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We have evaluated optimal conditions for coupling monoclonal antibody to small unilamellar lipisomes. Coupling of an IgG2a monoclonal anti-β2-microglobulin antibody, which reacts with human cells, was examined in detail. Liposomes were composed of dipalmitoyl lecithin and cholesterol, and variable quantities of phosphatidylethanolamine substituted with the heterobifunctional cross-linking reagent N-hydroxysuccinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate (SPDP). They were reacted with antibody derivatized with the same reagent at a 5- to 20-fold molar excess, and activated by mild reduction. This degree of SPDP modification had no effect on the capacity of the antibody to bind to its target antigen. More than 40% of antibody could be reproducibly bound to liposomes, resulting in the coupling of from 1 to 10 antibody molecules per liposome (mean diameter.580 Å). The coupling reaction did not lead to loss of carboxyfluorescein encapsulated within liposomes. At least 80% of liposomes carried nondenatured antibody, as confirmed by precipitation of liposomes and encapsulated carboxyfluorescein by Staphylococcus aureus, strain Cowan I. The liposome-coupled antibody retained its immunological specificity: only cells expressing human β2-microglobulin bound liposomes in vitro, and the binding was inhibited by the free antibody in solution. Results with antibodies of different antigenic specificity confirm that the technique can be generally applied.  相似文献   

Immunoadsorbents were prepared by the use of an inorganic carrier. The proteins were covalently coupled to the carrier through a silane coupling agent. An immunoadsorbent prepared with human gamma-globulin was found to complex with specific antibodies. These antibodies could be recovered in high yield and purity from the adsorbent. Similarly, insolubilized antibodies to l-asparaginase were used to isolate and purify the enzyme from crude extracts. These insolubilized antibodies are extremely stable with time and may be reused many times.  相似文献   

Nine allophenic mice of the type C57BL/10Sn … A were analyzed quantitatively, at weekly intervals over a period of 6 weeks, for the relative parental contributions to their red blood cell and white blood cell populations. It was found that four of the mice showed a significant change (termed “chimeric drift”) in the parental composition of their peripheral white blood cells, as determined by cytotoxicity testing. Six of the mice analyzed showed chimeric drift in their red blood cell population, as determined by hemoglobin analysis on isoelectric focusing gels. The isoelectric points of the hemoglobins of six inbred strains of mice were determined as an outgrowth of this study. Chimeric drift was observed in the direction of either parental cell type, and was found to be independent of the coat color, age, or sex of the mice.  相似文献   

Cancer therapy using unconjugated monoclonal antibodies (mAb) has been limited by the lack of immune effector function of the mAb and antigenic modulation. JD118 is a cytotoxic murine IgM mAb with reactivity restricted to a subset of normal B cells, some monocytic series cells, and a large percentage of B cell hematopoietic neoplasms including acute and chronic leukemias and lymphomas. Specificity was determined on several hundred normal and neoplastic, hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells and tissues, as well as progenitor cells. JD118 was able to kill fresh human leukemias and lymphomas in the presence of human serum as a complement source with an LD50 of 100 ng/ml. At this mAb concentration, fewer than 4% of more than 105 available target sites were bound. Killing was not affected by changes in antigen expression observed during the cell cycle nor by loss of cell-surface targets via antigenic modulation. Cytotoxicity could be achieved with human serum diluted as low as 5%, suggesting that complement depletion in vivo should not limit activity. Autologous human serum could be used effectively as a complement source. The JD118 antigen target has not been identified, but it appears to be a glycoprotein. Up-regulation of antigen expression on normal B cells and chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in vitro resulted in antigen-negative neoplasms becoming positive and thus targets for JD118 killing. The restricted expression, potent cytotoxic characteristics, and potential for up-regulation of its antigen make JD118 a possible candidate for ex vivo autologous bone marrow purging and in vivo therapeutic trials in patients with B cell neoplasms.This work was supported by ACS grants PRTF-135 and IM-551, the Michael and Ethel Cohen Fellowship Fund, and the Lucille P. Markey Trust. D. A. Scheinberg is a Lucille P. Markey Scholar Correspondence to: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021, USA  相似文献   

