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Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is an evolutionarily conserved neuropeptide with 10 amino acid residues, which possesses some structural variants. A molecular form known as chicken GnRH II ([His5 Trp7 Tyr8] GnRH, cGnRH II) is widely distributed in vertebrates, and has recently been implicated in the regulation of sexual behavior and food intake in an insectivore, the musk shrew. However, the influence of cGnRH II on feeding behavior has not yet been studied in model animals such as rodents and teleost fish. In this study, therefore, we investigated the role of cGnRH II in the regulation of feeding behavior in the goldfish, and examined its involvement in food intake after intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration. ICV-injected cGnRH II at graded doses, from 0.1 to 10 pmol/g body weight (BW), induced a decrease of food consumption in a dose-dependent manner during 60 min after treatment. Cumulative food intake was significantly decreased by ICV injection of cGnRH II at doses of 1 and 10 pmol/g BW during the 60-min post-treatment observation period. ICV injection of salmon GnRH ([Trp7 Leu8] GnRH, sGnRH) at doses of 0.1-10 pmol/g BW did not affect food intake. The anorexigenic action of cGnRH II was completely blocked by treatment with the GnRH type I receptor antagonist, Antide. However, the anorexigenic action of cGnRH II was not inhibited by treatment with the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) 1/2 receptor antagonist, α-helical CRH(9−41), and the melanocortin 4 receptor antagonist, HS024. These results suggest that, in the goldfish, cGnRH II, but not sGnRH, acts as an anorexigenic factor, as is the case in the musk shrew, and that the anorexigenic action of cGnRH II is independent of CRH- and melanocortin-signaling pathways.  相似文献   

In the present study we have examined the influence of intracerebroventricullary administered CRF, and a non-selective CRF receptor antagonist, α-helical CRF(9–41), on rat conditioned fear response, serum corticosterone, c-Fos and CRF expression, and concentration of amino acids (in vitro), in several brain structures. Pretreatment of rats with CRF in a dose of 1μg/rat, enhanced rat-freezing response, and further increased conditioned fear-elevated concentration of serum corticosterone. Moreover, exogenous CRF increased aversive context-induced expression of c-Fos in the parvocellular neurons of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (pPVN), CA1 area of the hippocampus, and M1 area of the frontal cortex. A different pattern of behavioral and biochemical changes was present after pre-test administration of α-helical CRF(9–41) (10μg/rat): a decrease in rat fear response and serum corticosterone concentration; an attenuation of fear-induced c-Fos expression in the dentate gyrus, CA1, Cg1, Cg2, and M1 areas of the frontal cortex; a complete reversal of the rise in the number of CRF immunoreactive complexes in the M2 cortical area, induced by conditioned fear. Moreover, α-helical CRF(9–41) increased the concentration of GABA in the amygdala of fear-conditioned rats. Altogether, the present data confirm and extend previous data on the integrative role of CRF in the central, anxiety-related, behavioral and biochemical processes. The obtained results underline also the role of frontal cortex and amygdala in mediating the effects of CRF on the conditioned fear response.  相似文献   

