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In the past decade light-induced electron transfer reactions in photosystem I have been the subject of intensive investigations that have led to the elucidation of some unique characteristics, the most striking of which is the existence of two parallel, functional, redox active cofactors chains. This process is generally referred to as bidirectional electron transfer. Here we present a review of the principal evidences that have led to the uncovering of bidirectionality in the reaction centre of photosystem I. A special focus is dedicated to the results obtained combining time-resolved spectroscopic techniques, either difference absorption or electron paramagnetic resonance, with molecular genetics, which allows, through modification of the binding of redox active cofactors with the reaction centre subunits, an effect on their physical-chemical properties.  相似文献   

Various benzo- and naphthoquinone derivatives were introducedinto the purified photosystem II Dl-D2-cytochrome b559 reactioncenter complex, which lacks the intrinsic plasto-quinone electronacceptors. Effects of these quinones on the electron transferreactions in nanoseconds to milliseconds time range were studiedat room and cryogenic temperatures. 1) The addition of quinonesto the purified photosystem II reaction center complex suppressedthe nanosecond charge recombination between oxidized reactioncenter chlorophyll a (P680+) and reduced pheophytin a (Ph),and stabilized P680+ up to millisecond time range at 280 K andat 77 K. 2) In the reaction center complex supplemented withdibromothymoquinone (DBMIB), P68O was almost fully oxidizedand cytochrome b559 was partially reduced by flash excitation.A semi-quinone-like signal with a peak around 320 nm was alsoinduced but the shift of pheophytin absorption band (C55O) wasnot observed. 3) Halogenated quinones, especially DBMIB, werebetter electron acceptors than unsubstituted or methylated quinones.4) The affinities of quinones to the reaction center complexwere weakly dependent on their molecular structure. (Received July 9, 1991; Accepted August 15, 1991)  相似文献   

The nature of Cu2+ inhibition of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry in pea (Pisum sativum L.) thylakoids was investigated monitoring Hill activity and light emission properties of photosystem II. In Cu2+-inhibited thylakoids, diphenyl carbazide addition does not relieve the loss of Hill activity. The maximum yield of fluorescence induction restored by hydroxylamine in Tris-inactivated thylakoids is markedly reduced by Cu2+. This suggests that Cu2+ does not act on the donor side of PSII but on the reaction center of PSII or on components beyond. Thermoluminescence and delayed luminescence studies show that charge recombination between the positively charged intermediate in water oxidation cycle (S2) and negatively charged primary quinone acceptor of pSII (QA) is largely unaffected by Cu2+. The S2QB charge recombination, however, is drastically inhibited which parallels the loss of Hill activity. This indicates that Cu2+ inhibits photosystem II photochemistry primarily affecting the function of the secondary quinone electron acceptor, QB. We suggest that Cu2+ does not block electron flow between the primary and secondary quinone acceptor but modifies the QB site in such a way that it becomes unsuitable for further photosystem II photochemistry.  相似文献   

The nature of the electron transfer reaction between reducedplastocyanin and P700 oxidized by flash illumination was studiedin P700-enriched Triton subchloroplast fraction 1 particles.An addition of monovalent salts to the suspension at neutralpH increased the reaction rate at low concentrations (>20mM). Salts of divalent cations showed a similar effect at muchlower concentrations (>2 mM), This effect was not dependenton the concentration and the valence of anions. The increaseof rate at low salt concentrations was observed at pH's above5, but below pH 5 the rate was decreased by adding salts. Atabout pH 5, the rate was not affected by salts. Apart from thesesalt effects, the optimum pH for the reaction rate was observedbetween 5.5 and 6.5. The reduction rate depended sigmoidally on the added plastocyaninconcentration at pH 6.8 and 4. A Michaelis-Menten type relationshipwas observed at about pH 5. The half-saturation concentrationof plastocyanin became lower as the salt concentration increasedat pH 6.8, while it became higher by adding salt at pH 4. The effects of salts on the rate of electron donation from othermetalloproteins and artificial electron donors to P700 werealso studied. It is concluded, from the analysis with the Gouy-Chapmantheory, that the net charges on the electron donors and themembrane surfaces mainly determine the response of the P700reduction rate to salt addition. The salt addition changes mainlythe local concentration or accessibility of electron donorsto P700. (Received January 12, 1981; Accepted March 6, 1981)  相似文献   

