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Human type III collagen from placenta was isolated and purified for use as an immunogen. A monoclonal antibody was produced which specifically recognizes epitopes unique to type III collagen. The specificity of the antibody was determined by inhibition ELISA, an immunoblot assay, and by immunoprecipitation. Results indicated that the monoclonal antibody recognized only the alpha 1(III) polypeptide chains and did not crossreact with type I, IV, or V collagen. The monoclonal antibody was also used for immunohistochemical localization of type III collagen in tissue sections of human placenta, bovine spleen, and lymph node. In placenta, both large and small blood vessels showed pronounced staining of the tunica media, which contains largely smooth muscle cells, known to synthesize type III collagen. In contrast, the intimal areas and endothelial cells showed no staining with the antibody. In the placental villi, staining was limited to the villous core, where fine fibrillar structures showed strong staining. In lymph nodes, the capsule and pericapsular adipose cells were surrounded by a covering of type III collagen. Within the parenchyma of the node, staining was localized to a branching, reticular array of fine fibers. In the spleen, staining was pronounced in the capsule, splenic trabeculae, and white pulp, where blood vessel staining was especially prominent. The red pulp and splenic sinuses contain little or no type III collagen. The fine network-like or reticular staining pattern found in the lymph node parenchyma is consistent with the staining pattern of the protein reticulin, and suggests that type III collagen may be closely associated with reticulin in certain tissues. Since the role of type III in tissues is unclear, this reagent will be useful in providing new information in this regard.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that in the absence of a protective NK cell response, murine CMV causes destruction of splenic white and red pulp pulp areas in the first few days of infection. Destruction of T zone stroma is associated with almost complete loss of dendritic cells and T cells. We provide evidence that the virus replicates in red and white pulp stroma in vivo and in vitro. Control of white pulp viral replication is associated with migration of murine CMV-specific activated NK cells to white pulp areas, where they associate directly with podoplanin-expressing T zone stromal cells. Our data explain how NK cells protect the lymphoid-rich white pulp areas from CMV, allowing protective adaptive T cell-dependent immune responses to develop, and how this mechanism might break down in immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of splenic tissue of non-immunized turtles, Mauremys caspica, shows two areas, namely, the white pulp which is lymphoid in nature, and the red pulp which is formed by cell cords and sinusoids. Between both areas there is always a marginal zone with gaps through which cells leak. In the white pulp, there are two blood vessel types; one with muscled walls, and the other showing thinner walls sheathed by reticular cells. Reticular cells constitute a network where there occur dendritic macrophages, lymphoblasts and small and medium lymphocytes. Mature plasma cells are scarce in the white pulp.  相似文献   

A sequential analysis was made of various areas within the lymph nodes and spleen of newborn Brown Norway (BN) rats suffering from graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) subsequent to an allogeneic injection of adult Lewis (L) lymph node cells (experimental). One micron thick autoradiographs were compared between such experimental and control littermates having received the same number of syngeneic adult BN cells. Both experimental and control animals received tritiated deoxythymidine (3HdT) one hour before killing. The autoradiographs revealed a 2.25 and 2.50 times higher thymidine labeling index of lymphocytes in the deep cortex of mesenteric lymph nodes and white pulp of the spleen, respectively, for experimental animals. The experimental effect occurred within one day. The majority of the labeled cells in experimental animals were large lymphoblasts with prominent nucleoli. The labeling index within these areas remained significantly higher than control values until day 8 in the spleen and through day 14 within the lymph nodes. However, differences in labeled cells present in high powered microscopic fields reached a peak on day 3 within compartments in experimental animals but fell significantly below control values by day 9 owing to a pronounced disappearance of both small and large lymphocytes from these areas, and a decreased intensity of individual cell labeling as the reaction progressed. In contradistinction the concentration of labeled cells present in high powered microscopic fields of lymph nodes' medulla became 3.13 times controls by day 4. Most of these labeled cells contained a more basophilic cytoplasm than those found in the deep cortex and some were distinctly plasma cell precursors. In contrast to the deep cortex their concentration remained approximately three times control values until death. The data indicates that the major proliferative events within the spleen and lymph nodes in neonatal rat GVHD are initially restricted to donor cell localization areas of these tissue compartments. Subsequently the GVHD-related events may be attributed to other areas and possibly cell types. Thus any proliferation contributing to splenomegaly in the latter stages of GVHD appears to occur in the red pulp and that contributing to lymph node enlargement a medullary response.  相似文献   

