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The mitochondrial outer membrane contains proteinaceous machineries for the import and assembly of proteins, including TOM (translocase of the outer membrane) and SAM (sorting and assembly machinery). It has been shown that the dimeric phospholipid cardiolipin is required for the stability of TOM and SAM complexes and thus for the efficient import and assembly of β-barrel proteins and some α-helical proteins of the outer membrane. Here, we report that mitochondria deficient in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the second non-bilayer-forming phospholipid, are impaired in the biogenesis of β-barrel proteins, but not of α-helical outer membrane proteins. The stability of TOM and SAM complexes is not disturbed by the lack of PE. By dissecting the import steps of β-barrel proteins, we show that an early import stage involving translocation through the TOM complex is affected. In PE-depleted mitochondria, the TOM complex binds precursor proteins with reduced efficiency. We conclude that PE is required for the proper function of the TOM complex.  相似文献   

Translocases of mitochondrial inner membrane (TIMs) are multiprotein complexes. The only Tim component so far characterized in kinetoplastid parasites such as Trypanosoma brucei is Tim17 (TbTim17), which is essential for cell survival and mitochondrial protein import. Here, we report that TbTim17 is present in a protein complex of about 1,100 kDa, which is much larger than the TIM complexes found in fungi and mammals. Depletion of TbTim17 in T. brucei impairs the mitochondrial import of cytochrome oxidase subunit IV, an N-terminal signal-containing protein. Pretreatment of isolated mitoplasts with the anti-TbTim17 antibody inhibited import of cytochrome oxidase subunit IV, indicating a direct involvement of the TbTim17 in the import process. Purification of the TbTim17-containing protein complex from the mitochondrial membrane of T. brucei by tandem affinity chromatography revealed that TbTim17 associates with seven unique as well as a few known T. brucei mitochondrial proteins. Depletion of three of these novel proteins, i.e. TbTim47, TbTim54, and TbTim62, significantly decreased mitochondrial protein import in vitro. In vivo targeting of a newly synthesized mitochondrial matrix protein, MRP2, was also inhibited due to depletion of TbTim17, TbTim54, and TbTim62. Co-precipitation analysis confirmed the interaction of TbTim54 and TbTim62 with TbTim17 in vivo. Overall, our data reveal that TbTim17, the single homolog of Tim17/22/23 family proteins, is present in a unique TIM complex consisting of novel proteins in T. brucei and is critical for mitochondrial protein import.  相似文献   

The majority of mitochondrial proteins are synthesized with amino-terminal signal sequences. The presequence translocase of the inner membrane (TIM23 complex) mediates the import of these preproteins. The essential TIM23 core complex closely cooperates with partner protein complexes like the presequence translocase-associated import motor and the respiratory chain. The inner mitochondrial membrane also contains a large number of metabolite carriers, but their association with preprotein translocases has been controversial. We performed a comprehensive analysis of the TIM23 interactome based on stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture. Subsequent biochemical studies on identified partner proteins showed that the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier associates with the membrane-embedded core of the TIM23 complex in a stoichiometric manner, revealing an unexpected connection of mitochondrial protein biogenesis to metabolite transport. Our data indicate that direct TIM23-AAC coupling may support preprotein import into mitochondria when respiratory activity is low.  相似文献   

