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We compared the levels and distribution of genetic diversity in Eurasian and North American populations of Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) Beauv. (false brome), a newly invasive perennial bunchgrass in western North America. Our goals were to identify source regions for invasive populations, determine the number of independent invasion events, and assess the possibility that postinvasion bottlenecks and hybridization have affected patterns of genetic diversity in the invaded range. We tested the hypothesis that this Eurasian grass was accidentally introduced into two areas in Oregon and one site in California by examining nuclear microsatellites and chloroplast haplotype variation in 23 introduced and 25 native populations. In the invaded range, there was significantly lower allelic richness (R(S)), observed heterozygosity (H(O)) and within-population gene diversity (H(S)), although a formal test failed to detect a significant genetic bottleneck. Most of the genetic variation existed among populations in the native range but within populations in the invaded range. All of the allelic variation in the invaded range could be explained based on alleles found in western European populations. The distribution of identified genetic clusters in the North American populations and the unique alleles associated with them is consistent with two historical introductions in Oregon and a separate introduction to California. Further analyses of population structure indicate that intraspecific hybridization among genotypes from geographically distinct regions of western Europe occurred following colonization in Oregon. The California populations, however, are more likely to be derived from one or perhaps several genetically similar regions in the native range. The emergence and spread of novel recombinant genotypes may be facilitating the rapid spread of this invasive species in Oregon.  相似文献   

Individual variability in animal movement behaviour is well documented for many species. However, it remains unclear whether this variability reflects genetic variation, environmental variation or a combination of the two. Here, we conduct a cross‐fostering experiment with the aim of investigating the role of these two components in movement patterns during the post‐fledging dependence period and early natal dispersal of 21 eagle owls Bubo bubo. Our experiment showed that cross‐fostering did not influence any of the movement parameters considered. Movement parameters were, however, affected by the age and sex of the owlets. We therefore suggest that individual variability and family resemblance in movement behaviour during the post‐fledging dependence period and early natal dispersal might not be due to the common genetic origin of siblings, but rather that it originates from factors related to the rearing environment.  相似文献   

Chocolate spot lesions increased in size only slowly when the relative humidity of the air was below 66%. Following a lag phase immediately after infection the rate of increase was linear and proportional to humidity between c. 70% and 100% r.h. Lesions on leaflets kept at 70% r.h. for 8 h and at 100% r.h. for 16 h/day increased in size at only 27% of the rate of those at continuous 100% r.h. The optimum temperature for lesion growth was between 15 and 22 °C, the minimum <4 °C and the maximum c. 30 °C. Humidity did not interact with temperature between 10 and 20 °C. Neither light intensity nor a film of water over the leaves affected lesion growth. These findings are discussed in relation to meteorological data and field observations. The possible mechanisms whereby humidity affects lesion growth did not appear to be related to CO2 and O2 concentrations nor to the overall water potential of the leaf. Preliminary evidence is presented for the production of phytotoxins within lesions.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103) is one of the clinically best-studied probiotic organisms. Moreover, L. rhamnosus GG displays very good in vitro adherence to epithelial cells and mucus. Here, we report that L. rhamnosus GG is able to form biofilms on abiotic surfaces, in contrast to other strains of the Lactobacillus casei group tested under the same conditions. Microtiter plate biofilm assays indicated that in vitro biofilm formation by L. rhamnosus GG is strongly modulated by culture medium factors and conditions related to the gastrointestinal environment, including low pH; high osmolarity; and the presence of bile, mucins, and nondigestible polysaccharides. Additionally, phenotypic analysis of mutants affected in exopolysaccharides (wzb), lipoteichoic acid (dltD), and central metabolism (luxS) showed their relative importance in biofilm formation by L. rhamnosus GG.  相似文献   

