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Host participation in bacteriophage lambda head assembly   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Mutants of Escherichia coli, called groE, specifically block assembly of bacteriophage λ heads. When groE bacteria are infected by wild type λ, phage adsorption, DNA injection and replication, tail assembly, and cell lysis are all normal. No active heads are formed, however, and head related “monsters” are seen in lysates. These monsters are similar to the structures seen on infection of wild-type cells by phage defective in genes B or C.We have isolated mutants of λ which can overcome the block in groE hosts and have mapped these mutants. All groE mutations can be compensated for by mutation of phage gene E (hence the name groE). Gene E codes for the major structural subunit of the phage head. Some groE mutants, called groEB, can be compensated by mutation in either gene E or in gene B. Gene B is another head gene.During normal head assembly the protein encoded by phage head gene B or C appears to be converted to a lower molecular weight form, h3, which is found in phage. The appearance of h3 protein in fast sedimenting head related structures requires the host groE function.We suggest that the proteins encoded by phage genes E, B and C, and the bacterial component defined by groE mutations act together at an early stage in head assembly.  相似文献   

A novel phage lambda mutation, called dc10, which interferes with proper lambda head assembly has been isolated and characterized. Phage lambda carrying this mutation is (i) unable to form plaques at 30 or 37 degrees C but does so at 42 degrees C and (ii) unable to form plaques at 42 degrees C on pN-constitutive hosts. Both properties are due to dc10 since all phage revertants for one phenotype simultaneously lose the other phenotype and vice versa. The dc10 mutation has been mapped in the B gene and has been shown to be dominant over the corresponding wild-type product. At 30 degrees C the dc10 mutation results in the formation of abnormal petit lambda heads made up of pE, pB, pC, and pNu3. Under pN-constitutive conditions, the dc10 mutation results in the formation of abnormal petit lambda heads made of pE, X1, and X2 only. A model to explain the data is presented.  相似文献   

DNA replication in head mutants of bacteriophage lambda   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

During the assembly of bacteriophage λ heads, a head-like, DNA-free structure called petite λ, is first constructed. Into this, λ DNA is then packaged. In this paper we examine early interactions between λ DNA and petite λ in a cell-free system. The two major findings of this paper are: (1) when seen through the electron microscope, an early petite λ-λ DNA complex appears with the circular petite λ having the DNA crossing through its center. These resemble a bead on a string or the Greek letter φ (hence they are called φ structures). The λ A protein is required in the formation of φ structures. Also, φ structures can be found in bacteria infected with phage λ. (2) The polyamine putrescine is required for phage head assembly. An earlier reported requirement for spermidine can be replaced by the addition of putrescine. Polyamine is required in the DNA packaging reaction after the packaging has begun.  相似文献   

Unraveling the structure and assembly of the DNA packaging ATPases of the tailed double-stranded DNA bacteriophages is integral to understanding the mechanism of DNA translocation. Here, the bacteriophage phi29 packaging ATPase gene product 16 (gp16) was overexpressed in soluble form in Bacillus subtilis (pSAC), purified to near homogeneity, and assembled to the phi29 precursor capsid (prohead) to produce a packaging motor intermediate that was fully active in in vitro DNA packaging. The formation of higher oligomers of the gp16 from monomers was concentration dependent and was characterized by analytical ultracentrifugation, gel filtration, and electron microscopy. The binding of multiple copies of gp16 to the prohead was dependent on the presence of an oligomer of 174- or 120-base prohead RNA (pRNA) fixed to the head-tail connector at the unique portal vertex of the prohead. The use of mutant pRNAs demonstrated that gp16 bound specifically to the A-helix of pRNA, and ribonuclease footprinting of gp16 on pRNA showed that gp16 protected the CC residues of the CCA bulge (residues 18-20) of the A-helix. The binding of gp16 to the prohead/pRNA to constitute the complete and active packaging motor was confirmed by cryo-electron microscopy three-dimensional reconstruction of the prohead/pRNA/gp16 complex. The complex was capable of supercoiling DNA-gp3 as observed previously for gp16 alone; therefore, the binding of gp16 to the prohead, rather than first to DNA-gp3, represents an alternative packaging motor assembly pathway.  相似文献   

