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Outer membrane protein A (OmpA) is a component of the outer membrane of Edwardsiella tarda and is wildly distributed in Enterobacteriaceae family. The gene encoding the OmpA protein was cloned from E. tarda and expressed in Escherichia coli M15 cells. The recombinant OmpA protein containing His6 residues was estimated to have a molecular weight of ∼38 kDa. In Western blot the native protein showed expression at ∼36 kDa molecular weight which was within the range of major outer membrane proteins (36–44 kDa) observed in this study. All E. tarda isolates tested harbored the ompA gene and the antibody raised to this protein was seen to cross react with other Gram negative bacteria. The OmpA protein characterized in this study was observed to be highly immunogenic in both rabbit and fish. In Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, rabbit antisera showed an antibody titer of 1: 128,000. Common carp vaccinated with recombinant OmpA protein elicited high antibody production and immunized fish showed a relative percentage survival of 54.3 on challenge.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focused on the detection of differentially expressed genes in peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) during the course of Edwardsiella tarda infection in vaccinated and non-vaccinated Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). cDNA microarray analysis was performed to compare the gene expression patterns of the PBL between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated fish in response to E. tarda inoculation. Fish were vaccinated twice, at a two-week interval and experimentally challenged with E. tarda two weeks after the second vaccination. Among the 1187 analyzed genes, 42 genes were up-regulated during the course of infection either in vaccinated or non-vaccinated fish. These genes included immune-related genes, such as MMP-9, MMP-13, CXC chemokine, CD20 receptor and hepcidin. Some immune-related genes were down-regulated after the E. tarda challenge, i.e. interferon inducible Mx protein, MHC class II-associated invariant chain, MHC class II alpha and MHC class II beta encoding genes, immunoglobulin light chain precursor, immunoglobulin light chain and IgM. These responses are thought to be a common reaction of Japanese flounder PBL in the course of edwardsiellosis, irrespective of immunized condition. Ten genes were significantly up-regulated only in vaccinated fish, and 11 genes were significantly up-regulated only in non-vaccinated fish. These genes may have a correlation with the efficacy of vaccination, although we have no evidence to link the different gene expression patterns and the efficacy of vaccination at present.  相似文献   

The present study revealed a relationship between the kinetic change of apoptosis and the inflammatory response during experimental intraperitoneal infection with Edwardsiella tarda as a septicemic model. The morphological changes of apoptotic cells including cellular shrinkage, condensed nuclear chromatin, nuclear fragmentation and membrane blebbing were detected by light and transmission electron microscopy. TUNEL and agarose gel electrophoresis confirmed the fragmentation of DNA in the apoptotic cells. Apoptosis was highly detected in lymphoid organs prior to the inflammatory process and gradually decreased after an extensive inflammatory response. Apoptosis in thymus and spleen was extensive and an in vitro study revealed that lymphocytes were the major cell population which underwent apoptosis. The result suggests that E. tarda-induced systemic immunosuppression via lymphocyte apoptosis as determined by suppression of the systemic inflammatory response during an initial step of generalized septicemia.  相似文献   

