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Cerebral arterio-venous differences of homovanillic acid (HVA) and cerebral blood flow were measured in 24 patients, 6 adults and 18 children, anaesthetized by different techniques. A statistically significant release of HVA from the brain (p < 0.001) was demonstrated in five children anaesthetized by barbiturate, nitrous oxide and droperidol/fentanyl. The release rate was 509 pmoles HVA/100 g brain tissue/minute - corresponding to approximately 1.3 mg HVA/24 hours from the whole brain.  相似文献   

A simple method based on high-performance liquid column chromatography with electrochemical detection is described for the simultaneous determination of dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) in discrete brain regions of rats. The supernatant of a tissue homogenate is injected directly onto a liquid chromatograph, thus omitting the commonly adopted adsorption step. Of the four different supports tested Nucleosil C19 (5 μm) was found superior with respect to chromatographic performance. The effects of pH, methanol and the ion-pairing agent hexyl sulfate on the retention were studied. The mobile phase used in the final studies consisted of citrate buffer pH 4.25—methanol (92:8, v/v) containing hexyl sulfate (1.7 · 10−3M). Standard curves of dopamine, DOPAC and HVA were found linear up to about 600 pmol per injection for each compound. The precisions of the chromatographic step were (srel. %): 0.72% (dopamine), 1.26% (DOPAC) and 2.69% (HVA).  相似文献   

A convenient method of measuring initial rates of free fatty acid efflux from isolated adipocytes during triglyceride breakdown by hormone-sensitive lipase is described. The procedure is based on the dissociation of protons from carboxyl groups of free fatty acids. A recording pH meter is used to monitor H+ concentration in the medium continuously as an index of free fatty acid release. A stoichiometric relationship was demonstrated between proton release and extracellular free fatty acid concentration as determined by the 63Ni radioassay method of Ho (1970. Anal. Biochem. 36: 105-113). An acid pH (6.8) caused a reduction in proton release, which was immediately and completely reversed by raising the pH to 7.4.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of vanillylmandelic acid and homovanillic acid is described. The method is fast despite the great polarity differences between the two acids. Moreover the sample pretreatment is quick and it does not need complex or expensive equipment. The only requirement is the disposition of two pumps (or at least two eluent reservoirs) operated alternatively by means of a switching valve placed before the injection device. This makes the method available for most routine laboratories.  相似文献   

Mass fragmentographic assay of homovanillic acid in brain tissue   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Abstract— Available methods for the determination of homovanillic acid (HVA) are based on fluorimetric measurements. The present method uses gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with the aid of deuterium labelled HVA methyl ester as a carrier and internal standard. Quantitation is achieved by comparing intensities of the molecular ion (= base peak) of the protium (H) and deuterium (D) forms of the methyl ester heptafluorobutyric derivatives of HVA. A standard curve is constructed by measuring mixtures of known amounts of protium and deuterium derivatives and plotting peak height ratios H/D on the ordinate and ratios of amounts H/D on the abscissa. Analysis of ten individual mouse brains gave a mean value of 1·36 nmole/g brain tissue with a standard deviation of ±9 per cent. Chlorpromazine elevates, whereas pargyline reduces the level of HVA in brain markedly. The described procedure offers advantages because of the greatly increased specificity and sensitivity permitting analyses in discrete brain areas.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of the dopamine (DA) metabolite homovanillic acid (HVA) may be a useful measure of brain HVA production by central DA systems. Even though there is a significant peripheral contribution to plasma HVA, experimental manipulations that alter brain HVA produce parallel changes in plasma HVA levels. This study was designed to assess whether the ability of plasma HVA to reflect haloperidol induced increases in brain HVA could be strengthened by reducing the contribution to plasma HVA from peripheral sources. Debrisoquin sulfate, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor that does not enter the brain, was given in a low dose schedule to rats and lowered the peripheral contribution to plasma HVA by between 42 and 68%, resulting in a situation where between 62 and 87% of plasma HVA derived from brain. Using this dose schedule, rats pretreated with debrisoquin displayed a significant increase in plasma HVA following a lower dose of haloperidol than that required in the vehicle pretreated rats. In the debrisoquin pretreated group, a 71% increase in brain HVA was accompanied by a significant 60% increase in plasma HVA, whereas the vehicle pretreated group required a 136% increase in brain HVA to display a significant 50% increase in plasma. These findings indicate that debrisoquin pretreatment improves the reliability of plasma HVA to reflect changes in brain DA metabolism. Plasma HVA samples obtained from humans following debrisoquin may provide a clinically applicable method for assessing brain DA systems in neurologic and psychiatric illness.  相似文献   

