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The spawning migration of brook lampreys ( Lampetra planeri , Bloch) was investigated in a South Swedish lake and stream system for two consecutive years. The nightly variations were analysed by a multiple regression technique. In one of the seasons, characterized by frequent rain storms, water level was the most important factor explaining 60% of the observed variation in migration. In the following year, when the migration period was unusually dry, temperature and on-shore winds at the mouth of the stream were the most influential environmental variables explaining 50% of the observed changes in behaviour. When data were combined for the two years only temperature showed a significant influence. The critical temperature for the onset of migration was estimated to be 7.5°C. Size distributions and sex ratios of the migrating lampreys, which are semelparous, indicated that the age distribution was complex and that females were older than males. Migration was essentially nocturnal, but late in the season day migration was also observed. A marking experiment resulted in few recaptures probably because of high predation and/or orientation difficulties.  相似文献   

Size and structure of a South Swedish population of Lampetra planeri larvae were studied during 5 yr. Population size fluctuated considerably within the studied section of stream with a general decline. The fluctuations were positively and strongly correlated (multiple R2= 0.85) with the population density at the beginning of each analysed period, while poorly correlated with such variables as heavy precipitation and temperature. Several factors suggest the entire larval population drifts downstream: fluctuations in the studied stream section, increasing mean size downstream, and incongruity in longitudinal distribution in surveys, performed with a 5-yr interval. Growth, estimated both in caged larvae and from length frequency data, occurred mainly in autumn. High density in cages reduced the growth rate of larvae.  相似文献   

Horizontal agarose gel electrophoresis of 24 allozyme loci in four species of Central European lampreys (321 Lampetra planeri , 83 L. fluviatilis , 11 Eudontomyzon mariae and nine Petromyzon marinus ) was used to study the 'paired species' L. fluviatilis and L. planeri . The genetic differentiation of the anadromous river lamprey ( L. fluviatilis ) from the stationary brook lamprey ( L. planeri ) was within the range of ingroup differentiation of the latter, but L. fluviatilis exhibited much greater population cohesion over a more extended geographic range: G ST = 0.0537 versus G ST = 0.3398, N em = 4.402 versus N em = 0.4856, mean genetic among-stock distances D = 0.0047 versus D = 0.0257. L. planeri populations coexisting geographically with L. fluviatilis in the Rhine and Elbe river systems were genetically more cohesive than L. planeri stocks from the Danubian basin where L. fluviatilis is absent. Danubian L. planeri populations exhibit a lower degree of heterozygosity than brook lampreys from the Rhine river system, but comprise deeper genetic lineages ( G ST = 0.4629 versus G ST = 0.2434), despite being sampled from a much more restricted area. Isolation-by-distance is observed for L. planeri from the Danubian but not from the Atlantic drainage basins. Transspecific gene flow between L. planeri from Atlantic drainage basins and the long-distant migrating L. fluviatilis is inferred, raising doubt on the validity of two separate biospecies. E. mariae and P. marinus are clearly differentiated from Lampetra spp. at several allozyme loci.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondria-rich cells were located in the interplatelet area of gill filaments from ammocoete Lampetra fluviatilis and L. planeri. The ultrastructure of this cell type differs from typical teleost chloride cells by the absence of a tubular, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). This difference is discussed in relation to the presumed functions of the cell and to the evolutionary histories of lampreys and teleosts. It is concluded that the mitochondria-rich cell is responsible for the active uptake of ions by the ammocoete gill.  相似文献   

The populations of brook lamprey Lampetra planeri of Portuguese Rivers were analysed phylogeographically using a fragment of 644 bp of the mitochondrial control region of 158 individuals from six populations. Samples representing L. planeri and migratory lampreys Lampetra fluviatilis of rivers draining to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea were also included to assess the relationships of Portuguese samples. The data support a clear differentiation of all the populations studied. Several populations, which are isolated among themselves and also from the migratory lampreys, proved to be entirely composed of private haplotypes, a finding that supports some time of independent evolutionary history for these populations. This, combined with the geographic confinement to small water bodies, justifies the recognition of at least four conservation units in the Portuguese rivers Sado, São Pedro, Nabão and Inha.  相似文献   

