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A Simple Phenological Model of Muskmelon Development   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Utilizing information gathered in previous growth chamber andfield experiments, we developed a simple temperature-drivencrop phenology model of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) to helpcommercial growers time crop phenological events and predictharvest dates. The model quantifies vegetative development interms of main vine node numbers which allows the model to simulateeither a direct-seeded or a transplanted crop. The model operateson an hourly time-step but requires only daily weather dataand a few cultivar-specific parameters including plastochroninterval and thermal time requirements to reach six predefineddevelopmental stages. The model was tested against an independentdata set consisting of three muskmelon cultivars grown at fivetransplanting dates. Tests of the model indicate an averageability to predict main vine node numbers to within one to twonodes of observed values. Estimated harvest date predictionswere more variable than those for main vine node number butan average model accuracy of 1 to 3 d was obtained in modeltests with a data set used to construct the model. Proceduresfor calibrating the model for different cultivars, culturalpractices or environments are outlined. Copyright 0000 Cucumis melo L., cantaloupe, temperature, model, thermal time, plastochron interval, growth duration  相似文献   

Factorial combinations of four photoperiods (10, 11·33,12·66 and 16 h d-1) and three mean diurnal temperatures(20·2, 24·1 and 28·1°C) were imposedon nodulated plants of three Nigerian bambara groundnut genotypes[Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc., syn. Voandzeia subterranea (L.)Thouars] grown in glasshouses in The Netherlands. The photothermalresponse of the onset of flowering and the onset of poddingwere determined. The time from sowing to first flower (f) wasdetermined by noting the day on which the first open flowerappeared. The time from sowing to the onset of podding (p) wasestimated from linear regressions of pod dry weight againsttime from sowing. Developmental rates were derived from thereciprocals of f and p. In two genotypes, 'Ankpa 2' and 'Yola',flowering occurred irrespective of photoperiod and 1/f was controlledby temperature only, occurring sooner at 28·1 than at20·2°C. The third genotype, 'Ankpa 4', was sensitiveto temperature and photoperiod and f was increased by coolertemperatures and photoperiods > 12·66 h d-1 at 20·2°Cand > 11·33 h d-1 at 24·1 and 28·1°C.In contrast, p was affected by temperature and photoperiod inall three genotypes. In bambara groundnut photoperiod-sensitivitytherefore increases between the onset of flowering and the onsetof podding. The most photoperiod-sensitive genotype with respectto p was 'Ankpa 4', followed by 'Yola' and 'Ankpa 2'. Therewas also variation in temperature-sensitivity between the genotypesinvestigated. Evaluation of bambara groundnut genotypes foradaptation to different photothermal environments will thereforerequire screening for flowering and podding responses.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc., Voandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars, bambara groundnut, phenology, photoperiod, daylength, temperature, flowering, podding  相似文献   

以厚皮甜瓜品种‘中甜1号’为材料,设V1F2(主蔓顶部留1条顶蔓+单株留2果,下略)、V2F2、V3F2、V1F3、V2F3、V3F3共6个处理,以不留顶蔓、每株只留1果为对照,以研究源库关系中主蔓顶部留蔓数和单株留果数对厚皮甜瓜植株生长、叶片抗氧化特性及果实产量和品质的影响。结果显示:(1)随生育期的延长,增加单株留果数使厚皮甜瓜植株茎粗、节间长、最大功能叶长明显受到抑制,而顶蔓数量对上述3项生长指标无显著影响。(2)留2个果时,叶片O2.-产生速率略低于CK,MDA含量高于CK;留3个果时,叶片中O2.-产生速率和MDA含量最高;在所有处理中,以留果2个的POD活性最低,以留果3个的SOD活性最低。(3)每株留2果时,增加顶蔓数能提高果实品质,而每株留3果同时增加顶蔓数时,果实品质下降,尤以第3果品质最差。研究表明:留果数量对厚皮甜瓜植株生长和叶片抗氧化性影响大于留顶蔓数量,每株留2蔓2果有利于植株生长,可增强叶片抗氧化能力,延缓叶片衰老,从而提高单株产量,改善果实品质。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Strigolactones (SLs) are well known as a class of endogenous phytohormones that regulate tiller bud outgrowth. Reduction of inorganic phosphate (Pi) induces the...  相似文献   

