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The selection coefficient, s, quantifies the strength of selection acting on a genetic variant. Despite this parameter's central importance to population genetic models, until recently we have known relatively little about the value of s in natural populations. With the development of molecular genetic techniques in the late 20th century and the sequencing technologies that followed, biologists are now able to identify genetic variants and directly relate them to organismal fitness. We reviewed the literature for published estimates of natural selection acting at the genetic level and found over 3000 estimates of selection coefficients from 79 studies. Selection coefficients were roughly exponentially distributed, suggesting that the impact of selection at the genetic level is generally weak but can occasionally be quite strong. We used both nonparametric statistics and formal random‐effects meta‐analysis to determine how selection varies across biological and methodological categories. Selection was stronger when measured over shorter timescales, with the mean magnitude of s greatest for studies that measured selection within a single generation. Our analyses found conflicting trends when considering how selection varies with the genetic scale (e.g., SNPs or haplotypes) at which it is measured, suggesting a need for further research. Besides these quantitative conclusions, we highlight key issues in the calculation, interpretation, and reporting of selection coefficients and provide recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

The signature of positive selection on standing genetic variation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Considerable interest is focused on the use of polymorphism data to identify regions of the genome that underlie recent adaptations. These searches are guided by a simple model of positive selection, in which a mutation is favored as soon as it arises. This assumption may not be realistic, as environmental changes and range expansions may lead previously neutral or deleterious alleles to become beneficial. We examine what effect this mode of selection has on patterns of variation at linked neutral sites by implementing a new coalescent model of positive directional selection on standing variation. In this model, a neutral allele arises and drifts in the population, then at frequency f becomes beneficial, and eventually reaches fixation. Depending on the value of f, this scenario can lead to a large variance in allele frequency spectra and in levels of linkage disequilibrium at linked, neutral sites. In particular, for intermediate f, the beneficial substitution often leads to a loss of rare alleles--a pattern that differs markedly from the signature of directional selection currently relied on by researchers. These findings highlight the importance of an accurate characterization of the effects of positive selection, if we are to reliably identify recent adaptations from polymorphism data.  相似文献   

Identifying regions of the human genome that have been targets of natural selection will provide important insights into human evolutionary history and may facilitate the identification of complex disease genes. Although the signature that natural selection imparts on DNA sequence variation is difficult to disentangle from the effects of neutral processes such as population demographic history, selective and demographic forces can be distinguished by analyzing multiple loci dispersed throughout the genome. We studied the molecular evolution of 132 genes by comprehensively resequencing them in 24 African-Americans and 23 European-Americans. We developed a rigorous computational approach for taking into account multiple hypothesis tests and demographic history and found that while many apparent selective events can instead be explained by demography, there is also strong evidence for positive or balancing selection at eight genes in the European-American population, but none in the African-American population. Our results suggest that the migration of modern humans out of Africa into new environments was accompanied by genetic adaptations to emergent selective forces. In addition, a region containing four contiguous genes on Chromosome 7 showed striking evidence of a recent selective sweep in European-Americans. More generally, our results have important implications for mapping genes underlying complex human diseases.  相似文献   

A pollination syndrome is defined as a suite of floral traits that are associated with the attraction of a specific group of animals as pollinators. Traits such as flower morphology, color, scent, and rewards contribute to the plant's reproductive success by attracting pollinators. Here we focus on the genetics of natural variation in flower morphology and how the adaptation between plants and their cognate pollinator class contributes to plant's reproductive success. We review recent work on the genetic basis of interspecific differences in reproductive organ morphology and discuss possible genetic mechanisms for coordinated changes in complex syndromes.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) forms an integral component of the vertebrate immune response and, due to strong selection pressures, is one of the most polymorphic regions of the entire genome. Despite over 15 years of research, empirical studies offer highly contradictory explanations of the relative roles of different evolutionary forces, selection and genetic drift, acting on MHC genes during population bottlenecks. Here, we take a meta-analytical approach to quantify the results of studies into the effects of bottlenecks on MHC polymorphism. We show that the consequences of selection acting on MHC loci prior to a bottleneck event, combined with drift during the bottleneck, will result in overall loss of MHC polymorphism that is ~15% greater than loss of neutral genetic diversity. These results are counter to general expectations that selection should maintain MHC polymorphism, but do agree with the results of recent simulation models and at least two empirical studies. Notably, our results suggest that negative frequency-dependent selection could be more important than overdominance for maintaining high MHC polymorphism in pre-bottlenecked populations.  相似文献   

