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Onega comprises nine valid species distributed in South American countries, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru, commonly at high altitudes. The genus has as diagnostic characteristics the transition crown-frons with transversal carina; crown and superior portion of frons with concavities; pronotum wider than transocular width of head; and paraphysis, when present, as a median esclerite. The present paper describes Onega musa sp. nov., from Ecuador and Peru, which can be distinguished from other Onega species by: body mostly yellow, with brown maculae distributed on dorsum; posterior margin of male pygofer serrate, with long microsetae on the basiventral margin; aedeagus with shaft bisinuate with dorsal acute preapical process; female sternite VII with posterior margin slightly convex; and first valvula of ovipositor with 38 noncontiguous teeth. Intraspecific morphological variations are discussed.  相似文献   

We present the first comprehensive taxonomic revision and review the biology of the olingos, the endemic Neotropical procyonid genus Bassaricyon, based on most specimens available in museums, and with data derived from anatomy, morphometrics, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, field observations, and geographic range modeling. Species of Bassaricyon are primarily forest-living, arboreal, nocturnal, frugivorous, and solitary, and have one young at a time. We demonstrate that four olingo species can be recognized, including a Central American species (Bassaricyon gabbii), lowland species with eastern, cis-Andean (Bassaricyon alleni) and western, trans-Andean (Bassaricyon medius) distributions, and a species endemic to cloud forests in the Andes. The oldest evolutionary divergence in the genus is between this last species, endemic to the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador, and all other species, which occur in lower elevation habitats. Surprisingly, this Andean endemic species, which we call the Olinguito, has never been previously described; it represents a new species in the order Carnivora and is the smallest living member of the family Procyonidae. We report on the biology of this new species based on information from museum specimens, niche modeling, and fieldwork in western Ecuador, and describe four Olinguito subspecies based on morphological distinctions across different regions of the Northern Andes.  相似文献   

Chaetostoma chimu sp. nov. is described from 119 specimens collected in the Andean foothills of the Orinoco River in Colombia. The new species can be distinguished from congeners by a combination of characters, including shape of cheek odontodes, presence of a supraoccipital excrescence, sexual dimorphism characters and colour pattern. In addition, this species can be distinguished from the sympatric and geographically close congeners of the Orinoco that have curved cheek odontodes (i.e., Chaetostoma anale, Chaetostoma formosae and Chaetostoma joropo), by presenting a generally larger orbital diameter and interorbital distance, details of sexual dimorphism and colour pattern. The type locality of specimens collected by Kjell von Sneidern in the mid-twentieth century in the Colombian Amazon is also clarified. Chaetostoma alternifasciatum and Chaetostoma vagum are proposed as junior synonyms of C. anale. An identification key for the species of Chaetostoma from cis-Andean drainages in Colombia is provided. The new species is herein categorized as Vulnerable (Vu) B1a (i, iii), following the IUCN criteria.  相似文献   

We describe a new species of Anolis from the southeastern slopes of the Andes of Ecuador, province of Zamora-Chinchipe, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. It belongs to (1) the aequatorialis species-group by being of moderate to large size with narrow toe lamellae, and (2) the eulaemus sub-group by having a typical Anolis digit, in which the distal lamellae of phalanx II distinctly overlap the proximal scales of phalanx I. The new species is most similar morphologically to Anolis fitchi but differs from it mainly by having a dewlap with longitudinal rows of 2-5 granular, minute scales separated by naked skin (longitudinal rows of one or two keeled, large scales separated by naked skin in Anolis fitchi) and a vertically shorter dewlap (longer dewlap in Anolis fitchi).  相似文献   

A synopsis of the P. amatista species-group in Colombia is provided. Five taxa are considered valid at species level, male and female phenotypes are associated, diagnosed and data on their distribution are given. The geographic variability of the species is discussed, and Penaincisalia celosia new species is described from specimens collected in an isolated branch of the central range in Colombian Andes. We present evidence to consider P. galeraensis (Salazar, Schmidt-Mumm, & Johnson) as a junior synonym of P. albalineata (Johnson). DNA barcodes provided additional information, which was in perfect agreement with the external characters in two of the five species. Interspecific distances were found to range from 0.6% to 6.6% (average 4.3), whilst their mean intraspecific variation ranges from 0.0% to 3.3% (average 0.7%).  相似文献   

The following Acanthocephala, all Echinorhynchidae, were found on examination of 229 amphibians and 191 reptiles collected in the Eastern Arc Range, Tanzania: Acanthocephalus bufonis from the frogs Arthroleptis stenodactylus and Arthroleptides martiensseni, the toad Nectophnyroides viviparous, and the chameleon Rhampholeon brevicaudatus; Pseudoacanthocephalus betsileo from the frogs Probreviceps macrodactylus and Ptychadero anchietae; and Pseudoacanthocephalus rhampholeontos n. sp. from the chameleons Rhampholeon sp. and Rhampholeon uluguruensis. Pseudoacanthocephalus rhampholeontos differs from the only other acanthocephalan occurring in chameleons, Pseudoacanthocephalus bigueti, in being a larger worm with fewer, smaller hooks in the proboscis armature. The status of the Acanthocephalus and Pseudoacanthocephalus is still problematic and requires further attention and study.  相似文献   

