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Comparative X-ray diffraction studies, in conjunction with infrared absorption spectroscopy, were performed on chromatophores isolated from various purple photosynthetic bacteria in order to achieve a better understanding of the molecular structure of the photosynthetic unit. Purple non-sulfur bacteria used were Rhodospirillum rubrum, Rhodospirillum molischianum, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, and Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Chromatophores of Chromatium vinosum, as a typical example of purple sulfur bacteria, were also investigated. The results were as follows. Distinct equatorial X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained from chromatophores of all the bacteria examined. They showed diffuse, continuous diffraction patterns having several maxima, and the patterns are evidently distinguished from those of either crystalline or amorphous material. The pattern indicates that the photosynthetic unit in the chromatophore has a highly organized molecular structure in the plane of the membrane. Bacteria whose major photosynthetic pigment is bacteriochlorophyll alpha can be categorized in three groups from the viewpoint of near infrared absorption spectra. X-ray diffraction patterns are also grouped accordingly, although the differences are minimal and the patterns display common features. In other words, the bacteriochlorophyll forms, which are bacteriochlorophyll-protein complexes exhibiting different near-infrared absorption spectra, show different X-ray patterns: the molecular structure of photosynthetic units is closely related to the state of pigment in each complex, although the "X-ray" molecular structure is mainly concerned with the arrangement of constituent protein molecules at the present resolution, whereas the "spectroscopic" structure reflects the local environment of pigment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The X-ray diffraction pattern from chromatophore membranes of a photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodospirillum rubrum, indicates that a highly organized protein assembly exists in the membrane. The X-ray scatterer was solubilized from chromatophores by a mixture of cholate and deoxycholate. The basic component was identified as the photoreaction unit, which consists of light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll proteins and a reaction center. The radial autocorrelation function, calculated directly from the X-ray intensity dats, made it possible to deduce certain structural features of the X-ray scatterer. 1. The maximum dimension of the X-ray scatterer is estimated to be 110-130 A. 2. The arrangement of the units in the chromatophore membrane is random. 3. Protein molecules in the unit form a rigid structure, being arranged mutually in fixed positions to give a distinct X-ray diffraction pattern. 4. The most probable structure is one which has rotational symmetry.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin was isolated from a photosynthetic purple nonsulfur bacterium, Rhodospirillum rubrum, and its primary structure was determined by high-performance tandem mass spectrometry. The sequence identity of R. rubrum thioredoxin to Escherichia coli thioredoxin was intermediate to those of the Chlorobium thiosulfatophilum and Chromatium vinosum proteins. The results indicate that R. rubrum has an NADP-thioredoxin system similar to that of other photosynthetic purple bacteria.  相似文献   

A direct photometric quantitation of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) at 375 nm in aqueous chromatophore suspensions from various purple bacteria is described. The assay is rapid and reproducible. It is utilized easily for processing large numbers of samples and is as sensitive as extraction methods usually applied today. Drawbacks of extraction methods, particularly not quantitative extractions, photo- and autooxidation are avoided. There is good linearity up to 20 μg BChl/ml suspension, and no interference by buffers is observed.  相似文献   

Fourier transform near-infrared resonance Raman spectroscopy can be used to obtain information on the bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) molecules responsible for the redmost absorption band in photosynthetic complexes from purple bacteria. This technique is able to distinguish distortions of the bacteriochlorin macrocycle as small as 0.02 A, and a systematic analysis of those vibrational modes sensitive to BChl a macrocycle conformational changes was recently published [N?veke et al. (1997) J. Raman Spectrosc. 28, 599-604]. The conformation of the two BChl a molecules constituting the primary electron donor in bacterial reaction centers, and of the 850 and 880 nm-absorbing BChl a molecules in the light-harvesting LH2 and LH1 proteins, has been investigated using this technique. From this study it can be concluded that both BChl a molecules of the primary electron donor in the photochemical reaction center are in a conformation close to the relaxed conformation observed for pentacoordinate BChl a in diethyl ether. In contrast, the BChl a molecules responsible for the long-wavelength absorption transition in both LH1 and LH2 antenna complexes are considerably distorted, and furthermore there are noticeable differences between the conformations of the BChl molecules bound to the alpha- and beta-apoproteins. The molecular conformations of the pigments are very similar in all the antenna complexes investigated.  相似文献   

