high mortality (at an instantaneous rate of 0.084 deaths/individual/month) after reaching the age of reproductive maturity, which was 20 months from settlement and at a mean shell-length of 13.5 mm. No growth could be detected after reproductive maturity was reached. Longevity of N. atramentosa was estimated as 3–5.5 years. Bembicium nanum juveniles showed higher mortality (at an instantaneous rate of 0.233 deaths/individual/month) than reproductively mature animals (0.060 deaths/individual/month). Reproductive maturity was reached at a mean shell-breadth of 11.0mm, i.e., about ten months after settlement on the shore. Longevity was estimated as from 4–8 years. Cellana tramoserica showed different growth patterns depending on the time of settlement.The three species showed different patterns of growth and life history relating to variable recruitment (which was demonstrated in all three species) and different rates of mortality of age cohorts.  相似文献   

The geographic range of the coral, Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck, 1816), extends into temperate waters outside the southern limit for hermatypic corals. In the present study, calcification in Plesiastrea collected from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria was examined over the coral's normal annual temperature range (10-21 °C), which is well below the normal optimum for coral calcification in tropical corals (25-28 °C). Calcification rate in Plesiastrea was considerably lower than in reef corals, but showed a similar pattern in temperature responses, with a trend towards higher rates at ∼18 °C. The light/dark calcification ratio was markedly lower than that in tropical corals. Autoradiography showed that calcification occurred primarily by deposition of calcium carbonate at the upper surfaces of the septo-costae. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that skeletal deposition in Plesiastrea had a temperature-dependent diel pattern. In the light, calcium carbonate was deposited as small spheroidal crystals and, at higher temperatures, small needle-shaped crystals. In the dark, calcium carbonate deposition appeared to be in the form of an amorphous sheet-like cementation. Compared with other scleractinian corals, calcification rate in Plesiastrea was relatively slow and showed different patterns of skeletal deposition.  相似文献   

Caging experiments were undertaken in the field to test if competition occurs within and between the limpet Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby) and the starfish Patiriella exigua (Lamarck). Both species suffer from intraspecific competition, even at natural densities, and increased density reduces body weight and survival in Cellana tramoserica and growth rate in Patiriella exigua. Cellana tramoserica depresses the growth of Patiriella exigua, while the starfish unexpectedly seems beneficial to Cellana tramoserica, increasing its body weight. The difference in these effects may be due to the divergent methods of feeding used by the two species. C. tramoserica digs into the substratum and removes most available microflora, while Patiriella exigua everts its stomach onto the rock face and can only remove superficial or loosely attached microflora and detritus, and leaves a mucous web which may supplement the diet of Cellana tramoserica. Even at low densities C. tramoserica can completely prevent macroalgae from developing, while Patiriella exigua is unable to do so, although it shows the rate of development. Macroalgae grew in all the cages which contained only P. exigua, but in spite of this the starfish still suffered from intraspecific competition, probably because they cannot feed on macroalgae. Cellana tramoserica also competes by interference, and on contact with Patiriella exigua it extends its mantle and pallial tentacles, both of which may release mucus. P. exigua retreats from Cellana tramoserica, and those parts of its body that have been touched by the limpet may temporarily be immobilised and become wrinkled up. It is suggested that this interference behaviour by C. tramoserica is derived from a similar but more intense reaction that it has to invertebrate predators. Patiriella exigua lacks a pelagic larva and does not have a refuge outside the range of Cellana tramoserica. Other factors must thus be sought to explain the continued coexistence of Patiriella exigua with Cellana tramoserica. It is suggested that although C. tramoserica has a competitive effect on Patiriella exigua, it (and other grazers) may be necessary for P. exigua, preventing macroalgal growth and maintaining a surface suitable for P. exigua to feed on.  相似文献   

The effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone upon the activity of corpora allata (CA) from female Diploptera punctata has been investigated. This ecdysteroid inhibits juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis by the CA, whether they have been implanted into a male, or remained in situ within the female. In the female, this inhibition is reflected in reduced oöcyte growth and vitellin content. The allatostatic effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone becomes apparent in vivo within 24 hr. However, no inhibition was observed when the CA were maintained in vitro for 42 hr in medium containing up to 1·10?5 M 20-hydroxyecdysone. This suggests that the effect of the hormone upon the CA is indirect. These experiments raise the possibility that ecdysteroids play an allatostatic role during the normal gonotrophic cycle in Diploptera.  相似文献   

