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Changes in the cell surface oligosaccharides in human fetal lung fibroblasts (IMR-90) are studied as the cells progress to senescence using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and a biochemical assay. A lectin-based affinity-binding technique is used which measures the organization of carbohydrates on the cell surface. Proton NMR studies of the water in samples of frozen cell suspensions of young and old cells provide information on the local dynamics of the cell surface by monitoring the motion of bound water. Changes in the lectin binding density and affinity class distribution correlate with a decrease in the water proton linewidth in frozen cells. These observations reflect alterations in the conformation or structure of the cell surface oligosaccharides and local constituent water.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based sensors have been used to detect the binding between interactive molecules. We applied the SPR technology to the analysis of interactions between living cells and molecules reactive to the cells, using mast cells and mast cell-reactive antigens. The exposure of dinitrophenol-human serum albumin (DNP-HSA), an antigen that stimulates mast cells, to IgE-sensitized mast cells induced a robust and long-lasting SPR signal in a dose-dependent manner. The maximal increase in SPR signal induced by 100 ng/ml DNP-HSA was 0.200 +/- 0.120 angle (mean +/- SD, n = 37), about 1000 times larger than the theoretically expected increase for the simple binding of DNP-HSA to Fc(epsilon)RI, the high-affinity IgE receptor. A small, but similarly prolonged signal was observed when the cells were stimulated by an agonist of the adenosine A3 receptor. The signal induced by DNP-HSA was abolished by genistein, and partially inhibited by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and wortmannin. Interestingly, the signal induced by DNP-HSA was only weakly inhibited by DNP-lysine, suggesting that DNP-lysine manifests its action not by inhibiting, but by modulating the crosslinking of Fc(epsilon)RI. We concluded that SPR sensors can detect biologically significant signals in a real-time manner from the interactions between cells and molecules reactive to the cells.  相似文献   

A biosensoric approach has been developed to determine the activity of telomerase in tumor cell lysates. An optical sensor, the grating coupler, was used to monitor the association and dissociation of unlabeled compounds on the sensor surface in real time, by virtue of an evanescent field. An oligonucleotide was immobilized on the surface of the optical biosensor and linked with two other oligonucleotides by complementary sequences in an overlapping manner. The 3'-end of the last one carried the sequence of the telomeric substrate (TS) primer used for elongation by telomerase in the telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay. This primer sequence was phosphorothioate (PS)-modified, which is known to strongly increase the affinity to the primer binding site of telomerase protein and consequently the velocity of the telomerase reaction. We show that the PS primer binds to the modified biosensor and is elongated effectively by the telomerase from HL-60 cell lysates. A synthesis rate of 1 nucleotide/min was determined. The inhibitory effect of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) was shown by using immobilized TS. The velocity of the telomerase reaction was slowed down and the signal intensity was below the signal-to-noise ratio. Most nucleic acid detection systems use amplification steps such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to increase the amount of the probe. Since telomerase is a polymerase itself amplification of DNA by PCR is not required. Furthermore, no purification steps were required since all measurements were performed with crude cell extract.  相似文献   

To distinguish the mass loading effect from the total frequency change is a problem in the application of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) biosensor in the liquid phase. Based on the characteristic damping theory, this paper proposes a new method of dual modulation to solve this problem. Usingg polyethyleneimine to immobilize anti-SE (staphylococcin enterotoxin) antibody (C2 type), a dual modulated QCM SE biosensor was developed and the experiment proved that it has little cross-reaction with B-type SE. The measuring curve of the sensor was also determined through experiment.  相似文献   