Pneumococci that are competent for natural genetic transformation express a number of proteins involved in binding, uptake, translocation and recombination of DNA. In addition, they attack and lyse non‐competent sister cells present in the same environment. This phenomenon has been termed fratricide. The key effector of pneumococcal fratricide is CbpD, a secreted protein encompassing an N‐terminal CHAP domain, two SH3b domains and a C‐terminal choline‐binding domain (CBD). CbpD is believed to degrade the cell wall of target cells, but experimental evidence supporting this hypothesis has been lacking. Here, we show that CbpD indeed has muralytic activity, and that this activity requires functional CBD and SH3b domains. To better understand the critical role played by the non‐catalytic C‐terminal region of CbpD, various translational fusions were constructed between the CBD and SH3b domains and green fluorescent protein (GFP). The results showed that the SH3b domains specifically recognize and bind peptidoglycan, while the CBD domain functions as a localization signal that directs CbpD to the septal region of the pneumococcal cell. Intriguingly, transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed that target cells attacked by CbpD ruptures at the septal region, in accordance with the binding specificity displayed by the CBD domain.  相似文献   

Anti-tumor associated antigen (TAA).CD3.CD28 trispecific antibody(TsAb) is able to provide two signals for fully and continuously activation of T lymphocytes and recruit them around tumor cells, presenting an attractive concept in tumor immunotherapy. Here, a new single chain trispecific antibody (scTsAb), named CEA-scTsAb, was constructed by fusion of anti-CEA (Carcinoma Embryonic Antigen) single chain antibody (scFv), anti-CD3 scFv and anti-CD28 VH, spaced by polypeptide interlinkers taken from the fragment of constant region (FC) of human IgG and human serum albumin (HSA). It was expressed in Escherichia coli at low temperature (30 degrees C) with up to 50% of the antibody being present in soluble form. After one step of DEAE anion chromatography, the soluble product was sufficiently pure for further in vitro activity assays. First, it was proved that CEA-scTsAb could recognize three antigens (CEA, CD28 and Jurkat cell membrane antigen) specifically and could distinguish antigen positive cells from antigen negative cells in vitro. Then fresh PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells), without being pre-treated by co-stimulatory reagents, such as IL-2 or CD28 mAb, were used as effector cells to test their ability to mediate tumor specific cytolysis of CEA-positive tumor cells, SW1116. It was found by photomicrography that T lymphocytes were attracted to SW1116 cells in the presence of CEA-scTsAb, which resulted in effective cytolysis of tumor cells. As shown by MTT assay, the efficacy of tumor specific cytolysis mediated by CEA-scTsAb related to both the quantity and activation of PBMC. At an effector cells/target cells ratio (E/T) of 5, it was proved by dual-color FACS with propidium iodide (PI) and FITC-annexin V that both necrosis and apoptosis of tumor cells were causes of tumor specific cytolysis. In summary, a new single chain trispecific (CEA x CD3 x CD28) antibody was constructed and characterized carefully in this paper and was found to possess functions: (i) to activate T lymphocytes independently of additional co-stimulatory signal, (ii) to attract activated T lymphocytes around CEA-positive tumor cells, (iii) to attack CEA-positive tumor cells with recruited T lymphocytes. Because it recognizes a widely distributed tumor antigen (CEA), with moderate molecular weight (about 75 kDa) and a simple production procedure, and is able to mediate a high level of tumor specific cytolysis without any additional co-stimulating reagents, CEA-scTsAb is very promising for the task of immunotherapy in future.  相似文献   

We describe an immunocytochemical assay for cells forming antibody to glucose oxidase (GO). The method is specific in that only cells containing intracytoplasmic antibody capable of binding the immunogen (GO binding cells; GOBC) are stained. The method is sensitive because there is no GO activity in mammalian tissues. This lack of background readily permits detection of one GOBC among 10(6) nucleated lymphohemopoietic cells. The technique is reliable because purified chemicals are used. Although it is not possible to determine the Ig class of antibody formed by an individual cell, as can be done with the hemolytic plaque assay, the amount and class of secreted antibody to GO can be quantitated by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which is also described. GO is immunogenic and stimulates the formation of large numbers of GOBC in the popliteal lymph nodes after injection with adjuvant into the footpads of mice, but 1-mg doses injected IV or IP are lethal because of its enzymatic activity, which causes hypoglycemia and methemoglobinemia.  相似文献   

