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SHARMA  R.; SINGH  G. 《Annals of botany》1987,60(2):189-190
The role of phenolic compounds in regulating the Hill activityin the flag leaf of rice during grain development has been studied.Salicylic acid (25 ppm), caffeic acid (25 ppm) and tannic acid(50 ppm) have been found to be the most effective concentrationsto increase the activity of this system. Salicylic acid, caffeic acid, tannic acid, Hill activity  相似文献   

Hayakawa T  Yamaya T  Mae T  Ojima K 《Plant physiology》1993,101(4):1257-1262
Nitrogen accumulation in the apical spikelets on the primary branches of the main stem of rice plants have been studied during the ripening process (0-35 d after flowering). The level of NADH-dependent glutamate synthase (GOGAT) protein and activity increased 4- and 6-fold, respectively, in the first 15 d after flowering. Maximum levels of NADH-GOGAT were found at that time when the spikelets had just begun to increase in dry weight and to accumulate storage proteins. Subsequently, both the level of NADH-GOGAT protein and its activity in spikelets declined rapidly. Although changes in ferredoxin (Fd)-dependent GOGAT paralleled changes in NADH-GOGAT, the relative abundance of NADH-GOGAT protein in the spikelets was about 3 times higher than that of Fd-GOGAT from 5 to 15 d after flowering. When the chaff (lemma and palea) was separated from the spikelets 10 d after the flowering, 16% of the NADH-GOGAT protein was found in the chaff and 84% in the young grain tissues (endosperm, testae, aleurone tissues, and embryo). On the other hand, Fd-GOGAT protein was distributed 52% in the chaff and 48% in the young grain tissues in spikelets of the same age. Activity of NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, which may generate the 2-oxoglutarate required for the GOGAT reactions, was much higher than that of total GOGAT activities on a spikelet basis during the ripening process. These results suggest that in rice plants NADH-GOGAT is responsible for the synthesis of glutamate from the glutamine that is transported from senescing tissues to the spikelets.  相似文献   

The levels of total and individual polyamine and arginine decarboxylase,the key enzyme of its biosynthesis, varied not only betweensource (flag leaf) and sink (spikelet) organs but also in stagesof panicle development in rice. The polyamine(s) titers increasedby 1.2 and 3-fold (approx.) in source and sink organs, respectively,at the milky stage of panicle development. However, the activityof arginine decarboxylase did not follow the same patttern,decreasing gradually in the source organ. The effects of polyamineon the Hill reaction in isolated chloroplasts and in vivo 14CO2fixation were inhibitory. The degree of inhibition in the variousdevelopmental stages depended on the concentration of the polyamines. (Received May 19, 1988; Accepted August 9, 1988)  相似文献   

The activity and distribution of CH(inf4)-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) in flooded rice (Oryza sativa) soil microcosms was investigated. CH(inf4) oxidation was shown to occur in undisturbed microcosms by using (sup14)CH(inf4), and model calculations indicated that almost 90% of the oxidation measured had taken place at a depth where only roots could provide the O(inf2) necessary. Slurry from soil planted with rice had an apparent K(infm) for CH(inf4) of 4 (mu)M and a V(infmax) of 0.1 (mu)mol g (dry weight)(sup-1) h(sup-1). At a depth of 1 to 2 cm, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in numbers of MOB between soil from planted and nonplanted microcosms (mean, 7.7 x 10(sup5) g [fresh weight](sup-1)). Thus, the densely rooted soil at 1 to 2 cm deep did not represent rhizospheric soil with respect to the number of MOB. A significantly increased number of MOB was found only in soil immediately around the roots (1.2 x 10(sup6) g [fresh weight](sup-1)), corresponding to a layer of 0.1 to 0.2 mm. Plant-associated CH(inf4) oxidation was shown in a double chamber with carefully washed intact rice plants. Up to 90% of the CH(inf4) supplied to the root compartment was oxidized in the plants. CH(inf4) oxidation on isolated roots was higher and had a larger variability than that in soil slurries. Roots had an apparent K(infm) for CH(inf4) of 6 (mu)M and a V(infmax) of 5 (mu)mol g (dry weight)(sup-1) h(sup-1). The average number of MOB in homogenized roots was larger than on the rhizoplane and increased with plant age. MOB also were found in surface-sterilized roots and basal culms, indicating the ability of these bacteria to colonize the interior of roots and culms.  相似文献   