Mn2+ was required for the electron donating reaction from H2O2,but not for that from diphenylcarbazide (DPC), in the PS IIreaction center complex which was prepared from spinach chloroplastsby Triton X-100 extraction. The reaction center complex showeda high activity of 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP) photoreductionin the presence of DPC, but a low activity with H2O2. The H2O2-supportedDCIP photoreduction was suppressed by EDTA and enhanced by asmall amount of Mn2+. Ca2+ and Mg2+ could not replace Mn2+.The activation by Mn2+ and its binding showed two binding sitesof Mn2+ in the reaction center complex, with high (1.5?107 M–1)and low (1 ? 106 M–1) binding constants. (Received November 8, 1986; Accepted April 10, 1987)  相似文献   

Three types of PS I Chl-protein complex, PS I 180, PS I 65,and PS I 30, have been prepared and the kinetic properties ofthe transfer of electrons from plastocyanin to P700 in the PSI complexes with different sized antennae were examined. ThePS I 180 complex, which consists of 180 Chi per P700, showedthe almost same rate constant and effects of cations for thetransfer of electrons from plastocyanin to P700 as those obtainedwith PS I-enriched membrane fragments. The rate constant increasedwith the addition of low concentrations of monovalent and divalentcations, but decreased with high concentrations of cations.However, the rate was severely reduced in the case of the PSI 65 and PS I 30 complexes, and quite different effects of cationswere observed. Given the presence of additional 25- to 28-kDapolypeptides in the PS I 180 complex as compared to the PS I65 and PS I 30 complexes, we discuss a possible function forthese polypeptides in the regulation of the reaction betweenplastocyanin and P700. 1This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for ScientificResearch from the Ministry of Education, Science and Cultureof Japan. (Received May 27, 1988; Accepted November 7, 1988)  相似文献   

By treating a FA/FB-depleted P700-Fx core from SynechococcusPCC 6301 with diethylether, most of the phylloquinone was removedwithout loss of P700. The 1 ms decay of P700+ in the originalcore was replaced by the 25 ns decay, which was interpretedas the backreaction occurring in a P700+  相似文献   

Photosynthetic application of picosecond spectroscopic techniques to bacterial reaction centers has led to a much greater understanding of the chemical nature of the initial steps of photosynthesis. Within 10 ps after excitation, a charge transfer complex is formed between the primary donor, a “special pair” of bacteriochlorophyll molecules, and a transient acceptor involving bacteriopheophytin. This complex subsequently decays in about 120 ps by donating the electron to a metastable acceptor, a tightly bound quinone.

Recent experiments with conventional optical and ESR techniques have shown that when reaction centers are illuminated by a series of single turnover flashes in the presence of excess electron donors and acceptors, a stable, anionic ubisemiquinone is formed on odd flashes and destroyed on even flashes, suggesting that the acceptor region contains a second quinone that acts as a two-electron gate between the reaction center and subsequent electron transport events involving the quinone pool.

Utilizing standard picosecond techniques, we have examined the decay of the charge transfer complex in reaction centers in the presence of the stable semiquinone, formed by flash illumination with a dye laser 10 s before excitation by a picosecond pulse. In this state the decay rate for the charge transfer complex is considerably slower than when no electron is present in the quinone acceptor region. This indicates fairly strong coupling between constituents of the reaction center-quinone acceptor complex and may provide a probe into the relative positions of the various components.