The orexigenic effect of urocortins (Ucns), namely Ucn 1, Ucn 2 and Ucn 3 through activation of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptors, has been well characterized after injection into the brain but not in the periphery. We examined the role of CRF receptor subtype 2 (CRF2) in the regulation of food intake using intraperitoneal (ip) injection of Ucns and the selective CRF2 antagonist, astressin2-B, and CRF2 knockout (−/−) mice. Meal structures were monitored using an automated episodic solid food intake monitoring system. Ucn 2 (3, 10 or 30 μg/kg, ip) induced a rapid in onset, long lasting and dose-dependent decrease (38%, 66% and 86%, respectively at 4 h) of cumulative food intake after an overnight fast in mice. Ucn 3 anorexic effect was 10-times less potent. Astressin2-B (30 or 100 μg/kg) injected ip, but not intracerebroventricularly, blocked the inhibitory effect of ip Ucn 1 and Ucn 2 (10 μg/kg). Fasted CRF2−/− mice did not respond to ip Ucn 1 (10 μg/kg). Meal microstructure analysis of the 4-h re-feeding response to an overnight fast showed that Ucn 2 (10 μg/kg, ip) decreased meal size and duration, but increased meal frequency. In mice fed ad libitum, Ucn 2 (30 μg/kg) injected ip before the dark phase decreased the 4-h nocturnal meal size and duration without influencing meal frequency while the 10 μg/kg dose had no effect. These data indicate that Ucns, through peripheral CRF2 receptor-mediated induction of satiation, inhibit the eating response to a fast more potently than the physiological nocturnal feeding in mice.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical methods were used to investigate the occurrence and distribution of sauvagine, corticotropin-releasing factor-, or urotensin I-like immunoreactivities (SVG-ir, CRF-ir, UI-ir, respectively) in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) brain, using specific antisera raised against non-conjugated SVG, ovine CRF, rat/human CRF, and UI. In the hypothalamus, SVG-ir was found in the magnocellular perikarya, in the dorsal and ventral regions of the preoptic nucleus, and in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal projections to the external zone as well as the internal zone of the median eminence, to pars nervosa, and in fibres running from the pars nervosa to the pars intermedia of the pituitary. In contrast, CRF-ir was found only in parvocellular perikarya, mainly localized in the rostro-ventral part of the preoptic nucleus, with fine processes protruding through the ependyma of the third ventricle, fibre projections terminating in the anterior preoptic area and in the neuropil of the periventricular gray, and a caudal projection to the external zone of the median eminence. No CRF-ir staining was seen in the pars nervosa and pars intermedia. The use of UI-specific antisera failed to give a positive response in the frog brain. It is concluded that, in the frog brain, two anatomically different CRF-like (or SVG-like) systems co-exist, comparable to the reported co-existence of UI-ir and CRF-ir neuronal systems in fish brain.  相似文献   

It is known that, in rats, central and peripheral ghrelin increases food intake mainly through activation of neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons. In contrast, intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of ghrelin inhibits food intake in neonatal chicks. We examined the mechanism governing this inhibitory effect in chicks. The ICV injection of ghrelin or corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which also inhibits feeding and causes hyperactivity in chicks. Thus, we examined the interaction of ghrelin with CRF and the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The ICV injection of ghrelin increased plasma corticosterone levels in a dose-dependent or a time-dependent manner. Co-injection of a CRF receptor antagonist, astressin, attenuated ghrelin-induced plasma corticosterone increase and anorexia. In addition, we also investigated the effect of ghrelin on NPY-induced food intake and on expression of hypothalamic NPY mRNA. Co-injection of ghrelin with NPY inhibited NPY-induced increase in food intake, and the ICV injection of ghrelin did not change NPY mRNA expression. These results indicate that central ghrelin does not interact with NPY as seen in rodents, but instead inhibits food intake by interacting with the endogenous CRF and its receptor.  相似文献   

Administration of peptide YY(3-36) (PYY(3-36)) to fasting humans or mice shortly before re-feeding effectively reduced their food intake, but PYY(3-36) exhibited a functional half-life of only approximately 3 h. Attachment of poly(ethylene glycol) to proteins and peptides (PEGylation) prolongs their half-life in vivo, but completely inactivated PYY(3-36). We developed a reversibly PEGylated PYY(3-36) derivative by coupling it to a 40 kDa PEG through a spontaneously cleavable linker. The resulting conjugate (PEG(40)-FMS-PYY(3-36)) gradually released unmodified PYY(3-36) in vivo, exhibiting an eightfold increase in its functional half-life, to approximately 24h. This long-acting PYY(3-36) pro-drug may serve as an effective means for controlling food intake in humans.  相似文献   