Antibody synthesis was spontaneously induced in lymphoid cell cultures prepared from the draining lymph nodes of immunized rabbits. Induction of this response was attributed to cell-associated persisting antigen. The identity of the cell with which the antigen was associated was sought. Removal of the macrophage-rich adherent cell population did not diminish spontaneous induction. However, removal of a different cell population by the carbonyl iron method markedly inhibited spontaneous antibody synthesis. In addition, treatment of cultured lymph node cells with ethylenediaminetetraacetate, which is known to remove antigen bound to cell surfaces, also inhibited spontaneous induction. Induction of antibody synthesis could be restored in either of these situations by the addition of a suitable quantity of specific antigen. Although removal of the cell type which adhered to carbonyl iron depressed spontaneous antibody synthesis, the treatment had no effect on concanavalin A-mediated lymphocyte transformation. The combined evidence indicates that the persisting antigen responsible for induction of the spontaneous response is bound to the surface of an accessory cell which is probably a sessile macrophage or a dendritic-type cell.  相似文献   

Induction of an allogeneic cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response to purified alloantigen is partially dependent on uptake and processing of the class I alloantigen by antigen-presenting cells (APC) followed by recognition of the alloantigen and self Ia by helper T cells (TH). The activated TH provides the helper signal(s) to the alloantigen-specific CTL for proliferation and differentiation into an active effector CTL. The role of antigen processing and presentation of major histocompatibility complex alloantigens was examined and the ability of different types of APC to present purified H-2Kk liposomes was investigated. Splenic adherent cells (SAC), splenic dendritic cells (DC), and B-cell lymphoblastoid lines were all shown to be effective in the presentation of H-2Kk liposomes. The relative ability of these cells to serve as APC was determined to be DC greater than B-cell tumors greater than SAC. The role of processing of H-2Kk liposomes by SAC and DC was examined by investigating the effect of weak bases on pulsing of the APC. These experiments suggest that presentation of alloantigen by both SAC and DC involves a step which is sensitive to inhibition by weak bases. We examined whether the TH were activated by similar mechanisms when stimulated by the various APC. The functional involvement of the T-cell surface marker L3T4 was demonstrated in the induction of TH. In contrast, L3T4 was not involved in the subsequent generation of CTL since monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for L3T4 was not effective in blocking CTL function in the presence of nonspecific T helper factor (THF). Similarly, Ia on the APC was shown to be involved in the stimulation of the TH pathway but not directly in the differentiation of the CTL. Thus, DC and B cells in addition to SAC can present H-2Kk to TH. The presentation of alloantigen by both cell types may involve an intracellular route as demonstrated by the blocking of the TH response by weak bases. Both Ia and L3T4 are required on the APC for induction of the TH response. The minimal requirements for activation of the CTL were H-2Kk liposomes and a source of THF.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, GPT-1, was prepared by fusion of the splenic cells of mice immunized with guinea pig thymocytes with a mouse myeloma cell line. GPT-1 completely inhibited spontaneous rosette formation of T cells with papain-treated rabbit erythrocytes. GPT-1 reacted with 90% of thymocytes, 70% of peripheral blood lymphocytes, and 45% of splenic lymphocytes, but not with B cells. These results indicate that GPT-1 has pan-T reactivity. The antibody specifically bound to a single polypeptide chain with a molecular size of 50-65 kD. The surface density of the antigen was higher on thymocytes than on peripheral T cells, suggesting that the antigen is a certain differentiation antigen on T cells. Phytohemagglutinin-activated T cells expressed more antigen molecules than resting T cells. In addition, GPT-1 suppressed the proliferation of T cells induced by the mitogen, indicating that GPT-1 recognizes a T cell-specific surface antigen which is associated with T cell activation. Based on these results, it was concluded that GPT-1 reacts with a guinea pig T cell surface antigen which is similar to the E-receptor protein on human T cells (CD2 molecule).  相似文献   

Tumor-infiltrating lymphoplasmacytic cells are a key feature of medullary carcinoma of the breast (MCB), a distinct subtype of human breast cancer that, despite cytologically anaplastic characteristics, has a more favorable prognosis than other types of breast cancer. Since it has been proposed that the improved clinical outcome is due at least in part to the presence of a prominent lymphoplasmacytic cell infiltrate in the tumor stroma, we recently examined the tumor-infiltrating B cell response in MCB and showed that it is oligoclonal and directed against an intracellular protein translocated to the cell surface upon MCB cell apoptosis. Human Abs cloned from MCB lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate-derived phage display libraries and reflecting the dominant part of the response were used to identify the target Ag as actin. Here, we have characterized in detail the cloned human IgG Abs and the translocation process of actin to the cell surface of apoptotic MCB cells. Our analysis shows that the cloned Abs bind specifically and with high affinity to actin, as determined by ELISA and surface plasmon resonance. Sequence analysis revealed that the Abs are highly somatically mutated, with high replacement to silent ratios, indicative of an Ag-driven, affinity-matured response. Interestingly, the tumor-infiltrating B cells in half the MCB patients mainly exhibited an IgG2 response, while IgG1 dominated in the others. To gain insight to the molecular events that may elicit such an Ab response, we examined the translocation of actin to the cell surface of apoptotic MCB cells using flow cytometry and laser scanning cytometry. Our results show that actin becomes exposed on the cell surface of a large proportion of apoptotic MCB cells as an early apoptotic event. We propose that the Ab response against actin produced by tumor-infiltrating B lymphoplasmacytic cells is Ag-driven, affinity-matured, and elicited due to the increased rate of apoptosis occurring within the MCB tumor that facilitates the translocation and proteolytic fragmentation of intracellular proteins.  相似文献   