应用常规石蜡切片,H.E染色,对临床初步诊断为黏膜病的一例死亡麋鹿(Elaphodus davidianus)的消化系统及脾、淋巴结进行病理组织学观察。结果表明,消化道的病变主要在黏膜层,黏膜上皮细胞脱落、坏死,固有层内毛细血管充血,炎性细胞浸润;脾主要表现为急性败血型,红髓充血、出血严重,白髓几乎完全消失;淋巴结坏死严重,组织结构被破坏,界限不明显,仅见淋巴细胞弥漫性分布于整个淋巴结内。病理组织学观察为临床诊断提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   

应用常规石蜡切片,H.E染色,对临床初步诊断为黏膜病的一例死亡麋鹿(Elaphodus davidianus)的消化系统及脾、淋巴结进行病理组织学观察。结果表明,消化道的病变主要在黏膜层,黏膜上皮细胞脱落、坏死,固有层内毛细血管充血,炎性细胞浸润 脾主要表现为急性败血型,红髓充血、出血严重,白髓几乎完全消失 淋巴结坏死严重,组织结构被破坏,界限不明显,仅见淋巴细胞弥漫性分布于整个淋巴结内。病理组织学观察为临床诊断提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the lymphatic vessels in splenic white pulp of the macaque monkey was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy.Lymphatic vessels were slit-like or widened channels which extended along central arteries and their large branches. The walls of the vessels were very thin in comparison with those of nearby arteries. They were composed only of a layer of endothelium supported by underlying reticular cells. Endothelial cells were mostly ribbon-like and extended along the long axis of the vessels. Perikarya of the endothelial cells were slightly protruded into the lumen. The thin peripheral cytoplasm showed smooth surfaces, except for some tiny processes, especially at boundaries between adjacent cells. The basal surface of the endothelial cells was attached to the lattice of reticular cell processes forming the framework of the white pulp. Basal laminae in strands were intercalated between endothelial cells and reticular cells. Perforations were often seen through the endothelial cell cytoplasm. Lymphocytes or processes of macrophages seen in the perforations were considered to be in migration. Large patent openings through the endothelium were not observed. The wall structure of the lymphatic vessels in the splenic white pulp suggests that lymphocytes in the white pulp may move directly into the lymph flow, in addition to moving into the blood flow via the vascular sinuses.Supported by Research Grant-in Aid from the Ministry of Education, Japan (Grant NO. 56480081).  相似文献   

The heteromeric lymphotoxin alphabeta ligand (LT) binds to the LTbeta receptor (LTbetaR) and provides an essential trigger for lymph node (LN) development. LTbetaR signaling is also critical for the emergence of pathological ectopic lymph node-like structures and the maintenance of an organized splenic white pulp. To better understand the role of LT in development, the expression patterns of LTbeta and LTbetaR mRNA were examined by in situ hybridization in the developing mouse embryo. Images of LTbeta ligand expression in developing peripheral LN in the E18.5 embryo revealed a relatively early phase structure and allowed for comparative staging with LN development in rat and humans. The LTbetaR is expressed from E16.5 onward in respiratory, salivary, bronchial, and gastric epithelium, which may be consistent with early communication events between lymphoid elements and epithelial specialization over emerging mucosal LN. Direct comparison of mouse fetal and adult tissues by FACS analysis confirmed the elevated expression of LTBR in some embryonic epithelial layers. Therefore, surface LTBR expression may be elevated during fetal development in some epithelial layers.  相似文献   