温度对波纹龙虾存活、摄食、蜕壳和生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄东科  梁华芳  张志  温崇庆 《生态学报》2017,37(18):5973-5980
波纹龙虾是热带和亚热带重要经济虾类,养殖潜力巨大。本文进行温度渐变和骤变对波纹龙虾存活、摄食影响试验,以确定存活和摄食的水温范围;进行了波纹龙虾在不同温度条件下(22、25、28、31、34℃)对其存活率、饵料用效率、蜕壳和生长情况的影响试验,以确定最适养殖水温,试验时间90 d。结果表明:波纹龙虾的生存温度范围为13—36℃,适宜温度为20—30℃。在温度22—31℃范围内,波纹龙虾的存活率和特定生长率随着温度的升高表现为先升后降,在28℃达到最大值,各组之间差异显著(P0.05);温度显著影响波纹龙虾对鲜活饵料的利用效率,饵料系数最高的是31℃组,为6.43±0.28;28℃组的波纹龙虾饵料系数最低,为5.75±0.70,与其它各组有显著差异(P0.05)。波纹龙虾的蜕壳周期随着温度的升高逐渐缩短,31℃组周期最短(16.7 d),22℃蜕壳周期最长(18.8 d),但各组之间差异不显著(P0.05)。综合以上因素考虑,波纹龙虾养殖水温宜控制在28℃。  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricularly administered angiotensin (Ang) II and III dose-dependently suppressed food intake in mice and their anorexigenic activities were inhibited by AT(2) receptor-selective antagonist. Ang II did not suppress food intake in AT(2) receptor-knockout mice, while it did significantly in wild-type and AT(1) receptor-knockout mice. The suppression of food intake in AT(1) receptor-knockout mice was smaller than that in wild-type. The anorexigenic activities of Ang II and III were also blocked by a selective antagonist for prostaglandin EP(4) receptor. Taken together, centrally administered Ang II and III may decrease food intake through AT(2) receptor with partial involvement of AT(1) receptor, followed by EP(4) receptor activation, which is a novel pathway regulating food intake.  相似文献   

Previous reports on the effect of anorexigenic peptide (AXP) administered systemically in the rodent are inconsistent in terms of the effect of the tri-peptide on food intake and body weight. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of AXP infused into the brain on these measures. In post-pubescent female rats of the Sprague-Dawley strain, guide cannulae were permanently implanted in the lateral cerebral ventricle for repeated intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion. Postoperatively, measures of food and water intake and body weight were obtained every day at the same time. After a 7-day base-line period, AXP was infused bilaterally in a total volume of 15 μl and in a dose of either 0.25 μg (n=7) or 1.25 μg (n=5), with artificial CSF vehicle serving as the control solution (n=6). ICV infusions were given once daily for 20 consecutive days, after which the same intake and body weight measures were recorded for another 7-day period. The rats given 0.25 μg AXP showed a significant suppression in weight gain with the overall slope of the growth curve being 0.358. In contrast, the growth slope of the rats given the 1.25 μg dose of AXP was 0.621, whereas those given the CSF was 0.823. Although the trends of intake of food tended to follow the curves of the rats' body weight, the difference between g/kg food intake of rats during ICV infusions of either dose of AXP was not significantly different from that of the CSF controls. Water intake also was unaffected by either dose of AXP. These results demonstrate that this tri-peptide derived from urine of patients afflicted with anorexia nervosa exerts a direct effect on the brain. Since the 0.25 μg dose of AXP infused acutely ICV caused a sustained hyperthermia, its mechanism of action is apparently a metabolic one; that is, the interruption in the gain in body weight of the rat is independent of the amount of food it ingests.  相似文献   

We fed prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) rat chow diluted with variable amounts of -cellulose to determine 1) how much fiber the voles could tolerate in their diet; 2) changes in food intake and digestibility of dry matter and of fiber; 3) the extent to which voles utilized fiber as an energy source; and 4) whether any of these variables differed between groups of animals maintained at 5 or 22°C. Fiber content of the diets ranged from 20 to 84%. Animals held at 5°C maintained body mass through a diet containing 69% fiber, while animals held at 22°C maintained body mass through the 84% fiber diet. Dry matter intake increased with fiber level from 9.3 to 15.0 g·day-1 for animals at 5°C and from 5.6 to 14.0 g·day-1 for animals at 22°C; intake on the highest fiber diet eaten by either group was not different. Dry matter digestibility decreased significantly as the fiber in the diets increased, but was not affected by temperature treatments. Digestible dry matter intake for each group remained constant regardless of diet quality, but on each diet digestible dry matter intake for animals at 5°C was significantly higher than that of the animals held at 22°C. Digestibility of the fiber portion of the experimental diets remained constant as food quality decreased, so the percent of daily energy need met by fiber utilization increased with higher food intake. On the lowest quality diet each group tolerated, fiber digestion provided approximately 42 and 68% of the energy needs of voles at 5 and 22°C, respectively.Abbreviations BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - DE digestible energy - DM dry matter - DMD dry matter digestibility - DDMI digestible dry matter intake - MR metabolic rate - NDF neutral detergent fiber (=cell walls) - NDS neutral detergent solubles (=cell solubles) - SEM standard error of mean - T a ambient temperature  相似文献   