In controlled temperature glasshouses plant morphology, gramdevelopment and yield of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum)were markedly affected by temperature during three stages ofplant growth: vegetative, stem elongation, and grain development.High temperature (to 33/28 °C day/night) during all threegrowth stages lowered grain yields by reducing basal tillering,numbers of grains per inflorescence, and single grain weight.Low temperature (21/16 °C) during the vegetative stage increasedbasal tillering and, as a result, total grain yield per plant.However, low temperature during the stem elongation stage reducedspikelet fertility and influorescence length, and thereby reducedthe potential main shoot grain yield. Low temperature duringgrain development increased the grain filling period and grainyield. The rate of grain filling did not vary over the rangeof 21/16 to 33/28 °C. Although plant morphology and grainyield were markedly affected by pre-anthesis thermal environment,grain development was not. At all temperatures ethanol-solublecarbohydrates stored in the stem were depleted during earlygrain development.  相似文献   

Perovskite solar cells (PSC) have shown that under laboratory conditions they can compete with established photovoltaic technologies. However, controlled laboratory measurements usually performed do not fully resemble operational conditions and field testing outdoors, with day‐night cycles, changing irradiance and temperature. In this contribution, the performance of PSCs in the rooftop field test, exposed to real weather conditions is evaluated. The 1 cm2 single‐junction devices, with an initial average power conversion efficiency of 18.5% are tracked outdoors in maximum power point over several weeks. In parallel, irradiance and air temperature are recorded, allowing us to correlate outside factors with generated power. To get more insight into outdoor device performance, a comprehensive set of laboratory measurements under different light intensities (10% to 120% of AM1.5) and temperatures is performed. From these results, a low power temperature coefficient of ?0.17% K?1 is extracted in the temperature range between 25 and 85 °C. By incorporating these temperature‐ and light‐dependent PV parameters into the energy yield model, it is possible to correctly predict the generated energy of the devices, thus validating the energy yield model. In addition, degradation of the tested devices can be tracked precisely from the difference between measured and modelled power.  相似文献   

Sugar-beet and barley were grown in pots outdoors (environmentN) and, for five successive 4-week periods starting at sowing,batches of plants were transferred to three growth rooms whosetemperatures were either similar to the outdoor mean (environmentM), or 3° C hotter (environment H) or 3° C colder (environmentC). Some plants were harvested immediately after treatment;others were returned to environment N and harvested when mature. At the end of period 1, sugar-beet plants from environment Mhad more dry weight and leaf area than those outdoors. Immediatelyafter spending later periods in environment M, plants had smallerleaves and similar dry weight to those continuously outdoors.These differences disappeared by maturity. Warmth in the growthrooms (i.e. the difference H—C) during periods 1, 2, and3, while leaf area was increasing, increased the number andsize of leaves and usually also dry weight; in later periodsit had no effect. The effects induced during periods 2 and 3,but not period 1, persisted to maturity to give greater totaland root dry weight and yield of sugar. The final effects ondry weight were much larger than those immediately after treatment,and were the result of differences in growth outdoors aftertreatment which depended on differences in leaf area; the efficiencyof the leaves was not affected by previous treatment. Transferring barley to environment M from N had inconsistentimmediate effects on leaf area and dry weight which disappearedby the final harvest. Transfer during periods 2 and 3, beforethe ears had started emerging, increased shoot number and delayeddevelopment. The proportion of the ears that ripened and theyield of grain were usually less for plants that had spent aperiod in environment M than for plants permanently outdoors,which also had some green ears. Warmth in the growth rooms duringperiods 1 and 2 increased dry weight and leaf area immediately,but had negligible effects at maturity because the increasesin leaf area did not persist after ear emergence. Warmth laterhastened death of leaves, decreased total dry weight immediatelyand also at maturity, but increased the proportion of ears thatripened and hence usually grain weight. Variation in leaf areaduration after ear emergence (D), determined by effects on thetime the ears emerged and the rate the leaves died, accountedfor most of the variation in grain yield, but warmth after theears emerged decreased grain yield less than proportionallyto the decrease in D. Net assimilation rate (E) of sugar-beet was greater than ofbarley, and decreased less with age. E of both species was usuallygreater in environment M than outdoors in spite of less radiation.It was only slightly affected by temperature. Nitrogen and potassium uptake were increased by treatments thatincreased dry weight. The percentage contents suggest that extrauptake was a consequence and not a cause of the increase indry weight.  相似文献   

Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) plants were exposed to a 10°C chilling treatment for 72 hours, which induced leaf chilling injury symptoms (wilting, appearance of water-soaked areas, necrosis). Chilling caused an accumulation of starch, sucrose, hexoses (glucose and fructose), and certain amino acids (glutamate, aspartate, and citrulline) in source leaf tissues, but no accumulation of stachyose or other galactosyl-oligosaccharides occurred. Chilling also caused a general increase in sugar (stachyose, raffinose, sucrose) and amino acid content of the phloem sap, although rates of phloem transport were apparently reduced. Pretreatment of the leaves with a 20-milligram per liter abscisic acid (ABA) spray before chilling prevented the appearance of chilling injury symptoms. ABA pretreatment had little or no affect on sugar accumulation in leaf tissues but greatly reduced or eliminated the chilling-induced amino acid accumulation. Higher levels of aspartate and particularly of arginine were found in phloem saps from ABA-pretreated plants. The data indicate that changes in leaf metabolism caused by environmental stresses such as chilling may change the composition of cucurbit phloem sap. This raises the possibility that some of the deleterious effects of stress on sink tissues may, in part, be due to alterations in the nature of the assimilate supply.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne enterolobii and M. floridensis are virulent species that can overcome root-knot nematode resistance in economically important crops. Our objectives were to determine the effects of temperature on the infectivity of second-stage juveniles (J2) of these two species and determine differences in duration and thermal-time requirements (degree-days [DD]) to complete their developmental cycle. Florida isolates of M. enterolobii and M. floridensis were compared to M. incognita race 3. Tomato cv. BHN 589 seedlings following inoculation were placed in growth chambers set at constant temperatures of 25°C, and 30°C, and alternating temperatures of 30°C to 25°C (day–night). Root infection by the three nematode species was higher at 30°C than at 25°C, and intermediate at 30°C to 25°C, with 33%, 15%, and 24% infection rates, respectively. There was no difference, however, in the percentages of J2 that infected roots among species at each temperature. Developmental time from infective J2 to reproductive stage for the three species was shorter at 30°C than at 25°C, and 30°C to 25°C. The shortest time and DD to egg production for the three species were 13 days after inoculation (DAI) and 285.7 DD, respectively. During the experimental timeframe of 29 d, a single generation was completed at 30°C for all three species, whereas only M. floridensis completed a generation at 30°C to 25°C. The number of days and accumulated DD for completing the life cycle (from J2 to J2) were 23 d and 506.9 DD for M. enterolobii, and 25 d and 552.3 DD for M. floridensis and M. incognita, respectively. Exposure to lower (25°C) and intermediate temperatures (30°C to 25°C) decreased root penetration and slowed the developmental cycle of M. enterolobii and M. floridensis compared with 30°C.  相似文献   

营养液低氧胁迫对网纹甜瓜幼苗脯氨酸和多胺含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
营养液中低氧胁迫下网纹甜瓜幼苗根系和叶片中脯氨酸、PAs含量均提高,Spd升幅最大,Put次之,spm最小;根中脯氨酸、PAs含量变化幅度显著高于叶片.表明营养液低氧胁迫可诱导植物组织中脯氨酸、PAs的快速合成.这可能是幼苗低氧耐性提高的原因.  相似文献   

低温对蝴蝶兰胚珠发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
低温(12-18℃)处理的蝴蝶兰,授粉50 d开始分化胚珠原基、60 d胚囊处于大孢子母细胞时期,比常温(20-25℃)下的推迟10-15 d;授粉70 d,常温下的蝴蝶兰植株已完成雌配子体发育和双受精,而低温处理的蝴蝶兰仍未完成大孢子的发生过程.低温处理的蝴蝶兰,胚囊发育过程中珠心细胞提前退化,在大孢子母细胞外围形成较厚的胚囊壁.胚囊只发育到单核胚囊阶段,没有形成成熟胚囊.  相似文献   