Wang C  Liu Y  Li H  Xu WJ  Zhang H  Peng XX 《Journal of Proteomics》2012,75(4):1263-1275
We have used differential sub-proteomic methodologies to detect Edwardsiella tarda outer membrane (OM) protein expression regulation during interaction with fish and human plasma, which is the critical step of the bacterial invasion internal organs via blood circulation. Seven and nine OM proteins were differentially expressed in response to fish and human plasma stress, respectively. Six proteins, TolB2, ETAE_2935, ETAE_0245, EvpA, ETAE_2675 and OmpA, were the shared proteins with the similar changes between the two plasma treatments. Except for EvpA, which was a known protein involved in bacterial pathogenesis and stress sensing, the others were first reported here to be related to bacterial invasion and infection. Out of them, four, upregulated ETAE_0245 and OmpA and downregulated ETAE_2675 and ETAE_2935, were selected for investigation of immune protection. The upregulated OmpA and ETAE_0245 were able to induce bactericidal antibodies in mice. These findings demonstrate that differential proteomic methodologies following protein expression regulation to interaction between host and pathogen with bacterial challenge post immunization of these altered proteins is a valid approach for identifying new vaccine candidates and nicely complements other high throughput mining strategies used for vaccine discovery.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella tarda and Streptococcus iniae are important aquaculture pathogens that affect many species of farmed fish. In this study, we analyzed the expression, activity, and immunoprotective potential of E. tarda heat shock protein DnaK. We found that dnaK expression was upregulated under conditions of heat shock, oxidative stress, and infection of host cells. Recombinant DnaK (rDnaK) purified from Escherichia coli exhibited ATPase activity and induced protection in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) against lethal E. tarda challenge. On the basis of these results and our previous observation that a protective S. iniae antigen Sia10 which, when expressed heterogeneously in E. coli DH5α, is secreted into the extracellular milieu, we constructed a chimeric antigen by fusing DnaK to Sia10. The resulting fusion protein Sia10-DnaK was expressed in DH5α via the plasmid pTDK. Western blot analysis indicated that Sia10-DnaK was detected in the culture supernatant of DH5α/pTDK. When flounder were vaccinated with live DH5α/pTDK, strong protection was observed against both E. tarda and S. iniae. ELISA analysis detected specific serum antibody production in fish vaccinated with rDnaK and DH5α/pTDK. Taken together, these results indicate that rDnaK is an intrinsic ATPase with immunoprotective property and that Sia10-DnaK delivered by a live bacterial host is an effective bivalent vaccine candidate against E. tarda and S. iniae infection.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Zhang H  Liu Y  Li H  Peng X 《Journal of Proteomics》2012,75(4):1119-1128
Edwardsiellosis caused by Edwardsiella tarda is a frequent occurrence throughout the world and has resulted in extensive losses in aquaculture. However, information regarding to protein-protein interaction between the pathogenic cells and host is not available although the portal of entry of the pathogen is determined. In this study, fish gill and bacterial pull-down approaches were used to isolate both bacterial outer membrane proteins that bind to gills and fish gill proteins that interact with bacterial cells, respectively. Eight interacting bacterial proteins and twelve interacting fish proteins were obtained. The genes of seven bacterial proteins were cloned and expressed for preparation of antibodies. The prepared antibodies were used to investigate protein-protein interactions between bacterial cells and fish gills. Five heterogeneous protein-protein interactions were determined. Moreover, the protective ability of three of the bacterial recombinant proteins, selected at random, was investigated in a mouse model where they showed significant protection. The gill proteins were highly homologous proteins with from humans and other animals where they are known to be involved in host immunity. These findings indicate that the heterogeneous interactome has significantly biological significance. Our results demonstrate a way to determine and understand the heterogeneous interaction between of E. tarda and gills.  相似文献   

Invasin is an outer membrane protein that is known to mediate entry of enteric bacteria into mammalian cells. In this study, we analyzed the function and immunoprotective potential of the invasin Inv1 from Edwardsiella tarda, a serious fish pathogen that can also infect humans. In silico analysis indicated that Inv1 possesses a conserved N-terminal DUF3442 domain and a C-terminal group 1 bacterial Ig-like domain. Subcellular localization analysis showed that Inv1 is exposed on cell surface and could be recognized by specific antibodies. Mutation of inv1 had no effect on bacterial growth but attenuates overall bacterial virulence and impaired the ability of E. tarda to attach and invade into host cells. Consistent with these observations, antibody blocking of Inv1 inhibited E. tarda infection of host cells. To examine the immunoprotective potential of Inv1, recombinant Inv1 (rInv1) corresponding to the DUF3442 domain was purified and used to vaccinate Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). The results showed that rInv1 induced strong protection against lethal-dose challenge of E. tarda. ELISA analysis showed that rInv1-vaccinated fish produced specific serum antibodies that could enhance the serum bactericidal activity against E. tarda. Taken together, these results indicate that Inv1 is a surface-localized virulence factor that is involved in host infection and can induce effective immunoprotection when used as a subunit vaccine.  相似文献   