DNA purified from bacteriophage λ added to a cell-free extract derived from induced λ lysogens can be packaged into infectious phage particles (Kaiser & Masuda, 1973). In this paper the structure of the DNA which is the substrate for in vitro packaging and head assembly is described. The active precursor is a multichromosomal polymer that contains covalently closed cohesive end sites. Neither circular or linear DNA monomers nor polymers with unsealed cohesive ends are packaged efficiently into heads. The unit length monomer is packaged when it is either contained in the interior of a polymer (both of its ends are in cos sites) or when it has a free left end and a cos site on its right. The monomer unit with a free right end is not a substrate for packaging.A procedure is given for the purification of λ DNA fragments that contain either the left or the right cohesive end. The fragments are produced by digesting λ DNA with the site-specific Escherichia coli R1 endonuclease; the left and right ends are separated by sedimentation through a sucrose gradient. These fragments are used to construct small polymers that have a unit length λ monomer with (1) a free left end and a closed right end, (2) a free right end and a closed left end, or (3) both ends closed in cos sites.  相似文献   

Polarized packaging of bacteriophage lambda chromosomes.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Packaging of chromosomes during lytic growth of cohesive end-site (cos site) duplication strains of phage lambda is strikingly asymmetric; the duplication segment is generally at the left chromosome end (Emmons, 1974). In the present study, the packaging of non-replicating cos duplication chromosomes is shown to be similarly asymmetric. It is, therefore, likely that the packaging process itself is polarized, in an A to R direction. This conclusion is based on the study of packaging of repressed prophage chromosomes of dilysogenic strains of Escherichia coli by a heteroimmune helper. In these strains one of the two prophages contains a cos duplication (see Fig. 2). The frequency with which helper-packaged chromosomes carry the cos duplication segment agrees well with expectations derived from lytically grown phage.Haploid segregants are produced from the cos duplication strain at a lower level (35%) during lytic growth than during packaging of repressed prophage chromosomes (50%). This is expected if chromosomes are packaged processively (in sequence) during lytic growth.Packaging of repressed cos triplication chromosomes by a heteroimmune helper also yields a distribution of haploid and duplication chromosomes that agrees with expectations from lytically grown cos duplication phage and the assumption that the initial cutting of a cos site to initiate a packaging sequence is made at random.Polarized, processive packaging and random initial cutting are elements of a model of lambda chromosome packaging proposed by Emmons (1974), for which our experiments provide support.  相似文献   

Phage DNA was accumulated in cells of E. coli B, infected with the phage T4DtsLB3 (gene 42), without the synthesis of late proteins (in the presence of chloramphenicol). Then (stage II), chloramphenicol was removed and further replication of the phage DNA suppressed with hydroxyurea and by simultaneously raising the temperature to 40 degrees. The media M9 or M9 with 1% amino acid were used; the times of addition of chloramphenicol and the hydroxyurea concentration were also varied. It was also shown that in medium M9, at stage II, chiefly early proteins were synthesized. In the medium containing amino acids, at stage II the following was observed: 1) DNA synthesis was entirely suppressed and a degradation of DNA occurred; 2) both early and late proteins were synthesized, with a predominance of the latter; 3) an assembly of the elements of the phage tails and capsids occurred without the neck and flagellum, and a small number of phage particles were also found; 4) the capsids, isolated in a sucrose density gradient after lysis with chloroform, contained the proteins Palt, P20, P23, P24, several unidentified proteins, and did not contain Pwac, P23, and P22, 5) the yield of viable phage varied from 0.05 to 15% per cell. Thus, the entire morphogenesis of T4 phage can occur without accompanying replication of phage DNA.  相似文献   

In a previous study, various intermediates in λ DNA packaging were visualized after lysis of λ-infected cells with osmotic shock and sedimentation through a sucrose formalin cushion onto electron microscope grids. Along this line, a systematic screening for intermediates accumulated in all head mutants available was performed. λA?-infected cells accumulate only empty spherical protein shells (petit λ) bound at an intermediate point along the DNA thread. In situ digestion experiments with restriction endonuclease EcoRI show that the petit λ-DNA complexes are formed at a fixed point on the DNA concatemer. In λNu1?-infected cells, however, most petit λ was not bound to DNA. In Fec? cells, which are defective in formation of concatemers but normal in head protein synthesis, most petit λ did not sediment onto the carbon film of the grid. In D? mutant, petit λ, partially full heads and empty heads with released DNA were observed. λFI?-infected cells also accumulate petit λ and partially full heads. The present studies suggest that protein pNu1 is required for complex formation between head precursors and DNA concatemers, pA for the initiation of DNA packaging, pD and pFI for the promotion of DNA packaging, and pD for stabilization of head structures. The results obtained with other head mutants involved in formation of mature proheads and head completion confirm earlier results obtained by different techniques.  相似文献   