Effects of the environment on shoot survival were studied inwinter wheat cv. Avalon grown in microplots at a density of247 plants m–2. The incident radiation and mean temperaturewere altered during one of three periods of between 14 and 29d duration, the first (P1) starting at the end of tiller productionand the last (P3) finishing near the end of the tiller deathphase, about three weeks before anthesis. Plants were giventemperature and radiation treatments in growth rooms in twoexperiments and extra light outdoors in a third experiment:they were at other times grown outdoors. Increasing radiation by between 60 and 100 per cent during P1had negligible effects on shoot number; during P2 it alwaysdelayed tiller death but increased final ear number in onlyone experiment; during P3 it consistently increased ear numberby up to 100 m–2. Increased radiation always increasedcrop dry weight immediately after treatment but only sometimesdid this increase persist to maturity. Grain dry weight wasincreased by treatment during P3 of one experiment. Increasingthe temperature by 4 C decreased shoot number, usually onlytemporarily, by hastening death of some tillers. Warmer temperaturesdecreased crop growth after, but not during, treatment and decreasedgrain dry weight. Radiation and temperature rarely interacted. Variation in grain yield within and between experiments relatedwell to variation in number of grains m–2, which in turnrelated to variation in ear dry weight at anthesis. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, radiation, temperature, tillers, grain yield, grain number  相似文献   

鉴于气孔发育影响气孔导度和蒸腾速率,推测气孔发育可能影响叶温调节。为验证这一假设并阐述相关规律,在控光和控温条件下研究了冬青卫矛和华北紫丁香气孔发育、气孔导度、蒸腾速率及其与叶温的关系。结果表明,伴随冬青卫矛、华北紫丁香叶片生长气孔逐渐增大,但气孔密度下降;在此过程中,气孔导度和蒸腾速率逐步提高,而叶片温度降低;尽管冬青卫矛和华北紫丁香叶片的气孔密度和大小差异很小,但华北紫丁香近轴侧和远轴侧均有气孔分布,而冬青卫矛则只有远轴侧分布气孔,且相同条件下华北紫丁香的气孔导度和蒸腾速率高、叶温低。因此,气孔发育能够促进气孔导度和蒸腾速率提高,有助于降低叶温;近轴侧气孔可能更有利于蒸腾降温。  相似文献   

BTH和SA处理及白粉菌接种对甜瓜叶片光合特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以抗病品种Tam Dew和感病品种卡拉克赛为材料,研究了BTH和SA处理及白粉菌接种对甜瓜叶片叶面积、叶绿素含量、净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度的影响.结果表明,BTH和SA处理及白粉菌接种对甜瓜苗期叶面积扩展无显著影响;BTH和SA处理植株的叶片(第3叶)和新生叶片(第5叶)的净光合速率、叶绿素含量和气孔导度显著高于对照;白粉菌接种后,2个甜瓜叶片的叶绿素含量、净光合速率和气孔导度显著降低,而BTH和SA处理能缓解由白粉菌接种带来的叶绿素含量、净光合速率和气孔导度的下降趋势.说明BTH和SA处理能延长甜瓜叶片的光合寿命,延缓甜瓜叶片的叶绿素含量、净光合速率和气孔导度的下降趋势.  相似文献   

The mermithid Heleidomermis magnapapula Poinar and Mullens, a parasite of the biting midge Culicoides variipennis (Coquillett), was exposed to constant temperatures in the laboratory. Survival of the free-living stages and development times of eggs and the parasitic phase were inversely related to temperature. Average preparasite longevity was 70, 46, 42, and 22 hours at 15.6, 21.1, 26.7, and 32.2 C, respectively. Females survived significantly longer than males. Longevity in days (females/males) at different temperatures was 17.3/11.0 at 4.4 C, 9.0/8.2 at 15.6 C, 5.9/5,1 at 21.1 C, 5.2/4.7 at 26.7 C, and 4.4/3.6 at 32.2 C. Embryogenesis required 44 ± 2 degree days above a thermal minimum of 10.1 C, while parasitic development in host larvae required 214 ± 10 degree days above a thermal minimum of 8.9 C. Parasite responses to temperature were very closely related to temperature-dependent host development patterns.  相似文献   