Indirect double immunofluorescence labelling for eight neuropeptides in the pancreas of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, demonstrated the occurrence, distribution, and coexistence of certain neuropeptides in the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. Immunoreactivity of substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), FMRFamide (FMRF), and galanin (GAL) was localized in nerve fibers distributed between the acini and around the duct system and vasculature of the exocrine pancreas. In these regions, CGRP-immunoreactive fibers were more numerous than those containing the other five peptides. Almost all SP fibers showed coexistence of SP with CGRP, and about one third of fibers also showed coexistence of SP with VIP, NPY, FMRF, and GAL. In the endocrine pancreas, SP, CGRP, VIP, and GAL were recognized in the nerve fibers around and within the islets of Langerhans, and VIP and GAL fibers were more numerous than SP and CGRP fibers. All CGRP fibers, and about half of the VIP and GAL fibers were immunoreactive for SP. NPY- and FMRF-immunoreactive cells were found at the periphery of the islets. These findings suggest that the exocrine and endocrine pancreatic functions of the bullfrog are under the control of peptidergic innervation.  相似文献   

Indirect double immunofluorescence labelling for demonstrating nine neuropeptides in the kidney of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, revealed for the first time the occurrence, distribution, and coexistence of certain neuropeptides in the kidney of the submammalian vertebrates. Substance P, neuropeptide Y, and calcitonin generelated peptide were localized in nerve fibers distributed along the afferent arterioles connected with the glomeruli, and along the capillary network between uriniferous tubules. Neuropeptide Y and calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive fibers were more numerous than substance P immunoreactive fibers. In these two regions, about one half of the neuropeptide Y or calcitonin in gene-related peptide fibers contained substance P. No immunoreactivity of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, somatostatin, FMRFamide, or leucine- and methionine-enkephalins was detected in the bullfrog kidney.  相似文献   

Leptin increases human alpha1 (I) collagen mRNA and type I collagen production and enhances hepatic fibrosis in animal models of hepatic fibrosis. These effects of leptin on fibrogenesis may be mediated by TGFbeta1, since leptin increases the TGFbeta type II receptor and augments the effect of TGFbeta1 on collagen production by stellate cells. In this study, leptin increased the activity of the human alpha1 (I) collagen promoter in transfected stellate cells. Leptin did not further enhance the activation of the promoter induced by TGFbeta1. Leptin had no effects on the transfected TGFbeta-responsive p3TP-LUX plasmid, which contains 3 CAGA elements that are essential and sufficient for the induction by TGFbeta. Leptin did not increase significantly the binding of proteins to two TGFbeta1 responsive elements in the human alpha1 (I) collagen promoter. In conclusion, this study shows that leptin activates the alpha1 (I) collagen gene and that this effect is not mediated by TGFbeta responsive elements.  相似文献   

Summary Actin-containing cytoplasmic fibers were visualized in the mesenteric mesothelial cells of the large intestine of bullfrog tadpoles by rhodamine-phalloidin staining of en face preparations of mesothelial cells. These fibers were concurrently stained by immunofluorescence using antibodies to myosin or -actinin. Electron microscopy showed the presence of bundles of microfilaments in the basal cytoplasm of the cells. Such fibers in the mesothelial cells may be comparable to the stress fibers present in cultured cells. The mesothelial cells initially formed axially oriented stress fibers when they changed from a rhombic to a slender spindle-like shape. On the other hand, stress fibers disappeared as cells transformed from elongated to polygonal shapes during the period of metamorphic climax. Expression of stress fibers in these cells appears to be related to the degree of tension loaded on the mesentery, which may be generated by mesenteric winding. These stress fibers in the mesothelial cells may serve to regulate cellular transformation. They may also help to maintain cellular integrity by strengthening the cellular attachment to subepithelial tissue against tensile stress exerted on the mesentery.  相似文献   