The effects of 2-guanidinoethanol (GEt) on the release of monoamines and on the activity of their degrading enzymes were studied in order to investigate why 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) increased to a much greater extent than homovanillic acid (HVA) after GEt injection into rat brain. In differential pulse voltammograms recorded using an electrochemically treated carbon fiber electrode, two distinct oxidation peaks, one at 130mV (DOPAC peak) and the other at 300 mV (5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) peak), were observed. In the hippocampus, the DOPAC peak increased markedly compared to the peak height recorded prior to the intracerebroventricular injection of GEt (6mol). Although the DOPAC peak height increased to 350% 4 hours after GEt injection, the 5-HIAA peak showed no change. In the striatum, the DOPAC peak increased to 150% 3 hours after GEt injection. Serial changes in the extracellular levels of DOPAC, HVA, and 5-HIAA were monitored in the striatum after GEt injection, using an in vivo brain micro-dialysis technique. Although the DOPAC levels strated to increase 80 minutes after GEt injection, HVA and 5-HIAA levels showed no change. On the other hand, monoamineoxidase, which metabolizes dopamine to DOPAC, was not activated and catechol-0-methyltransferase, which metabolizes DOPAC to HVA, were not inhibited by 5 mM of GEt in vitro. These data suggested that GEt increased the release of dopamine, but not of serotonin, and that GEt might restrict the DOPAC transport system.  相似文献   

Nicergoline is an inhibitor of human platelet aggregation induced by many agents. It inhibits platelet prostaglandin production induced by thrombin or collagen but not by arachidonic acid. It abolishes the decrease of platelet phospholipid induced by thrombin. Nicergoline appears as a drug with an antiphospholipase activity of human platelets.  相似文献   

The fluorometric method is described for determination of the final product of dopamine metabolism homovanillic acid in urine, amniotic fluid and tissue extracts. The metabolite was isolated using three chromatographic columns (1-Amberlit CG-50, 2-Dowex AG 1 x 2, 8-Aluminium oxide). Oxidation of eluates to emitter was done with potassium ferricyanide in alkalic medium. The use of internal standards made high recovery of compound and a good specificity and sensitivity of detection.  相似文献   

G M Tyce  D K Rorie 《Life sciences》1985,37(25):2439-2448
Conjugation (presumably with sulfate) is a demonstrable metabolic pathway for 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine, DA) in brain. Studies were done to determine whether conjugation becomes of increased significance in the presence of precursors of DA. The effects of 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) and L-tyrosine on the efflux of free and conjugated DA, 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid from slices from striatum in rats were studied under quiescent conditions and during release evoked by 40 mM K+ or by 5 X 10(-5) M phenylethylamine (PEA). Conjugated DA was present in the basal efflux from striatal slices and the amounts present were increased during evoked release. More conjugated DA was present in superfusate during K+-evoked release than during PEA-evoked release. L-Tyrosine (5 X 10(-4) M or 5 X 10(-5) M) had little effect on the efflux of conjugated DA, but decreased the amounts of free DA released by PEA, and attenuated the increase in DOPAC that occurred during K+-evoked release of transmitter. L-DOPA (5 X 10(-5) M) increased the formation of conjugated DA, but to a lesser extent than that of free DA or of DOPAC. Thus even after the addition of precursors, conjugation remains a minor metabolic pathway for DA relative to O-methylation or oxidative deamination. The data also suggest that conjugation of DA occurs chiefly outside of the dopaminergic neurons in striatum.  相似文献   

The improvement of high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis with electrochemical detection for urinary homovanillic acid is described. The method permits the chromatographic resolution of authentic homovanillic acid from coeluting interfering compounds in human and nonhuman primate, and rat urine. The electrochemically derived results are compared with post-column derivatized fluorescence results, and quality-control checks necessary to maintain assay precision in automated analysis are described.  相似文献   

The biomedically and neurochemically important compounds 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) have been simultaneously determined in human urine after reverse-phase two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography. A 10-fold-diluted urine sample (20 microliters) is first separated on a C18 column (30 X 0.39 cm) using an 85% pH 6.0 phosphate buffer/15% methanol solvent system. The elution volume containing both 5-HIAA and HVA (Rt approximately 3 min) is collected. Recoveries (mean +/- SD) for this purification step, which is monitored using fluorometric detection, were usually above 90%. After acidification of the approximately 2 ml collected fraction, 100 microliters is reinjected on a C18 column and separated (Rt: 5-HIAA, 4 min; HVA 5.5 min) using an 80% pH 3.5 phosphate buffer/20% methanol mobile phase. The compounds are determined by flow-through amperometry with absolute detection limits of approximately 25 pg. Both 5-HIAA and HVA are well resolved from other electroactive species present and are easily determined at normal and greatly reduced concentrations in human urine.  相似文献   

The response of the plasma dopamine (DA) metabolite, homovanillic acid (HVA), to two DA agonists was investigated in the rat. Apomorphine administered i.p. (2 mg/kg) produced, within one hour, a significant decrease in plasma HVA. The response of plasma HVA to apomorphine was also investigated after pretreatment with debrisoquin, a drug which selectively blocks peripheral HVA production by inhibition of MAO. Pretreatment with debrisoquin did not significantly alter the decrement in plasma HVA produced by apomorphine indicating that a substantial portion of the plasma HVA response to apomorphine is due to the drug's action on brain. Bromocriptine (2 mg/kg) was also found to produce a significant decrease in plasma HVA. Since the response of brain HVA to DA agonists reflects the sensitivity of the DA receptor, the plasma HVA response to DA agonists might be a practical method of assessing brain DA receptor sensitivity in humans.  相似文献   

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