Effects of constant and fluctuating temperature on development and reproduction of Heterodera cajani were studied on pigeonpea cv. ICPL 87 in growth chambers at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 C and in a greenhouse fluctuating between 22.2 and 37.8 C. Nematode penetration was greatest (P = 0.001) in roots at 25 C; there was no penetration at 10 C. The basal threshold temperature for development was calculated to be 11 C. Completion of one H. cajani generation required 17, 28, 35, and 66 days (323, 392, 315, and 264 degree-days) at 30, 25, 20, and 15 C, respectively, and 19 days (356 degree-days) at a fluctuating temperature. Survival was greater at 20 and 25 C than at 15 and 30 C. The greatest (P = 0.05) number of females (17.9 females per root) were produced at 25 C, compared with 13.2 at 20 C, 7.9 at 30 C, and 2.5 females at 15 C. Nematode reproduction was 1.6 to 7.1 times greater at 25 C than at other temperatures. Emergence of juveniles from egg sacs and cysts was greater at 25 and 30 C than at 15 and 20 C. Equations were developed to predict nematode development rate, cumulative juvenile emergence from egg sacs and cysts, and population increases as influenced by temperature.  相似文献   

Sucrose Metabolism in Netted Muskmelon Fruit during Development   总被引:30,自引:10,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
Sugar content and composition are major criteria used in judging the quality of netted muskmelon (Cucumis melo L. var reticulatus) fruit. Sugar composition and four enzymes of sucrose metabolism were determined in `Magnum 45' muskmelon fruit at 10-day intervals beginning 10 days after pollination (DAP) until full-slip (35 DAP). Sugar content increased in both outer (green) mesocarp and inner (orange) mesocarp between 20 and 30 DAP. The major proportion of total increase in sugar was attributed to sucrose accumulation. The large increase in sucrose relative to glucose and fructose was accompanied by a dramatic decrease in acid invertase activity, which was highest in both tissues at 10 and 20 DAP, and increases in sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase activities. The green tissue had a lower proportion of total sugar as sucrose, greater invertase activity, and less SPS activity than the orange tissue. Changes in relative sucrose content were highly correlated with changes in enzyme activity. The results strongly suggest that increases in the proportion of sucrose found in melon fruit were associated with a decline in acid invertase activity and an increase in SPS activity approximately 10 days before full-slip. Therefore, these enzymes apparently play a key role in determining sugar composition and the quality of muskmelon fruit.  相似文献   

Eleven cultivars of pigeonpea, representing five different maturitygroups, were grown under controlled conditions to determinehow the rate of development from sowing to flower bud initiation(FBI) and sowing to flowering was affected by temperature anddaylength, the two environmental variables thought to have mostinfluence on reproductive development. Both temperature and daylength had substantial effects overthe range 16–32 C and 10–14 h respectively. Comparisonswithin the 12 h daylength treatment showed no consistent patternwith mean temperature. A discrete-rate analysis was used todetermine the effect on development of each of the temperaturesmaking up the various treatment combinations of day and nighttemperature. The rate of development from sowing to FBI varied among cultivars.The responses to temperature were all strongly curvilinear withoptima between 20 and 24 C. The rate of development from sowingto flowering showed a similar pattern. The effect of daylengthon the rate of development was the greatest between sowing andFBI, with the greatest sensitivity between 12 and 14 h. For the range of conditions considered, temperature had at leastas great an influence as daylength on the rates of developmentfrom sowing to FBI and from sowing to flowering. Some of theresponses to time of planting that have previously been attributedto daylength effects may, in fact, have been due to temperature.The responses to temperature of reproductive and vegetativedevelopment are very different. Phenology, Cajanus cajan  相似文献   

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