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金色中仓鼠幼鼠可以利用可听声和超声信号与母鼠进行交流,这些声音可以反映个体的寒冷、饥饿、疼痛等不同生理状态和需求。因疼痛诱发的叫声对于维持幼鼠的存活也有着重要意义。本实验通过录制人为疼痛刺激下,不同日龄金色中仓鼠的叫声,分析并比较了5 - 30 日龄金色中仓鼠不同发声信号特征(可听声出现频次、可听声持续时程、可听声主频率、超声出现频次、超声持续时程、超声主频率)的性别差异;同时记录了幼鼠的两种发声随日龄的变化趋势。结果发现:幼鼠两种叫声的各种参数均未表现性二型现象。幼鼠超声发生频次随日龄增加而逐渐减少。而可听声却正相反,随日龄增加而逐渐上升,并在20 日龄时达到最高峰,之后逐渐下降。可听声持续时程也随日龄而增加。综上,在人为疼痛刺激下,随着日龄增加,幼鼠更倾向于使用可听 声而非超声与母兽进行交流。  相似文献   

The ability to acquire resistance to visceral leishmaniasis was studied in the golden hamster. Hamsters were infected subcutaneously with Leishmania donovani and challenged 6 weeks later by an intracardial route of inoculation. Parasitization in previously infected and control hamsters after challenge was followed by spleen and liver impression smears. Hamsters receiving a previous subcutaneous infection showed significantly lower numbers of visceral parasites after challenge than control animals. Differences in parasitization between the two groups were detectable as early as 2 days after challenge. Promastigotes and both hamster or cotton rat infected spleen tissue were effective in inducing acquired resistance to infection. The golden hamster is discussed as a model for the study of immunity to kala-azar.  相似文献   

布鲁斯效应是一种由非配偶雄性的化学信号所诱发的雌性妊娠终止现象,曾被认为是雌性对抗雄性杀婴行为的一种进化策略。布鲁斯效应最初在实验小鼠中发现。后续的研究证明了在实验室条件下多种啮齿类动物中存在布鲁斯效应。布鲁斯效应是否为实验室啮齿类动物中存在的普遍规律,目前尚无定论。本实验首先探讨了布鲁斯效应在金色中仓鼠中是否存在。在交配之后给予实验组雌鼠陌生雄鼠的非直接接触刺激,对照组雌鼠接受配偶雄鼠的非直接接触刺激。同时还测定了雌鼠的体重、胚胎质量以及生理器官(肾上腺、脾脏、卵巢和子宫)质量。结果显示,实验组雌鼠的流产率、体重、胚胎质量、生理器官(肾上腺、脾脏、卵巢、子宫)质量与对照组不存在显著差异。本实验结果表明:陌生雄鼠的化学信号对雌性金色中仓鼠的怀孕状态没有影响,实验室条件下的金色中仓鼠不存在布鲁斯效应。  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons, functionally enigmatic structures of mammalian pinealocytes, were studied during the postnatal development of the pineal gland in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). On day 4 post partum, synaptic ribbons appear in cells that have already started to differentiate into pinealocytes. Between days 4 and 9, an increase in the number of synaptic ribbons occurs, concomitant with the continuing differentiation of the pineal tissue. Between days 9 and 16, when differentiation of this tissue is almost completed, the number of synaptic ribbons decreases and approaches that characteristic of the adult pineal gland. During development, the synaptic ribbons increase in length, and dense core vesicles are frequently found in the vicinity of these structures. It is assumed that a functional relationship exists between dense core vesicles and the synaptic ribbons, which are considered to be engaged in a certain form of secretory activity of the mammalian pineal gland.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary Neurons projecting from the brain to the pineal gland via the pineal stalk were investigated in the golden hamster with the use of the retrograde horseradish-peroxidase tracing method both in vivo and in vitro. Labelled perikarya were observed in the medial and lateral habenular nuclei as well as in the posterior commissure. Single cells located in the ependymal lining of the pineal- and suprapineal recesses were also retrogradely labelled. These results show that a distinct central innervation of the pineal gland exists in the golden hamster, in agreement with findings in other mammalian species investigated by means of a similar methodology. In addition, also direct signals from the cerebrospinal fluid to the parenchyma might be conducted via cells located within the ependymal layer of the pineal- and suprapineal recesses.This study was supported by grants from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst to M.M. (312/dk-4-is), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to H.W.K. (Ko 758/2-2, 2-3), and the Carlsberg Foundation  相似文献   