N Sasaki  S Shiwa  S Yagihara  K Hikichi 《Biopolymers》1983,22(12):2539-2547
The temperature dependence of the humidity-sensitive spacing, d, related to the lateral packing of collagen molecules was measured for fully hydrated collagen. In the vicinity of 0°C, a sudden change in d was observed, which was reversible with temperature. In the diffraction profile, below 0°C, a set of diffraction peaks identified with the hexagonal crystalline form of ice was observed. With the reduction in water content, the intensity of the set of diffraction peaks decreased and was found to be zero at a water content of 0.38 g/g collagen. These results were considered to be caused by the frozen water in collagen fibril below 0°C. According to the water content dependence of d, it was considered that up to a certain water content water absorbed would be stowed in the intermolecular space of collagen and above that water content water molecules would aggregate to make pools, i. e., extrafibrillar spaces. The unfreezable bound water was considered to be located in the intermolecular space of collagen. Size of the extrafibrillar space, determined from the intensity analysis of a smallangle x-ray scattering pattern, corroborates the speculation that the water showed in the extrafibrillar space is freezable and free. The formation of the hexagonal crystalline form of ice in the extrafibrillar space was considered to cause the sudden change in d at 0°C.  相似文献   

Pheophytinization of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) at low pH was investigated in the core (LH1) and peripheral (LH2) light-harvesting complexes, as well as in the ensemble of the reaction center (RC) with the LH1 complex. The stages in disintegration of the native BChl forms in the LH1 complex and in its ensemble with RC were revealed. They were observed as emergence of the absorption band of monomeric BChl and an increase in its intensity, followed by its transformation into the band of monomeric bacteriopheophytin (BPh) and then into the band of aggregated BPh. Unlike the LH1 complex, in the case of the LH2 complex, monomeric BChl was never detected as an intermediate product. While the spectra revealed formation of monomeric BPh, its accumulation did not occur, since its aggregation is very rapid compared to that in the LH1 complex and in the RC-LH1 ensemble. PAAG electrophoresis revealed that pheophytinization of BChl in the LH2 complex was accompanied by disruption of the stable cylindrical structure of this complex with emergence of characteristic fragments consisting of α and β peptides and bearing monomeric BPh, as well as of the α peptide aggregates bearing BPh aggregates. Unlike the LH2 complex, BChl pheophytinization in the LH1 complex did not result in its fragmentation. This is an indication of different types of structural stabilization in the LH1 and LH2 complexes. In the LH2 complex, coordination of bacteriochlorophyll Mg2+ by conservative histidine residues of the α and β polypeptides is the main factor responsible for the maintenance of its cylindrical structure. Stability of the LH1 complex is probably based primarily on the highly specific hydrophobic interactions between the surfaces of individual polypeptide chains, since the presence of hydrogen bonds results in autonomy of each αβBChl2 subunit, rather than in stabilization of the LH1 complex as a whole.  相似文献   

Model calculations are presented in order to interpret the X-ray diffraction diagrams given by chromatin gels. It is shown that by taking into account the hydration of chromatin subunits, the problem of calculating the interference function in concentrated gels is greatly simplified. In this way it is spossible to fully interpret the influence of concentration on the position and intensity of the various rings present in the X-ray diffraction patterns. The possibilities and limitations of models based on spherical symmetry are also discussed. It is concluded that each chromatin subunit most likely contains three turns of DNA in each 200 base pairs segment surrounding a central protein core. With the method presented here it is possible to test if other models of chromatin based on different kinds of evidence are compatible with the X-ray diffraction data.  相似文献   

F pili are hollow cylinders with 80 Å outer diameter and 20 Å inner diameter. Both X-ray fibre diffraction and optical diffraction of electron micrographs show a strong layer-line corresponding to a spacing of 32 Å, to which a J4 Bessel function is assigned on the basis of the optical diffraction. X-ray diffraction patterns show near-meridional intensity on a layer-line corresponding to a spacing of 12.8 Å, to which a J1 Bessel function is assigned. Mass per length measurements on unstained specimens in the scanning transmission electron microscope give 3000 daltons/Å, indicating that the 11,200 dalton pilin subunits are 3.7 Å apart along the axial direction of the pili. These observations show that the pilus structure can be represented as four coaxial helices of pitch 128 Å with the pilin subunits elongated and overlapping along the line of these helices. Each of these helices of subunits is translated axially with respect to its neighbour, to give a basic helix of 3.6 units per turn of 12.8 Å pitch. Radial electron density calculations indicate a 50 Å diameter girdle of hydrophobic amino acids between the inner and outer diameters of the protein shell. A molecular model of the structure at low resolution is presented.  相似文献   

Yasuo Suzuki  Atusi Takamiya 《BBA》1972,275(3):358-368
Time courses and the emission spectra of fluorescence and light-induced absorption changes of P890 in chromatophores of the photosynthetic bacteria Chromatium D, Rhodopseudomonas spheroides and Rhodospirillum rubrum were investigated.

The time course of fluorescence in chromatophores was separated into two phases, i.e. an initial rapid rise (ƒi) and a subsequent slow increase towards a steady level of emission (ƒv). The ƒi and the ƒv components showed different emission spectra having different peak position. The ƒv component was emitted from the longest wavelength-absorbing form of bulk bacteriochlorophyll (B890), the ƒi component from both B890 and B850.