Male field crickets, Gryllus integer, in Texas, USA, produce a trilled calling song that attracts female crickets, resulting in enhanced mating success. Gravid female parasitoid flies, Ormia ochracea, are also attracted to male cricket calling song, resulting in the death of the male within about seven days. Using playbacks of field-cricket calling song in the natural habitat, we show that both female crickets and female parasitoid flies prefer male calling song with average numbers of pulses per trill. Thus female crickets exert stabilizing sexual selection, whereas flies exert disruptive natural selection on male song. Disruptive natural selection will promote genetic variation and population divergence. Stabilizing sexual selection will reduce genetic variation and maintain population cohesiveness. These forces may balance and together maintain the observed high levels of genetic variation (ca. 40%) in male calling song.  相似文献   

DNA markers allow us to study quantitative trait loci (QTL) - the genes that control adaptation and quantitative variation. Experiments can map the genes responsible for quantitative variation and address the evolutionary and ecological significance of this variation. Recent studies suggest that major genes segregate within and among natural populations. It is now feasible to study the genes that cause morphological variation, life history trade-offs, heterosis and speciation. These methods can determine the role of epistasis and genotype-by-environment interaction in maintaining genetic variation. QTL mapping is an important tool used to address evolutionary and ecological questions of long-standing interest.  相似文献   

《Trends in genetics : TIG》2023,39(6):491-504
Recent studies of cosmopolitan Drosophila populations have found hundreds to thousands of genetic loci with seasonally fluctuating allele frequencies, bringing temporally fluctuating selection to the forefront of the historical debate surrounding the maintenance of genetic variation in natural populations. Numerous mechanisms have been explored in this longstanding area of research, but these exciting empirical findings have prompted several recent theoretical and experimental studies that seek to better understand the drivers, dynamics, and genome-wide influence of fluctuating selection. In this review, we evaluate the latest evidence for multilocus fluctuating selection in Drosophila and other taxa, highlighting the role of potential genetic and ecological mechanisms in maintaining these loci and their impacts on neutral genetic variation.  相似文献   

Glinka S  Ometto L  Mousset S  Stephan W  De Lorenzo D 《Genetics》2003,165(3):1269-1278
Demography and selection have been recognized for their important roles in shaping patterns of nucleotide variability. To investigate the relative effects of these forces in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster, we used a multi-locus scan (105 fragments) of X-linked DNA sequence variation in a putatively ancestral African and a derived European population. Surprisingly, we found evidence for a recent size expansion in the African population, i.e., a significant excess of singletons at a chromosome-wide level. In the European population, such an excess was not detected. In contrast to the African population, we found evidence for positive natural selection in the European sample: (i) a large number of loci with low levels of variation and (ii) a significant excess of derived variants at the low-variation loci that are fixed in the European sample but rare in the African population. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the European population has experienced frequent selective sweeps in the recent past during its adaptation to new habitats. Our study shows the advantages of a genomic approach (over a locus-specific analysis) in disentangling demographic and selective forces.  相似文献   