Laboratory golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) were infected with Necator americanus under several different parasite and host conditions to optimize the model for testing anthelminthic drugs. The results confirmed that male hamsters were more susceptible to infection than females. Host age in the range of 5-15 weeks was not a factor that impacted on adult worm burden, and similar worm burdens were achieved using doses of 150, 250 or 500 N. americanus L3 (NaL3). The largest numbers of adult hookworms were recovered on days 21-28 post-infection, with a significant decrease at days 40-50 post-infection. Therefore adult worm recovery is maximal approximately 11-18 days prior to patency and host blood loss. From these studies a drug evaluation protocol was developed using 150 NaL3 as the infectious dose and then evaluating the anthelminthic effects of the drugs albendazole, tribendimidine, and pyrantel pamoate on days 21-28 post-infection. The model confirms the anthelminthic activity of albendazole, tribendimidine, and pyrantel pamoate and has the potential as a laboratory animal model to detect emerging drug resistance.  相似文献   

Experimentally induced lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis and the effect of concurrent bacterial infection on the development of these lesions were studied in the golden hamster. Male outbred golden hamsters received intradermal injections at the base of the tail with approximately 10(7) promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis panamensis, or promastigotes combined with Staphylococcus aureus or Pasteurella multocida or both, bacteria only, or sterile Eagle's minimal essential medium (MEME). The size of the resulting lesions was measured at least twice each week. Hamsters were killed at postinoculation Days 6, 13, 20, 27, 41, or 48, and each lesion was measured, aseptically excised, and bisected; half was used for bacteriologic culture and the other half was prepared for light microscopic examination. Lesions resulting from L. b. panamensis alone progressed from initial erythema to a granulomatous nodule and finally to a necrotic granuloma, often capped by a crateriform ulcer. Lesions resulting from a suspension of L. b. panamensis with added S. aureus or S. aureus and P. multocida, were initially larger, more erythemic and contained a greater proportion of neutrophils up to postinoculation Days 14-21 than did lesions resulting from L. b. panamensis alone. Concurrent infections with bacteria such as S. aureus and P. multocida had little effect on the development of ulcerating characteristics of lesions, but when S. aureus was present it appeared to enhance the severity of the early lesions. Between postinoculation Days 14-28, lesions produced by L. b. panamensis, with or without added bacteria had similar developmental progression of sufficient size for optimal testing of antileishmanial compounds.  相似文献   

Pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1) is part of a novel metabolic pathway in Leishmania associated with folate metabolism. Its main function is to salvage pterins but a second one is to reduce folates. The novelty and possible uniqueness of the pathway in which PTR1 is involved opens the possibility of developing specific inhibitors, which in combination with dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors could be highly effective against Leishmania. In order to increase our understanding of this putative important chemotherapeutic target, we present here the cloning, overexpression and purification of this enzyme from a clinical isolate of Leishmania donovani causing kala azar in India. This recombinant enzyme will set the basis for inhibition studies as well as for structure-function relationships.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin-like immunoreactivity was investigated in the pineal complex of the golden hamster by use of the indirect immunohistochemical technique. The superficial and deep portions of the pineal gland, and also the pineal stalk exhibited an intense cellular immunoreaction for serotonin. In addition, perivascular serotonin-immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed. Some serotonin-immunoreactive processes of the pinealocytes terminated on the surface of the ventricular lumen in the pineal and suprapineal recesses, indicating a receptive or secretory function of these cells. Several serotonin-immunoreactive processes connected the deep pineal with the habenular area. One week after bilateral removal of both superior cervical ganglia the serotonin immunoreaction of the entire pineal complex was greatly decreased. However, some cells in the pineal complex, of which several exhibited a neuron-like morphology, remained intensively stained after ganglionectomy. This indicates that the indoleamine content of some cells in the pineal complex of the golden hamster is independent of the sympathetic innervation.Supported by a Grant from the Italian Society for Veterinary Sciences  相似文献   

Summary Several different fixatives were used in order to obtain the best preservation of fine structure in the chromaffin cells of hamster adrenal medulla. The best fixative for both immersion-fixation and perfusion-fixation contained glutaraldehyde (2.5%) and formaldehyde (4%). After fixation by immersion of the gland, both dark and light cells are found, but glands fixed by perfusion contain a homogeneous population of light cells, which were very well preserved.The plasma membrane along the free surface of chromaffin cells showed a large number of omega-shaped invaginations that usually contained a dense core or fibre-like material; the extracellular dense cores were very similar to those of intact secretory granules. Rarely, the extracellular dense cores were very large and resembled the contents of a secondary lysosome. Several coated pits were found on the inner surface of each omega-shaped invagination.A prominent Golgi zone, containing many coated vesicles, is typical of these chromaffin cells. The coated vesicles are of two kinds, one with and one without electron-dense contents. Coated vesicles were frequently found in close contact with, or fused with, pro-secretory granules.Both authors are Wellcome Research Fellows. This work is supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council. We appreciate the technical assistance of Mr. P. T. Edwards.  相似文献   