The subcompartmentalization of the white pulp in the spleen is the result of interactions of specific resident stromal cells and migrating subtypes of lymphocytes. Because carbohydrate residues of cell membranes and extracellular matrices are involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, they were investigated in rat spleen by a broad panel of lectins. Splenic macrophages, which were also demonstrated by Perls' Prussian blue reaction, were labeled selectively by most mannose-specific lectins and gave the characteristic distribution patterns in all splenic (sub)compartments. One recently isolated lectin, Chelidonium majus agglutinin (CMA), visualized predominantly central arterioles, the reticular meshwork (RM) in the periarteriolar lymphatic sheaths (PALS), the circumferential reticulum cells limiting PALS and follicles, and some follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) in white pulp. The endothelial cells of venous sinuses in red pulp were also labeled by CMA and, if frozen sections were used, CMA also labeled the macrophages of the red pulp. Compared to CMA, the monoclonal antibody CD11, which can be used only in frozen sections, stained almost solely the fibrous (extracellular) component of the RM. Because CMA stains the reticulum cells in particular, it is better suited to visualize the stromal architecture of splenic white pulp than the monoclonal antibody. Because CMA can be applied to paraffin-embedded material, it is a particularly useful tool to study the splenic stromal architecture in archival material.  相似文献   

A study of pathways of lymphocyte migration through mouse spleen revealed lymphatic channels closely following arteries in trabeculae and white pulp. Because there is no detailed record of the layout of deep splenic lymphatics in the mouse, or other species, we present our observations in this paper, relating our findings to normal migratory pathways of lymphocytes through the spleen. Lymphatics draining the spleen are so inconspicuous that they often are not mentioned in anatomical discussions. The data presented clearly demonstrate 1) the existence and layout of deep lymphatic vessels in the mouse spleen, and 2) that migrating lymphocytes exit white pulp via these lymphatic vessels. CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets migrated proximally along the central artery from distal (dPALS) to proximal periarterial lymphatic sheaths (pPALS) and exited via deep lymphatic vessels that originate there. B cells migrated from dPALS to enter lymphatic nodules (NOD), thus segregated from T cells. B cells then migrated toward and exited via deep lymphatics. The appearance of labelled lymphocytes in lymph coincided with their disappearance from white pulp compartments. Labelled T cells were observed in splenic lymphatics as early as 1 hr after intravenous infusion but took, on average, about 6 hr. B cells took somewhat longer. Thus T and B cells entered and left white pulp through shared pathways, but took divergent intermediate routes through dedicated zones, pPALS for T cells, NOD for B cells.  相似文献   

The presence and ultrastructural features of reticulum cells and macrophages were studied in the spleen of the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. Three morphologically distinguishable regions of the spleen were identified: the white pulp, the red pulp and the ellipsoids. In all three, the splenic parenchyma was a meshwork supported by reticulum cells and fibres. Reticulum cells in both the white and the red pulp are irregular elements, the processes of which are joined by cell junctions and embrace developing reticular fibres. The ellipsoids of the dogfish spleen are terminal branches of the splenic arteries of the white pulp, with a sheath consisting of reticulum cells, reticular fibres, ground substance, macrophages and occasional lymphocytes. Isolated melanomacrophages also occur in the ellipsoid walls as well as in the red pulp. In both the white and the red pulp phagocytic reticulum cells, and macrophages appear frequently forming cell associations with surrounding blood cells, mainly lymphocytes. The functional significance of the ellipsoids and the cell-cell clusters of the white and the red pulp is discussed in relation to the immune capacities demonstrated in elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

The spleen of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is composed mainly of red pulp, whereas the white pulp is poorly developed. The red pulp consists of clear reticular cells intermingled with blood cells, sinusoids, and melanomacrophage centers (MMCs). The MMCs are enclosed by an interrupted connective tissue capsule and show some areas in continuity with the adjacent pulp. The MMCs are formed by the association of free macrophages that have phagocytosed some blood cells. Sparse white pulp is diffuse, forming a cuff around the pulp arteries and MMCs, or occurring in small groups between the splenic cords. A longitudinal artery and vein, lying side by side, extend the length of the spleen. Frequently the capillaries are surrounded by a sheath of macrophages or ellipsoids. These macrophages may contain erythrocytes in varying degrees of degradation. Lymphopoiesis and plasmapoiesis occur in the sparse lymphold areas. Abundant plasma cell groups may indicate the presence of antibody production.  相似文献   

