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Structural components of epithelial and endothelial basement membranes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

Laminins, one of the major functional components of basement membranes, are found underlying endothelium, and encasing pericytes and smooth muscle cells in the vessel wall. Depending on the type of blood vessel (capillary, venule, postcapillary venule, vein or artery) and their maturation state, both the endothelial and mural cell phenotype vary, with associated changes in laminin isoform expression. Laminins containing the α4 and α5 chains are the major isoforms found in the vessel wall, with the added contribution of laminin α2 in larger vessels. We here summarize current data on the precise localization of these laminin isoforms and their receptors in the different layers of the vessel wall, and their potential contribution to vascular homeostasis.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against basement membrane (BM) were generated using the matrix deposited by cultured rabbit corneal epithelial cells as immunogen. BM antibodies were identified by immunofluorescent staining of frozen tissue sections and of extracellular matrix of living cultured cells. BM localization was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. Antibody AE26 immunoprecipitates a 140,000 Mr component from radiolabeled corneal epithelial cells and recognizes this component plus a 95,000 Mr band on Western blots. The antigen resists extraction by high and low salt and by nonionic detergents, but is solubilized in 4 M urea/1% mercaptoethanol. On isoelectric focusing and nonequilibrium pH gradient gels, AE26 antigen migrates to the acidic region (pI less than 3). The molecule is destroyed by trypsin, but is insensitive to bacterial collagenase. In frozen tissue sections, AE26 stains only BM of stratified epithelia plus trachea, ureter, lung, and intestine, but no other epithelial or nonepithelial BM. AE26 antigen is detected on Western blots of cornea, skin, and lung extracts, but not liver, kidney, or muscle, indicating that this is not due to masking of the epitope. This tissue distribution is different from any previously described BM molecule. Although we have not ruled out the possibility that AE26 recognizes a modification or fragment of a known BM component (particularly entactin), the acidic pI, collagenase resistance, and unusual tissue specificity suggest that AE26 recognizes a new BM protein. The BM heterogeneity demonstrated by AE26 may play a structural role or provide positional signals to the overlying epithelium.  相似文献   

Assembly of intra- and interspecies hybrid apoferritins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An intraspecies hybrid apoferritin was assembled by mixing subunits of horse heart ferritin, which consists mainly of H-type subunits, and horse spleen ferritin, in which L-type subunits predominate. Interspecies hybrid apoferritins were reconstituted from subunits of human liver-horse spleen ferritins and from rat liver-horse spleen ferritins. All the hybrid ferritins migrated as single zones with electrophoretic mobilities intermediate between those of the parent ferritins. Isoelectric focusing data and immunological patterns were consistent with the view that the reassembled apoferritins were composite molecules that contained subunits from each of the interacting forms. Reconstitution occurred in a random manner, as there was no apparent preference for assembly of homologous subunits. These results suggest that intersubunit interaction domains and recognition mechanisms that dictate formation of the highly specific quaternary structure assumed by this protein are common for different species of ferritins.  相似文献   