Arginines-containing membrane translocational signals (MTS), such as Tat(47-57) and VP22(267-300), and synthetic arginine-rich peptides have been reported to be efficient carriers for transporting various types of biomolecules into cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments of living cells. Among those arginines-containing MTS, a 9-mer arginine peptide (Arg9) was proved the most economical and efficient. We fused Arg9-peptide to an anti-CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen) immunotoxin, PE35/CEA(Fv)/KDEL, at the position between the toxin moiety and the binding moiety. Strong binding and internalization of this fusion protein was observed in all detected cell lines, but little cytotoxicity to the cells that lack the CEA molecules on the cell surface was detected. However, the cytotoxicity besides the binding activity of the fusion protein to specific tumor cells expressing large amount of CEA molecules on the cell surface was improved markedly, indicating that the Arg9-peptide is capable of facilitating the receptor-mediated endocytosis of this immunotoxin, which leads to the increase of the specific cytotoxicity of this immunotoxin.  相似文献   

Abstract A 67 kDa protein was isolated from cell membrane preparations of Staphylococcus aureus (NCTC 10655) by affinity adsorption with synthetic Lewis antigen conjugated to Synsorb beads. Pre-treatment of buccal epithelial cells expressing Lewis with the purified protein reduced binding of the staphylococcal strain to a greater extent than the material not bound to the Synsorb beads. The significance of this work is discussed with reference to expression of Lewis antigen in infants and the proposed role of toxigenic strains of staphylococci in some cases of sudden infant death syndrome.  相似文献   

We have raised a rabbit antiserum against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the cleavage site between beta-lipotropic hormone and the ACTH moieties of murine pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). After affinity purification, the anti-cleavage site antibody immunoprecipitates POMC from extracts of AtT20 cells but it does not immunoprecipitate the ACTH in such extracts or any of the other products of cleavage of POMC. By contrast, an antiserum raised against pure swine ACTH immunoprecipitates both POMC and ACTH from AtT20 cell extracts. Using the anti-cleavage site antibody we have shown that all the POMC synthesized during a 15-min pulse-labeling with [35S]methionine is cleaved at this site within 1 h. By immunoelectron microscopy we show that approximately 25-30% of peripheral secretory granules in AtT20 cells can be labeled with the anti-cleavage site antibody while anti-ACTH antiserum labels all these granules. This establishes that at least some POMC is packaged into secretory granules before its proteolytic cleavage.  相似文献   

The patterns of cellular and strain reactivity of a monoclonal antibody (6C3 MAb) derived from the fusion of SP2/0 cells with splenocytes from rats immunized against MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr T cells were characterized by using flow cytofluorometry (FCF) analysis. This MAb was found to stain 70 to 90% of T cells of mice with the lpr/lpr genotype and 20 to 60% of T cells of congenic +/+ strains. Dual-parameter FCF analysis of Lyt-2 vs 6C3 expression revealed the existence of several Lyt-2- and Lyt-2+ T cell subsets, one of which (Lyt-2- bright 6C3+) was expanded in lpr/lpr-bearing mice. The 6C3 MAb stained only 2 to 5% normal thymocytes but reacted with 40 to 50% bone marrow (BM) cells. A strain survey demonstrated the expression of the 6C3 antigen on peripheral T cells (and BM cells) of all strains examined, with the exception of NOD, NZB/B1NJ, and ST/bJ. Interestingly, in the positive strains, two types of 6C3 staining patterns of T cells were observed: bimodal or trimodal. Study of BXH and CXB recombinant inbred (RI) strains demonstrated that the bimodal and trimodal 6C3 patterns are associated with the Ly-6.1 and Ly-6.2 phenotypes, respectively. Linkage of 6C3 expression with the Ly-6 locus was confirmed by using the congenic C3H.B6-Ly-6b strain. Moreover, the 6C3 staining of T cells in Ly-6.2 strains was reduced by preincubation with the H9/25 and SK-142-446 MAb, which are known to recognize Ly-6.2-associated antigens. Therefore, the 6C3 MAb appears to detect a frame-work determinant on an Ly-6-linked antigen that is absent from T cells of NOD, NZB, and ST/bJ mice. Analysis of (NZB x C58) NX8 RI strains demonstrated a correlation between the lack of 6C3 expression on T cells and unresponsiveness in autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (a property of NZB/B1NJ mice). The 6C3 MAb should prove useful for further genetic and biochemical analysis of the Ly-6 locus and its product(s), and for the delineation of functional subsets of T cells and BM cells in normal and lpr/lpr-bearing mice.  相似文献   