Maluf NK  Gaussier H  Bogner E  Feiss M  Catalano CE 《Biochemistry》2006,45(51):15259-15268
Terminase enzymes are common to complex double-stranded DNA viruses and function to package viral DNA into the capsid. We recently demonstrated that the bacteriophage lambda terminase gpA and gpNu1 proteins assemble into a stable heterotrimer with a molar ratio gpA1/gpNu1(2). This terminase protomer possesses DNA maturation and packaging activities that are dependent on the E. coli integration host factor protein (IHF). Here, we show that the protomer further assembles into a homogeneous tetramer of protomers of composition (gpA1/gpNu1(2))4. Electron microscopy shows that the tetramer forms a ring structure large enough to encircle duplex DNA. In contrast to the heterotrimer, the ring tetramer can mature and package viral DNA in the absence of IHF. We propose that IHF induced bending of viral DNA facilitates the assembly of four terminase protomers into a ring tetramer that represents the catalytically competent DNA maturation and packaging complex in vivo. This work provides, for the first time, insight into the functional assembly state of a viral DNA packaging motor.  相似文献   

Wieczorek DJ  Feiss M 《Genetics》2001,158(2):495-506
Bacteriophage lambda is a double-stranded DNA virus that processes concatemeric DNA into virion chromosomes by cutting at specific recognition sites termed cos. A cos is composed of three subsites: cosN, the nicking site; cosB, required for packaging initiation; and cosQ, required for termination of chromosome packaging. During packaging termination, nicking of the bottom strand of cosN depends on cosQ, suggesting that cosQ is needed to deliver terminase to the bottom strand of cosN to carry out nicking. In the present work, saturation mutagenesis showed that a 7-bp segment comprises cosQ. A proposal that cosQ function requires an optimal sequence match between cosQ and cosNR, the right cosN half-site, was tested by constructing double cosQ mutants; the behavior of the double mutants was inconsistent with the proposal. Substitutions in the 17-bp region between cosQ and cosN resulted in no major defects in chromosome packaging. Insertional mutagenesis indicated that proper spacing between cosQ and cosN is required. The lethality of integral helical insertions eliminated a model in which DNA looping enables cosQ to deliver a gpA protomer for nicking at cosN. The 7 bp of cosQ coincide exactly with the recognition sequence for the Escherichia coli restriction endonuclease, EcoO109I.  相似文献   

DNA of biotin-transducing lambda bacteriophage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Terminases are enzymes common to complex double-stranded DNA viruses and are required for packaging of viral DNA into a protective capsid. Bacteriophage lambda terminase holoenzyme is a hetero-oligomer composed of the A and Nu1 lambda gene products; however, the self-association properties of the holoenzyme have not been investigated systematically. Here, we report the results of sedimentation velocity, sedimentation equilibrium, and gel-filtration experiments studying the self-association properties of the holoenzyme. We find that purified, recombinant lambda terminase forms a homogeneous, heterotrimeric structure, consisting of one gpA molecule associated with two gpNu1 molecules (114.2 kDa). We further show that lambda terminase adopts a heterogeneous mixture of higher-order structures, with an average molecular mass of 528(+/-34) kDa. Both the heterotrimer and the higher-order species possess site-specific cos cleavage activity, as well as DNA packaging activity; however, the heterotrimer is dependent upon Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF) for these activities. Furthermore, the ATPase activity of the higher-order species is approximately 1000-fold greater than that of the heterotrimer. These data suggest that IHF bending of the duplex at the cos site in viral DNA promotes the assembly of the heterotrimer into a biologically active, higher-order packaging motor. We propose that a single, higher-order hetero-oligomer of gpA and gpNu1 functions throughout lambda development.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of bacteriophage lambda DNA   总被引:196,自引:0,他引:196  
The nucleotide sequence of the DNA of bacteriophage λ has been determined using the dideoxy chain termination method in conjunction with random cloning in M13 vectors. Various methods were studied for sequencing specific regions to complete the sequence, but all were much slower than the random approach. The DNA in its circular form contains 48,502 base-pairs. Open reading frames were identified and, where possible, ascribed to genes by comparing with the previously determined genetic map. The reading frames for 46 genes were clearly identified, though in about 20 the position of the protein initiation site could not be rigorously established. Probable positions for the kil, cIII and lom genes are suggested but remain uncertain. There are about 20 other unidentified reading frames that may code for proteins.The genome is fairly compact with comparatively little non-coding DNA. In many cases the translation terminators and initiators overlap, particularly in the sequence A-T-G-A where the TGA terminates one gene and the ATG initiates the next. Such structures seem to be characterized by a purine-rich sequence, rather than by a specific “Shine and Dalgarno” sequence, before the initiator. In the whole of the left arm the codon CTA, which is normally read by a minor leucine tRNA, is absent. The distribution of other rare codons in the genes of the left arm suggests that they may have a controlling function on the relative amounts of the proteins produced.  相似文献   

Some steps in the assembly of bacteriophage T4   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

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