Results of studies, mostly using the outer membrane, 325 residue protein OmpA, are reviewed which concern its translocation across the plasma membrane and incorporation into the outer membrane ofEscherichia coli. For translocation, neither a unique export signal, acting in a positive fashion within the mature part of the precursor, nor a unique conformation of the precursor is required. Rather, the mature part of a secretory protein has to be export-compatible. Export-incompatibility can be caused by a stretch of 16 (but not 8 or 12) hydrophobic residues, too low a size of the polypeptide (smaller than 75 residue precursors), net positive charge at the N-terminus, or lack of a turn potential at the same site. It is not yet clear whether binding sites for chaperonins (SecB, trigger factor, GroEL) within OmpA are importantin vivo. The mechanism of sorting of outer membrane proteins is not yet understood. The membrane part of OmpA, encompassing residues 1 to about 170, it thought to traverse the membrane eight times in antiparallel -sheet conformation. At least the structure of the last -strand (residues 160–170) is of crucial importance for membrane assembly. It must be amphiphilic or hydrophobic, these properties must extend over at least nine residues, and it must not contain a proline residue at or near its center. Membrane incorporation of OmpA involves a conformational change of the protein and it could be that the last -strand initiates folding and assembly in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The outer membrane proteins of the warm water fish pathogen, Aeromonas hydrophila have a role in the virulence of the organism and are potential candidates for vaccine development. In this study, the gene encoding an outer membrane protein designated ompTS was amplified by PCR excluding the region coding for signal peptide, cloned in pQE 30-UA Vector and expressed using induction with isopropyl thiogalactoside (IPTG). The size of the expressed protein was 37 kDa as estimated by migration in 10% sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Polyclonal antibodies were raised in mice and rabbit against the purified protein and the reaction of the antibody was confirmed by Western blotting using the purified protein and A. hydrophila cultures. The Indian major carp, Labeo rohita Hamilton was immunized using the purified protein and developed antibodies with mean titers of 1:4000 on day 14 and 1:12,000 on day 28 showing promise that the protein is highly immunogenic in fish.  相似文献   

The 325-residue outer membrane protein OmpA of Escherichia coli has been proposed to consist of a membrane-embedded moiety (residues 1 to about 170) and a C-terminal periplasmic region. The former is thought to comprise eight transmembrane segments in the form of antiparallel -strands, forming an amphiphilic connected by exposed turns. Several questions concerning this model were addressed. Thus no experimental evidence had been presented for the turns at the inner leaflet of the membrane and it was not known whether or not the periplasmic part of the polypeptide plays a role in the process of membrane incorporation. Oligonucleotides encoding trypsin cleavage sites were inserted at the predicted turn sites of the ompA gene and it was shown that the encoded proteins indeed become accessible to trypsin at the modified sites. Together with previous results, these data also show that the turns on both sides of the membrane do not possess specifically topogenic information. In two cases one of the two expected tryptic fragments was lost and could be detected at low concentration in only one case. Therefore, bilateral proteolytic digestion of outer membranes can cause loss of -strands and does not necessarily produce a reliable picture of protein topology. When ompA genes were constructed coding for proteins ending at residue 228 or 274, the membrane assembly of these proteins was shown to be partially defective with about 20% of the proteins not being assembled. No such defect was observed when, following the introduction of a premature stop codon, a truncated protein was produced ending with residue 171. It is concluded that (1) the proposed -barrel structure is essentially correct and (2) the periplasmic part of OmpA does not play an active role in, but can, when present in mutant form, interfere with membrane assembly.  相似文献   

Human Edwardsiella tarda infections often manifest as gastroenteritis, but can become systemic and potentially lethal. E. tarda uses virulence factors that include type III and type VI secretion systems, quorum sensing, two-component systems, and exoenzymes to gain entry into and survive within the host. Better understanding of interactions between these factors will lead to the development of novel antimicrobials against E. tarda and other enterics.  相似文献   