Molecular Characterization of the waxy Locus of Rice (Oryza sativa)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Morphological, cytological and quantitative DNA changes associatedwith endosperm development in rice caryopsis were investigated.Following a brief free-nuclear phase, the endosperm became cellularby the 4th d after anthesis. While the mean length and breadthof grain attained maximum values at about 10, d after anthesis,f. wt of the whole grain, and of the endosperm separately, continuedto increase until about 16 d after anthesis. Cell divisionsin the endosperm continued until 10 d and following stabilizationof the cell number, the nuclei attained irregular shapes. Thesize of the nuclei and nuclei and the amount of nuclear DNAvaried considerably during endosperm development. The endospermnuclei did not retain the expected 3C–6C DNA level afterthe first few rounds of division and nuclei having more than30C DNA were frequent 8 d past anthesis. The highest C valuerecorded was 74C in a 16-d-old endosperm cell. Oryza sativa, rice, caryopsis, endosperm, cell number, nuclear area, nuclear DNA content, endoreduplication  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的水稻转Bt基因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过农杆菌介导法 ,将Bt毒蛋白基因的一种—cryIAb基因导入 2个云南水稻栽培品种(滇系 4号 ,合系 39号 )的愈伤组织中 ,经过潮霉素筛选后 ,获得了一批抗性苗 ,部分苗经PCR检测为阳性 ,GUS组织化学染色分析发现Bt基因已整合到水稻基因组 ,并由此建立了一套有效的水稻遗传转化体系。实验中发现培养器皿的透气性对水稻愈伤组织的形成、生长具有较大的影响 ,提高培养基的渗透势能够提高愈伤组织的分化率。选择合适的洗菌液渗透势能够大大降低洗菌对愈伤组织所造成的损伤 ,从而提高转化率。  相似文献   

This study offers evidence of the robustness of farmer rice varieties (Oryza glaberrima and O. sativa) in West Africa. Our experiments in five West African countries showed that farmer varieties were tolerant of sub-optimal conditions, but employed a range of strategies to cope with stress. Varieties belonging to the species Oryza glaberrima – solely the product of farmer agency – were the most successful in adapting to a range of adverse conditions. Some of the farmer selections from within the indica and japonica subspecies of O. sativa also performed well in a range of conditions, but other farmer selections from within these two subspecies were mainly limited to more specific niches. The results contradict the rather common belief that farmer varieties are only of local value. Farmer varieties should be considered by breeding programmes and used (alongside improved varieties) in dissemination projects for rural food security.  相似文献   

耐低钾基因型水稻品种孕穗期剑叶生理及根系活力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高耐低钾基因型水稻品种“湘早糯1号”比不耐低钾品种“双白-211-竹印”在缺钾和不缺钾营养液生长,孕穗期剑叶叶绿素及可溶性蛋白质含量高、光合速率、呼吸速率及NR酶活性高、根系活力强,而根导电率低、气孔阻力小.在缺钾([K+]3mg/L)营养液时,高耐低钾品种孕穗期剑叶的Mg,Fe,Ca,Na含量增加,[K+]含量稍小,但[K+]的下降比率相对较低,吸K功能仍强  相似文献   