Photoautotrophically grown cells of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 wild type and the Ins2 mutant carrying an insertion in the drgA gene encoding soluble NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQR) did not differ in the rate of light-induced oxygen evolution and Photosystem I reaction center (P700+) reduction after its oxidation with a white light pulse. In the presence of DCMU, the rate of P700+ reduction was lower in mutant cells than in wild type cells. Depletion of respiratory substrates after 24 h dark-starvation caused more potent decrease in the rate of P700+ reduction in DrgA mutant cells than in wild type cells. The reduction of P700+ by electrons derived from exogenous glucose was slower in photoautotrophically grown DrgA mutant than in wild type cells. The mutation in the drgA gene did not impair the ability of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells to oxidize glucose under heterotrophic conditions and did not impair the NDH-1-dependent, rotenone-inhibited electron transfer from NADPH to P700+ in thylakoid membranes of the cyanobacterium. Under photoautotrophic growth conditions, NADPH-dehydrogenase activity in DrgA mutant cells was less than 30% from the level observed in wild type cells. The results suggest that NQR, encoded by the drgA gene, might participate in the regulation of cytoplasmic NADPH oxidation, supplying NADP+ for glucose oxidation in the pentose phosphate cycle of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The coupling of proton and electron transfers is a key part of the chemistry of photosynthesis. The oxidative side of photosystem II (PS II) in particular seems to involve a number of proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) steps in the S-state transitions. This mini-review presents an overview of recent studies of PCET model systems in the authors’ laboratory. PCET is defined as a chemical reaction involving concerted transfer of one electron and one proton. These are thus distinguished from stepwise pathways involving initial electron transfer (ET) or initial proton transfer (PT). Hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) reactions are one class of PCET, in which H+ and e are transferred from one reagent to another: AH+B→A+BH, roughly along the same path. Rate constants for many HAT reactions are found to be well predicted by the thermochemistry of hydrogen transfer and by Marcus Theory. This includes organic HAT reactions and reactions of iron-tris(α-diimine) and manganese-(μ-oxo) complexes. In PS II, HAT has been proposed as the mechanism by which the tyrosine Z radical (YZ) oxidizes the manganese cluster (the oxygen evolving complex, OEC). Another class of PCET reactions involves transfer of H+ and e in different directions, for instance when the proton and electron acceptors are different reagents, as in AH–B+C+→A–HB++C. The oxidation of YZ by the chlorophyll P680 + has been suggested to occur by this mechanism. Models for this process – the oxidation of phenols with a pendent base – are described. The oxidation of the OEC by YZ could also occur by this second class of PCET reactions, involving an Mn–O–H fragment of the OEC. Initial attempts to model such a process using ruthenium-aquo complexes are described. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-protein complexes associated with photosystem Iwere isolated from native photosystem I particles (PS I-200)of spinach thylakoids by centrifugation in SDS-sucrose densitygradients. These complexes were designated CPIa (Chl/P700 ratioof 160), CPI' (CW/P700 ratio of 70), and LHCI (light-harvestingChl a/bprotein complex associated with photosystem I). CPI'was reconstituted with and without LHCI into phosphatidylcholineliposomes by a freeze-thaw technique. The first-order rate constantfor P700-photooxidation in proteoliposomes reconstituted withCPI' plus LHCI increased with an increase in the concentrationof phosphatidylcholine. When the concentration of phosphatidylcholinewas more than 20 times (by weight) that of chlorophyll in thecomplexes, the rate constant under lightlimiting conditionswas approximately double that of a mixture of two complexesnot reconstituted into liposomes. The fluorescence emissionspectrum (77 K) of the proteoliposomes reconstituted with CPI'plus LHCI displayed a longer wavelength band at 730–733nm which was very similar to the spectrum of CPIa and whichwas not displayed in the spectrum of a mixture of CPI' and LHCIwithout liposomes. The circular dichroism spectrum of a mixtureof CPI' and LHCI indicated that the intensity of both a positivepeak at 665 nm and a negative peak at 686 nm increased whena mixture of the two complexes was reconstituted into liposomes.These results suggest that some alteration of chlorophyll organizationoccurs in proteoliposomes reconstituted with both CPI' and LHCI,facilitating energy transfer from LHCI to the reaction centerof photosystem I. (Received July 18, 1986; Accepted March 12, 1987)  相似文献   