Whether the changes brought about by sexual selection are, on the whole, congruent or incongruent with the changes favored by natural selection is a fundamentally important question in evolutionary biology. Although a number of theoretical models have assumed that sexual selection reinforces natural selection [1, 2], others assume these forces are in opposition [3-5]. Empirical results have been mixed (see reviews in [1, 6-8]) and the reasons for the differences among studies are unclear. Variable outcomes are expected if populations differ in their evolutionary histories and therefore harbor different amounts and types of segregating genetic variation. Here, we constructed populations of Drosophila melanogaster that differed in this regard to directly test this hypothesis. In well-adapted populations, sexually successful males sired unfit daughters, indicating sexual and natural selection are in conflict. However, in populations containing an influx of maladaptive alleles, attractive males sired offspring of high fitness, suggesting that sexual selection reinforces natural selection. Taken together, these results emphasize the importance of evolutionary history on the outcome of sexual selection. Consequently, studies based on laboratory populations, cultured for prolonged periods under homogeneous conditions, may provide a skewed perspective on the relationship between sexual and natural selection.  相似文献   

Inbred, congenic and transgenic strains of mice were characterized for acetylation of p-aminobenzoic (PABA) and the carcinogen 4-aminobiphenyl (4ABP). C57Bl/6 mice have the NAT2*8 allele, A/J mice have NAT2*9 and congenic B6.A mice have NAT2*9 on the C57Bl/6 background. The first transgenic strain with human NAT1, the functional equivalent of murine NAT2, was also tested. The murine NAT2*9 allele correlated with a slow phenotype measured with the murine NAT2 selective substrate PABA. The two strains having this allele also had a lower capacity to acetylate 4ABP. A line with five copies of the human NAT1 transgene was bred for at least five generations with either C57Bl/6 or A/J mice. There was no significant change in PABA NAT activity on the C57Bl/6 background but a 2.5-fold increase was seen in hNAT1:A/J compared with A/J. The effect of variation in NATs on 4ABP genotoxicity was assessed in these strains. Twenty-four hours after exposure to a single oral dose of 120 mg 4ABP/kg, hepatic 4ABP-DNA adducts were detected by immunofluoresence in all strains. Nuclear fluorescence intensities (mean+/-S.D.) were 41.1+/-3.6 for C57Bl/6, 37.9+/-1.11 for A/J and 36.3+/-2.44 for B6.A. There was no correlation between murine NAT2 alleles and 4ABP-DNA adduct levels. Similar results were seen with the transgenic strains. The data indicate that the range of variation present in these strains of mice was insufficient to alter susceptibility to 4ABP genotoxicity. The impact of these relatively modest differences in the acetylation of the activation of 4ABP may be masked by other competing biotransformation reactions since 4ABP is a substrate for both NAT1 and NAT2. Mouse models with variation in both isoforms are needed to adequately assess the role of variation in NATs in susceptibility to 4ABP genotoxicity.  相似文献   

We exploited the natural histidine auxotrophy of Francisella species to develop hisD (encodes histidinol dehydrogenase) as a positive selection marker. A shuttle plasmid (pBR103) carrying Escherichia coli hisD and designed for cloning of PCR fragments replicated in both attenuated and highly virulent Francisella strains. During this work, we formulated a simplified defined growth medium for Francisella novicida.  相似文献   

