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Diapause, a strategy to endure unfavourable conditions (e.g. cold winters) is commonly found in ectothermic organisms and is characterized by an arrest of development and reproduction, a reduction of metabolic rate, and an increased resistance to adversity. Diapause, in addition to adaptations for surviving low winter temperatures, significantly influences phenology, voltinism and ultimately population growth. We review the literature on diapause and overwintering behaviour of two bark beetle species that affect spruce‐dominated forests in the northern hemisphere, and describe and compare how these strategies can influence population dynamics. The European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) is the most important forest pest of Norway spruce in Europe. It enters an adult reproductive diapause that might be either facultative or obligate. Obligate diapausing beetles are considered strictly univoltine, entering this dormancy type regardless of environmental cues. Facultative diapausing individuals enter diapause induced by photoperiod, modified by temperature, thus being potentially multivoltine. The spruce beetle Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kirby) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) infests all spruce species in its natural range in North America. A facultative prepupal diapause is averted by relatively warm temperatures, resulting in a univoltine life cycle, whereas cool temperatures induce prepupal diapause leading to a semivoltine cycle. An adult obligate diapause in D. rufipennis could limit bi‐ or multivoltinism. We discuss and compare the influence of diapause and overwinter survival on voltinism and population dynamics of these two species in a changing climate and provide an outlook on future research.  相似文献   

Diapause dynamics of two diaptomid copepod species in a large lake   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Skistodiaptomus oregonensis and Leptodiaptomus minutus produce diapausing eggs in a large lake, Oneida Lake, in New York State. The timing of the switch from production of subitaneous (immediately hatching) eggs to diapausing eggs for both species is in October. This timing is consistent with a pattern, reviewed here, for other populations of diaptomid copepods: populations living in large lakes tend to begin production of diapausing eggs later in the season than those living in small lakes. Populations living in temporary ponds tend to switch still earlier in the season. All populations reviewed here live in the north temperate zone. The sediments of Oneida Lake contain densities of diaptomid diapausing eggs on the order of 105 m–2 per cm below the sediment surface down to 5 cm. Below this sediment depth, egg densities decline. The highest egg densities were found in sediments under the deepest water. Diapausing eggs of L. minutus survive in the sediments at least two years, as shown by the recovery of the population after a year in which no new diapausing eggs were produced, and probably for two or more decades. Long-term dormancy can have the effect of ensuring the continuation of a population through periods of poor recruitment, and can help create conditions for the coexistence of competing species. Other investigators have suggested that S. oregonensis and L. minutus are competitors in other lakes when they co-occur.  相似文献   

Abstract This study examined the factors used as cues for diapause termination by two Euploea species. Euploea core and E. sylvester were collected from two overwintering sites at Chillagoe, Queensland. Under tropical wet-season conditions, more butterflies terminated diapause (approximately 60%) than those kept under dry-season conditions (approximately 40%). However, 100% diapause termination occurred only when butterflies were kept under wet-season conditions and were fed with honey. For reproductive success, Euploea species need to terminate diapause rapidly to synchronise oviposition with fresh, rapid growth of their larval host plants, which often occurs after rain. The presence of rainfall, increased temperature and long days alone is not a fail-safe set of cues for this event. Our results suggest that food (as nectar), in conjunction with these combined environmental factors, provide Euploea species with a reliable signal that larval host resources are available for oviposition.  相似文献   

[目的]豆天蛾Clanis bilineata tsingtauica以老熟幼虫进入滞育越冬,为探明豆天蛾滞育解除的机制.[方法]本研究设置4个不同温度梯度,在恒湿条件下,研究不同温度处理下豆天蛾滞育持续时间、化蛹及羽化的差异.[结果]温度对豆天蛾滞育解除存在一定影响.随着温度升高,豆天蛾滞育持续时间和蛹期逐渐缩短,在35℃条件下滞育持续时间和蛹期最短,分别为(34.4±0.3)d和(6.7±1.2)d;而化蛹率、蛹重随温度的升高呈先升高后降低,在25 ℃时,化蛹率最高为(80.60±0.26)%,在30 ℃时,蛹重最大为(4.21±0.07)g/头.豆天蛾成虫羽化率随温度升高而显著降低;25℃条件下,单雌产卵量最大,达到(204±9)粒.本室内条件下,豆天蛾滞育解除的有效积温为111¨日·度.[结论]在温度为25 ℃的条件下最有利于豆天蛾滞育解除后的生长发育.  相似文献   