Injection of BALB/c mice with an affinity-purified goat antibody to mouse IgD (GaM delta) stimulates T cell-independent B cell activation as well as later T cell activation. Activated T cells then induce polyclonal differentiation of B cells into IgG1-secreting cells, which results in an approximately 100-fold increase in serum IgG1 level. It is not known whether the same B cells that are initially activated by GaM delta are the progenitors of the IgG1-secreting cells. To investigate this issue a system was developed in which CB20 mice, which are congenic to BALB/c mice but express Ig of the beta allotype rather than the BALB/c alpha allotype, were injected with GaM delta and simultaneously or subsequently also received BALB/c B cells. The IgG1 response generated by the donor BALB/c B cells was quantitated by an assay specific for IgG1 of the alpha allotype. Our experiments with this system indicate that: 1) BALB/c B cells transferred 2 days after CB20 mice were injected with GaM delta generate a much larger IgG1 response than do BALB/c B cells transferred simultaneously with GaM delta antibody; 2) B cells that express membrane IgD generate the great majority of this response; 3) differences in the magnitudes of the responses of BALB/c B cells transferred at different times after CB20 mice were injected with GaM delta antibody cannot be explained by differences in homing of the donor B cells to the host spleen or by short survival of donor BALB/c B cells after their transfer; and 4) the response made by donor BALB/c B cells transferred 2 days after CB20 mice were injected with GaM delta is proportionate to donor cell representation in the host spleen 1 day after their transfer, whereas the response made by donor cells transferred simultaneously with GaM delta is disproportionately small. These observations suggest that most of the IgG1 antibody made by GaM delta-injected mice is generated by newly produced, mIgD+ B cells that appear approximately 2 days after GaM delta injection, rather than by those B cells that are present in the spleen at the time of GaM delta injection, and support the view that signals that induce B cell secretion of Ig require an interaction with at least partially activated Th cells.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody 14E immunocytochemically stains the nuclear membrane of oligodendrocytes but not myelin in tissue sections of adult normal human white matter. The nuclear membranes of Schwann cells in human peripheral nerve and cerebellar Bergmann glia were also visualized with this antibody. In actively demyelinating multiple sclerosis plaques the 14E antibody stained increased numbers of oligodendrocytes and the nuclei, perikarya and cell processes of hypertrophic glia, which were often multinucleate. Scattered small groups of these hypertrophic glia were present in areas of dense astrogliosis in acute plaques. The 14E-positive hypertrophic cells could be either a subpopulation of reactive astrocytes or bipotential glial precursors.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Alan N. Davison.  相似文献   

Invasion plasmid antigen C (IpaC), a 45-kDa protein encoded by an invasion plasmid of Shigella, is associated with the invasion of epithelial cells by the bacteria. Invasive strains of S. dysenteriae type 1 secreted more proteins into the extracellular environment than a non-invasive strain and secreted more IpaC protein. An anti-IpaC mouse monoclonal antibody was used as a probe to determine the subcellular localization of IpaC and its involvement in invasion of mammalian cells. Immunogold labelling of ultrathin sections of invasive bacteria indicated that the IpaC was only present in the cytoplasmic membrane and cytoplasm. There were no gold-IgG particles on the bacterial surface. Immunoblot analysis of different cellular fractions confirmed that the protein was associated with the inner cytoplasmic membrane and cytosolic fraction. The in-vitro binding capability of the IpaC protein was assessed using HeLa and isolated rat intestinal epithelial cells. The binding of the protein to the surface of mammalian cells indicates that it may have a role in the early stages of the infection process. The binding was sensitive to the action of proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

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