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Mechanisms of interaction between central and receptor neurons of the crayfish (the principal inhibitory neuron — PIN — and the slow-adapting stretch receptor — SAR) when functioning under different conditions were investigated: during regular spontaneous activity of SAR, grouped discharges of PIN, and regular spontaneous activity of PIN. A close connection was found between the various parameters of the PIN and SAR responses. Adaptation of SAR to the action of adequate, regular repetitive stimulation takes place faster in the presence of stationary background activity of PIN. The appearance and disappearance of SAR spike activity are determined by the ratio between the firing rates of SAR and PIN: at the moment of changeover the neuron with the higher firing rate is predominant.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR, Kishinev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 429–438, July–August, 1972.  相似文献   

蜜蜂级型分化机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂Apis spp.能有效地为多种植物及农作物授粉, 具有重要的经济和生态价值; 蜜蜂作为高度真社会性昆虫, 已成为社会生物学研究的模式生物。社会性昆虫的生殖劳动分工具有重要的进化意义, 而级型分化是形成生殖劳动分工的基础。近年来, 关于蜜蜂级型分化的研究已取得诸多重要成果, 其机理也得到了较为深入的阐释。营养差异引发蜜蜂幼虫的级型分化。蜂王浆中的主要蛋白组分之一--Royalactin是诱导蜂王发育的关键营养因子, 而脂肪体细胞的表皮生长因子受体介导了Royalactin的这种蜂王诱导作用。DNA甲基化是重要的表观遗传机制之一, 且与个体发育和疾病发生紧密相关, 近来的研究表明DNA甲基化在蜜蜂级型分化过程中发挥重要的调控作用。此外, 越来越多的研究进一步深化了人们对内分泌系统调节级型分化作用的认识。本文从关键营养因子调控、 表观遗传调控和内分泌调节3方面综述蜜蜂级型分化的机理, 并对未来的研究提出可能的方向。  相似文献   

Summary The ability of honey bees to dance compromise directions when confronted with conflicting light and gravity references was used to determine their spectral sensitivity. The action spectrum has peaks at 450 nm and 550 nm and thus indicates the contributions of the blue and green receptors of the bees' compound eyes. There is no obvious contribution from the UV receptors. The dance directions indicate that blue and yellow-green light is regarded as sunlight. UV light seems not to be so interpreted, though it clearly influences the bees' orientation to gravity, if it is polarized. This result is consistent with our earlier findings which demonstrated that the bees' 350 nm receptors are used as detectors of blue skylight rather than sunlight. Because the receptor contributions differ, there is a clear distinction between the sun compass behaviour apparent in the dances and the phototaxis responses observed in other contexts.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG-Schwerpunkt 322, 243  相似文献   

视觉通路的研究在神经科学、 仿生应用和医学治疗上都具有十分重要的意义。西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera作为神经生物学研究的重要模式生物已被广泛地应用于视觉通路的研究。蜜蜂的视觉器官包括1对复眼和3只单眼, 复眼是形成视觉的主要感觉器官。视叶是蜜蜂传递和处理视觉信息的主要神经构造, 它包括视神经节层、 视髓质层、 视小叶和前视结节4个等级的神经纤维网。复杂的视觉信息在经过大脑的各级神经时被分离, 以许多空间隔离的并行连续的视觉通路传递和加工, 然后汇集到高级脑中枢, 部分甚至与其他感觉模态的信息相整合, 最终输出有效信息来调控蜜蜂的各种行为。本文按照信息在视叶中逐级传递的顺序对蜜蜂复眼的视觉通路研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(6):981-988
An aqueous based extraction process was developed to obtain soluble fractions from Sargassum muticum. Microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity (MHG) and subsequent rehydration and extraction stages (MHG-W) in an open system, hot pressurized water extraction or autohydrolysis (A) and enzyme aided extraction (E) were selected on the basis of their simplicity and the possibility of using water as solvent. The performance of these combined technologies using biorenewable solvents to extract antioxidants was compared. A preliminary selection of MHG extraction conditions suggested that 600 W was the optimal irradiation power. A multistage process based on an initial solvent free MHG stage followed by a sequence of water extraction stages (MHG-W) proved suited to selectively obtain phenolic compounds in shorter times than conventional processes. The yield of total solubles was lower than with conventional solvent extraction, but the phenolic content of the extracts and their ABTS radical scavenging properties were enhanced. The microscopic observations of extracted tissues confirmed the impact of the microwave and hot pressurized water processes on the algal cell wall integrity.  相似文献   