Chrono-impedance technique (CIT) was implemented as a new transduction method for real time measurement of glucose in a biosensor system based in carbon paste (CP)/Ferrocene (FC)/glucose oxidase (GOx). The system presents high selectivity because the optimal stimulation signal composed by a 165mV DC potential and 50mV(RMS) AC signal at 0.4Hz was used. The low DC potential used decreased the interfering species effect and the biosensor showed a linear impedance response toward glucose detection at concentrations from 0mM to 20mM,with 0.9853 and 0.9945 correlation coefficient for impedance module (|Z|) and phase (Φ), respectively. The results of quadruplicate sets reveal the high repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements with a relative standard deviation (RSD) less than 10%. CIT presented good accuracy (within 10% of the actual value) and precision did not exceed 15% of RSD for high concentration values and 20% for the low concentration ones. In addition, a high correlation coefficient (R(2)=0.9954) between chrono-impedance and colorimetric methods was obtained. On the other hand, when two samples prepared at the same conditions were measured in parallel with both methods (the measurement was repeated four times), it should be noticed that student's t-test produced no difference between the two mentioned methods (p=1). The biosensor system hereby presented is highly specific to glucose detection and shows a better linear range than the one reported on the previous article.  相似文献   

QCM technology offers a real time output, simplicity of use and cost effectiveness in addition to high sensitivity. Sensitivity of QCM immunosensor can be enhanced by improving the immobilisation procedure on the quartz surface. The immobilisation strategy should be able to control both the amount and the orientation of the antibody (immunoglobulin; IgG) on the transducer for high affinity to antigens. This study introduced a new methodology recruiting oxidised IgG to expose aldehyde group in Fc region to cross-link to hydrazide conformed on self assembled monolayer (SAM) and compared with three conventional methods. Consequently, it was proved that considerable amount of antibody was immobilised and the sensitivity of new methodology was higher than other methods while ability of new methodology to immobilise IgG was lower than the conventional methods. The frequency shifts following bacterial cell injection were positively related to the frequency shifts after the injection of IgG and the amounts of bacterial cells, revealing that the frequency shifts after bacterial cell injection fully represented the weight change by specific attachments of bacterial cells to the IgG cross-linked on the gold surface. Specificity was tested on different bacteria including E. coli, V. vulnificus and A. hydrophila and showed no significant non-specific affinity on the tested bacteria. It was also demonstrated that the prepared sensor chip was stable enough to withstand repeated surface regeneration. Indeed, polyclonal antibody was more effective to detect antigen than monoclonal antibody which binds to only one epitope of antigen. Conclusively, the new methodology is appeared to be more sensitive than conventional methods tested and reusable for 10 times.  相似文献   

A mathematical approach using fractal concepts is presented for modeling the binding and dissociation interactions between analytes and nuclear estrogen receptors (ER) occurring on surface plasmon resonance biosensor chip surfaces. A kinetic knowledge of the binding interactions mediated by ER would help in better understanding the carcinogenicity of these steroidogenic compounds and assist in modulating these reactions. The fractal approach is applied to analyte-ER interaction data obtained from literature. Numerical values obtained for the binding and dissociation rate coefficients are linked to the degree of roughness or heterogeneity (fractal dimension, D(f)) present on the biosensor surface. For example, a single-fractal analysis is used to describe the binding and dissociation phases for the binding of estradiol and ERalpha in solution to clone 31 protein immobilized on a biosensor chip (C-S. Suen et al., 1998, J. Biol. Chem. 273(42), 27645-27653). The binding and the dissociation rate coefficients are 27.57 and 8.813, respectively, and the corresponding fractal dimensions are 1.986 and 2.268, respectively. In some examples dual-fractal models were employed to obtain a better fit of either the association or the dissociation phases or for both. Predictive relationships are developed for (a) the binding and the dissociation rate coefficients as a function of their respective fractal dimensions and (b) the ratio K(A) (= k/k(d)) as a function of the ratio of the fractal dimensions (D(f)/D(fd)). The analysis should provide further physical insights into the ER-mediated interactions occurring on biosensor and other surfaces.  相似文献   