Growth and reproduction in a Florida population of bay scallop, Argopecten irradians (Lamarck), existing at the southern limit of its distribution, was monitored over a 3-yr period. Somatic growth accompanied increasing water temperature between May and August, when maximum mantle, digestive gland, and adductor muscle weights and indexes were observed. From July through September, reproductive development was correlated with a decline in adductor muscle weight and index. Maximum gonad weight, gonad index, and oocyte diameter were found in late September and early October. Spawning commenced at this time in conjunction with decreasing water temperature.In comparison to more northern populations, the reproductive cycle of the Florida bay scallop occurs later in the year and is characterized by a higher gametogenic initiation temperature, a decreased maximum gonad index and decreased oocyte diameter, and a shift in reproductive energy resources from digestive gland (available food) to adductor muscle (pre-stored reserves). Increased metabolic rate associated with higher temperature and coupled with decreased food supply results in the Florida bay scallop having less energy available for reproduction, ultimately limiting its southern distribution.  相似文献   



The use of preparations from Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lamarck) Oken (Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamarck) Persoon) in tocolysis is supported by clinical evidence. We studied here the effect of B. pinnatum leaf press juice and its chemical fractions on the response of human myometrial strips. No data are available if the influence on myometrial strips of the juice differs from that of its components in the chemical fractions, in order to increase the pharmacological effect.


In vitro study to test the effect of repeated addition of B. pinnatum leaf press juice (BPJ) and its chemical components in several dilutions (undiluted, 1-10%) on myometrium strips hang up in a myograph chamber. Chemical analysis is including HPLC, MPLC with Sephadex LH-20 and TLC.


All test solutions are inhibiting contractility by reducing the amplitude and the area under the curve (AUC) of the contractions. Undiluted BPJ and its undiluted chemical fraction 4 are reducing most effective these two parameters: the amplitude was at 78% of the baseline (95% CI (77-89); p < 0.05) at the second addition of the BPJ and at 70% (95% CI (50-90); p < 0.05) of the first addition of fraction 4; the AUC was at 82% (95% CI (69-95); p < 0.05) of the baseline at the first addition of the press juice and at 51% (95% CI (27-74); p < 0.05) at the first addition of fraction 4. The BPJ decreased amplitude and AUC significantly faster and increased frequency significantly faster than the control. Fractions could be tentatively assigned to bufadienolids, flavonoids and cinnamic acids. Fraction 4, accounted for flavonoids, increased the frequency of the contractions most effectively: 557% of the baseline (95% CI (316-797); p < 0.05) at the first addition.


Leaf juice of B. pinnatum and its flavonoid fraction are most effective in relaxing myometrial strips by inducing frequency.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscope study of the surface of Priapulus caudatus is presented. Both adults and larvae have been studied. The pharynx, circumoral region, collar, proboscis, trunk, caudal appendage, and larval lorica are described.  相似文献   

The population ecology of Patella aspera (Lamarck) was studied as part of an oil pollution baseline study. Contrary to earlier reports, P. aspera appears to be a protandrous hermaphrodite. Maturation of the gonads began in May-June and spawning took place in October. Variations in density, standing crop, and mean size were related to exposure to wave action and tidal level. The low shore in extreme exposure may be designated as the centre of P. aspera's range; abundance is high but biomass and mean size are reduced. Higher on the shore, and in reduced exposure to wave action, P. aspera attains a greater mean size and biomass, but is eventually replaced by P. vulgata L. Two main factors are adduced as being critical to competition between the two species. In terms of tidal level, P. aspera is less tolerant of desiccation than P. vulgata, while in terms of the exposure-shelter gradient, P. aspera appears to have a much less variable growth rate. P. aspera may be defined, therefore, as a non-migratory, low shore, specialist species, highly adapted to a specific set of environmental conditions, but lacking the ability to adapt to others.  相似文献   

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