Cellular origin of fibronectin in interspecies hybrid kidneys   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The cellular origin of fibronectin in the kidney was studied in three experimental models. Immunohistochemical techniques that use cross-reacting or species-specific antibodies against mouse or chicken fibronectin were employed. In the first model studied, initially avascular mouse kidneys cultured on avian chorioallantoic membranes differentiate into epithelial kidney tubules and become vascularized by chorioallantoic vessels. Subsequently, hybrid glomeruli composed of mouse podocytes and avian endothelial-mesangial cells form. In immunohistochemical studies, cross-reacting antibodies to fibronectin stained vascular walls, tubular basement membranes, interstitium, and glomeruli of mouse kidney grafts. The species-specific antibodies reacting only with mouse fibronectin stained interstitial areas and tubular basement membranes, but showed no reaction with hybrid glomeruli and avian vascular walls. In contrast, species-specific antibodies against chicken fibronectin stained both the interstitial areas and the vascular walls as well as the endothelial-mesangial areas of the hybrid glomeruli, but did not stain the mouse-derived epithelial structures of the kidneys. In the second model, embryonic kidneys cultured under avascular conditions in vitro develop glomerular tufts, which are devoid of endothelial cells. These explants showed fluorescence staining for fibronectin only in tubular basement membranes and in interstitium. The avascular, purely epithelial glomerular bodies remained unstained. Finally, in outgrowths of separated embryonic glomeruli, the cross-reacting fibronectin antibodies revealed two populations of cells: one devoid of fibronectin and another expressing fibronectin in strong fibrillar and granular patterns. These results favor the idea that the main endogenous cellular sources for fibronectin in the embryonic kidney are the interstitial and vascular cells. All experiments presented here suggest that fibronectin is not synthesized by glomerular epithelial cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate represents approximately 15% of the 35SO4-labeled glycosaminoglycans carried by the proteoglycans of the cell surface and of the basolateral secretions of normal mouse mammary epithelial cells in culture. Evidence is provided that these chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans are hybrid proteoglycans, carrying both chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate chains. Complete N-desulfation but limited O-desulfation, by treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide, of the proteoglycans decreased the anionic charge of the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans to a greater extent than it decreased the charge of their constituent chondroitin sulfate chains. Partial depolymerization of the heparan sulfate residues of the proteoglycans with nitrous acid or with heparin lyase also reduced the effective molecular radius of the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans. The effect of heparin lyase on the chondroitin sulfate-carrying proteoglycans was prevented by treating the proteoglycan fractions with dimethyl sulfoxide, while the effect of nitrous acid on the dimethyl sulfoxide-treated proteoglycans was prevented by acetylation. This occurrence of heparan sulfate-chondroitin sulfate hybrid proteoglycans suggests that the substitution of core proteins by heparan sulfate or chondroitin sulfate chains may not solely be determined by the specific routing of these proteins through distinct chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate synthesizing mechanisms. Moreover, regional and temporal changes in pericellular glycosaminoglycan compositions might be due to variable postsynthetic modification of a single gene product.  相似文献   

Structure and function of basement membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Basement membranes (BMs) are present in every tissue of the human body. All epithelium and endothelium is in direct association with BMs. BMs are a composite of several large glycoproteins and form an organized scaffold to provide structural support to the tissue and also offer functional input to modulate cellular function. While collagen I is the most abundant protein in the human body, type IV collagen is the most abundant protein in BMs. Matrigel is commonly used as surrogate for BMs in many experiments, but this is a tumor-derived BM-like material and does not contain all of the components that natural BMs possess. The structure of BMs and their functional role in tissues are unique and unlike any other class of proteins in the human body. Increasing evidence suggests that BMs are unique signal input devices that likely fine tune cellular function. Additionally, the resulting endothelial and epithelial heterogeneity in human body is a direct contribution of cell-matrix interaction facilitated by the diverse compositions of BMs.  相似文献   

