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报喜斑粉蝶的生物学初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报喜斑粉蝶是国产粉蝶中最美丽的蝶种之一,具有很高的科研和经济价值.2008年5月~2009年7月在广西南宁良凤江国家森林公园内,报喜斑粉蝶在自然条件下每年发生6代,卵期约7~8天,幼虫期约18~20天,蛹期约6~8天.  相似文献   

陈兴永 《昆虫知识》2004,41(3):255-258,F004
记述了鹤顶粉蝶HebomoiaglaucippeL .各虫态的形态特征、生活史及生活习性。在广州地区 ,该蝶 1年发生 8代 ,以蛹在寄主植物上越冬 ,成虫 3月末始见 ,幼虫共 5龄 ,以白花菜科的广州槌果藤和鱼木等植物叶片为食料  相似文献   

黄尖襟粉蝶AnthocharisscolymusButler在上海地区1年发生1代,以蛹越冬。成虫3月底开始羽化,4月上旬至5月上旬为卵发生期。幼虫4月中旬开始孵出,取食油菜、荠菜等十字花科植物的花、叶和果实。对该虫的形态特征和生活习性作了描述。  相似文献   

裳凤蝶污斑亚种的生物学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
裳凤蝶污斑亚种Troides helena spilotia Rothschild属鳞翅目凤蝶科裳凤蝶属。该蝶成虫形体大,前翅黑色,后翅中央金黄色,后缘有黑色斑点,具观赏价值。  相似文献   

宽边小黄粉蝶是黑荆树的一种重要害虫,猖獗为害黑荆苗木及幼林。该虫在福建南平、尤溪一年发生9代,世代重叠,以幼虫越冬。越冬代幼虫2月中旬开始化蛹,3月上旬始见成虫。幼虫5龄,老熟幼虫多在黑荆小枝上化蛹。主要天敌有广大腿小蜂Brachymeria lasus、黑瘤姬蜂Coccygomimus sp.黑卵蜂等。用90%敌百虫晶体1000倍稀释液或50%辛硫磷2000倍稀释液林间防治效果较好。  相似文献   

中国斑粉蝶属分类研究(鳞翅目:粉蝶科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏忠民  武春生 《昆虫学报》2005,48(1):107-118
系统地整理了中国斑粉蝶属DeliasHübner,1819的全部种类,共11种31亚种,包括3个中国 新记录亚种:倍林斑粉蝶指名亚种D. berinda berinda Moore、洒青斑粉蝶不丹亚种D.Sanaca bhutya Talbot和侧条斑粉蝶帕瓦亚种D. lativitta parva Talbot。提出将D.Lativitta tai Yoshino作为侧条斑粉蝶云南亚种D. lativitta yunnana Talbot的同物 异名,D. patrua guiyangensis Zhou et Zhang作为Delias berinda adelma Mitis的同物异名。阐述了各亚种的主要识别特征及其地理分布,分析了区系成分,并提供了分 种检索表及全部种类的雄外生殖器和大部分种类的雌性外生殖器特征图。附有3新记录亚种和国 内未见标本记载的2种的成虫彩色照片  相似文献   

刘世儒  郭树嘉 《昆虫知识》1991,28(4):233-234
梨斑叶甲主要危害梨和杜梨。成虫形态变异较大,可分为4种色型:红色黑斑形、黄色黑斑型、黑色红斑型和黑色黄斑型。野外以第一色型数量最多,占半数以上。该虫山东每年发生2代,7月份以后以成虫在石缝杂草等处越夏越冬,属专性滞育型昆虫。  相似文献   

山楂绢粉蝶的生物学及防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姜双林 《昆虫知识》2001,38(3):198-199
山楂绢粉蝶在陇东各地每年发生 1代 ,以 3龄幼虫群集于树冠上吐丝缀叶成巢 ,并在其中越冬。幼虫共 5龄 ,幼虫食叶为害 ,每年 4月中下旬是猖獗为害期。天敌优势种是菜粉蝶绒茧蜂和白头小食虫虻等。  相似文献   