Summary Hamster oocyte-cumulus complexes (OCC), with and without sperm, were structurally analyzed by light- and electron microscopy using freeze substitution. This method has yielded a clear picture of the extracellular oocyte investments, the cumulus cell matrix and the zona pellucida. The cumulus matrix has an overall homogeneous fibrillar structure which appears to attach to cumulus cells at their filopodial extensions. The matrix also extends into the outer regions of the zona pellucida. The zona pellucida has a distinct porous configuration throughout its entire structure. During gamete interaction experiments, capacitated hamster sperm with ultrastructurally intact acrosomes were found throughout the matrix. Sperm had dramatic effects on the matrix, resulting in compression and stretching. Sperm found on the zona pellucida had initiated or completed the acrosome reaction. During the initial stages of the acrosome reaction, the matrix was in contact with the sperm. At later stages of the acrosome reaction, there was a complete loss of matrix material in regions near the sperm.  相似文献   

The number of cells in the S-phase fraction of the cell cycle reflects proliferative activity. Using flow cytometry histograms and the Phoenix M+ cell cycle program, the percent of cells in the S-phase fraction was measured in single cell suspensions prepared from testes of hamsters of different ages. A cyclical pattern with a period of 9 days, superimposed on another rhythm with a 38 day period was observed (p < 0.01) during hamster maturation and it disappeared after the second spermatogenic wave, where the S phase values reached a plateau. It was concluded that maturing animals passed through a stage in which testicular biological rhythm was involved. Therefore it was concluded that it takes approximately two spermatogenic waves before the proliferation rate in the testis reached a steady state.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(2):132-137
The winter diet composition of golden jackals was determined by analysing the stomach contents of 248 specimens collected between December and February 2005–2009 at six localities in Serbia. The average weight of stomach contents was 189.9 ± 137.3 g. At all localities, livestock carcasses were the primary food category (frequency 56.1%, biomass 77.7%). The secondary food category consisted of small mammals taken as live prey (frequency 20.7%, biomass 5.2%). Other food categories were present less frequently (roe deer, wild boar, hare, and birds), and rarely (plant material, dogs, carnivores, lizards, and inedible inorganic material). No statistically significant differences were found in diet between jackals from different localities. The only difference was found between yearlings and adults with regard to the consumed biomass (%B). The analysis of the winter diet of golden jackals in Serbia indicates that the species has opportunistic feeding habits consisting primarily of easily accessible food sources.  相似文献   

On Day 9 of pregnancy (day of mating = Day 1), the number of corpora lutea in the right ovary was greater than that in the left (mean +/- s.e.m. 9.3 +/- 0.1 and 6.5 +/- 0.3 respectively; N = 70). Although the percentages of ova fertilized on the left and right side were not different (82% and 94%), the percentage wastage was higher on the left side (20%) than the right (14%). A significant difference in sperm numbers in the right (2.8 X 10(6] and the left (0.5 X 10(6] uterine horns were found 1.5 h after mating in 51 females. Morphometric measurements of the lower uterine luminal size showed that the right side (103.9 mm3) was larger than the left side (88.9 mm3; N = 5). It is obvious that there is structural and functional asymmetry in the ovary and uterus in the golden hamster.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the pinealocytes of the golden mole (Amblysomus hottentotus), a blind subterranean mammal living in complete darkness, was examined and compared with that of pinealocytes of other mammals. On the basis of the presence of granular vesicles and glycogen granules, only one population of pinealocytes was found. Large mitochondria, ribosomes, lipid inclusions and scarce lysosomes were observed in the perikaryon. Numerous glycogen granules, often forming typical accumulations, were frequently found to be associated with typical vacuoles. An extraordinary large number of granular vesicles is characteristic of the golden mole pinealocyte. Phenomena of excretion of compound(s) stored in the granular vesicles were identified. Morphologically this is characterized by dissociation of its granular core in situ while its limiting membrane is preserved. The physiological significance of the secretory process characterized by the formation of these granular vesicles is discussed.A portion of these observations were presented at the International Symposium on the Pineal Gland, Jerusalem, Israel, November 14–17, 1977  相似文献   

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