In some capillary beds, pericytes regulate endothelial growth. Capillaries with high filtration capacity, such as those in renal glomeruli, lack pericytes. Glomerular endothelium lies adjacent to visceral epithelial cells (podocytes) that are anchored to and cover the anti-luminal surface of the basement membrane. We have tested the hypothesis that podocytes can function as endothelial supporting cells. Endothelial cells were outgrown from circulating endothelial progenitors of normal subjects and were extensively characterized. These blood outgrowth endothelial cells (BOECs) expressed endothelial markers, lacked stem cell markers, and expressed the angiopoietin-1 receptor, Tie-2, and the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor, Flk-1. Differentiated podocytes in culture expressed and secreted VEGF, which was upregulated 4.5-fold by high glucose. In complete medium, BOECs formed thin cell-cell connections and multicellular tubes on Matrigel, the in vitro correlate of angiogenesis. This was impaired in deficient media but rescued by co-incubation with Transwell Anopore inserts containing differentiated podocytes. To assess whether VEGF was the major podocyte-derived signal that rescued BOEC angiogenesis, we examined angiogenesis of control and Flk-1-deficient BOECs. Co-incubation with podocytes or addition of recombinant VEGF each rescued angiogenesis in control BOECs, but both failed to support maintenance and angiogenesis in Flk-1-deficient BOECs. Finally, co-culture with podocytes increased BOEC-proliferation. In concert, these findings suggest a model in which glomerular visceral epithelial cells function as pericyte-like endothelial supporting cells. Podocyte-derived VEGF is a required and sufficient regulator of vascular endothelial maintenance, and its upregulation in podocytes by high glucose may be the mechanism for the increased glomerular angiogenesis that is observed in vivo in early diabetic glomerular injury. These studies were supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH-NIDDK 63360) and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF-1-2004-78).  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin sheets of extracellular proteins situated in close contact with cells at various locations in the body. They have a great influence on tissue compartmentalization and cellular phenotypes from early embryonic development onwards. The major constituents of all basement membranes are collagen IV and laminin, which both exist as multiple isoforms and each form a huge irregular network by self assembly. These networks are connected by nidogen, which also binds to several other components (proteoglycans, fibulins). Basement membranes are connected to cells by several receptors of the integrin family, which bind preferentially to laminins and collagen IV, and via some lectin-type interactions. The formation of basement membranes requires cooperation between different cell types since nidogen, for example, is usually synthesized by cells other than those exposed to the basement membranes. Thus many molecular interactions, of variable affinities, determine the final shape of basement membranes and their preferred subanatomical localization.  相似文献   

Molecular architecture of basement membranes   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
Basement membranes are specialized extracellular matrices with support, sieving, and cell regulatory functions. The molecular architectures of these matrices are created through specific binding interactions between unique glycoprotein and proteoglycan protomers. Type IV collagen chains, using NH2-terminal, COOH-terminal, and lateral association, form a covalently stabilized polygonal framework. Laminin, a four-armed glycoprotein, self-assembles through terminal-domain interactions to form a second polymer network, Entactin/nidogen, a dumbbell-shaped sulfated glycoprotein, binds laminin near its center and interacts with type IV collagen, bridging the two. A large heparan sulfate proteoglycan, important for charge-dependent molecular sieving, is firmly anchored in the basement membrane and can bind itself through a core-protein interaction to form dimers and oligomers and bind laminin and type IV collagen through its glycosaminoglycan chains. Heterogeneity of structure and function occur in different tissues, in development, and in response to different physiological needs. The molecular architecture of these matrices may be regulated during or after primary assembly through variations in compositions, isoform substitutions, and the modifying influence of exogenous macromolecules such as heparin and heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

The proliferation and morphological differentiation of bovine kidney collecting-tubule epithelial cells has been examined as a function of substrata and plasma factors. Collecting kidney tubule explant maintained in vitro gave rise to two distinct cell populations; one was composed mostly of fibroblastic cells whereas the other was epithelioid (EP cells). The proliferation of fibroblastic cells when exposed to serum-supplemented medium was best expressed when cells were maintained on a basement membrane produced by bovine corneal endothelial cells. This basement membrane has a composition, which in previous studies has been shown to favor the proliferation of mesenchymal cells. In contrast, the proliferation of EP cells was best expressed when cells were maintained on a basement membrane produced by the mouse-derived endodermal cell line PF-HR-9 (HR-9-BM). This basement membrane has a biochemical composition very similar to the basement membrane underlying the kidney tubules. Although the fibroblast confluent monolayer maintained on bovine corneal endothelial cell extracellular matrix did not undergo morphogenesis, the confluent monolayer of EP cells maintained on HR-9-BM shows hemicyst formation, suggesting that they were capable of vectorial fluid transport. They also built a complex three-dimensional kidney tubulelike network. Some tubules became grossly visible and floated into the tissue culture medium, remaining tethered to the cell monolayer at either end of the tubule. On an ultrastructural level, the tubules consisted of cells held together with junctional complexes arranged so as to form a lumen. The smallest lumen were bordered by 2-3 cells, and the largest ones by 8-15 cells. The lumens of the larger tubules did contain granular fibrillar and amorphous debris. Low-density EP cell cultures maintained on HR-9-BM could be induced to proliferate at a rate approaching that of cultures exposed to serum when they were exposed to medium supplemented with high-density lipoprotein (HDL, 750 micrograms protein/ml) and transferrin (50 micrograms/ml). When exposed to HDL concentrations equal or lower than 250 micrograms protein/ml, low-density cultures proliferated at a slow rate and readily formed tubulelike structures. This observation indicates that EP cells do not need to reach confluence to undergo morphogenesis, and that HDL, which in the presence of transferrin supports the cell proliferation, can favor their differentiation into tubulelike structures once its concentration becomes limiting for mitogenesis.  相似文献   