梅花鹿Cervus nippon是社群性哺乳动物,其声音通讯在社群中发挥十分重要的作用。梅花鹿目前存在3个亚种,本研究采集了浙江省清凉峰国家级自然保护区的野生华南亚种C.n.kopschi和浙江省温州康寿鹿业科技有限公司的圈养东北亚种C.n.hortulorum的警戒声,进行声音特征分析。结果显示:(1)华南亚种具有较为多态性的警戒声,具有单音节和双音节2种不同类型的叫声,明显清晰的频带有3~4个,频率分布在1 726~15 403 Hz,而东北亚种虽也有单音节和双音节2种不同类型的叫声,但明显清晰的频带只有1个,频率分布在307~4 523 Hz;(2)综合其他亚种的相关参数,认为清凉峰华南亚种的警戒声频率范围最广且频带最多,推测由其生存的环境或遗传因素导致;(3)东北亚种的警戒声频带数量少和频率范围较窄,推测与长期的人为养殖有一定的关系。本研究结果将对浙江清凉峰野生梅花鹿种群的保护、管理与利用提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Within the biometrical study of the Nereidae and in order to characterize the different populations, we looked for the most relevant biometrical characteristics. In fact, for these sea-animals, the weight and length remain just significant statements within certain limits; on the other hand the length of the maxillary, the number of paragnaths which decorate the proboscis can be precisely known.  相似文献   

【目的】明确条赤须盲蝽Trigonotylus coelestialium各虫态的形态特征及其发育历期和成虫繁殖力等生物学特性,为条赤须盲蝽的预测预报及科学防治提供理论依据。【方法】在2021年9-10月郑州室内自然变温(22.0~28.1℃)和25℃恒温条件下,以玉米灌浆期籽粒为食料进行饲养,并观察、记录条赤须盲蝽个体各发育阶段的形态特征,测定其各虫态的发育历期、存活率、成虫寿命及雌成虫产卵量。【结果】条赤须盲蝽卵块产于玉米籽粒基部内颖内侧,卵粒长圆筒形,向一侧略弯。从1龄若虫开始触角呈现红色,随龄期增加红色逐渐明显,至5龄若虫时触角第1节出现3条清晰可见的红色纵纹。翅芽从3龄若虫开始明显可见。雌成虫产卵器长瓣状,平放于生殖节中部的沟槽内。室内自然变温下,条赤须盲蝽卵历期为6.27 d,卵孵化率为89.90%;1-5龄若虫历期分别为2.80, 2.33, 2.70, 2.77和3.90 d,若虫总历期为14.50 d,若虫总存活率为85.97%;雌成虫产卵前期为4.43 d,产卵持续期为13.93 d,单雌产卵19.47块,产卵量为82.55粒。25℃恒温下,条赤须盲蝽卵历期为7.73 d,卵孵化率为81.13%;1-5龄若虫历期分别为2.17, 1.90, 1.77, 1.90和2.93 d;若虫总历期为10.67 d,若虫总存活率为7184%;雌成虫产卵前期为4.17 d,产卵持续期为11.27 d,单雌产卵21.17块,产卵量为72.22粒。【结论】条赤须盲蝽的5龄若虫和成虫的触角第1节的形态特征可用于区分其与该属其他昆虫;其翅芽的发育特征可判别若虫龄期;变温能延长其若虫历期和成虫寿命,同时有利于提高雌成虫产卵量和卵孵化率。  相似文献   

记述了喙尾琵甲Blaps rhynchopetera Fairmaire各虫态特征,观察了其生物学特性.实验种群1月下旬至12月上旬产卵,卵期为8~15 d;幼虫期141~213 d,共9~13龄,第9龄以后,龄期较长;蛹前期8~14 d;蛹期12~24 d.成虫羽化24~92 d后性成熟,开始交配产卵活动,成虫期超过18个月.自然种群在昆明和曲靖1年发生1~1.5代,世代重叠严重;以不同龄期幼虫和成虫越冬,越冬幼虫于次年4月上旬开始化蛹,新羽化成虫于4月下旬至12月上旬交配产卵,成虫全年都能活动、产卵.该虫为夜出型、暂栖性土壤昆虫,喜潮湿阴暗的环境.成虫具有夜出习性、防御性和群聚性.  相似文献   