This report describes a gene which influences the electrophoretic mobility of a protein in the salivas of adult mice. Three categories of phenotype have been observed: the two single-banded types, F (Fast) and S (Slow), and the two-banded type, SF (Slow-Fast), with the two bands represented in varying proportions. All females, regardless of age or strain, and all males before puberty show only the F phenotype. Males of the BALB/c and C57BL/6J strains show the F phenotype throughout puberty and adult life, whereas males of the C3H/St and C57BL/KsJ strains show the SF phenotype in puberty and the S phenotype in adult life. We have designated this variation the sex-limited saliva pattern (Ssp). The results from genetic crosses indicate that the variation among the strains is determined by an autosomal locus, Ssp, with two alleles, Ssp S andSsp F ,where Ssp S is dominant to Ssp F .Testosterone treatment can accelerate the acquisition of the S type in males of the strains C3H/St and C57BL/KsJ and also induces that phenotype in C3H/St females and C57BL/6J males. Thus it appears that the observed strain-specific differences reflect a genetic variation in androgen levels and/or androgen sensitivity rather than variation in a structural gene.This study was supported in part by PHS Research Grant 5 RO1 AM21177 and by the Indiana University Human Genetics Center (PHS PO1 GM21054). The preliminary work was done during a 1-month visit by RCK to the Institute of Ecology and Genetics which was supported by the University of Aarhus. This is publication No. 80-18 from the Department of Medical Genetics. RCK was supported by PHS Career Development Award 1 KO4 AM00284. SRD was supported by PHS General Medical Training Grant T32 GM07468.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that maintain genetic variation in natural populations is a foundational goal of evolutionary biology. To this end, population geneticists have developed a variety of models that can produce stable polymorphisms. In one of the earliest models, Owen ( 1953 ) demonstrated that differences in selection pressures acting on males and females could maintain multiple alleles of a gene at a stable equilibrium. If the selection pressures act in opposite directions in males and females, we refer to this as (inter‐) sexual conflict or sexual antagonism (Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005 ). Testing if sexual conflict maintains genetic variation in natural populations is a tremendous challenge—it requires both identifying loci that harbor sexually antagonistic alleles and determining whether those alleles are maintained as stable polymorphisms (Mank, 2017 ). Doing so genome‐wide is even harder because it is not tractable to identify sexually antagonistic alleles and test for stable polymorphisms at all loci. Dutoit et al. ( 2018 ) confront this challenge in a paper published in this issue of Molecular Ecology. Using gene expression and population genomic data from the collared flycatcher, Dutoit et al. ( 2018 ) identify associations and correlations between genomic signatures of balanced polymorphisms and sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Many traits are phenotypically dimorphic but determined by the action of many loci, the phenotype being a result of a threshold of sensitivity. Quantitative genetic analysis has shown that generally there is considerable additive genetic variation for the trait, the average heritability being 0.52. In numerous cases threshold traits have been shown, or are assumed, to be under frequency-dependent selection; examples include satellite-territorial behaviour, sex-determination, wing dimorphism and trophic dimorphism. In this paper I investigate the potential for frequency-dependent selection to maintain both phenotypic and additive genetic variation in threshold traits. The qualitative results are robust to the particular form of the frequency-dependent selection function. The equilibrium proportion is more or less independent of population size but the heritability increases with population size, typically approaching its maximal value at a population size of 5000, when the mutation rate is 10?4. A tenfold decrease in the mutation rate requires an approximate doubling of the population size before an asymptotic value is approached. Thus frequency-dependent selection can account for both the existence of two morphs in a population and the observed levels of heritability. It is also shown, both via simulation and theory, that the quantitative genetic model and a simple phenotypic analysis predict the same equilibrium morph proportion.  相似文献   

Cryptic genetic variation (CGV) or a standing genetic variation that is not ordinarily expressed as a phenotype is released when the robustness of organisms is impaired under environmental or genetic perturbations. Evolutionary capacitors modulate the amount of genetic variation exposed to natural selection and hidden cryptically; they have a fundamental effect on the evolvability of traits on evolutionary timescales. In this study, I have demonstrated the effects of multiple genomic regions of Drosophila melanogaster on CGV in wing shape. I examined the effects of 61 genomic deficiencies on quantitative and qualitative natural genetic variation in the wing shape of D. melanogaster. I have identified 10 genomic deficiencies that do not encompass a known candidate evolutionary capacitor, Hsp90, exposing natural CGV differently depending on the location of the deficiencies in the genome. Furthermore, five genomic deficiencies uncovered qualitative CGV in wing morphology. These findings suggest that CGV in wing shape of wild‐type D. melanogaster is regulated by multiple capacitors with divergent functions. Future analysis of genes encompassed by these genomic regions would help elucidate novel capacitor genes and better understand the general features of capacitors regarding natural genetic variation.  相似文献   

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