The Fras1/Frem gene family encodes for structurally similar proteins of the extracellular matrix, functionally correlated with embryonic dermal-epidermal adhesion as deduced from the appearance of sub-epidermal blisters in mouse mutants compromising the function of Fras1, Frem1 and Frem2 proteins. Mutations in the human counterparts FRAS1 and FREM2 have been detected in patients suffering from Fraser syndrome. So far, Fras1/Frem proteins have been shown to be strictly colocalized in the sublamina densa of mouse epithelial basement membranes during development. Here, we focused on the characterization of the localization pattern of the aforementioned proteins, in various parts of the adult mouse skin as well as a range of organs and tissues. Frem3 was present in a broad range of epithelial basement membranes where Fras1, Frem1 and Frem2 were missing. The localization profile of Frem3 coincided with that of collagen VII in all skin basement membranes but differed in that Frem3 was additionally found in the basement membrane of several internal epithelia, where collagen VII was absent. Fras1 and Frem2 were colocalized with Frem3 in the basement membrane of certain skin parts, underlying the thin-layer, of rapidly proliferating keratinocytes, whereas Frem1 was detected only in the basement membrane of the tail. The localization pattern of Fras1 and Frem2 was indistinguishable, while both proteins along with Frem3 could be detected even in the absence of Frem1.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells were isolated from mouse endometrium and cultured on two types of extracellular matrix, namely, rat-tail collagen (type I) gels and basement membrane extract (BME) derived from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm murine sarcoma. Cell attachment in serum-free medium during the initial 24 h after seeding was approximately twofold higher on BME compared with collagen type I. Addition of serum to the medium enhanced cell attachment on both matrices. On both collagen and BME, uterine cells grew as smooth-bordered colonies, and within a week of culture the cells became cuboidal to columnar in shape. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of apical microvilli associated with a glycocalyx, junctional complexes, tonofilaments, short strands of undilated endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, and lipid droplets. However, cells on BME showed a higher degree of differentiation as assessed by occasional formation of small patches of basement membranelike structure subjacent to the flattened basal surface and formation of glandlike structures within the matrix. Proliferation of these cells as measured by radioactive thymidine incorporation into DNA was increased threefold by addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulin to the medium, but was not changed by 17β-estradiol. The expression of progesterone receptors by uterine epithelial cells grown on both matrices was doubled by addition of EGF and estradiol to the medium. This work was supported in part by a Rockefeller Foundation postdoctoral fellowship (D.G.), and NIh grant 23511.  相似文献   

