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脉红螺Rapana venosa(Valenciennes)生殖系统的组织解剖学研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
脉红螺为雌雄异体。雄性生殖系统包括8部分:精巢、输精小管、贮精囊、输精管、前列腺、输精管外套段Ⅰ、输精管外套段Ⅱ和阴茎。雌性生殖系统包括7部分:卵巢、输卵小管、输卵管Ⅰ段、纳精囊、输卵管Ⅱ段、蛋白腺和产卵器。 脉红螺精子形成过程中有精子细胞团形成。精子线形,由头段、中段和尾段构成。头段核基部内凹形成倒“U”形管;中段有丝状线粒体鞘,螺旋缠绕轴丝;尾段由9条粗纤维包围‘9+2’型轴丝构成。 本文亦对前列腺、蛋白腺及蛋白质卵黄粒等的超微结构作了观察。  相似文献   

本文报道盘菌目地孔菌属(Geopora Harkn.)我国种类的分类研究成果,共描述4个种即砂生地孔菌(Geopora arenicola(Lév.)Kers),库氏地孔菌(Geopora cooperi Harkn.),叶质地孔菌(Geopora foliacea(Schaef.)Ahmad)和梭椭孢地孔菌(Geopora perprolata B.C.Zhang,sp.nov.)。叶质地孔菌为中国新记录种。文中对各个种给予了详细的描述,并附有分种检索表。  相似文献   

王慧芙  文在根  陈军 《蛛形学报》2002,11(2):107-127
Preface The research on Chinese oribatid mites was started in the 1920's, when A. Jacot recorded 10 oribatid species from Beijing (Peking) and Shandong (Shantung). In the 1980s', Chinese acarologists noticed the necessity of studying soil mites, which were poorly investigated and reported during the past 60 years. Along with the adoption of more open policy in China, the academic exchange and coopera  相似文献   

在标本(包括许多模式标本)查考和居群调研的基础上,对刚竹属Phyllostachys Sieb.et Zucc.一些类群的分类问题进行了评注,其中将遂昌雷竹Ph.primotina Wen作为不同于红壳雷竹Ph.incarnata Wen的1个独立的竹种看待;8个拉丁学名被减为异名;Ph.heteroclada Oliv.f.solida(S.L.Chen)C.P.Wang et Z.H.Yu因其  相似文献   

两种草螽精子超微结构比较研究(直翅目,螽斯总科)   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
比较研究了长翅草螽Conocephalus longipennis与鼻优草螽Euconocephalus nasutus精子的超微结构。两种精子的顶体复合体侧生于核上且包裹了核的一部分;轴丝为典型的9 9 2型;轴丝两侧的副纤维结构前者为2副体,后者为2副微管;线粒体衍生体横切面前者为鞋履形,后者卵圆形;轴丝与线粒体衍生体之间的连接带前者为5条,后者3条;近线粒体衍生体的两扁平膜池在长翅草螽中连接在一起呈飞燕形。  相似文献   

丁锦华 《昆虫学报》1985,(4):430-434
在我国云南、广东两省采集的同翅目、飞虱科Delphacidae标本中,经鉴定发现分隶于三个属的三个新种,现描述如下。 新种模式标本存放在南京农业大学植保系。 1.元江扁角飞虱 Perkinsiella yuanjiangensis 新种(图1—7) 头顶黄褐色,基宽为中长的1.3倍;额褐色,其间夹杂数对淡色小圆斑,中长为中部最宽处宽的1.6倍;颊黄褐,中域具“人”字形暗褐纹,端角两边沿脊亦具暗褐条纹;触角第一节背面和腹面近端缘及第二节基部黑褐,其余部分暗褐色;前、中胸背板中部污黄,侧区在  相似文献   

C. J. O. Harrison 《Ibis》1966,108(4):573-583
The larks (Alaudidae) tend to be taxonomically arranged in a large number of small genera. There appear to be few characters which will separate the genera Alauda, Galerida and Lullula, and in recent times additional species have been placed in the first two genera without a reappraisal of the characters by which each genus is defined. Ten species are involved and originally these belonged to eight different genera. In this group of ten species of eight genera as at present, six morphological generic characters are examined separately: the length of the tenth primary in relation to the roundness of the wing, the length of the hind claw, the profile of the crest, the conspicuousness of the superciliary stripe, the thickness and taper of the bill, and the length of tertiaries and secondaries. All ten species show these characters, and the variation in any single character is fairly evenly graded through the group without marked discontinuity. The succession of species within the gradation varies from one character to another. It is not possible to find any group of characters which will subdivide the group of species. Little is known of the behaviour of the ten species but examination of song-flight suggests that such characters may also show a gradation without obvious subdivision. It is considered that the present data do not justify the retention of the present genera for these species, and that it would be preferable to group them under the earliest generic name, Alauda. The characters defining the Alauda group are listed and the relation of Chersophilus duponti to the group is discussed.  相似文献   