Changes in peroxidase activity were studied in the attachedfirst leaf of dark-treated Oryza sativa L. cv. Bala seedlingsin response to benzyladenine and light treatments during laterperiods of leaf growth, prior to maturation. Darkness causeda mild decrease in peroxidase activity; but in illuminated leaves,the enzyme activity was stable at all times. There was a sharprise in peroxidase activity in dark-treated leaves upon lightor benzyladenine application, irrespective of the time of treatment.Benzyladenine treatment to illuminated leaves also caused arise in peroxidase activity. Exogenous hydrogen peroxide, glycolateand amizol resulted in a rise in peroxidase activity, whichwas further enhanced by benzyladenine treatment in both lightand dark incubated leaves. Proline maintained chlorophyll levels,whereas hydroxyproline caused chlorophyll degradation. Benzyladenineenhanced the proline effect and counteracted the hydroxyprolineeffect on chlorophyll. Both proline and hydroxyproline increasedperoxidase activity in the leaves of light and dark incubatedseedlings, and the enzyme activity further increased after benzyladeninetreatment. (Received December 7, 1984; Accepted May 8, 1985)  相似文献   

In the developing caryopsis of rice (Oryza sativa L.) the nucellarepidermis forms a uniseriate layer through which assimilatesare transported to the endosperm. An anatomical study demonstratedthat the nucellar epidermal cells are fusiform in shape andare hexagonally packed. The anticlinal walls of the nucellarepidermis are characterized by ribs of wall-thickening whichare orientated radially with respect to the caryopsis. The wall-thickeningsappear to be cellulosic primary walls, as indicated by theirstaining with Calcofluor and periodic acid-Schiff's reagent.It is proposed that the geometry of the nucellar cells and theribs of wall-thickening are structural adaptations to resistthe compressional force which is placed on the nucellar epidermisduring the latter stages of grain filling. Oryza sativa, rice, caryopsis, grain filling, nucellar epidermis, wall-thickening  相似文献   

A rice XIP-type inhibitor was purified by affinity chromatography with an immobilized Aspergillus aculeatus family 10 endoxylanase. Rice XIP is a monomeric protein, with a molecular mass of ca. 32?kDa and a pI of ca. 5.6. Its N-terminal amino acid sequence was identical to that of a rice chitinase homologue, demonstrating the difficulty when using sequence information to differentiate between endoxylanase inhibitors and (putative) chitinases in rice. Rice XIP inhibited different endoxylanases to a varying degree. In particular, it most strongly inhibited family 10 endoxylanases from A. niger and A. oryzae, while several family 11 enzymes from Bacillus subtilis, A. niger and Trichoderma sp. were not sensitive to inhibition. The above mentioned A. aculeatus endoxylanase was not inhibited either, although gel permeation chromatography revealed that it complexed rice XIP in a 1:1 molar stoichiometric ratio.  相似文献   

Changes in the pattern of organization of microtubules in the developing microspore of rice ( Oryza sativa L. ) have been followed using immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. At the microsporocyte stage of development the cell possessed a network of highly branched and thickened microtubule bundles. In the central cytoplasm numerous bundles mn circumferentially around the nucleus. From the circumferentially distributed microtubule bundle network some microtubule bundles radiated towards the conical region of the cell. The microsporocyte after Meiosis Ⅰ became a dyad. In the dyad cell microtubule bundles emanated radially from the nucleus. In the cortex of the dyad cell some of the microtubule bundles became randomly oriented. The dyad then underwent Meiosis Ⅱ to become tetrad. Microtubule bundles in the tetrad cell radiated from the nucleus. No randomly oriented microtubule bundles were present in the cortical region of the tetrad cell. Mter- wards the four cells that made up the tetrad dissociated from each other and each became a microspore. At the early stage of the microspore development most of the microtubule bundles were randomly distributed. Later, some of the microtubules converged towards a bud-like cytoplasmic protrusion. This bud-like protrusion later developed into a germ pore (or pollen pore). At the late stage of microspore formation, microtubule bundles became thinner and reticulately oriented to form a tightly knitted network.  相似文献   