Dark-grown barley (Hordeum vulgare) etioplasts were examined for their content of membrane-bound iron-sulfur centers by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy at 15K. They were found to contain the high potential iron-sulfur center characterized (in the reduced state) by an electron paramagnetic resonance g value of 1.89 (the “Rieske” center) but did not contain any low potential iron-sulfur centers. Per mole of cytochrome f, dark-grown etioplasts and fully developed chloroplasts had the same content of the Rieske center. During greening of etioplasts under continuous light, low potential bound iron-sulfur centers appear. In addition, the photosystem I reaction center, as measured by the photooxidation of P700 at 15K, also became functional; during greening the appearance of a photoreducible low potential iron-sulfur center paralleled the appearance of P700 photoactivity.  相似文献   

The absorption changes of chlorophyll (Chl) a-like pigments(C670) were studied by ns-ms laser spectroscopy at 77 K in theuntreated and urea-treated homodimeric reaction center (RC)complex of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. Theuntreated RC complex contained 9 molecules of C670 in additionto 41 molecules of Bchl a and 0.9 molecules of menaquinone-7per one primary electron donor Bchl a dimer (P840). Upon photo-oxidationof P840, C670 showed an absorption change of a red-shift withan isosbestic wavelength at 668 nm. The absorption change ofP840 decayed with time constants (t1/e) of 55 and 37 ms at 283and 77 K, respectively, and was assigned to represent the chargerecombination between P840+ and FeS. In the urea-treatedRC complex, a bleach peaking at 670 nm with a shoulder peakat 662 nm, which is ascribable to the reduced primary electronacceptor A0, was detected after the laser excitationin addition to the shift at 668 nm indicating the formationof the P840+A0 state. The P840+A0 state decayedwith a t1/e of 43 ns at 77 K and produced a triplet state p840Tdue to the suppression of the forward electron transfer. Theseresults indicate the two different types of C670 species inthe RC complex; the one peaking at 670 nm functions as A0, whilethe other peaking at 668 nm shows the electrochromic shift,which presumably functions as the accessory pigment locatedin the close vicinity of P840. (Received May 17, 1999; Accepted July 14, 1999)  相似文献   

The subunit arrangement of the photosystem I reaction centercomplex in the thylakoid membranes of the thermophilic cyanobacteriumSynechococcus sp. was examined using three cross-linking reagents.(1) Treatments of osmotically shocked and NaBr-washed protoplastswith low concentrations of hydrophilic cross-linking reagents,dimethyladipimidate and glutaraldehyde, preferentially decreased62, 60, 14 and 13 kDa polypeptides of the photosystem I reactioncenter complex resolved by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,together with the anchor protein and allophycocyanin which areassociated with the outer surface of the thylakoid membranes.This suggests that these four subunits of the photosystem Icomplex are exposed on the stromal surface of thylakoid membranes.In contrast, a hydrophobic cross-linker, hexamethylenediisocyanate,unspecifically cross-linked most of the membrane polypeptides.(2) The 13 and 14 kDa polypeptides decreased always in parallelto each other on treatment of the protoplasts or isolatd CP1-awith the three cross-linking reagents, and the disappearanceof the two polypeptides was accompanied by the appearance ofa cross-linked product(s), when fixed with glutaraldehyde andhexamethylenediisocyanate. The results suggest that the 13 and14 kDa polypeptides are neighboring polypeptides in the complex. (Received June 7, 1986; Accepted November 13, 1986)  相似文献   