通过建立网室近自然实验种群,结合野生个体观察记述了云南玉溪九香虫Coridius chinensis (Dallas)种群的各虫期形态特征、在云南玉溪红塔区的年生活史、寄主范围、取食偏好、成虫及若虫的行为习性,为该虫的保育和规模化养殖提供依据。结果显示,九香虫卵有绿色和粉色两种生态型,若虫有5个龄期;在云南玉溪红塔区1年仅发生1代,仅以成虫态越冬;红塔区九香虫野生个体主要以佛手瓜和南瓜等葫芦科植物为食;取食偏好选择试验表明该虫最喜取食葫芦,冬瓜和南瓜次之;雌雄成虫可多次交配多次产卵,单雌单次平均产卵量为16.3±6.0粒。研究表明,云南玉溪红塔区的九香虫种群为典型的一化性昆虫,休眠期可达8个月;该虫食性较广,可取食多科植物,但以葫芦科瓜类为主;羽化成虫每年9月中旬至10月上旬陆续从佛手瓜、南瓜等寄主植物上迁至枯树皮下、柴堆等隐蔽场所越冬,翌年4月下旬陆续解除休眠,迁至佛手瓜、南瓜等作物上取食繁殖。  相似文献   

花药药隔的特化结构通常具有重要的生物学意义。目前,有关药隔特化出贮存酚类物质的异细胞群的研究报道甚少,该特化结构有何生物学意义则未见报道。本研究运用半薄切片技术、冰冻切片技术、组织化学和细胞化学等方法对忍冬属Lonicera植物特化药隔异细胞群的主要内含物进行定性分析,实验证明忍冬属特化药隔异细胞群内含丰富的酚类物质。另外通过对忍冬属华南忍冬L.confusa药隔薄壁组织的发育及其与药隔维管束的关系分析,推测忍冬属特化药隔可能一方面对发育中的花药维管束起保护作用,另一方面又可作为酚类物质的临时贮存场所。同时研究发现忍冬属植物特化药隔异细胞群的形成及其分布特点可能具有重要的系统学意义。  相似文献   

A brief historical survey demonstrates the differences in opinion concerning the taxonomic status of species within the genus Pomphorhynchus. The anatomy of P. laevis from a single population in the River Severn, England was found to be highly variable. Much of this variability is produced as individuals grow. P. laevis possesses circumbursal and circumpenial rings of receptors on the male copulatory bursa. Specimens from Eire and the R. Severn had identical arrangements of these receptors. A preliminary appraisal of the value of secondary sexual characters as criteria of specific identity in the Acanthocephala is presented. ac]19860721  相似文献   

The tea looper caterpillar, Ectropis obliqua, is one of the major pests of tea bushes. E. obliqua single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (EcobSNPV) has been used as a commercial pesticide for biocontrol of this insect. However only limited genetic analysis for this important virus has been done up to now. EcobSNPV was characterized in this study. Electron microscopy analysis of the occlusion body showed polyhedra of 0.7 to 1.7 mum in diameter containing a single nucleocapsid per envelope of the virion. A 15.5 kb genomic fragment containing EcoRI-L, EcoRI-N and HindIII-F fragments, was sequenced. Analysis of the sequence revealed that the fragment contained eleven potential open reading frames (ORFs): lef-1, egt, 38.7k, rr1, polyhedrin, orf1629, pk-1, hoar and homologues to Spodoptera exigua multicapsid NPV (SeMNPV) ORFs 15, 28, and 29. Gene arrangement and phylogeny analysis suggest that EcobSNPV is closely related to the previously described Group II NPV. Bioassays on lethal concentration (LC(50) and LC(90)) and lethal time (LT(50) and LT(90)) were conducted to test the susceptibility of E. obliqua larvae to the virus.  相似文献   

We report on taxonomically distinguishing morphological features of six diatom taxa from the marine, nanoplanktonic genus, Minidiscus, found in Eastern Canada and neighbouring waters. Four of the six were also investigated using genetic approaches. We found that the culture deposited in the Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (CCMP) as CCMP 496 was morphologically closest to the published type image of M. trioculatus, whereas other isolates were morphologically and/or genetically divergent. Consequently, we propose three new taxa. One monoclonal line isolated from the Bay of Fundy is proposed as a new variety, M. trioculatus var. monoculatus. The well-studied nanoplanktonic diatom strain, CCMP 495, currently considered to be ‘M. trioculatus’ was morphologically and genetically divergent from CCMP 496 and we propose specific status for it, M. variabilis. We isolated a new strain from the Gulf of St Lawrence that was nearly genetically identical in 18S and ITS regions to CCMP 495, but showed distinct morphological differences and we propose a new form for this strain. Culture-based data were supplemented by those from natural seawater whenever possible. Two species (M. comicus, M. chilensis) known from our region, but unavailable in culture, are presented for comparison.  相似文献   

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