Two novel monoclonal antibodies were raised and used to study the expression of laminin (Ln) alpha1-chain in developing and adult human tissues. In both fetal and adult kidney, a distinct immunoreactivity was seen in basement membranes (BM) of most proximal tubules but not in the distal tubular or glomerular BM or in the basal laminae of blood vessels. Immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled cultured human renal proximal tubular cells showed an abundant production and deposition of Ln alpha1-chain to the extracellular matrix, suggestive of an epithelial origin of kidney Ln-1. Quantitative cell adhesion experiments with JAR choriocarcinoma cells showed that purified human Ln-1 is a good substrate for cell adhesion that it is differently recognized by integrin receptors when compared to mouse Ln-1. In fetal and adult testes immunoreactivity was solely confined to BM of the seminiferous epithelium. In the airways BM-confined reaction was only seen in fetal budding bronchial tubules (16-19 weeks) at the pseudoglandular stage of development. In the skin a distinct immunoreactivity was confined to BM of developing hair buds but not in epithelial BMs of adult epidermis or of epidermal appendages. In other adult tissues, immunoreactivity was found in BMs of thyroid, salivary, and mammary glands as well as in BMs of endometrium and endocervix, but not of ectocervix or vagina. No immunoreactivity was found in BMs of most of the digestive tract, including the liver and pancreas, except for BMs of esophageal submucosal glands and duodenal Brunner's glands. In fetal specimens, BMs of the bottoms of the intestinal and gastric glands were positive. Basal laminae of blood vessels were generally negative for Ln alpha1 chain with the exception of specimens of both fetal and adult central nervous system in which immunoreactivity for Ln alpha1 chain was prominently confined to capillary walls. The results suggest that outside the central nervous system, Ln alpha1 chain shows a restricted and developmentally regulated expression in BMs of distinct epithelial tissues.  相似文献   

Summary In recent studies, the α2 chain of laminin (Ln) has been suggested to be the only laminin α chain expressed in mouse and human thymus. We have now used chain-specific monoclonal antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy to study the expression of laminin chains in samples of foetal and 6-year-old human thymus. The subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule of foetal 16- to 18-week thymus presented a bright immunoreactivity for Ln α1, α3, β1, β3 and γ1 chains but not for α2 chain, suggesting the expression of laminins-1 and-5. Most cortical and medullary epithelial cells, including Hassall's corpuscles, however, lacked laminin immunoreactivity. Immunoreactivity for Ln β2 chain was only seen in basal laminae of larger blood vessels. In thymic specimens from 6-year-old children, immunoreactivity for the laminin α1, α3, β1, β3 and γ1 chains was invariably found in subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule and that for laminin α2 chain was now also distinct but more heterogeneous. Furthermore, the thymic subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule at all stages showed immunore-activity for collagen type VII, forming the anchoring fibres in epithelial basement membranes. The subcapsular thymic epithelium also showed immunoreactivity for the BP 230 antigen and β4 integrin subunit, both components of hemidesmosomes. The present results show that the thymic subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule presents properties which are commonly seen in stratified and combined epithelia, and are compatible with suggestions of the antigenic similarity of thymic epithelial cells and keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are sheets of extracellular matrix that separate epithelia from connective tissues and outline muscle fibers and the endothelial lining of blood vessels. A major function of basement membranes is to establish and maintain stable tissue borders, exemplified by frequent vascular breaks and a disrupted pial and retinal surface in mice with mutations or deletions of basement membrane proteins. To directly measure the biomechanical properties of basement membranes, chick and mouse inner limiting membranes were examined by atomic force microscopy. The inner limiting membrane is located at the retinal-vitreal junction and its weakening due to basement membrane protein mutations leads to inner limiting membrane rupture and the invasion of retinal cells into the vitreous. Transmission electron microscopy and western blotting has shown that the inner limiting membrane has an ultrastructure and a protein composition typical for most other basement membranes and, thus, provides a suitable model for determining their biophysical properties. Atomic force microscopy measurements of native chick basement membranes revealed an increase in thickness from 137 nm at embryonic day 4 to 402 nm at embryonic day 9, several times thicker that previously determined by transmission electron microscopy. The change in basement membrane thickness was accompanied by a large increase in apparent Young's modulus from 0.95 MPa to 3.30 MPa. The apparent Young's modulus of the neonatal and adult mouse retinal basement membranes was in a similar range, with 3.81 MPa versus 4.07 MPa, respectively. These results revealed that native basement membranes are much thicker than previously determined. Their high mechanical strength explains why basement membranes are essential in stabilizing blood vessels, muscle fibers and the pial border of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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