The genus Oryctophileurus is reviewed and its validity is supported by a combination of the following apomorphic characters: a single cephalic horn with lateral carina, pronotal cavity with ocellate punctures and two teeth or tubercles close behind the anterior pronotal margin. The male of Oryctophileurus varicosus Prell, 1934, is described for the first time. A new species, Oryctophileurus guerrai Perger & Grossi sp. n., from subhumid Tucuman-Bolivian forest in the Southern Bolivian Andes is described. The new species is distinguished from its closest relative, O. armicollis Prell, 1911, by a narrower distance between the inner teeth of the dorsal pronotal protuberances and a reduced area of weakly developed ocellate punctures above the posterolateral pronotal margin. The occurrence of Oryctophileurus species in areas of endemism along the eastern slope of the tropical Andes suggests that these populations represent biogeographic “relicts”, and the discovery of Oryctophileurus guerrai sp. n. in the southern Bolivian Andes suggests that this area is underrated with respect to insect diversity and endemism.  相似文献   

The second species is described in the genus Pibrocha Kirk., P. excelsa sp. n. from Thailand. The limits of the subfamily Dichopterinae are discussed, a new tribe Protachilini trib. n. erected for the South American monotypical genus Protachilus Fenn. is added to the tribes Dichopterinii, Cladodipterini, and Dorysarthrini. The composition of the families Fulgoridae and Dictyopharidae is also discussed. The origin of the articulated cephalic process in adult Dorysarthrini is hypothesized.  相似文献   

Megasolena mikra sp. nov. is described from the queen angelfish, Holacanthus ciliaris (Linnaeus), off Florida, USA. The new species can be differentiated from all other species of Megasolena Linton, 1910 except Megasolena littoralis Muñoz, George-Nascimento, and Bray, 2017 in possessing testes that are smaller in diameter than the ovary. The new species can be differentiated from M. littoralis in lacking tegumental spines and possessing oral sucker papillae. Molecular data are provided for two species each of Cadenatella Dollfus, 1946, Hapladena Linton, 1910, and Megasolena Linton, 1910. Bayesian inference analysis of concatenated internal transcribed spacer region-2 (ITS2) and partial 28S rDNA sequences of 50 haploporoids revealed 1) a monophyletic Atractotrematidae Yamaguti, 1939 sister to the rest of the haploporoids tested; 2) a paraphyletic Megasoleninae Manter, 1935 – if Hapladena is included; and 3) a monophyletic Cadenatellinae Gibson and Bray, 1982 sister to the ‘mugilid’ haploporids. The ‘mugilid’ haploporids formed a monophyletic clade consisting of the subfamilies Chalcinotrematinae Overstreet and Curran, 2005, Forticulcitinae Blasco-Costa, Balbuena, Kostadinova, and Olson, 2009, Haploporinae Nicoll, 1914, and Waretrematinae Srivastava, 1937. Based on our analysis we restrict the Megasoleninae to include Megasolena, Vitellibaculum Montgomery, 1957, and Metamegasolena Yamaguti, 1970, all of which have species with two testes. To accommodate the former megasolenine taxa with a single testis, we erect the Hapladeninae subf. nov. for species in Hapladena and tentatively, Myodera Montgomery, 1957. Our results further support that haploporoids had a common marine ancestor with two testes, and that members of the Haploporoidea Nicoll, 1914 underwent diversification following a shift from a primarily marine life history with eupercarian hosts to a more euryhaline one with diadromous hosts (namely mullet).  相似文献   

Chaerilus julietteae sp. n. is described from a coastal massif of southern Vietnam. The new species is totally distinct morphologically from Chaerilus petrzelkai Kova?ík, also described from the South Vietnam: it shows more affinities with Chaerilus pictus (Pocock, 1890), described from Bangladesh. An attempt to divide the genus Chaerilus into species-groups is also proposed.  相似文献   

In Australia's arid and semi‐arid zone, most aquatic habitats are nonpermanent. Although approximately 70% of its land surface belongs to these zones, very little is known of the iconic ‘large branchiopods’ that inhabit these important and widespread habitats. In the present study, we investigated 737 Australian specimens of the spinicaudatan taxa Caenestheria and Caenestheriella with a combination of one mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit I; COI) and three nuclear (elongation factor 1α, internal transcribed spacer 2, and 28S) markers to assess the diversity of species, their phylogenetic relationships, and phylogeographical history. The initial species delimitation was based on COI employing a combination of phylogenetic analyses and two automated approaches to species delimitation (general mixed Yule coalescent model and Automated Barcode Gap Discovery). The outcome was tested by the nuclear markers and considered under differing species concepts. The number of delineated species ranged from 14–27, in no case being in full agreement with any of the two automated approaches. The lower numbers resulted if inferred reproductive isolation, as required for the biological or Hennigian species concept, was employed. Although nuclear markers did not indicate ongoing reproduction, the lack of sympatric co‐occurrences inhibited inferences of definitive reproductive isolation in several instances. If monophyly or an ‘independent evolutionary fate’ was employed, as required for the phylogenetic or evolutionary species concepts, the species' distribution was of no importance and up to 27 species could be delimitated. Because the Australian representatives of both studied genera could not be clearly separated from each other but constitute a single monophyletic clade separated from all available non‐Australian representatives of these genera, we describe a new spinicaudatan genus Ozestheria gen. nov. to accommodate these species. Populations revealed relatively small levels of genetic differentiation over large areas of central and eastern Australia. By far the most pronounced levels of genetic differentiation were observed towards the north‐eastern regions, a pattern possibly explainable by ecological conditions and the movement of nomadic water birds that disperse resting eggs. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