One hypothesis of triazine-type herbicide action in photosynthetic material is that the herbicide molecule competes with a secondary quinone acceptor, B, for a binding site at the reaction center of photosystem II. The binding affinity of B has been suggested to change with its level of reduction, being most strongly bound in its semiquinone form. To test this hypothesis, [14C]atrazine binding studies have been carried out under different photochemically induced levels of B reduction in Pisum sativum. It is found that herbicide binding is reduced in continuously illuminated samples compared to dark-adapted samples. Decreased binding of atrazine corresponds to an increase in the semiquinone form of B. With flash excitation, the herbicide binding oscillates with a cycle of two, being low on odd-numbered flashes when the amount of semiquinone form of B is greatest. Treatment with NH2OH was found to significantly decrease the strength of herbicide binding in the dark as well as stop the ability of p-benzoquinone to oxidize the semiquinone form of B. It is suggested that the mode of action of NH2OH is disruption of quinones or their environment on both the oxidizing and reducing sides of photosystem II. Herbicide binding was found to be unaltered under conditions when p-benzosemiquinone oxidation of the reduced primary acceptor, Q, is herbicide insensitive; weak herbicide binding cannot explain this herbicide insensitivity. It is concluded that the quinone-herbicide competition theory of herbicide action is correct. Also, since quinones are lipophilic the importance of the lipid composition of the thylakoid membrane in herbicide interactions is stressed.  相似文献   

This article describes some aspects of the history of the discovery of the structure and function of Photosystem I (PS I). PS I is the largest and most complex membrane protein for which detailed structural and functional information is now available. This short historical review cannot cover all the work that has been carried out over more than 50 years, nor provide a deep insight into the structure and function of this protein complex. Instead, this review focuses on more personal views of some of the key discoveries, starting in the 1950s with the discovery of the existence of two photoreactions in oxygenic photosynthesis, and ending with the race towards an atomic structure of PS I.  相似文献   

B. Bouges-Bocquet 《BBA》1975,396(3):382-391
We have studied the recovery of the photochemical activity of Photosystem I after the charge separation induced by a flash under conditions where the secondary donors are in the reduced form.

The rate-limiting steps are on the donor side. The first step is completed within 400 μs. The second step is much slower (half time 1 ms) and corresponds to the transfer of electrons from plastoquinone. Under our conditions, only one intermediate is involved in electron transfer between the centers and the plastoquinone pool.

Electron exchange between the System I centers has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

An Isolated photosystem (PS) II reaction center (RC) with altered pigment content was obtained by chemical exchange of native chlorophyll a (Chl) with externally added Cu-Chl a (Cu-Chl). Pigment composition and spectroscopic properties of the RC exchanged with Cu-Chl were compared with native RC and RC treated with Chl In the same way. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed approximately 0.5 Cu-Chl per two pheophytln in the Cu-Chl-reconstltuted RC preparation. Insertion of Cu-Chl resulted in a decrease In absorption at 670 nm and an Increase at 660 nm, suggesting that the peripheral Chl may have been displaced. Fluorescence emission spectra of the Cu-Chl-reconstituted RC displayed a marked decrease In fluorescence yield and a blue shift of the band maximum, accompanied by the appearance of a broad peak at a shorter wavelength, Indicating that energy transfer In the modified RC was disturbed by Cu-Chl, a quencher of the excited state. However, there were few differences in the circular dichrolsm (CD) spectra, suggesting that the arrangement of pigments and proteins responsible for the CD signal was not significantly affected. In addition, no obvious change In peptlde components was found after the exchange procedure.  相似文献   

Stabilities of iron-sulfur centers and reaction center chlorophyllP-700 in Photosystem I reaction center complex (CP1-a), isolatedby sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment from the thermophilic cyanobacteriumSynechococcus elongatus, were studied by EPR and optical spectroscopy.P-700 was destroyed by treatment at temperatures above 80?Cfor 5 minutes with a half inactivation temperature of 93?C.The three iron-sulfur centers FA, FB and FX showed similar thermalstabilities and were half inactivated at about 70?C. Thus, theisolated Photosystem I reaction center complexes of S. elongatusare still highly resistant to heat. (Received May 9, 1990; Accepted June 25, 1990)  相似文献   

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