Real-time detection of viral replication inside cells remains a challenge to researchers. The Epic® System is a high-throughput, label-free optical detection platform capable of measuring molecular interaction in a biochemical assay, as well as integrated cellular response from measurement of cellular dynamic mass redistribution (DMR) in a cell-based assay. DMR has previously been used to measure cell signaling upon receptor stimulation. In this report, we present the first example of Epic® measurement of viral replication-induced cellular response and demonstrate that this system is extremely powerful not only for the sensitive and quantitative detection of viral replication inside cells but also for screening of viral inhibitors. By comparing with conventional assays used for the measurement of viral replication, we show that the Epic® response has many advantages including sensitivity, high throughput, real-time quantification and label-free detection. We propose that the Epic® system for measurement of integrated cellular response will be an excellent method for elucidating steps in viral replication as well as for the high-throughput screening of inhibitors of rhinovirus and other viruses.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell attachment studies were conducted on a variety of common microchip surfaces for potential use in cell based biosensors. COS-7 cell attachment to Au, Pt or ITO, per unit area was greater than to SiO(2) surfaces. The number of cells that would attach was essentially maximized 3 h after cell seeding. HL-1 cells attached more readily to surfaces precoated with fibronectin, but by 3 h equivalent number of cells had attached independent of fibronectin precoating. Inclusion of serum in media during the initial period of attachment decreased the number of COS-7 cells attached to SiO(2) surfaces, but no dependence on serum was seen for ITO surfaces. The number of cells attached per unit area varied with the composition of the surface. However, no differences were observed in the percentage of cells transfected with a green fluorescent protein gene, or in the level of reporter gene expression over the population of transfected cells on ITO, SiO(2), Pt, Ag, or Au surfaces. Similar FACS analysis of transfected Hep G2 cells revealed lower levels of both transfection efficiency and levels of GFP fluorescence. Hep G2 cells plated on Ag did not remain attached for analysis, but there were no significant differences between tissue culture plastic and the other biosensor surfaces in the percentage of cells transfected. This suggests that, in general, cells will attach to the various conducting and nonconducting biosensor surfaces studied and will provide comparable data in reporter gene expression assays.  相似文献   

The quantitative analysis of sialic acid (SA) at an erythrocyte membrane is becoming an important clinical parameter in diagnosing cancer and diabetes. In spite of such clinical importance, there are only a few, very expensive, time consuming and complicated quantifying methods established. To solve this problem, we demonstrate a novel and direct measurement technique for SA exposed to the cell membrane using a photothermal biosensing system in which the hemoglobin molecules in the erythrocyte absorb a specific wavelength of photons (532 nm) and convert it to a temperature change. For measuring the quantity of SA, we first modified the sensor surface of a micro-scaled thermometer using phenylboronic acid (PBA) containing a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) to capture the SA-expressing erythrocytes. Second, the sensor surface was thoroughly washed, and when more SA was expressed, tighter association of erythrocytes to the biosensor was expected. Thirdly, blood sample changes in temperature, heated by the 532 nm wavelength laser, were measured by the bottom layer's micron sized platinum thermometer. The temperature changes from the erythrocytes captured on the sensor surface could be estimated by the amount of SA expressed on the erythrocyte membrane. This novel SA analysis system can solve the problems raised by conventional methods such as multiple enzyme reactions and a time consuming process. We expect that this system will help provide a new tool in the quantitative analysis of SA expression level for the diagnosis of diabetes and cancers.  相似文献   

A fractal analysis is used to analyze the influence of: (a) electrostatic interactions on binding and dissociation rate coefficients for antibodies HH8, HH10, and HH26 in solution to hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) immobilized on a sensor chip surface [Biophys. J. 83 (2002) 2946]; and (b) the binding and dissociation of recombinant Fab in solution to random NHS-coupled Cys-HEL and oriented thiol-coupled Cys-HEL immobilized on a sensor chip surface [Methods 20 (2000) 310]. Single- and dual-fractal models were employed to fit the data. Values of the binding and the dissociation rate coefficient(s) and the fractal dimensions were obtained from a regression analysis provided by Corel Quattro Pro 8.0 (Corel Corporation Limited, Ottawa, Canada. 1997). The binding rate coefficients are quite sensitive to the degree of heterogeneity on the sensor chip surface. It is of interest to compare the results obtained by the fractal analysis with that of the original analysis [Biophys. J. 83 (2002) 2946]. For example, as one goes from the binding of 21 nM HH10/HEL to the binding of 640 nM HH10/HEL(K97A), Sinha et al. [Biophys. J. 83 (2002) 29461 indicate that the enhancement of diffusional encounter rates may be due to 'electrostatic steering' (a long-range interaction). Our analysis indicates that there is an increase in the value of the fractal dimension, Df1 by a factor of 1.12 from a value of 2.133-2.385. This increase in the degree of heterogeneity on the surface leads to an increase in the binding rate coefficient, k1 by a factor of 1.59 from 12.92 to 20.57. The fractal analysis of binding and dissociation of recombinant Fab in solution to random NHS-coupled Cys-HEL and oriented thiol-coupled Cys-HEL immobilized on a sensor chip [Methods 20 (2000) 310] surface are consistent with the degree of heterogeneity present on the sensor chip surface for the random and the oriented case. As expected, the random case will exhibit a higher degree of heterogeneity than the oriented case, leading to subsequently a higher binding rate coefficient.  相似文献   

