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Although α-tocopherol (α-TOC) is the most biologically active form of vitamin E and is found at high levels in plasma, γ-tocopherol (γ-TOC) has also been found to be a powerful antioxidant in vitro and constitutes up to 70% of the dietary intake of TOC. Low plasma levels of γ-TOC and a high α-TOC:γ-TOC ratio may be associated with coronary heart disease, suggesting that there may be a positive protective role for the γ-form of TOC. In this study the ability of different forms of vitamin E to protect against sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) induced by either hydrogen peroxide or menadione was investigated. Chinese hamster V79 cells were pre-treated with 10 μM TOC for 24 h, and then challenged with a genotoxin. After a 24 h pre-treatment, there was a greater incorporation of γ-TOC (319.8 ± 66.2 ng/106 cells) into V79 cells compared to α-TOC (66.9 ± 6.4 ng/106 cells). γ-TOC did not protect the cells against SCE induced by either hydrogen peroxide or menadione, α-TOC acetate was partially protective against both genotoxins, whereas α-TOC completely abolished the oxidant induced SCE. These results demonstrate that, despite a greater incorporation of γ-TOC into V79 cells, α-TOC but not γ-TOC was more effective at inhibiting oxidatively-induced SCE in V79 cells.  相似文献   

To investigate the induction of gene amplification by a transient inhibition of DNA synthesis, V79-AP4 Chinese hamster cells were treated with 1--d-arabinofurano-sylcytosine (araC). At given intervals after the treatment, the frequency of N-(phosphonacetyl)-l-aspartate (PALA)-resistant colony-forming cells was determined. The data indicate that PALA resistance was enhanced by araC treatment and that this effect was essentially due to the amplification of the CAD gene. Moreover, by analysing the kinetics of induction of PALA resistance it was found that its time course paralleled araC induction of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs). These results suggest that gene amplification and SCE occur in the same target cells.  相似文献   

Since alkylating agents are widely present in the environment and constitute a continuous challenge to genome integrity, cells and organisms have developed defense mechanisms to remove such lesions. We monitored the response of human keratinocytes to a very low concentration of a methylating agent, namely 2.5 nM N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). The effect of a 60-min exposure of quiescent cells to 2.5 nM MNNG was studied in terms of DNA integrity, poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism, clonogenic survival and DNA synthesis. We observed two waves of DNA strand break formation and resealing. Interestingly, the amount of DNA strand breaks in exposed cells was lower than in unexposed control cells. This phenomenon was also observed when cells were exposed to MNNG in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor, or when they were maintained on ice during the treatment. A dose of 2.5 nM MNNG stimulated poly(ADP-ribose) turnover, reduced the intracellular NAD+ content, stimulated DNA synthesis and caused a remarkable increase in clonogenic survival. Thus, the cellular responses to extremely low concentrations of MNNG differ sharply from those observed at higher doses of this carcinogen. We conclude that the very low dose response cannot be extrapolated from usual dose-response analyses.  相似文献   

The suitability was evaluated of MNNG as a mutagen inducing increased frequencies of mutations in the cell populations of three strains of chlorococcal algae for the purposes of selection. MNNG has proved to be highly toxic to those algae as it produces severe physiological responses of the affected cells. The mutagenic effect of MNNG was relatively small in comparison with the recorded toxic effect. From these results it has been concluded that in reverse to NEU, MNNG can hardly be applied with such good an effect in the mutation breeding of chlorococcal algae that are suitable for mass cultivation.  相似文献   

Summary The fixation of-rays induced potentially damage (PLD) caused after treatment either with-araA or in medium made hypertonic by the addition of sodium chloride was studied in plateau phase chinese hamster V79 cells. Treatment with-araA was found to affect a sector of PLD, the fixation of which specifically reduced the shoulder width of the survival curve. The effect was maximized when cell survival reached levels corresponding to an exponential line, with a slope similar to the final slope of the survival curve of untreated cells. This effect was achieved by a four hour treatment with-araA at concentrations above 150µM. Longer treatment times or incubation at higher-araA concentrations did not significantly enhance the effect. Treatment in hypertonic medium, on the other hand, enhanced cell killing in a concentration dependent (NaCl-concentration) way and the survival reached values much lower than those corresponding to an exponential line. No indication for a plateau in the effect, indicating complete fixation of the sector of PLD that reacts sensitively to this treatment, was obtained. Both the slope and the shoulder width of the survival curve were affected, the slope first being increased after short treatment times (up to 10 min), followed by a decrease in the shoulder width after longer treatment times (longer than 10 min). Lesions fixed after treatment with-araA were repaired within four hours, whereas the repair of lesions fixed after treatment in hypertonic medium (460 mM NaCl, 30 min) appeared to be biphasic, with a fast component (completed in about one hour) correlated with a decrease in the slope and a slow component (completed in four hours) correlated with restoration of the shoulder width. Based on these results, we suggest that two types of PLD may be induced in plateau phase V79 cells after exposure to-rays. One, the repair of which is completed within about one hour and which affects the slope of the survival curve, and a second, the repair of which takes place in a few hours and which specifically affects the survival curve shoulder width. The terms-PLD and-PLD are suggested for the first and second component, respectively.Comparison of the repair rates of-PLD as measured with the help of-araA and of sublethal damage as measured in split-dose experiments indicated that these two cellular repair processes have very similar kinetics when measured under the same experimental conditions. Furthermore, the rate was identical at which the shoulder of the survival curve reappeared (shoulder width was the only parameter of the survival curve affected in this type of experiment) in the time interval between either a conditioning dose of-rays and subsequent graded doses or between irradiation and treatment with-araA. Based on these results it is suggested that-PLD and sublethal damage may have a common molecular base.This work was supported by PHS-grants number CA 33951 and CA 39938 awarded by NCI, DHHS  相似文献   