The magnitude of the ƒv component depended on experimental conditions controlling the states of the cyclic electron transport in chromatophores, including changes in levels of redox potential of the medium, additions of electron donors and inhibitors. The magnitude of the ƒi component was not affected by these experimental conditions. It was, therefore, concluded that only the ƒv component is related to the cyclic electron transport, and that the magnitude of ƒv is controlled by the oxidation-reduction state of the primary electron acceptor for the photochemical reaction center in chromatophores.  相似文献   

An X-ray diffraction analysis of oriented specimens of the purple membrane from Halobacterium halobium shows that the protein and lipid components are packed in a P3 hexagonal lattice, with one protein molecule per asymmetric unit. The structure is made up of a single layer of the protein molecules, oriented vectorially in the same direction across the membrane.The presence of strong diffraction peaks equatorially centred at 10 Å, and axially at 5 Å and 1.5 Å, show that the protein molecules, which make up most of the mass of the membrane, are composed to a considerable extent of α-helices, 25 to 35 Å long, arranged roughly perpendicular to the plane of the membrane to form superhelical groupings of the “coiled-coil” type.The surface of the membrane is flat, with no bumps or dimples large enough to affect the X-ray pattern when the electron density of the suspending medium is altered. The phospholipids may be less exactly positioned in the lattice than the protein, since the presence of uranyl acetate, which is expected to co-ordinate with the acidic phosphate groups, produces intensity changes only at low resolution.  相似文献   

Well-defined X-ray diffraction patterns have been recorded from erythrocyte membranes in the frozen state. At ?40°C, lamellar periodicities range from 19 to 95 nm depending on the glycerol content (0–40%, respectively). Freeze-fracture electron micrographs of samples frozen in two stages to approximate to the diffraction conditions show ice formation external to membrane stacks. The membrane stacks have periodicities of the same order of magnitude as those obtained by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

We report comparative absorbance and fourth derivative absorbance spectra of two different bacteriochlorophyll a-proteins at 5 K in each of two different cryogenic solvent mixtures. In previous studies at 5 K each protein was observed in only one of these mixtures (not the same one). For the protein from Prosthecochloris aestuarii strain 2K, whose structure is known, the solvent effect is relatively small; for the protein from Chlorobium limicola f. sp. thiosulfatophilum strain 6230 (Tassajara), the effect is much more pronounced. From these results together with earlier results at 300 K, we conclude there may be slight conformational differences of the Prosthecochloris protein between the crystalline form used for X-ray diffraction studies and that in a cryogenic solvent. By comparing spectral features of the two proteins in the same solvent, we are able for the first time to assign all seven of the expected exciton levels in each protein. These occur at 793, 801, 806, 810, 814, 819, and 825 nm in the Prosthecochloris protein, and at 793, 802, 806, 810, 816, 820, and 823 nm in the Chlorobium protein.  相似文献   

A low-angle diffraction pattern has been obtained from corneal stroma. This pattern arises both from the arrangement of the collagen fibrils and from the packing of the tropocollagen molecules along the axes of the fibrils. The spacing arising from the packing of the fibrils increases homogeneously on swelling although the tissue as a whole swells only radially referred to the intact eye. The necessary rearrangement of the fibrils for this type of swelling to occur might result in the formation of regions devoid of collagen fibrils and the water not in the lattice of collagen fibrils could be synonymous with the lakes postulated by Benedek (1971) to explain the loss of transparency on swelling.The spacings due to the packing of the tropocollagen molecules are unusual in that, although they index as the third and fifth orders of the well-known 66 nm repeat, the first order of this spacing is absent. Calculation of the Patterson function for corneal collagen leads to peaks in electron density separated by distances of 0.38 and 0.24 of the repeat distance.  相似文献   

Immunoblots of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels derived from outer membrane preparations of various strains of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides revealed polypeptides which cross-reacted with antibody directed against the major outer membrane protein of R. sphaeroides 2.4.1. Immunochemical quantitation of the major outer membrane protein of strain 2.4.1 showed approximately 5.5 x 10(4) molecules per cell whether cells were grown chemoheterotrophically or photoheterotrophically. Rhodospirillum rubrum outer membranes contained a cross-reactive protein, whereas the outer membranes derived from Rhodopseudomonas capsulata and Paracoccus denitrificans showed no cross-reaction with the antibody prepared against the major outer membrane protein from R. sphaeroides 2.4.1.  相似文献   

We have measured the singlet-singlet quenching of the bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) fluorescence yield as a function of excitation intensity in a number of antenna complexes isolated from photosynthetic bacteria. Our results show that the lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS)-B875, LDS-B800 – 850 and lauryldimethylamine N-oxide complexes of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides contain 8, greater than 25 and greater than 600 BChl a molecules, respectively. The size of the Rhodopspirillum rubrum B880 complex is greater than 70 BChl a and that of the water-soluble BChl a complex from Prosthecochloris aestuarii about 20–25 BChl a. These results are discussed in relation to current models of the arrangement of antenna complexes within the photosynthetic membranes.  相似文献   

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