Populations of rat bone marrow lymphocytes (BML) consisting of approximately 90 percent, “tnull” cells were prepared by density gradient centrifugation, passage through a column of fine glass beads, and treatment with anti-T cell and anti-B cell serum plus complement. Antisera to these bone marrow lymphocytes were raised in rabbits. After absorption with RBC and peritoneal exudate cells, the anti-BML sera were found by immunofluorescence to react selectively with “null” cells in bone marrow, with cortical thymocytes, and with a cortisone-sensitive subset of T cells in blood and in spleen, possibly in red pulp. The antigen that is common to these cell types is designated the rat bone marrow lymphocyte antigen (RBMLA). Lymphocytes that are positive fur KBMLA are negative for another lymphocyte-specific heteroantigen, rat musked thymocyte antigen (RMTA). As shown previously, RMTA is present on medullary thymocytes and ou cortisone-resistant T cells in white pulp of spleen, paracortex of lymph node and thoracic duct lymph. It is postulated that two developmentally and functionally distinct lines of T cells exist in peripheral lymphoid tissues of the rat, one derived from cortical thymocytes and one derived from medullary thymocytes. It is further postulated that the “null” population of bone marrow lymphocytes contains the lymphopoietic stem cells from which these two lines of T cells originate.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes enter the splenic white pulp by crossing the poorly characterized boundary of the marginal sinus. In this study, we describe the importance of L1, an adhesion molecule of the Ig superfamily, for marginal sinus integrity. We find that germline insertional mutation of L1 is associated with a selective malformation of the splenic marginal sinus. Other splenic structures remain intact. Immunofluorescence analysis of the extracellular framework of the spleen, using an Ab to laminin, reveals that L1 knockout mice have an irregularly shaped, discontinuous white pulp margin. Electron microscopic analysis shows that it is associated with bizarrely shaped marginal sinus lining cells at the periphery of the white pulp. These abnormalities correlate with the localization of L1 in normal mice in that L1 is normally expressed on marginal sinus lining cells at the white pulp border. These L1-immunopositive lining cells coexpress high levels of mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 and vimentin, indicating that they are of fibroblastic lineage and express a well-characterized addressin. Our findings are the first to implicate L1 in splenic lymphoid architectural development. Moreover, these findings help define the poorly characterized sinusoidal boundary across which mononuclear cells cross to enter the splenic white pulp.  相似文献   

Selective binding of biotinylated albumin to the lymphoid microvasculature   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Chemically modified albumin binds to the surface of microvascular endothelia lining the vessel wall in several tissues. In this paper, we report that following their biotinylation, ovalbumin (bioOVA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) [biotinyated albumin (bioAlb)] showed heterogeneous binding to distinct vascular subsets in different lymphoid tissues. The binding of bioAlb could be demonstrated both by fluorescent and enzymohistochemical techniques. In the spleen, the reaction was restricted to the red pulp sinuses whereas the white pulp vessels (including the central arteriole) and the marginal sinus were negative for bioAlb binding. In lymph nodes, the strongest labeling was observed in the medullary sinuses. In the thymus, the most prominent labeling of capillaries was restricted to the corticomedullary area where it was found to be less intense compared with the splenic reaction. The splenic reactivity of bioAlb in the mouse was defined using antibodies against endothelial cell subsets in distinct vascular beds in the red pulp and marginal zone, respectively. The bioAlb-binding elements of the splenic red pulp sinus architecture corresponded to the display of hyaluronan receptor stabilin-2 and subset-specific marker IBL-9/2 while they differed from the expression pattern of both the complementary red pulp sinus subset and the marginal sinus-lining cells expressing MAdCAM-1 antigen, respectively. Similar red pulp sinus-restricted reactivity could be demonstrated in the human, rat, and guinea pig. The use of bioAlb may thus offer a reliable probe for the histological identification of select microvascular endothelia in lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   

The role of adherent cells in the regulation of lymphocyte DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis was investigated. Splenic adherent cells suppressed DNA synthesis of spleen cells. The reverse was true of lymph node adherent cells, i.e., DNA synthesis was less in the absence of adherent cells. Histocompatibility was not required for interaction between adherent and nonadherent cells. The regulatory adherent cell in either case was not θ positive. Removal of splenic adherent cells decreased RNA and protein synthesis of nonadherent spleen cells. RNA synthesis by lymph node cells increased when adherent cells were removed, but protein synthesis was lower. Autoradiographic analysis revealed that removal of adherent spleen cells allowed a greater number of nonadherent cells to respond to the presence of mitogen. Adherent cells were observed to regulate DNA synthesis of B lymphocytes also. Lymph node adherent cells amplified DNA synthesis in both nonadherent spleen and lymph node cells, while splenic adherent cells suppressed splenic nonadherent cells but stimulated nonadherent lymph node cells. We feel the data are compatible with the idea that at least two functionally distinct adherent cell populations exist. A mechanism is suggested to explain the data.  相似文献   