Stability properties of gravity receptor transduction mechanisms were investigated by recording action potentials from the eighth nerve of cats maintained at two spatial positions both with and without an added click perturbation. The cells were demonstrated to present directional sensitivity, multivaluedness and wandering of mean rate trajectories. To the wandering were fitted appropriate stability boundaries corresponding to recent theories of finite time stability. Results supported the hypothesis that physiological stimuli result in local deformations of a flexible trampoline-like macula.  相似文献   

Substance P is known to modulate neuronal nicotinicacetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the sympathetic nervous system.There are two conflicting proposals for the mechanism of this effect, an indirect action mediated by protein kinase C (PKC) and a direct interaction with receptor subunits. We studied the mechanisms of thiseffect in PC-12 cells. Substance P enhanced the decay of thenicotine-induced whole cell current. This effect was fast in its onsetand was not antagonized by guanosine5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate), a G protein blocker, orstaurosporine, a nonselective PKC blocker. Staurosporine failed toreverse the inhibition by 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), a synthetic diacylglycerol analog known to activate PKC. Theinhibitory effects of the peptide and OAG were preserved in excisedpatches, but substance P applied to the extra patch membrane wasineffective in the cell-attached patch configuration. We conclude thatsubstance P modulates neuronal nAChRs most likely by direct interactions with the receptors but independently from activation ofPKC or G proteins and that PKC does not participate in modulation by OAG.


The low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) belongs to a growing number of cell surface proteins that undergo regulated proteolytic processing that culminates in the release of their intracellular domain (ICD) by the intramembranous protease gamma-secretase. Here we show that LRP1 is differentially glycosylated in a tissue-specific manner and that carbohydrate addition reduces proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular domain and, concomitantly, ICD release. The apolipoprotein E (apoE) receptor-2 (apoER2), another member of the LDL receptor family with functions in cellular signal transmission, also undergoes sequential proteolytic processing, resulting in intracellular domain release into the cytoplasm. The penultimate processing step also involves cleavage of the apoER2 extracellular domain. The rate at which this cleavage step occurs is determined by the glycosylation state of the receptor, which in turn is regulated by the alternative splicing of an exon encoding several O-linked sugar attachment sites. These findings suggest a role for differential and tissue-specific glycosylation as a physiological switch that modulates the diverse biological functions of these receptors in a cell-type specific manner.  相似文献   

Biological responses to neuropeptides are rapidly attenuated by overlapping mechanisms that include peptide degradation by cell-surface proteases, receptor uncoupling from heterotrimeric G-proteins and receptor endocytosis. We have investigated the mechanisms that terminate the proinflammatory effects of the neuropeptide substance P (SP), which are mediated by the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R). Neutral endopeptidase degrades SP in the extracellular fluid and is one of the first mechanisms to terminate signalling. G-protein receptor kinases and second-messenger kinases phosphorylate the NK1R to permit interaction with beta-arrestins, which uncouple the receptor from G-proteins to terminate the signal. SP-induces NK1R endocytosis by a beta-arrestin-dependent mechanism, which also involves the GTPases dynamin and Rab5a. Endocytosis contributes to desensitization by depleting receptors from the cell surface. Disruption of these mechanisms results in uncontrolled stimulation and disease. Thus the deletion of neutral endopeptidase in mice exacerbates inflammation of many tissues. There are similarities and distinct differences in the mechanisms that regulate signalling by neuropeptide receptors and other G-protein-coupled receptors, in particular those that are activated irreversibly by proteolysis.  相似文献   

Summary Responses of pyridine sensitive units on walking legs of the crayfishOrconectes limosus have been studied using extracellular recording techniques.Post-stimulus-time histograms were established and the mean values of the maximal frequencies were plotted in dose-response curves. The curves can be separated into two groups having a slope of 0.3 and 1 in double logarithmic plots and a sensitivity range of 4 and 2 decades, respectively. This implies two different types of pyridine receptors.Abbreviation vH van Harreveld solution  相似文献   