Elucidating the factors influencing genetic differentiation is an important task in biology, and the relative contribution from natural selection and genetic drift has long been debated. In this study, we used a regression-based approach to simultaneously estimate the quantitative contributions of environmental adaptation and isolation by distance on genetic variation in Boechera stricta, a wild relative of Arabidopsis. Patterns of discrete and continuous genetic differentiation coexist within this species. For the discrete differentiation between two major genetic groups, environment has larger contribution than geography, and we also identified a significant environment-by-geography interaction effect. Elsewhere in the species range, we found a latitudinal cline of genetic variation reflecting only isolation by distance. To further confirm the effect of environmental selection on genetic divergence, we identified the specific environmental variables predicting local genotypes in allopatric and sympatric regions. Water availability was identified as the possible cause of differential local adaptation in both geographical regions, confirming the role of environmental adaptation in driving and maintaining genetic differentiation between the two major genetic groups. In addition, the environment-by-geography interaction is further confirmed by the finding that water availability is represented by different environmental factors in the allopatric and sympatric regions. In conclusion, this study shows that geographical and environmental factors together created stronger and more discrete genetic differentiation than isolation by distance alone, which only produced a gradual, clinal pattern of genetic variation. These findings emphasize the importance of environmental selection in shaping patterns of species-wide genetic variation in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of visual impairment among the elderly in developed countries, and its prevalence is thus increasing as the population ages; however, treatment options remain limited because the etiology and pathogenesis of AMD are incompletely defined. Recently, much progress has been made in gene discovery and mechanistic studies, which clearly indicate that AMD involves the interaction of multiple genetic and environmental factors. The identification of genes that have a substantial impact on the risk for AMD is not only facilitating the diagnosis and screening of populations at risk but is also elucidating key molecular pathways of pathogenesis. Pharmacogenetic studies of treatment responsiveness among patients with the "wet" form of AMD are increasingly proving to be clinically relevant; pharmacogenetic approaches hold great promise for both identifying patients with the best chance for vision recovery as well as tailoring individualized therapies.  相似文献   

This review examines two classes of organism that live in symbiosis; grasses, and fungi. Specifically it deals with grasses of the tribe Hordeeae (formerly Triticeae) of the subfamily Poöideae and the Epichloë fungi of family Clavicipitaceae. Epichloë endophytes, particularly asexual forms, have important roles in pastoral agricultural systems in the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand. Selected strains add value to some grass-based forage systems by providing both biotic and abiotic stress resistance. The importance of cereal grasses such as wheat, barley, rye, and oats to human and animal nutrition and indeed to the foundation and maintenance of human civilization is well documented. Both organism classes, Epichloë endophytes and cereal grasses, are of great importance in their own contexts. Here, we seek to review these two classes of organism and examine the possibility of bringing them together in symbiosis with the ultimate goal of improving cereal production systems.  相似文献   

Tsang F  Soong TW 《IUBMB life》2003,55(6):323-327
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with no known cure and affects approximately 1% of the elderly population. The major question in PD relates to the selective loss of dopaminergic neurons in patients. The underlying mechanism of genetic dysfunction and environmental toxins in contributing to the pathogenesis of PD may be oxidative stress. The interactions of genetic and environmental factors in PD may provide some answers to the longstanding question. In particular, the possibility that iron may provide selectivity to genetic susceptibility or dopamine reactivity in dopaminergic neuronal death is enhanced by the neuroprotection demonstrated in transgenic mice overexpressing ferritin or the use of iron chelators in MPTP-induced PD mouse. It will be important to dissect and understand the contributions of genes, environment and intrinsic cellular states in the generation and progression of the pathophysiology of PD.  相似文献   

Understanding how organisms adapt to their local environment is one of the key goals in molecular ecology. Adaptation can be achieved through qualitative changes in the coding sequence and/or quantitative changes in gene expression, where the optimal dosage of a gene's product in a given environment is being selected for. Differences in gene expression among populations inhabiting distinct environments can be suggestive of locally adapted gene regulation and have thus been studied in different species (Whitehead & Crawford 2006 ; Hodgins‐Davis & Townsend 2009 ). However, in contrast to a gene's coding sequence, its expression level at a given point in time may depend on various factors, including the current environment. Although critical for understanding the extent of local adaptation, it is usually difficult to disentangle the heritable differences in gene regulation from environmental effects. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Stutz et al. ( 2015 ) describe an experiment in which they reciprocally transplanted three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) between independent pairs of small and large lakes. Their experimental design allows them to attribute differences in gene expression among sticklebacks either to lake of origin or destination lake. Interestingly, they find that translocated sticklebacks show a pattern of gene expression more similar to individuals from the destination lake than to individuals from the lake of origin, suggesting that expression of the targeted genes is more strongly regulated by environmental effects than by genetics. The environmental effect by itself is not entirely surprising; however, the relative extent of it is. Especially when put in the context of local adaptation and population differentiation, as done here, these findings cast a new light onto the heritability of differential gene expression and specifically its relative importance during population divergence and ultimately ecological speciation.  相似文献   