Tonoplast and plasma membrane vesicles were prepared from rice(Oryza sativa L. var. Yuukara) culture cells with step sucrosegradient (30% and 42.9%, w/v) and/or step dextran T-70 gradient(1% and 8%, w/w) to determine the inhibition of tonoplast andplasma membrane AT-Pases by local anesthetics. The degree towhich the anesthetics inhibited these ATPases was of the followingorder: dibucaine>lidocainetetracaine>procaineGABA. Dibucaineranging in concentration from 0.2 nui to 2 mM inhibited tonoplastATPase activity more than plasma membrane ATPase, the half inhibitionsbeing 0.8 and 1.1 mM, respectively. The Km values of tonoplastand plasma membrane ATPases were not affected by dibucaine,but various values were noted for Vmax. Dibucaine inhibitedtonoplast and plasma membrane ATPases solubilized from 0.1%DOC pellet by n-octylglucoside and zwittergent 3–14, respectively.The addition of a phospholipid mixture (asolectin) to solubilizedboth ATPases had no effect on the inhibition by dibucaine. Thus,local anesthetics may act directly on the ATPase moiety withoutlipid mediation. (Received June 15, 1987; Accepted November 13, 1987)  相似文献   

Callus was induced in different somatic organs of Oryza sativa L. Specific minimum 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) concentrations in the medium were necessary for the induction of callus from different organs while high levels of 2,4-D (6–10 mg/l) induced callus formation in each organ tested. The optimum 2,4-D concentration for callus induction and growth for root-derived calli was 2 mg/l and for leaf-derived 6 mg/l. Root and shoot organogenesis were induced in both root- and leaf-derived calli by sub-culturing to a medium lacking 2,4-D. Root organogenesis occurred at a higher frequency than shoot organogenesis. Shoot organogenesis rarely occurred in calli without differentiated roots. Increased age of callus cultures almost completely inhibited shoot development. The addition of the cytokinin 6-γ,γ-dimethylallyl-amino purine partially restored the potential for shoot organogenesis. Whole plants were easily recovered from the calli and grown to maturity with some plants exhibiting phenotypic abnormalities.  相似文献   

水稻穗顶部退化基因PAA2的精细定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴定和克隆水稻穗顶部退化突变体新基因,对研究小穗顶部退化的分子机制及克服育种和生产实践中因穗顶部退化引起的产量损失具有重要的理论和现实意义。本研究报道了一个来源于中花11的穗顶部退化突变体,暂命名为Panicle Apical Abortion 2(paa2)。该突变体的穗顶部小穗发育异常、退化,后期退化部分脱落,稻穗形成秃尖,使穗粒数减少。遗传分析表明该突变体受1个显性基因控制。利用群体分离分析法(BSA,bulked segregation analysis)将PAA2基因定位在2号染色体的长臂端L2-33和L2-50之间,物理距离为80 kb的范围内。该研究结果为PAA2基因的图位克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Two cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.) IR-36 and Fujiyama-5 were grown at ambient (360 microbars) and elevated CO2 (660 microbars) from germination through reproduction in unshaded greenhouses at the Duke University Phytotron. Growth at elevated CO2 resulted in significant decreases in nighttime respiration and increases in photosynthesis, total biomass, and yield for both cultivars. However, in plants exposed to simultaneous increases in CO2 and ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation, CO2 enhancement effects on respiration, photosynthesis, and biomass were eliminated in IR-36 and significantly reduced in Fujiyama-5. UV-B radiation simulated a 25% depletion in stratospheric ozone at Durham, North Carolina. Analysis of the response of CO2 uptake to internal CO2 concentration at light saturation suggested that, for IR-36, the predominant limitation to photosynthesis with increased UV-B radiation was the capacity for regeneration of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP), whereas for Fujiyama-5 the primary photosynthetic decrease appeared to be related to a decline in apparent carboxylation efficiency. Changes in the RuBP regeneration limitation in IR-36 were consistent with damage to the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II as estimated from the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll fluorescence. Little change in RuBP regeneration and photochemistry was evident in cultivar Fujiyama-5, however. The degree of sensitivity of photochemical reactions with increased UV-B radiation appeared to be related to leaf production of UV-B-absorbing compounds. Fujiyama-5 had a higher concentration of these compounds than IR-36 in all environments, and the production of these compounds in Fujiyama-5 was stimulated by UV-B fluence. Results from this study suggest that in rice alterations in growth or photosynthesis as a result of enhanced CO2 may be eliminated or reduced if UV-B radiation continues to increase.  相似文献   

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