In this study, rpoS gene was identified from Edwardsiella tarda EIB202 and its functional role was analyzed by using an in-frame deletion mutant ∆rpoS and the complemental strain rpoS +. Compared with the wild type and rpoS +, ∆rpoS was impaired in terms of the ability to survive under oxidative stress and nutrient starvation, as well as the resistance to 50% serum of Scophthalmus maximus in 3 h, demonstrating essential roles of RpoS in stress adaptation. The rpoS mutant also displayed markedly increased chondroitinase activity and biofilm formation. Real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that the expression level of quorum sensing autoinducer synthetase genes luxS and edwI was increased by 3.7- and 2.5-fold in the rpoS mutant strain. Those results suggested that rpoS might be involved in the negative or positive regulation of chondroitinase and biofilm formation, or quorum sensing networks in E. tarda, respectively. Although there were no obvious differences between the wild-type and the rpoS mutant in adherence of epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) cell and in the lethality on fish model, rpoS deletion leads to the drastically reduced capacity for E. tarda to internalize in EPC cells, indicating that RpoS was, while not the main, the factor required for the virulence network of E. tarda.  相似文献   

草鱼是我国淡水养殖最重要的鱼类之一,其养殖过程易受细菌性或病毒性病原的侵袭,嗜水气单胞菌Aeromonas hydrophila是引发其暴发性败血症的主要细菌性病原之一,对草鱼养殖造成严重的威胁。因此研制疫苗以实现免疫预防极为重要。传统的嗜水气单胞菌疫苗有灭活全菌疫苗、弱毒疫苗等,但其成分复杂、  相似文献   

A novel gene, BmP94, encoding 94-kDa protein of Babesia microti was identified by immunoscreening of the cDNA expression library. The full-length of BmP94 was expressed in Escherichia coli (rBmP94), which resulted in insoluble form with low yield, and the truncated hydrophilic C-terminus region of the gene was expressed as a soluble protein (rBmP94/CT) with improved productivity. Antiserum raised against rBmP94/CT recognized the 94-kDa native protein in the parasite extract by Western blot analysis. Next, an ELISA using rBmP94/CT was evaluated for diagnostic use, and it demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity when tested with the sera from mice experimentally infected with B. microti and closely related parasites. Moreover, the immunoprotective property of rBmP94/CT as a subunit vaccine was evaluated in BALB/c mice against a B. microti challenge, but no significant protection was observed. Our data suggest that the immunodominant antigen BmP94 could be a promising candidate for diagnostic use for human babesiosis.  相似文献   

Recent progress from our laboratories to determine structures of small membrane proteins (up to 20 kDa) in detergent micelles by solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is reviewed. NMR opens a new window to also study, for the first time, the dynamics of membrane proteins. We report on recent attempts to correlate dynamic measurements on OmpA with the ion channel function of this protein. We also summarize how NMR and spin-label electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and selective mutagenesis can be combined to provide a structural basis towards understanding the mechanism of influenza hemagglutinin-mediated membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of Chlamydia trachomatis is a highly antigenic and hydrophobic transmembrane protein. Our attempts to express the full-length protein in a soluble form in Escherichia coli and in transgenic plants failed. A chimeric gene construct of C. trachomatis serovar E MOMP was designed in order to increase solubility of the MOMP protein but with retained antigenicity. The designed construct was successfully expressed in E. coli, in Arabidopsis thaliana, and in Daucus carota. The chimeric MOMP expressed in and purified from E. coli was used as antigen for production of antibodies in rabbits. The anti-chimeric MOMP antibodies recognized the corresponding protein in both E. coli and in transgenic plants, as well as in inactivated C. trachomatis elementary bodies. Transgenic Arabidopsis and carrots were characterized for the number of MOMP chimeric genetic inserts and for protein expression. Stable integration of the transgene and the corresponding protein expression were demonstrated in Arabidopsis plants over at least six generations. Transgenic carrots showed a high level of expression of the chimeric MOMP – up to 3% of TSP.  相似文献   

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