Diapause induction and termination responses of a northern strain (Minnesota [MN]) of Ostrinia nubilalis were compared with those of a southern strain (Georgia [GA]). A thermoperiod in constant light (12 hr at 25 degrees C alternating with 12 hr at 4 degrees C) failed to induce diapause in GA larvae, but approximately 50% diapause induction was observed in the MN population. Moreover, the 50% of MN larvae that continued their development (i.e., underwent pupation and adult development) did so at a slower rate, as measured by days to pupation, than GA larvae. In the laboratory, diapausing MN larvae responded more slowly to the optimal light-dark (LD) cycle for terminating diapause, LD 16:8, than did GA larvae. In the field MN populations are univoltine (i.e., are characterized by one generation per year). A delayed termination response in the spring, coupled with a longer critical daylength for diapause induction as daylength decreases during late summer (earlier diapause) restricts the time during which development can occur as contrasted with GA populations. In addition, it is postulated that these two phenomena, coupled with a possibly slower growth rate in the MN insects as revealed under laboratory conditions, may collectively represent the basis for univoltinism in the field.  相似文献   

Diapausing Anopheles freeborni females receiving either topical applications or ingesting the juvenile hormone mimic ZR-515 terminated diapause. This was reflected by increased blood feeding, followed by the maturation of eggs. ZR-515 also significantly increased adult mortality and decreased egg hatching. Another juvenile hormone mimic R-20458 did not increase blood feeding, but did stimulate vitellogenesis in those mosquitoes ingesting a blood meal.
Zusammenfassung Anopheles freeborni ist eine der wichtigsten Stechmücken im nördlichen Central Valley von Kalifornien; man nimmt an, daß sie ein Malaria-Vektor in diesem Gebiet gewesen ist. Begattete Weibchen überwintern, und es erfolgt, selbst wenn sie in der Herbst-Winter-Periode Blut saugen, keine Ovarienentwicklung (d.h. also gonotrophische Dissoziation). Wir sammelten diapausierende Tiere aus dem Freiland im frühen Oktober und behandelten sie mit ZR-515 (Zoecon Co.), einem Juvenilhormon-Mimetikum, entweder durch topikale Applikation (1 und 10 g) oder durch Aufnahme von Lösungen (20 ppm und 200 ppm in 10% Rohrzucker). In beiden Fällen wurde die Diapause bei den behandelten Tieren beendet. Dies zeigte sich durch verstärktes Blutsaugen mit nachfolgender Reifung der Eier im Vergleich mit Kontrolltieren, die mit Azeton behandelt worden waren oder 10%ige Zuckerlösung aufgenommen hatten (Tab. I). Dieser Versuch wurde Ende November wiederholt. Wie zuvor vergrößerte ZR-515 signifikant das Verhältnis blutsaugender Stechmücken und den Anteil von Stechmücken, die zur Eiablage kamen (Tab. II). Jetzt saugte allerdings auch eine erhebliche Zahl von unbehandelten Kontrolltieren Blut. Dies zeigt vermutlich den nahe bevorstehenden Zeitpunkt der natürlichen Diapause-Beendigung an, die um das Ende des Dezembers eintritt. ZR-515 erhöhte auch die Mortalität der Adulten und die Autogenic-Raten, und minderte das Schlüpfen der Eier.Es wurde bei diapausierenden November-Adulten auch noch ein anderes Juvenilhormon-Mimetikum, R-20458 (Stauffer Co.) in Dosen von 1 und 10 g topikal angewandt; die Ergebnisse waren einigermaßen anders. Das Blutsaugen erhöhte sich zwar bei keiner der beiden Dosen, aber die Eireifung nahm bei den behandelten Stechmücken signifikant zu. Da unsere Ergebnisse anzeigen, daß eine gonotrophische Dissoziation unabhängig von Blutsaugetrieb zu Ende kommen kann, so vermuten wir eine verschiedene hormonale Steuerung dieser beiden Funktionen.