The inner membrane of mitochondria is especially protein-rich. To direct proteins into the inner membrane, translocases mediate transport and membrane insertion of precursor proteins. Although the majority of mitochondrial proteins are imported from the cytoplasm, core subunits of respiratory chain complexes are inserted into the inner membrane from the matrix. Oxa1, a conserved membrane protein, mediates the insertion of mitochondrion-encoded precursors into the inner mitochondrial membrane. The molecular mechanism by which Oxa1 mediates insertion of membrane spans, entailing the translocation of hydrophilic domains across the inner membrane, is still unknown. We investigated if Oxa1 could act as a protein-conducting channel for precursor transport. Using a biophysical approach, we show that Oxa1 can form a pore capable of accommodating a translocating protein segment. After purification and reconstitution, Oxa1 acts as a cation-selective channel that specifically responds to mitochondrial export signals. The aqueous pore formed by Oxa1 displays highly dynamic characteristics with a restriction zone diameter between 0.6 and 2 nm, which would suffice for polypeptide translocation across the membrane. Single channel analyses revealed four discrete channels per active unit, suggesting that the Oxa1 complex forms several cooperative hydrophilic pores in the inner membrane. Hence, Oxa1 behaves as a pore-forming translocase that is regulated in a membrane potential and substrate-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Yersinia adhesin A (YadA) belongs to a class of bacterial adhesins that form trimeric structures. Their mature form contains a passenger domain and a C-terminal β-domain that anchors the protein in the outer membrane (OM). Little is known about how precursors of such proteins cross the periplasm and assemble into the OM. In the present study we took advantage of the evolutionary conservation in the biogenesis of β-barrel proteins between bacteria and mitochondria. We previously observed that upon expression in yeast cells, bacterial β-barrel proteins including the transmembrane domain of YadA assemble into the mitochondrial OM. In the current study we found that when expressed in yeast cells both the monomeric and trimeric forms of full-length YadA were detected in mitochondria but only the trimeric species was fully integrated into the OM. The oligomeric form was exposed on the surface of the organelle in its native conformation and maintained its capacity to adhere to host cells. The co-expression of YadA with a mitochondria-targeted form of the bacterial periplasmic chaperone Skp, but not with SurA or SecB, resulted in enhanced levels of both forms of YadA. Taken together, these results indicate that the proper assembly of trimeric autotransporter can occur also in a system lacking the lipoproteins of the BAM machinery and is specifically enhanced by the chaperone Skp.  相似文献   

The yeast protein Zim17 belongs to a unique class of co-chaperones that maintain the solubility of Hsp70 proteins in mitochondria and plastids of eukaryotic cells. However, little is known about the functional cooperation between Zim17 and mitochondrial Hsp70 proteins in vivo. To analyze the effects of a loss of Zim17 function in the authentic environment, we introduced novel conditional mutations within the ZIM17 gene of the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae that allowed a recovery of temperature-sensitive but respiratory competent zim17 mutant cells. On fermentable growth medium, the mutant cells were prone to acquire respiratory deficits and showed a strong aggregation of the mitochondrial Hsp70 Ssq1 together with a concomitant defect in Fe/S protein biogenesis. In contrast, under respiring conditions, the mitochondrial Hsp70s Ssc1 and Ssq1 exhibited only a partial aggregation. We show that the induction of the zim17 mutant phenotype leads to strong import defects for Ssc1-dependent matrix-targeted precursor proteins that correlate with a significantly reduced binding of newly imported substrate proteins to Ssc1. We conclude that Zim17 is not only required for the maintenance of mtHsp70 solubility but also directly assists the functional interaction of mtHsp70 with substrate proteins in a J-type co-chaperone-dependent manner.  相似文献   

We identified a sequence homologous to the Bcl-2 homology 3 (BH3) domain of Bcl-2 proteins in SOUL. Tissues expressed the protein to different extents. It was predominantly located in the cytoplasm, although a fraction of SOUL was associated with the mitochondria that increased upon oxidative stress. Recombinant SOUL protein facilitated mitochondrial permeability transition and collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and facilitated the release of proapoptotic mitochondrial intermembrane proteins (PMIP) at low calcium and phosphate concentrations in a cyclosporine A-dependent manner in vitro in isolated mitochondria. Suppression of endogenous SOUL by diced small interfering RNA in HeLa cells increased their viability in oxidative stress. Overexpression of SOUL in NIH3T3 cells promoted hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death and stimulated the release of PMIP but did not enhance caspase-3 activation. Despite the release of PMIP, SOUL facilitated predominantly necrotic cell death, as revealed by annexin V and propidium iodide staining. This necrotic death could be the result of SOUL-facilitated collapse of MMP demonstrated by JC-1 fluorescence. Deletion of the putative BH3 domain sequence prevented all of these effects of SOUL. Suppression of cyclophilin D prevented these effects too, indicating that SOUL facilitated mitochondrial permeability transition in vivo. Overexpression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, which can counteract the mitochondria-permeabilizing effect of BH3 domain proteins, also prevented SOUL-facilitated collapse of MMP and cell death. These data indicate that SOUL can be a novel member of the BH3 domain-only proteins that cannot induce cell death alone but can facilitate both outer and inner mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and predominantly necrotic cell death in oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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