The possible contribution of spinal reflexes to abdominal muscle activation during vomiting was assessed in decerebrate cats. The activity of these muscles is partly controlled by bulbospinal expiratory neurons in the caudal ventral respiratory group (VRG). In a previous study it was found that the abdominal muscles are still active during vomiting after midsagittal lesion of the axons of these neurons between C1 and the obex (A.D. Miller, L.K. Tan, and I. Suzuki. J. Neurophysiol. 57: 1854-1866, 1987). The present experiments indicate that this postlesion activity was due to spinal stretch reflexes because 1) such midsagittal lesions eliminate abdominal muscle nerve activity during fictive vomiting in paralyzed cats in which there are no abdominal stretch reflexes, 2) the abdominal muscles are activated during vomiting by spinal reflexes after upper thoracic cord transections, and 3) the normal 100-ms delay between diaphragmatic and abdominal activation during vomiting is reduced to approximately 20-25 ms after both types of lesions, which is consistent with postlesion abdominal reflex activation. Our results also suggest that, during normal vomiting, abdominal stretch and tension reflexes have only a minor role if any and abdominal muscle activation is probably mediated primarily or exclusively by expiratory neurons in the caudal ventral respiratory group. However, our finding that phrenic activity is reduced both during vomiting after thoracic transections and during fictive vomiting after paralysis is consistent with a contribution of reflex activity from abdominal and/or intercostal muscles to phrenic discharge during normal vomiting.  相似文献   

Colour vision enables animals to detect and discriminate differences in chromatic cues independent of brightness. How the bee visual system manages this task is of interest for understanding information processing in miniaturized systems, as well as the relationship between bee pollinators and flowering plants. Bees can quickly discriminate dissimilar colours, but can also slowly learn to discriminate very similar colours, raising the question as to how the visual system can support this, or whether it is simply a learning and memory operation. We discuss the detailed neuroanatomical layout of the brain, identify probable brain areas for colour processing, and suggest that there may be multiple systems in the bee brain that mediate either coarse or fine colour discrimination ability in a manner dependent upon individual experience. These multiple colour pathways have been identified along both functional and anatomical lines in the bee brain, providing us with some insights into how the brain may operate to support complex colour discrimination behaviours.  相似文献   

Within the last two decades of studies in the ever-expanding field of GPCR signaling, challenging insights were adopted. Growing evidence now asists the shift from classical linear model of signaling towards a considerably complex network of signaling pathways with many shared proteins and cross-talks. Considering the extensive and intriguing network of pathways activated by these receptors, it is apparent that multi-level system of regulation must exist to rigorously modulate the amplitude, duration and spatial aspects of the GPCR signaling. This review summarizes the principal mechanisms of GPCR regulation and gives the overview of recent advances in this field of research.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence to suggest that 'cross-talk' occurs between G-protein-coupled receptors and their intracellular second messenger pathways. Cross-talk between different pathways may occur at the level of receptors, G-proteins, effectors or second messengers and may serve to fine-tune cell signalling. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that cellular compartmentalization may play a crucial role in regulating these cross-talk interactions. Understanding the mechanisms of cross-talk may therefore be the key to the design and application of future therapeutics and the development of drug specificity.  相似文献   

A series of current hypotheses of mechanisms of the otolith signals processing and organization of adaptive responses of the oculomotor system to gravito-sensitive (otolith) inputs are reviewed: the "frequency segregation of the otolith signals", "gravito-inertial force resolution", "spatio-temporal transformation of the angular vestibulo-ocular reflex", "inertial processing of the vestibular signals", "asymmetry of the otolith signals", and their experimental corroboration.  相似文献   

VE-cadherin is an endothelial-specific cadherin that plays important roles in vascular morphogenesis and growth control. To investigate the mechanisms by which endothelial cells regulate cadherin cell surface levels, a VE-cadherin mutant containing the non-adhesive interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor extracellular domain and the VE-cadherin cytoplasmic tail (IL-2R-VE-cadcyto) was expressed in microvascular endothelial cells. Expression of the IL-2R-VE-cadcyto mutant resulted in the internalization of endogenous VE-cadherin and in a dramatic decrease in endogenous VE-cadherin levels. The internalized VE-cadherin co-localized with early endosomes, and the lysosomal inhibitor chloroquine dramatically inhibited the down-regulation of VE-cadherin in cells expressing the IL-2R-VE-cadcyto mutant. Chloroquine treatment also resulted in the accumulation of a VE-cadherin fragment lacking the beta-catenin binding domain of the VE-cadherin cytoplasmic tail. The formation of the VE-cadherin fragment could be prevented by treating endothelial cells with proteasome inhibitors. Furthermore, inhibition of the proteasome prevented VE-cadherin internalization and inhibited the disruption of endothelial intercellular junctions by the IL-2RVE-cadcyto mutant. These results provide new insights into the mechanisms of VE-cadherin processing and degradation in microvascular endothelial cells.  相似文献   

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