A natural population of the brook lamprey, Lampetra planeri, was assayed for electrophoretically detectable variation at 30 enzyme loci. The mean heterozygosity per locus of this primitive vertebrate, a member of the Agnatha, was found to be 0.076 ± 0.031, a value similar to those recorded for other vertebrates. The high chromosome numbers recorded for this and related species have been attributed to polyploidy, but our studies do not indicate the existence of large numbers of duplicated loci. Indeed, several enzymes that are encoded by duplicate loci in other vertebrate species appear to be encoded by single loci in the lamprey. It is suggested that studies on the biology and taxonomy of lampreys will benefit greatly from an electrophoretic approach.  相似文献   

Genetic evidence for a trimeric structure for purine nucleoside phosphorylase in the brook lamprey is presented. This enzyme is encoded by a single locus with two alleles segregating at frequencies of 0.98 and 0.02 in a Welsh population. It is suggested that this enzyme is likely to be a trimer in all classes of vertebrates.B. J. McAndrew and G. P. Wallis were supported by NERC Research Studentships.  相似文献   

Morphometric measurements have been made on various gill components of different stages in the life cycle of the anadromous parasitic lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis, and its nonparasitic derivative Lampetra planeri. The total gill area, expressed in terms of body weight, of both larval (1462–2717 mm2 g–1) and adult (1402–2337 mm2 g–1) L. fluviatilis are greater than those previously recorded in the rather meagre literature on lamprey gill measurements and are comparable with those found in the most active teleosts. The gills of the two Lampetra species are apparently identical in the larval stages and those of metamorphosing and adult L. planeri are similar to those of metamorphosing L. fluviatilis. Although the pharyngeal arrangement of lampreys differs greatly from that of teleosts, there are many features of the gills indicative of convergence between the two groups. Thus, in a given stage in the life cycle of lampreys, the secondary lamellae on either side of the filaments also alternate, become more widely spaced as the filament length increases and increase in area as the body weight becomes greater. Furthermore, the fractional cumulative increase in secondary lamellae area along a line following the presumed direction of water flow is also represented by a sigmoid curve. While at metamorphosis the pharynx becomes considerably modified to accommodate the change from a unidirectional to a tidal respiratory water flow, the total gill areas of the ammocoete are similar to those of metamorphosing stages which have attained adult characteristics. However, there are clearly differences in some of the components that influence and contribute towards the total gill area. Thus, in terms of body weight, the number and total length of the filaments and the total number of secondary lamellae, together with the number of secondary lamellae found on a given distance of filament, are greater in late metamorphosing stages, while the reverse is true for the average bilateral area of the secondary lamellae which is considerably greater in ammocoetes.  相似文献   

Pregnenolone, androstenedione and testosterone were identified by RIA in tissue homogenates of the pronephric region, the opisthonephros, the gonads and in plasma samples from male and female immature and mature adult brook lampreys. Additionally, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was determined spectrophotometrically in homogenates from the same tissues of mature and spent adult brook lampreys employing pregnenolone, testosterone or 3β,17β-dihydroxy-5β-androstane as substrates. The steroid levels show differences corresponding to developmental stages, tissues and sex. Remarkable quantities of testosterone were measured in the testicular tissue homogenates, in homogenates obtained from the pronephric region and in the serum.  相似文献   

Thyroglobuline (Tg) biosynthesis has been studied in an adult fresh water lamprey Lampetra planeri (Bloch), by injection in coelomic cavity or by in vitro incorporation in follicles of branchial region of various radioactive labels: 125I-, 3H-leucine, 3H-mannose, 3H-galactose, N-acetyl mannosamine and 3H-N-acetylglucosamine. Labelling by all theses substances, present in Tg of mammals, proceeds efficiently in two hours. It has been demonstrated that the cyclostome studied synthetizes a 18 S iodinated glycoprotein analogous to Tg of higher vertebrates by its molecular size. It contains all the same hexose and N-acetyl derivatives of these in its sugar moiety and the same iodinated aminoacids. Purified 18 S Tg of the lamprey has been prepared; it is very poor in iodine (127I) and has a very low T3 and T4 content.  相似文献   