The embryo of Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) diapauses in an early stage of blastokinesis. The diapause is probably obligatory since the parents cannot be induced to lay non-diapausing eggs by rearing them from egg to adult at various combinations of two constant temperatures and long and short days of constant duration. The length of the photophase has no affect on the termination of diapause. Eggs exposed to fluctuating outdoor temperatures terminated diapause sooner, much more synchronously, and with far less mortality than did eggs exposed to similar photoperiods and a constant temperature of 4°. Diapause termination did not proceed any better at constant temperatures of -1°, 10° or 15°.
Zusammenfassung Der Embryo von Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis befindet sich in einem frühen Stadium der Blastokinesis in Diapause. Die Diapause ist offenbar obligatorisch. Auch wenn die Zucht vom Ei zum Adulten bei verschiedenen Kombinationen zweier Temperaturen und von Langtag und Kurztag erfolgt, können die Eltern nicht zum Legen von Nichtdiapauseeiern veranlasst werden. Die Tageslänge hat keine Wirkung auf die Beendigung der Diapause. Eier, die schwandenden Freilandtemperaturen ausgesetzt werden, beendeten die Diapause schneller, viel besser synchronisiert und mit viel weniger Mortalität als Eier, die bei ähnlichen Tageslängen und einer konstanten Temperaturen von 4° ausgesetzt waren. Die Diapause wurde auch nicht besser beendet bei konstanten Temperaturen von -1°, 10° oder 15°. Der Umstand, dass schwankende Temperaturen die Diapause besser beenden als konstante Temperaturen zeigt an, dass die Diapausebeendigung auf mindestens zwei Prozessen mit verschiedenen Temperaturoptima beruht.

Conclusion TastePROBE is a convenient and flexible electronic circuit designed to record action potentials from taste sensilla of insects. It facilitates the recording of slow potentials arising in taste sensilla, improves the signal to noise ratio, and preserves spike shapes. This new amplifier design combines excellent signal to noise ratio with complete compatibility as regards existing electrophysiological equipment.DC recordings have higher information content than filtered recordings. With DC recordings, spike shapes are not modified and thus better sorting is possible. Moreover, slow variations in the transepithelial potential (i.e. less than 10 Hz) are preserved. Both aspects are of considerable importance when studying the physiology of taste receptors.  相似文献   

Hybridization is a well‐known phenomenon, but there are still relatively few studies addressing the question of reproductive isolation between related sympatric animal species with largely overlapping ranges. Population density, relative abundance, and operational sex ratio (OSR) are among the factors known to have an influence on the frequency of heterospecific matings in sympatric populations. Here we had two aims. First, we used microsatellite markers and field observations to study the frequency of hybrids, and backcrosses, and the rate of heterospecific matings between two sympatric damselfly species Calopteryx splendens (Harris, 1780) and Calopteryx virgo (Linné, 1758). Second, we investigated the role of population densities, relative abundances, and OSRs on conspecific and heterospecific mating rates. Altogether we genotyped 2104 individuals from both species and found four hybrids (0.19%), one of which was a backcross. Of all the 272 matings observed, 17 (6%) were between heterospecifics, and all of these were between a C. splendens male and a C. virgo female. In addition, all of the hybrids contained mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of C. virgo. We show that the population density of C. virgo, which was the maternal species of all the heterospecific matings and hybrid individuals, was the only significant factor covarying with the rate of the heterospecific matings. The OSRs did not correlate with the rate of con‐ or heterospecific matings. Studies on interspecific interactions in sympatric species can give information about the maintenance of reproductive isolation, and thus speciation. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The cause of differences in overwintering success between the sexes in Orius sauteri (Poppius) and O. minutus (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) was investigated in the laboratory. The survival rate of adults was examined in a screen house outdoors during the winters of 1995–1996 and 1996–1997. None of the males of either species survived until spring in either year. However, 63.9% and 40.5% of the females in O. sauteri and O. minutus, respectively, survived the winter in 1995–1996, and 54.5% and 43.2%, respectively, in 1996–1997. Most of the males died by early winter. In both species, the adult females reared under short days (= L11:D13) survived for a long period at 5 or 0°C, while the males reared under the same photoperiod died shortly after transfer to 5 or 0°C from 22°C. The males and females kept at same temperature conditions under long days (= L16:D8) died early. When nymphs were kept under long days at 22°C, the lipid content in the female and male adults of O. sauteri was 27.9% and 17.7%, respectively. When nymphs were kept under short days, their lipid content was significantly higher (41.1%) than that of those reared under long days for females, but lipid content was comparable in the males regardless of photoperiod (15.6%). In O. minutus, the mean lipid content was 27.2% in females and 19.0% in males under long days at 22°C, and 40.8% in females and 19.8% in males under short days. Thus, a large amount of lipid was accumulated only in females kept under short days in both species. These results suggest that short days induced diapause only in adult females but not in males. Due to the lack of diapause and shortage of lipid accumulation, males may not be able to survive the winter.  相似文献   