Hybridization rates of sheared, genomic E. coli DNA in 0.14 M, pH 6.7 phosphate buffer at 65 degrees C were determined by: (1) observing the rate of absorbance decrease at 260 nm due to self-hybridization in solution; and (2) measurement of the rate of mass increase caused by hybridization between DNA in solution and DNA photografted to polystyrene. The latter measurement was done using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). In both the spectrophotometric and QCM experiments the probe was identical to the target, as both were taken from the same sample of sheared E. coli DNA. In the QCM measurements, viscoelastic effects were made negligible by drying the biopolymer layer on the QCM's surface before taking the frequency readings. Our purpose was to explore the effect of immobilizing DNA on its hybridization rate constant. A second-order constant of 2.32 +/- 0.09 x 10(-6) ml microg(-1) s(-1), n = 14, for hybridization in solution was obtained spectrophotometrically, while the QCM experiment gave a constant of 2.2 +/- 0.3 x 10(-6) ml microg(-1) s(-1), n = 6. These values are not statistically different. The reaction half-lives for the spectrophotometric and QCM experiments were 6.5 h and 13 min, respectively. The shorter half-life on the QCM can be explained solely by the much greater reactant concentration in the QCM experiment. About 25% of the DNA was inactivated by the attachment reaction. After correcting for this, the surface-attached DNA hybridized with the same rate constant as DNA free in solution. Therefore, it is concluded that, in these specific experiments with genomic DNA, the immobilized regions must have been short compared to the length of the molecules. The data demonstrate the high hybridization rate obtainable when nucleic acids are hybridized in a thin-film, micro-volume reaction on a non-porous surface.  相似文献   

Glycolipids of human cell lines of colonic adenocarcinoma (Colo 205 and BM 314), gastric tumor (AZ 521 and KATO-III), and lung tumor (A 549) were studied by the immunohistochemical fluorescence technique, flow cytometric analysis and immunostaining on thin layer chromatoplates with antibodies against gangliotriaosylceramide (Gg3Cer), gangliotetraosylceramide (Gg4Cer), fucogangliotetraosylceramide (Fuc-Gg4Cer), blood group B active lipid, globopentaosylceramide (Gb5Cer) and lactoneotetraosylceramide (nLc4Cer). Anti-nLc4Cer antibody was the only antibody which reacted with all the tumor cell lines used. The glycolipid fractions of each cell line separated by Iatrobeads column chromatography were immunostained with the six antibodies mentioned above on thin layer plates. The presence of nLc4Cer was detected in all cell lines. On the other hand, Gg4Cer was detected in gastric tumor cell lines, and Gg3Cer was detected in AZ 521. Based on these results, the tumor cell lines were analyzed by flow cytometry using anti-nLc4Cer antibody. About 70% of total cells in each cell line were separated as nLc4Cer-expressing cells. The present findings, together with the occurrence of nLc4Cer in ascitic fluids of cancer patients (Taki, T., Kojima, S., Seto, H., Yamada, H., & Matsumoto, M. (1984) J. Biochem. 96, 1257-1265), suggest that nLc4Cer may be a tumor-associated lipid.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluated the grafting of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) onto functionalized surfaces, which is a primary requirement to elaborate receptor-based biosensors, or to develop novel GPCR assays. Bovine rhodopsin, a prototypical GPCR, was used in the form of receptor-enriched membrane fraction. Quantitative immobilization of the membrane-bound rhodopsin either non-specifically on a carboxylated dextran surface grafted with long alkyl groups, or specifically on a surface coated with anti-rhodopsin antibody was demonstrated by surface plasmon resonance. In addition, a new substrate based on mixed self-assembled multilayer that anchors specific anti-receptor antibodies was developed. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy performed upon deposition of membrane-bound rhodopsin of increasing concentration exhibited a significant change, until a saturation level was reached, indicating optimum receptor immobilization on the substrate. The structures obtained with this new immobilization procedure of the rhodopsin in its native membrane environment are stable, with a controlled density of specific anchoring sites. Therefore, such receptor immobilization method is attractive for a range of applications, especially in the field of GPCR biosensors.  相似文献   