植物对环境应力刺激的生物学效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物生长在自然环境中由于其“不动性”而不可避免地要受到各种环境应力的刺激,应力-生长关系一直是生物学家和物理学家所关心的课题,是生物力学的灵魂。很多研究已经表明外界应力作用对植物的生长发育有着重要的影响。本综述了国内外关于应力对植物组织所引起的生物学效应,首先论述了环境应力所引起的宏观生物学效应,随后重点论述了环境应力所引起的生物学效应在细胞和分子水平上的研究,其中包括单个细胞的加载、电磁场、微  相似文献   

We housed offspring from northern (70° N) and southern (60° N) coastal cod (Gadus morhua) together in a ‘common garden’ rearing experiment at a temperature and light regime representative of the southern population. Through a more active feeding behaviour and a higher success, the northern cod achieved a larger food share and a higher growth rate and condition than their southern conspecifics. This is contrary to what was demonstrated by field data of fish from their natural habitats. The northern cod also allocated more energy to the liver throughout the experiment. Our results agree with the theory of countergradient variation, suggesting that genetic influences on growth and condition have been opposed by environmental constraints in their natural habitat. The observation that the offspring from these populations differ in behavior and growth when housed together support the idea that the growth response to selection would be through a behavioral response. The field data suggest that density‐dependent population process and high juvenile density relative to prey limit the growth and condition in the wild and not necessarily the length of the growth season per se as assumed in the literature. The topographic distance (over 2000 km) limit mixing of early life stages of cod from the northern and southern population, and the different environmental stimuli (seasonality, temperature, food‐web interactions and habitat heterogeneity) in north and south are likely to evolve genetic differences.  相似文献   

The effects of micro-organisms on plant growth   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Subterranean clover, tomato, phalaris, and radiata pine were grown with a complete plant- nutrient solution in sterile sand and agar and inoculated with soil suspensions prepared from unsterilized and from sterilized soil.The presence of micro-organisms reduced primary-root growth in all plants and total root growth in most plants. The total numbers of secondary roots were lower in non-sterile treatments but there was a tendency for an increase in the concentrations of secondary roots with the non-sterile plants. Under the test conditions only radiata pine grown in sterile sand produced significantly greater top growth than those grown in the presence of micro-organisms. Root-stunting micro-organisms were shown to occur in each of four different soil types used in the studies but the extent of stunting varied with the soil. In agar, root stunting was observed at 5 days and 9 days after planting (and inoculation) with subterranean clover and tomato respectively.Production and growth of root hairs by subterranean clover was markedly reduced by organisms from all four soils tested, the reduction varying with the soil. In contrast to root-stunting organisms, root-hair suppressing micro-organisms were abundant in soil. Root-hair suppression was apparent in sand after 3 days and is an inhibition of root-hair development rather than microbial digestion of existing root hairs. Only slight root-hair reduction was observed for tomato and phalaris.  相似文献   

Ben-Zvi I  Brandt B  Berkun Y  Lidar M  Livneh A 《Gene》2012,491(2):260-263


Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive disease, caused by mutations in the FMF gene MEFV (MEditerranean FeVer). It has a large phenotypic diversity even in patients with similar genotypes. Despite evidence that environmental factors (EFs) and genetic factors, including MEFV mutations (such as M694V, E148Q) and background modifier genes (MGs), affect the clinical manifestations of FMF, the relative contribution of each remains unknown.


To investigate the relative contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the phenotype of FMF, we compared the intra-pair clinical concordance of 10 mono and 7 dizygotic twins with FMF. The part played by EFs was determined by the phenotypic discordance of the monozygous twins, and the MGs effect was determined by deducing the environmental effect, computed for MZ twins, from the phenotypic discordance of the dizygous twins.


The mean ± SD of intra-pair concordance was higher in the MZ than in DZ twin group (88.1 ± 13.2 vs. 70.7 ± 14.1 respectively, P value < 0.05). Based on the concordance in clinical manifestations in MZ and DZ twins, the environmental effect on the phenotype of FMF is estimated as 11.9% ± 6.6% and the MGs effect as 17.4% ± 15.5% in average.