The spicate inflorescence of Saururus cernuus L. (Saururaceae) results from the activity of an inflorescence apical meristem which produces 200–300 primordia in acropetal succession. The inflorescence apex arises by conversion of the terminal vegetative apex. During transition the apical meristem increases greatly in height and width and changes its cellular configuration from one of tunica-corpus to one of mantle (with two tunica layers) and core. Primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions in the subsurface layer. These are “common” primordia, each of which subsequently divides to produce a floral apex above and a bract primordium below. The bract later elongates so that the flower appears borne on the bract. All common primordia are formed by the time the inflorescence is about 4.4 mm long; the apical meristem ceases activity at this stage. As cessation approaches, cell divisions become rare in the apical meristem, and height and width of the meristem above the primordia diminish, as primordia continue to be initiated on the flanks. Cell differentiation proceeds acropetally into the apical meristem and reaches the summital tunica layers last of all. Solitary bracts are initiated just before apical cessation, but no imperfect or ebracteate flowers are produced in Saururus. The final event of meristem activity is hair formation by individual cells of the tunica at the summit, a feature not previously reported for apical meristems.  相似文献   

Briza maxima (quaking grass) is a cosmopolitan grass common to Europe and North and South America. It grows in disturbed soils and on roadsides. The hemispherical caryopsis is embedded between a leaflike lemma and flattened palea. The embryo is of the festucoid type. The scutellum shows two surrounding ridges at the edge of the scutellum/endosperm boundary, and has lateral lobes. A broad epiblast extends toward the embryo apex and is continuous with the dorsal surface of the coleorhiza. The single-layered aleurone surrounds the starchy endosperm and is discontinuous around the embryo. The caryopsis coat is thin, except at the placental pad where it is thickened by the pigment strand and the nucellar projection.  相似文献   

小麦体细胞再生株(R1)的染色体变异分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了普通小麦(Triticum aestivum)、“宁麦三号”等5个基因型的体细胞再生株(R_1)减数分裂各期的染色体异常行为。结果表明:再生株 R_1代有丝分裂时表现为染色体数量上的变异,最常见的有2n-2类型,其次是2n-1类型,也有少数为2n 1和2n-4等变异类型;再生株 R_1花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中出现单价体、多价体、染色体桥、落后染色体、断片和微核等异常现象,并与各基因型细胞遗传程度上差异有关。  相似文献   

中国皮蝽科Piesmatidae简记(半翅目、异翅亚目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮蝽科Piesmatidae是半翅目中的一个小科,已知约三十余种,主要分布于全北区,也有少数分布于东洋区和非洲区。本科种类的特征是身体背面具特大的网状刻点,头侧叶发达,通常伸出于头中叶的前方;眼及触角之间呈刺状突起,有单眼;触角四节,第三节细长,第四节纺锤形,端半部被半直立长毛;喙四节,伸达或超过前足基节。前胸背板具二条,三条或五条纵脊;有前胸侧板窝。附节二节,具爪垫。本科与长蝽科接近,但头、前胸背板及足的构造不同。它和网蝽科种类的外形颇相似,但小盾片外露,前翅  相似文献   


When viewed by electron microscopy of thin sections, the inner two-thirds of the petiolar cuticle of Vaccinium reticulatum appears dense and is penetrated by a channel-like reticulum which emanates from the primary cell wall. The outer one-third of the cuticle stains lightly and is homogeneous. This arrangement is compared with the ultrastructure of cuticle previously reported for other plant species.  相似文献   

收集了62种从东南亚进口的不同树种的木材,并作为截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermesdomestictis(Haviland)的食料,让其原始繁殖蚁自行配对钻入这些木料中取食,建立新群体.观察该种白蚁对不同树种木材的取食状况,了解不同树种木材对该种白蚁初建群体的影响.结果表明,该种白蚁食性广泛,能取食多种在分类上差异很大的木材,除坤甸外,均被其取食.试验用的全部木材对该种白蚁原始繁殖蚁配对没有影响,均有原始繁殖蚁配对钻入洞内.在配对3个月后解剖群体发现,除坤甸、樟木、硬榄仁、柚木、子京、虫眼木、暗罗、硬椴、轻胭脂、胭脂、番龙眼外,其余树种的初建群体,雌雄繁殖蚁存活,子代发育正常.  相似文献   

本文对《植物学(被子植物分类部分)》教材(吴国芳等,1992)中如下问题与同行商榷:(1)关于克朗奎斯特(Cronquist)的被子植物分类系统;(2)关于金鱼藻科(Ceratophylaceae)的分类位置;(3)关于被子植物分类原则;(4)关于插图与特征描述是否一致的问题;(5)关于分类群特征描述中的若干问题。  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine conditions critical to the isolation and culture of protoplasts from leaf mesophyll cells of a Solanum Section Tuberarium diploid clone, a S. phureja × S. chacoense F1 hybrid. The optimum concentration of cellulase (Cellulysin) was 0.4%, while pectinase (Macerase) was inhibitory, even at a low concentration (0.075%). Maximum yields of protoplasts were achieved when the enzyme solution was not changed during incubation, and slow oscillation (60 rpm) on a shaker was used. When detached leaves were held under low light intensities or in the darkness for 3–5 days prior to protoplast production, results were more consistent than when the leaves were used directly from the greenhouse. Following dark or low light treatment the optimum osmolarity of the isolation and growth media was approximately 0.3–0.4 M. Of nine growth media tested only those of Nitsch and Ohyama and of Upadhya supported callus development, but the callus was often loose and did not differentiate roots or shoots. Callus from protoplasts cultured in the Upadhya medium modified by addition of glycine, vitamins, and casein hydrolysate, and subsequently transferred to the medium of Lam, formed roots and shoots when cultures were maintained in light. Mature plants were obtained following transfer to modified White's medium and later transplantation to soil.  相似文献   

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