Summary Regeneration of splenic tissue after autologous subcutaneous implantation provides a useful model for studying the development of splenic tissue. The development of the various non-lymphoid cells of the white pulp in the rat is described. It appears that regeneration of the implants is initiated by ingrowing vessels and a newly formed reticulum, which forms the microenvironment for the homing lymphocytes. Marginal metallophils are found at their characteristic location at the inner border of the marginal sinus five weeks after implantation. Trapping of antigen-antibody complexes reappears when the first primary follicles can be recognized.  相似文献   

采用毒性实验方法,用不同浓度的汞离子(Hg2+)、铬离子(Cr6+)分别处理黄鳝(Monopterusalbus),经1、2、4、8 d后,通过光镜观察黄鳝脾组织结构及免疫细胞数量的变化。结果表明,对照组黄鳝脾被膜较薄,未见明显的小梁,实质由红髓和白髓构成。白髓中淋巴细胞聚集成群,未见明显脾小结,但可见动脉周围淋巴鞘。红髓由脾索与脾窦组成。脾中有椭圆体,其末端向脾髓开放。黑色素巨噬细胞中心形成。经两种重金属离子分别染毒后的黄鳝脾与对照组相比,组织结构表现出相似的变化,即随着重金属离子浓度的增加和染毒时间的延长,脾组织中的黑色素巨噬细胞中心逐渐增大、增多,最后减少;黑色素巨噬细胞先增加后减少。淋巴组织逐渐松散,排列稀疏混乱,淋巴细胞界限逐渐不清晰,呈退化趋势,数量先增加后减少。粒细胞数量的变化趋势与淋巴细胞一致。红血细胞大量破坏,血窦扩张。  相似文献   

Antigen, lymphocytes, and accessory cells interact within peripheral lymphoid organs to generate immunity. Two cell types have been studied for accessory function in culture: mononuclear phagocytes and nonphagocytic Ia-rich dendritic cells. The monoclonal antibodies which have been used to study isolated murine macrophages (M phi) and dendritic cells (DC) include alpha-macrophage (F4/80, M1/70), alpha-dendritic cell (33D1), alpha-Fc receptor (2.4G2), and alpha-Ia (B21-2) reagents. In this paper, the antibodies have been used to stain accessory cells in cryostat sections of mouse spleen, lymph node, and Peyer's patch. Each organ is known to contain subregions that are rich in either macrophages, B cells, or T cells. We found that the accessory cells in each subregion had a different phenotype. 1) Macrophage-rich regions: Macrophages that lined the site of antigen delivery (marginal zone of spleen, around afferent lymphatics of node, and below the epithelium of Peyer's patch) were stained with M1/70 but not with F4/80. F4/80 was abundant on macrophages in other sites: spleen red pulp, node medulla, and around Peyer's patch efferent lymphatics. 2) B-lymphocyte-rich follicles: Follicular dendritic cells, which retain immune complexes extracellularly, are concentrated on the outer aspect of the germinal center. This region stained strongly with alpha-Fc receptor antibody 2.4G2, but not with M1/70, F4/80, or 33D1. 3) T areas: The interdigitating cells of T areas have been linked to isolated dendritic cells. Irregular Ia-rich cells were distributed uniformly in the T areas of each organ. However, staining with 33D1 was not detected and was restricted to foci of nonphagocytic cells at the spleen red/white pulp junction. F4/80, M1/70 or 2.4G2 also did not stain the T area, except for the region close to splenic central arteries. Therefore the principal surface markers and locations of the candidate accessory cells in murine lymphoid organs are M1/70+ macrophages at the site of antigen entry; F4/80+ macrophages around regions of lymphocyte efflux; germinal center dendritic cells, which may be rich in 2.4G2; and Ia-rich interdigiting cells in the T area.  相似文献   

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