Peter Dalin 《Insect Science》2011,18(4):443-450
Abstract The leaf beetle Phratora vulgatissima (Linnaeus 1758) is commonly univoltine in south‐central Sweden but may sometimes initiate a partial second generation. The current study was set out to investigate under what abiotic conditions the beetles initiate a second generation. Using climate chamber experiments, the beetles were shown to have a facultative reproductive diapause induced by declining day‐length. The critical day‐length (CDL) for diapause induction was estimated to be 18 h and 10 min. In the field, first‐generation beetles developing to adulthood before August in 2009 became reproductively active and produced a second generation, but most individuals emerged later and were in reproductive diapause. P. vulgatissima overwinter as adults and diapause was shown to be maintained until mid‐winter in 2008/2009. The cumulative temperature requirement for oviposition after diapause termination was estimated to be 222 day‐degrees with a 5.5°C temperature threshold. Three different day‐degree models that were developed to predict the phenology of female oviposition in the spring were validated by comparing model results with field data on the timing of oviposition in previous years. The study suggests that P. vulgatissima may initiate a second generation in Sweden if development of the first generation is completed before August. Warmer spring and summer temperatures due to ongoing climate change may cause advanced insect phenology and faster completion of insect life‐cycles at northern latitudes, which will affect the proportion of insects that initiate a second generation.  相似文献   

An information tradeoff exists between systematic presence/absence surveys and purely opportunistic (presence‐only) records for investigating the geography of community structure. Opportunistic species occurrence data may be of relatively limited quality, but typically involves numerous observations and species. Given the quality–quantity tradeoff, what can opportunistic data reveal about spatial patterns in community structure? Here we explore opportunistic data in describing geographic patterns of species composition, using over 4600 occurrence records of Enallagma damselflies in the United States. We tested phylogenetic scale (genus level, Enallagma major clades, Enallagma subclades) and spatial extent (U.S. vs watershed regions), hypothesizing that nonrandom structure is more likely at larger spatial extents. We also used three sets of systematic presence/absence surveys as a benchmark for validating opportunistic presence‐only records. Null model analysis of matrix coherence and species replacements showed many cases of nonrandom structure and widespread species turnover. This outcome was repeated across spatial and environmental gradients and community composition scenarios. Turnover dominated across the U.S. and two watersheds spanning biogeographic boundaries, but random assemblages were prevalent in a third watershed with limited longitudinal extent. Turnover also pervaded each level of phylogeny. Opportunistic presence‐only datasets showed identical patterns as systematic presence/absence datasets. These results indicate that extensive opportunistic data can be used to detect species turnover, especially at geographic scales where range margins are crossed.  相似文献   

Euphyllura phillyreae Foerster (Homoptera: Aphalaridae) which infests olive trees in Greece, is monovoltine and has an aestival-autumnal-hibernal reproductive dormancy as an adult which starts in June. Adult females collected periodically from June through February were maintained for 4 weeks at 12L:12D and 20° L:18° D, then the stage of ovarian development was recorded.In the field, diapause was terminated between mid December and early January. Subsequently, the insects remain in reproductive quiescence until February or early March when environmental conditions allow ovarian development and reproduction.In females collected in June, summerlike laboratory conditions, followed by winterlike, and then by springlike conditions were effective for diapause termination. Springlike conditions alone, or preceded by only summerlike or only by winterlike conditions were not effective. In females collected in August the requirement for summerlike conditions was much less or nil.
Résumé Euphyllura phillyreae Foerster qui s'attaque sur l'olivier en Grèce, est une espèce oligophage, monovoltine, qui a une dormance reproductive aestivo-autumno-hivernale au stade adulte, qui commence en juin.Des femelles adultes ont été ramassées par les arbres périodiquement de juin au février et maintenues pendant 4 semaines à 12L:12D et 20° L:18° D. Après cette période, le stade du développement des ovaires a été le critère de la termination de leur diapause. La diapause fut considéré comme terminée quand au moins 50% des femelles avaient leurs ovaires au stade III ou même plus avancées.La diapause fut terminé entre mi-decembre et début janvier. En suite, les insectes restent à une quiescence reproductive jusqu'au février ou début de mars, lorsque les conditions environmentales permettent le développement des ovaires et la reproduction.Des femelles ramassées en juin et en août ont été soumises à certaines conditions de photopériode et de temperature en laboratoire, pour faire terminer leur diapause. Pour celles ramassées en juin, qui étaient au commencement de leur diapause, des conditions semblables à l'été, suivies par des conditions semblables à l'hiver et puis par des conditions semblables au printemps furent effectives pour la termination de la diapause. Seules des conditions semblables au printemps, ou précédées par des conditions semblables seulement à l'été, ou seulement à l'hiver, ne furent pas effectives. Pour les femelles ramassées en août, le besoin pour des conditions semblables à l'été fut beaucoup moin ou nul.