Root hairs (RHs) are tubular extensions of root epidermal cells that favour nutrient uptake and microbe interactions. RHs show a fast apical growth, constituting a unique single cell model system for analysing cellular morphodynamics. In this context, live cell imaging using microfluidics recently developed to analyze root development is appealing, although high-resolution imaging is still lacking to enable an investigation of the accurate spatiotemporal morphodynamics of organelles. Here, we provide a powerful coverslip based microfluidic device (CMD) that enables us to capture high resolution confocal imaging of Arabidopsis RH development with real-time monitoring of nuclear movement and shape changes. To validate the setup, we confirmed the typical RH growth rates and the mean nuclear positioning previously reported with classical methods. Moreover, to illustrate the possibilities offered by the CMD, we have compared the real-time variations in the circularity, area and aspect ratio of nuclei moving in growing and mature RHs. Interestingly, we observed higher aspect ratios in the nuclei of mature RHs, correlating with higher speeds of nuclear migration. This observation opens the way for further investigations of the effect of mechanical constraints on nuclear shape changes during RH growth and nuclear migration and its role in RH and plant development.  相似文献   

A flow injection analysis (FIA) biosensor system has been developed for on-line determination of glucose during mammalian cell cultivation. The culture sample was peristaltically withdrawn from the bioreactor and after cell separation by a steam sterilizable ceramic microfilter, the filtrate was continuously fed to the FIA mediated-biosensor system at 4 mLh(-1), whereas the cell-containing retentate was recirculated to the bioreactor. In the amperometric biosensor system, glucose oxidase was covalently immobilized onto a preactivated nylon membrane and attached to the sensing area of a platinum working electrode. The enzyme reaction was coupled with the mediator 1,1'-dimethylferricinium (DMFe(+))-cyclodextrin inclusion complex to recycle the reduced glucose oxidase to its original active state. 1,1'-Dimethylferrocene (DMFe) was then reoxidized to DMFe(+) at the surface of the platinum electrode poised at + 0.15 V vs silver/silver chloride. The FIA mediated-biosensor was linear up to 6 mM glucose, with a detection limit of 0.1 mM, and possessed excellent reproducibility (+/- 0.4 %, 95 % confidence interval) over 123 repeated analyses during a 62 h continuous operation. The immobilized glucose oxidase was stable for up to 7 days when applied to glucose measurement during 5-10 day fed-batch cultivation of 293S mammalian cells. The results obtained from the mediated-biosensor system compared well with the hexokinase and HPLC data. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 55: 497-504, 1997.  相似文献   

A calorimetric approach is described for analysing the kinetics of periodate oxidation on a series of monosaccharidic substrates. Rate constants at several temperatures were calculated from the calorimetric decay curves that are proportional to the rate of conversion. Arrhenius plots provided the activation parameters for the various carbohydrates and a linear correlation was found between the values of enthalpy and entropy of activation. The dependence of the values of kinetic rates on stereochemistry is interpreted in terms of conformational probability of the reactive state. The suitability of the calorimetric method to track the kinetic process of slow reactions is emphasised, in particular its ability to monitor, directly and continuously, the course of the reaction.  相似文献   

We describe a new technology, the Ibis T5000, for the identification of pathogens in clinical and environmental samples. The Ibis T5000 couples nucleic acid amplification to high-performance electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and base-composition analysis. The system enables the identification and quantification of a broad set of pathogens, including all known bacteria, all major groups of pathogenic fungi and the major families of viruses that cause disease in humans and animals, along with the detection of virulence factors and antibiotic resistance markers.  相似文献   

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