A new species of digenetic trematode and 2 species of ectoparasites from Zalophus wollebaeki Silvertsen, 1953 (Carnivora: Otariidae) in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, are reported. These include an eye fluke of Philophthalmus Looss, 1899 (Echinostomata: Philophthalmidae) as well as, to our knowledge, the first report of Antarctophthirus microchir (Trouessart and Neumann, 1888) Enderlein, 1906 (Arthropoda: Anoplura) and Orthohalarachne diminuata (Doetschman, 1944) Newell, 1947 (Arthropoda: Acarina) from this host and location. Philophthalmus zalophi n. sp. differs from the 4 other marine species of Philophthalmus (P. andersoni Dronen and Penner, 1975; P. burrili Howell and Bearup, 1967; P. hegeneri Penner and Fried, 1963; and P. larsoni Penner and Trimble, 1970) by its mammalian host, large body size, lack of tegumental spines, posterior length of seminal vesicle, placement of genital pore, size ratio of oral sucker to acetabulum, shape and size of testes, and size ratio of ovary to testis.  相似文献   

A new species of Daptonema is described based upon morphological characters and 18S rRNA sequence. Daptonema matrona sp. nov. was collected in Pina Basin (north‐eastern Brazil). It differs from all other species of the genus by the presence of reduced cephalic setae and straight spicules. These features require an adaptation of the generic diagnosis. Moreover, the females are characterized by intra‐uterine development of the offspring, considered herein as their major autapomorphic feature. Molecular systematic analyses supported Daptonema matrona sp. nov. as a distinct genetic and evolutionary lineage. The data also indicate hypotheses of taxonomic synonymies amongst some related taxa from Xyalidae as well as the paraphyly of Daptonema. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 1–15.  相似文献   


We herein resurrect and emend Pseudoparamacroderoides Gupta & Agrawal, 1968 (Digenea: Macroderoididae) and describe a new species, Pseudoparamacroderoides dongthapensis n. sp., from adult specimens infecting the intestine of a riverine catfish, Mystus mysticetus Roberts, (Siluriformes: Bagridae) in the Mekong River, Vietnam. Pseudoparamacroderoides (Pseudoparamacroderoides seenghali Gupta & Agrawal, 1968 [type species]; Pseudoparamacroderoides vittati Kakaji, 1969 [= Ps. vittatusi]; Pseudoparamacroderoides raychaudhurii Agarwal & Kumar, 1983; and Pseudoparamacroderoides keni Agarwal & Agarwal, 1984) differs from other macroderoidid genera by having the combination of a subspherical oral sucker that lacks distinctly-enlarged circumoral spines; caeca that extend posteriad beyond the testes without forming a cyclocoel; testes that are approximately ≤1/3 maximum body width in diameter; a cirrus sac that is claviform, slightly dorsal to and predominantly lateral to the ventral sucker (cirrus sac partially dorsolateral to dextral or sinistral margin of ventral sucker); symmetrical vitelline fields that extend posteriad to the middle of the post-testicular space (not restricted to the inter-gonadal space) and that remain separate (not confluent) anteriorly and posteriorly; and an excretory vesicle that is I-shaped (with or without anterior swelling) and wholly post-ovarian, inter-testicular, or median to the posterior testis. Pseudoparamacroderoides dongthapensis n. sp. differs from its congeners by having an elongate hindbody (>2× forebody length) and an excretory vesicle that is approximately half as long as the body and that extends anteriad beyond the anterior testis. This is the first record of a species of Pseudoparamacroderoides from beyond the Indian sub-continent, from M. mysticetus, and from the Mekong River or from Vietnam. A diagnostic key to macroderoidid genera and a key to Pseudoparamacroderoides spp. are provided.


Drepanocnemis Stein (Diptera, Muscidae) is a small genus of flies that occur in high altitudes in the Colombian Andes, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Herein we describe Drepanocnemis aurifronssp. nov. from Cuzco, Peru, which is found from high (2904 m) to lower altitudes (707 m). An updated phylogeny, key to species and map of species’ distributions are provided, together with images and illustrations of the male and the female terminalia.  相似文献   

A new species of Microchilus, endemic to Colombian Department of Putumayo, named Microchilus ormerodianus is described here. The new taxon is related with M. sprucei from which it is easily distinguished by long floral bracts, ovate sepals, ligulate-oblanceolate, shortly acuminate petals and cylindrical-ellipsoid spur.  相似文献   

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