N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) induces gastric cancer in animal models. We established an MNNG-induced mutant of the rat murine RGM-1 gastric epithelial cell line, which we named RGK-1, that could be used as an in vitro model of gastric cancer. This cell line showed signs of neoplasia and transformation, in that it lost contact inhibition and formed tumors in nude mice. The mutant cells also expressed parietal cell-specific H+,K+-adenosine triphosphatase (H+,K+-ATPase), which parent RGM-1 did not. The results suggested that parent RGM-1 cells were gastric progenitor cells. This mutant RGK-1 cell line will contribute to future investigation on gastric carcinogenesis and to the development of other pathophysiologic fields.  相似文献   

Summary DNA base sequence changes induced by N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) mutagenesis have been determined for the Escherichia coli gpt gene stably incorporated in a chromosome of Chinese hamster ovary cells and in the chromosome of both growing and starving E. coli cells, instead of on a plasmid as in most previous studies. In the three cases, nearly all mutations were G: C to A: T transitions, with a 2-to 4-fold higher mutation rate, compared to other sites, at guanines flanked on the 5 side by another guanine. Mutagenic hot spots in these experiments were less prominent than in published results for MNNG mutagenesis of gpt and of other genes. A suggested explanation involves repair of O6meG. At low levels of mutagenic products, most are repaired and even small differences in the repair rates leads to large differences in the relative amounts of residual O6meG at various sites; in contrast, at high levels of mutagenic products there is little effect of repair on the distribution.Abbreviations MNNG N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine - MNU N-methyl-N-nitrosourea - O6meG O6-methylguanine - N7meG N7-methylguanine - CHO Chinese hamster ovary  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybrids were derived from the fusion of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and Syrian hamster melanoma cells (2E). These two cell lines had previously been shown to differ in their response to the induction of mutations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) by 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) (Kaufman, 1987). The parental cells and a number of representative, independent hybrid clones were tested for their response to both the INC and REP mutagenesis protocols. INC mutagenesis involves the incorporation of BrdUrd into DNA under conditions of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) pool imbalance, while REP mutagenesis involves the replication of 5-bromouracil-substituted DNA in the presence of dNTP pool imbalance. When tested for the toxic effects of high concentrations of BrdUrd and for the induction of mutations by the INC protocol, the hybrid clones all expressed the 2E phenotype, i.e., sensitivity to relatively low concentrations of BrdUrd and thymidine for the induction of mutations, dNTP pool perturbation, and the toxic effects of BrdUrd. When the hybrid clones were tested for the induction of mutations and SCEs by the REP protocol, it was found that they expressed the 2E phenotype for the induction of mutations and the CHO phenotype for the induction of SCEs. Thus, various aspects of the 2E phenotype, such as high mutation frequencies associated with large dNTP pool perturbations, appeared to be dominantly expressed in the cell hybrids, while the lack of induction of SCEs by these mutagenic conditions in 2E cells was found to be a recessive characteristic.  相似文献   

The kinetics and cytidine 5-triphosphate (CTP) feedback inhibition of CTP synthetase in wild-type and four mutants of Chinese hamster V79 cells have been studied. The enzymes of the wild type and three of the four mutants exhibited positive cooperativity with the substrate uridine 5-triphosphate (UTP). Three of the mutants had K m app and S 50 valuves distinctly greater than those of the wild type, while the fourth mutant had values similar to those of the wild type. all four mutants exhibited resistance to CTP feedback inhibition, while the wild type was sensitive to such inhibition. It is postulated that a single mutational event in each mutant had caused a concomitant change of the enzyme in its binding both to the substrate UTP and to the end-product CTP.This work was supported by Grant GM 20608 from the U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Haemophilis influenzae is shown to lack the inducible, error-free repair system for alkylation damage that others have found in Escherichia coli. Prior growth in a low concentration of N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine had only an additive effect on a subsequent brief exposure to a high concentration. Furthermore, chloramphenicol did not significantly modify the mutagenic response. In both respects, H. influenzae differs from E. coli. Experiments carried out in preparation for these tests showed that exposure to N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in complex growth medium was more effective by about an order of magnitude than exposure in pH 6.0 tris-maelare buffer in inducing mutations, in killing the cells, and in causing strand breaks in the preexisting DNA and gaps in newly synthesized DNA. Thus the effect of the medium is on the amount of initial damage rather than on some special feature of the mutation process. Part but not all of the effect can be accounted for by the difference in pH of the 2 media. The nature of the mutagenic process is the same under the 2 exposure conditions; i.e., reparable pre-mutational damage is produced by the agent and subsequently converted to final mutation by replication. The dose—effect curves have a non-linear initial portion under both exposure conditions, and possible reasons for this non-linearity are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of N-methyl-N–nitro-N-nitroso-guanidine (NTG) on protoplasts of Streptomycetes are markedly different from its action on spores, showing high mutagenic activity even at concentrations having no marked effect on protoplast survival. Strain improvement, eg in chlorotetracycline-producing strains of S. aureofaciens, was most effective when protoplasts were subjected to prolonged treatment (2 h) with low concentrations of NTG (50 /ug/ml).  相似文献   