In FMF the phenotype is affected by MEFV mutations, MGs and EFs in an estimated ratio of about 6:1.5:1 respectively.  相似文献   

The influence of timing of N application and PGRs on wheat morphogenesisand yield formation was studied under non-lodging condition. N treatmentsconsisted of three different proportions applied at sowing, 3-leaf stage, stemelongation stage and booting stage, respectively. PGR treatments were 30ppm uniconazole (S3307), 30 ppmgibberellicacid (GA3) and a mixture of S3307 and GA3.S3307 increased tillering, but had no obvious effect on the finalnumber of ears per plant. The combined application of S3307 andGA3increased ears per plant. S3307 significantly reducedplant height and the length of two basal internodes, the area of two topmostleaves, number of florets per spike, shoot and grain weight per plant in all Ntreatments, particularly in N treatment 6040 (see below), but increased dryweight per unit length of two basal internodes. It is suggested thatapplicationof plant growth retardant such as S3307 may reduce grain yield byinhibiting formation and development of both source (leaf area) and sink(floret) under little or no lodging condition. When applied together,GA3 modified some inhibition of growth by S3307. Thetiming of N application had significant influence on most of the charactersstudied. The N treatment 6040, in which 60% of total N fertiliser wasapplied at sowing and 40% at stem elongation, produced the greatest earnumber per plant, florets and grains per ear, the largest area of the twotopmost leaves, and the highest grain yield, indicating that more N applicationat stem elongation was favourable to high yield formation.  相似文献   

What is the relationship between genetic or environmental variation and the variation in messenger RNA (mRNA) expression? To address this, microarrays were used to examine the effect of genetic and environmental variation on cardiac mRNA expression for metabolic genes in three groups of Fundulus heteroclitus: (i) individuals sampled in the field (field), (ii) field individuals acclimated for 6 months to laboratory conditions (acclimated), or (iii) individuals bred for 10 successive generations in a laboratory environment (G10). The G10 individuals have significantly less genetic variation than individuals obtained in the field and had a significantly lower variation in mRNA expression across all genes in comparison to the other two groups (P = 0.001). When examining the gene specific variation, 22 genes had variation in expression that was significantly different among groups with lower variation in G10 individuals than in acclimated individuals. Additionally, there were fewer genes with significant differences in expression among G10 individuals vs. either acclimated or field individuals: 66 genes have statistically different levels of expression vs. 107 or 97 for acclimated or field groups. Based on the permutation of the data, these differences in the number of genes with significant differences among individuals within a group are unlikely to occur by chance (P < 0.01). Surprisingly, variation in mRNA expression in field individuals is lower than in acclimated individuals. Relative to the variation among individual within a group, few genes have significant differences in expression among groups (seven, 2.3%) and none of these are different between acclimated and field individuals. The results support the concept that genetic variation affects variation in mRNA expression and also suggests that temporal environmental variation associated with estuarine environments does not increase the variation among individuals or add to the differences among groups.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy involving genetic and environmental factors whose interaction might influence disease risk. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of milk-feeding practices and the HLA-DQ genotype on intestinal colonization of Bacteroides species in infants at risk of CD development. This study included 75 full-term newborns with at least one first-degree relative suffering from CD. Infants were classified according to milk-feeding practice (breast-feeding or formula feeding) and HLA-DQ genotype (high or low genetic risk). Stools were analyzed at 7 days, 1 month, and 4 months by PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The Bacteroides species diversity index was higher in formula-fed infants than in breast-fed infants. Breast-fed infants showed a higher prevalence of Bacteroides uniformis at 1 and 4 months of age, while formula-fed infants had a higher prevalence of B. intestinalis at all sampling times, of B. caccae at 7 days and 4 months, and of B. plebeius at 4 months. Infants with high genetic risk showed a higher prevalence of B. vulgatus, while those with low genetic risk showed a higher prevalence of B. ovatus, B. plebeius, and B. uniformis. Among breast-fed infants, the prevalence of B. uniformis was higher in those with low genetic risk than in those with high genetic risk. Among formula-fed infants, the prevalence of B. ovatus and B. plebeius was increased in those with low genetic risk, while the prevalence of B. vulgatus was higher in those with high genetic risk. The results indicate that both the type of milk feeding and the HLA-DQ genotype influence the colonization process of Bacteroides species, and possibly the disease risk.  相似文献   

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