The course of diapause induction as well as of diapause termination infemales of the predatory mite Euseius (Amblyseius)finlandicus Oudemans (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in Northern Greece wasdetermined by transferring females during winter and early spring from peachtrees to a short day (LD 8:16) or a long day (LD 16:8) photoperiod both at 20°C. The first diapause females were found in mid September andby the first week of October all the females were in diapause. The mean numberof days required for diapause termination under the short day photoperiod LD8:16 was gradually reduced from 93.7 days in the beginning of October to lessthan 20 days in mid February and early March. Under the long day photoperiod ofLD 16:8 diapause was terminated in less than 20 days irrespective of the dateof collection. These results indicate that by mid February photoperiodicsensitivity of females was lost and diapause was terminated. However, femaleswere found in their overwintering sites until the second half of March,probablybecause of the prevailing relatively low temperatures and lack of adequatefood.  相似文献   

1. This study investigated inter‐specific variation in parasitism by gregarines (Eugregarinorida: Actinocephalidae), among sibling species of damselflies (Odonata: Zygoptera), in relation to relative size of geographical ranges of host species. 2. Gregarines are considered generalist parasites, particularly for taxonomically related host species collected at the same sites or area. Prevalence and median intensity of gregarine parasitism was obtained for 1338 adult damselflies, representing 14 species (7 sibling species pairs) across 3 families within the suborder Zygoptera. Damselflies were collected at three local sites in Southeastern Ontario, during the same periods over the season. 3. Five out of seven species pairs had significant differences in parasitism between sibling species. The less widespread host species was the more parasitised for three species pairs with significant differences in gregarine prevalence, and for two species pairs with differences in median intensity. The more widespread host had a higher intensity of infection as expected, in two species pairs. 4. Future studies on ecological determinants of parasitism among related species should examine robust measures of abundance of species and representation of species regionally.  相似文献   

J. Rolff 《Ecography》2000,23(3):273-282
The infections of emerging damselfly cohorts by ectoparasitic water mites Arrenurus cuspidator were followed closely over two years in two populations. In one pond Coenagrion puella was the single host species, whereas in the second pond C. hastulatum co-occurred. The prevalences found were close to 100%. The mean daily abundance of mites ranged from I to 45 mites per host with a peak after roughly one third of the emergence period.
The water mites displayed a clumped distribution on their hosts measured by the variance/mean ratio. No differences in parasite abundance due to host sex, head width, or host species could be detected. The abundance of mites was synchronised with host's emergence patterns. This was stronger in the system with two host species. Shaw and Dobson recently showed a generalised relationship of variance/mean of parasite abundance combining data from 269 host parasite systems. The data presented here and some other water mite associations show a significant deviation from this general rule.  相似文献   

J. Claret  Y. Carton 《Oecologia》1980,45(1):32-34
Summary The strain of Cothonaspis boulardi originating from a field collection at Guadeloupe (16° lat. N-West Indies) exhibits a facultative diapause that occurs at the final larval instar. The diapause was induced by low temperature (17.5° C) and was inhibited at 25° C. Diapause was independent of photoperiod. The termination of diapause was hastened in about 10 days by exposing larvae to a temperature of 25° C. Although a succession of sufficient cold days for diapause occurs only rarely in the collection area (Petit-Bourg), at higher elevations within 20 km of Petit-Bourg conditions that could induce diapause occur annually.This study is supported by research grant of C.N.R.S. (ATP Ecophysiologie, no 51-3571)  相似文献   

The effect of temperature, photoperiod, artificial diet and water on the termination of diapause by larvae of the stem borer, Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), was studied in the laboratory. Termination of diapause as indicated by pupation was affected mainly by a combination of high temperature and a long day photoperiod. Total darkness did not prevent termination of diapause and pupation occurred also in larvae which were never exposed to water. Long days accelerated pupation, but, under 16 h daylength, termination of diapause was faster than under constant illumination. Provision of artificial diet had no effect or slowed down pupation but water decreased the time to pupation. Under 28°C, 16 h daylength and availability of water, C. partellus diapausing larvae terminated diapause and pupated in about 9 days.  相似文献   

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