A urokinase targeting conjugate of 2′-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5-FUdr) was synthesized and tested for tumor-cell selective cytotoxicity in vitro. The 5-FUdr prodrug 2′-deoxy-5-fluoro-3′-O-(3-carboxypropanoyl)uridine (5-FUdrsuccOH) containing an ester-labile succinate linker was attached to the specific urokinase inhibitor plasminogen activator inhibitor type II (PAI-2) and was found to preferentially kill urokinase-over expressing cancer cells. Up to 7 molecules of 5-FUdr were incorporated per PAI-2 molecule without affecting protein activity. This is the first time a small organic cytotoxin has been conjugated to PAI-2.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster V79 cells were conditioned by repeated treatment with low doses of hydrogen peroxide. After this treatment, the conditioned cells were compared to parental V79 cells with regard to different endpoints. It was found that, compared to parental cells, the conditioned cells tolerated low serum concentrations better, they suffered from higher levels of aneuploidy, and they showed enhanced antioxidant defense. When exposed to γ-rays, they suffered from lipid peroxidation to a lesser extent, were more resistant to cell killing, exhibited higher mutation frequency at the HGPRT locus, and showed lower frequency of apoptosis. These cells also induced antioxidant enzymes in response to γ-ray exposure that differently was from than the parental cells. Overall, the data suggest a stable adaptive response in the conditioned cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the dynamics of the SOS response induction and the frequency of reversions induced by the monofunctional alkylating compound N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in Escherichia coli cells exposed to osmotic stress for 1 h. During the stress treatment of the wild-type cultures adapted and not adapted to the alkylating agent, the maximum SOS response values and induced reversion frequencies were recorded twice. The SOS response values and induced reversion frequencies remained unchanged during the whole period after attaining the maximum values in adapted and nonadapted cells carrying a mutation in the excision repair gene. Presumably, the SOS mutagenesis mechanisms are turned on in the cells with an inactivated excision repair system earlier than in wild-type cells.  相似文献   



The DNA demethylating agent 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-aza-CdR) incorporates into DNA and decreases DNA methylation, sparking interest in its use as a potential therapeutic agent. We aimed to determine the effects of maternal 5-aza-CdR treatment on embryo implantation in the mouse and to evaluate whether these effects are associated with decreased levels of DNA methyltransferases (Dnmts) and three genes (estrogen receptor α [Esr1], progesterone receptor [Pgr], and homeobox A10 [Hoxa10]) that are vital for control of endometrial changes during implantation.

Methods and Principal Findings

Mice treated with 5-aza-CdR had a dose-dependent decrease in number of implantation sites, with defected endometrial decidualization and stromal cell proliferation. Western blot analysis on pseudo-pregnant day 3 (PD3) showed that 0.1 mg/kg 5-aza-CdR significantly repressed Dnmt3a protein level, and 0.5 mg/kg 5-aza-CdR significantly repressed Dnmt1, Dnmt3a, and Dnmt3b protein levels in the endometrium. On PD5, mice showed significantly decreased Dnmt3a protein level with 0.1 mg/kg 5-aza-CdR, and significantly decreased Dnmt1 and Dnmt3a with 0.5 mg/kg 5-aza-CdR. Immunohistochemical staining showed that 5-aza-CdR repressed DNMT expression in a cell type–specific fashion within the uterus, including decreased expression of Dnmt1 in luminal and/or glandular epithelium and of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b in stroma. Furthermore, the 5′ flanking regions of the Esr1, Pgr, and Hoxa10 were hypomethylated on PD5. Interestingly, the higher (0.5 mg/kg) dose of 5-aza-CdR decreased protein expression of Esr1, Pgr, and Hoxa10 in the endometrium on PD5 in both methylation-dependent and methylation-independent manners.


The effects of 5-aza-CdR on embryo implantation in mice were associated with altered expression of endometrial Dnmts and genes controlling endometrial changes, suggesting that altered gene methylation, and not cytotoxicity alone, contributes to implantation defects induced by 5-aza-CdR.  相似文献   

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