Representatives of the various Stages (1–9) in the metamorphosis and short adult life of the brook lamprey, Lampetra planeri , were used to provide quantitative data to describe the pattern of changes that take place during this period of the life cycle. During the transformation of the oral hood into an oral disc, this ventral region of the snout first declines in length before increasing markedly. The branchial region declines in length and remains relatively smaller than in the ammocoete, a feature probably correlated with the concomitant internal changes in the pharynx which permit a change from a unidirectional to a tidal respiratory flow. The eye increases in size only through the initial Stages (1–5). The main period of fin enlargement occurs rather later in metamorphosis than the above changes.
During maturation the two initially separate dorsal fins increase further in height and eventually become separated only by a notch. Differences between the two sexes are found in the relative size of the disc and fins, the larger structures of the male probably being related to their greater activity in spawning behaviour. Measurements on metamorphosed L. fluviatilis confirm that in this species the eye and disc are relatively larger than in L. planeri. Data are presented which illustrate that in collections taken during the metamorphosis of both species the males are smaller and slightly more numerous than the females and that transformation is initiated at a longer length in L. planeri than in L. fluviatilis .  相似文献   

Terminal buds on the gill arches of larval Lampetra planeri have been investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each terminal bud is composed of two types of elongated cells, which extend from an apical depression to the basal lamina; one type bears a pair of cilia and the other, microvilli. In addition there are peripheral and basal cells. Nerve-fibre profiles are lacking within the terminal bud epithelium and contacts between nerves and ciliated cells are established through holes in the basal lamina. The presence of ciliated receptor cells with such a mode of innervation presents a distinct contrast to the morphology of the taste buds of gnathostome vertebrates.  相似文献   

An investigation has been made in both the parasitic lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis and in its non-parasitic derivative Lampetra planeri of the rate at which the fat column replaces the typhlosole and nephric fold as the principal site of haemopoiesis. In the typhlosole, blood cell formation started to decline prior to the onset of external metamorphosis and had ceased within four weeks of the commencement of transformation. In the nephric fold haemopoiesis continued for several weeks in the region where the larval opisthonephros persisted but was never observed in the newly developing adult kidney. Soon after the onset of external metamorphosis the fat column started to become haemopoietic and later became the main site of blood cell formation. The rate at which the haemopoietic function was transferred from the nephric fold and typhlosole to the fat column was greater in L. fluviatilis than in L. planeri. Since a similar more rapid change in L. fluviatilis has also been found in the switch from larval to adult haemoglobin, the former type of haemoglobins may be produced only in erythrocytes originating in the nephric fold and typhlosole, whereas the latter type may be restricted to cells developed in the fat column. It is also suggested that the functional significance of the alteration in haemopoietic sites is related to changes at metamorphosis in the three regions where blood cell formation occurs.  相似文献   

P. E. Schmid 《Aquatic Ecology》1992,26(2-4):419-429
Four common species of larval and emerging chironomids were investigated during 1981 and between 1984/1985 in an alpine gravel brook. The emergence patterns ofN. dubius, O. rivulorum andH. ornaticollis were significantly affected by fluctuations of the water level, while rises in water temperature tended to trigger the peaks in emergence of the same species and ofO. frigidus. N. dubius exhibited its main emergence activity over areas of bed sediment which had a lower mean water velocity or were discontinuously flooded. On the other hand, the imagines ofO. frigidus, O. rivulorum andH. ornaticollis reached peak densities in zones of the main current channel in the Seebach. The larvae of these species inhabited horizontally and vertically different areas of bed sediment depending on the developmental stage. Early instars ofN. dubius andH. ornaticollis preferred zones near the banks and reached their maximum densities in sediment depths of 10 to 20 cm and 20 to 30 cm, respectively. In contrast, the larvae ofO. frigidus andO. rivulorum reached their highest densities in the first 10 cm of the sediments with significant preferences for the zones of stronger water flow.  相似文献   

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