The influence of changes in the amount of locomotor activity on the annual body mass cycle was investigated in captive Svalbard ptarmigan kept indoors at thermoneutrality and exposed to seasonal changes in daylength or continuous light from the summer onwards. In both groups there was a close correlation between locomotor activity and metabolic rate. Only birds exposed to changes in daylength showed an annual cycle in locomotor activity, with low activity in autumn and mid-winter and a peak in spring. The birds permanently exposed to continuous light had a relatively low activity throughout the year with no systematical changes. Body mass began to increase in both groups in early autumn and the food intake was elevated during most of the following fattening period. It is concluded that elevated food intake is the prime factor involved in autumnal fattening in captive Svalbard ptarmigan. Body mass increased significantly faster under decreasing daylength compared with continuous light, associated with a lower activity as well as a higher food intake. The birds exposed to continuous light maintained a high body mass and a relatively low activity level during spring. In birds exposed to changing daylength, body mass fell from late February onwards, which is about 3 months later than in outdoor caged or free-living Svalbard ptarmigan. In the birds exposed to increasing daylength a fourfold increase in the amount of locomotor activity occurred from February to April. This increased activity was correlated with a negative energy balance and may be casually associated with the fall in body mass in these birds. Under outdoor conditions, elevated locomotor activity in spring may be responsible for a continuation of the decline in body mass commencing in November, despite a slight tendency for an increased food intake towards the end of this period.Abbreviations BM body mass - CE f caloric equivalent of food - EAE energy assimilation efficiency - EE energy expenditure - FI food intake - LA locomotor activity - LL continuous light - LD simulated annual changes in daylength - MEI metabolizable energy intake - MR metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient  相似文献   

Indirect double immunofluorescence labelling in the pharynx and lung of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, demonstrated the occurrence, distribution, and coexistence of two neuropeptides. In the pharynx, immunoreactive calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) were localized in nerve fibers distributed within and just beneath the ciliated epithelium. In the lung, CGRP and SP were localized in nerve fibers in five principal locations: 1) within the smooth muscle layer in the interfaveolar septa; 2) in the luminal thickened edges of the septa; 3) around the pulmonary vasculature; 4) within, and 5) under the ciliated epithelium. Within the smooth muscle layer in the septa, luminal thickened septa, and around blood vessels, almost all fibers showed coexistence of CGRP and SP. Within and just beneath the ciliated epithelium in the thickened septa, all fibers showed coexistence of CGRP and SP. No immunoreactivity for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, neuropeptide Y, galanin, somatostatin, FMRFamide, and leucine-and methionine-enkephalins was detected in the nerve fibers within the larynx and the lung. Together with our previous data, the present findings suggest that peptidergic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of amphibian respiratory systems throughout their life.  相似文献   

Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (=N/OFQ), the endogenous ligand of ORL1 receptor (=NOP), has been reported to induce, in rodents, after intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration, anti-stress and anxiolytic effects. We have observed that the handling of mice followed by an i.c.v. injection of saline, induced a marked increase in the plasma corticosterone level (+250%) measured 30 minutes later. When N/OFQ was injected intracerebroventricularly, using a 1 microg dose, the increase in plasma corticosterone was significantly lower than in saline injected mice. N/OFQ(1-13)NH(2), known as a NOP receptor agonist, at the same 1 microg dose, also induced a lesser increase in plasma corticosterone level than a saline i.c.v. injection. The pseudopeptide [Phe(1)-psi(CH(2)-NH)Gly(2)]N/OFQ(1-13)NH(2), defined either as an agonist or an antagonist of NOP receptor, at the 0.1 microg dose, behaved in a similar manner as N/OFQ, by decreasing the plasma corticosterone level. Finally, [Nphe(1)]N/OFQ(1-13)NH(2), although presumed to be a selective NOP receptor antagonist, also decreased the corticosterone level at the 0.1 microg dose. These observations suggest the implication of N/OFQ in the regulation of response to stress, through an action on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Moreover, they evidence a similar effect of N/OFQ and N/OFQ(1-13)NH(2), but also of two other related peptides displaying antagonist properties on NOP receptors. These data suggest that several subtypes of N/OFQ receptors could exist.  相似文献   


Previously, we reported that endometrial stromal (ES) and endometrial epithelial (EE) cells did not attach to tenascin C, indicating the absence of active integrin α9β1 on the surface of mouse ES and EE cells. However, that study used recombinant tenascin C without fibronectin (FN) type III repeats interacting with integrin heterodimers. Therefore, we re-evaluated the presence of integrin α9β1 actively functioning on the surface of mouse ES and EE cells using full-length native tenascin C with FN type III repeats. The functionality of integrin α9β1 was confirmed using attachment and antibody inhibition assays. Both mouse ES and EE cells showed significantly increased adhesion to native tenascin C, and functional blocking of integrin α9β1 significantly inhibited adhesion to native tenascin C. These results demonstrate that the integrin α9 and β1 subunits function as active heterodimers on the plasma membrane of mouse ES and EE cells, respectively.  相似文献   

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