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Protein kinase C (PKC) may be involved in growth regulation. In the present study the relationship between body weight, and thereby age, and the activity of PKC in muscle as well as in rapidly growing overloaded muscle were investigated. PKC activity in music was linearly inversely correlated to rat weight in both soleus (r = -0.59, P less than 0.05) and in plantaris (r = -0.74, P less than 0.01) muscles. During compensatory hypertrophy. PKC activity per muscle was maximally increased compared with the contralateral control muscles after 4 days in both soleus (126%) and in plantaris (105%) but had returned to basal levels by the 9th day. The data are in agreement with a role for PKC in muscle growth.  相似文献   

Contraction stimulates Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity in skeletal muscle. Whether AMPK activation affects Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity in skeletal muscle remains to be determined. Short term stimulation of rat L6 myotubes with the AMPK activator 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR), activates AMPK and promotes translocation of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase α(1)-subunit to the plasma membrane and increases Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity as assessed by ouabain-sensitive (86)Rb(+) uptake. Cyanide-induced artificial anoxia, as well as a direct AMPK activator (A-769662) also increase AMPK phosphorylation and Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity. Thus, different stimuli that target AMPK concomitantly increase Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity. The effect of AICAR on Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in L6 myotubes was attenuated by Compound C, an AMPK inhibitor, as well as siRNA-mediated AMPK silencing. The effects of AICAR on Na(+),K(+)-ATPase were completely abolished in cultured primary mouse muscle cells lacking AMPK α-subunits. AMPK stimulation leads to Na(+),K(+)-ATPase α(1)-subunit dephosphorylation at Ser(18), which may prevent endocytosis of the sodium pump. AICAR stimulation leads to methylation and dephosphorylation of the catalytic subunit of the protein phosphatase (PP) 2A in L6 myotubes. Moreover, AICAR-triggered dephosphorylation of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase was prevented in L6 myotubes deficient in PP2A-specific protein phosphatase methylesterase-1 (PME-1), indicating a role for the PP2A·PME-1 complex in AMPK-mediated regulation of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase. Thus contrary to the common paradigm, we report AMPK-dependent activation of an energy-consuming ion pumping process. This activation may be a potential mechanism by which exercise and metabolic stress activate the sodium pump in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent protein kinase activity has been demonstrated in the soluble fraction of rat skeletal muscle. The reaction was not due to the formation of ATP in the incubation mixture. Cyclic AMP, calcium, ATP and a number of phosphate acceptor proteins did not stimulate the reaction. One 32P-labelled protein (Mr 25000) was observed on SDS gels. The phosphorylated protein contained acid stable phosphoserine as a major phosphorylated amino acid. The phosphorylation reaction in crude extracts was not directly proportional to the amount of protein, but typical of a two-component system; i.e., kinase and substrate. The chromatography of soluble proteins on Ultrogel AcA44 separated the phosphate acceptor protein(s) from the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent protein kinase activity.  相似文献   

The tumour promoter, phorbol ester 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu), acts on rectal palisadic epithelial cells and mimics the effects of neuroparsin, an antidiuretic neuronal hormone isolated from nervous lobes of the African locust corpora cardiaca. PDBu stimulated Ca2+-dependent phospholipase C (PLC) activity resulting in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) production, increased cytosolic free calcium (monitored with the probe indo-1) and rectal fluid resorption. A 15-min pre-treatment with polymyxin B (PMXB), a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor acting at the phosphatidylserine (PS) binding site, suppressed PDBu stimulatory effects on free calcium entry and fluid resorption but not on phosphatidylinositol 4, 5-bisphosphate (PtdIns-4,5-P2) breakdown. On the contrary, bisindolylmaleimide Ro 32-0432 (which inhibits PKC at its ATP binding site) abolished entirely PDBu-stimulated PLC activity. It was concluded that two PKC are involved in transduction of the antidiuretic signal of neuroparsin. One PKC is PMXB sensitive and stimulates biological response after cytosolic free Ca2+ increase, while another PKC, insensitive to the PKC inhibitor, regulates the processes induced by the former PKC. Since PMXB-insensitive PKC exerts a stimulatory effect on PtdIns-4,5-P2-PLC production, this original mechanism may be considered as a new signalling pathway under control of PKC.  相似文献   

The wood frog (Rana sylvatica) is a terrestrial hibernator that can accumulate urea as an osmoprotectant in autumn and winter. This study tested the hypothesis that elevated urea can also function as a cryoprotectant in this freeze-tolerant species. Performance characteristics (threshold stimulus voltage, maximal isometric twitch and tetanic contraction forces, and (1/2) fatigue time) of isolated gastrocnemius muscles were measured before and after experimental freezing at -1.5 degrees C for 18 h, followed by thawing. Frozen/thawed muscles exhibited reduced function relative to baseline (prefreeze) levels; however, muscles preincubated in a saline solution containing urea (80 mmol l(-1)) performed substantially better in some tests than muscles incubated without urea. Concentrations of urea in these treated muscles, approximately 65 mmol l(-1), were within the physiological range in winter R. sylvatica. Reducing tissue urea levels to approximately 33 mmol l(-1) resulted in a similar pattern of response, although the differences between urea-incubated and saline-incubated muscles were not statistically significant. Tests of cryoprotective efficacy were also performed on gastrocnemius muscles from R. pipiens, a closely related, but freeze-intolerant species that hibernates aquatically and thus has little need to accumulate urea. Urea-treated muscles from this species performed no better than muscles incubated in saline, attesting that freeze tolerance cannot be conferred simply by augmenting cryoprotectant levels. Overall, these results bolster an earlier report that urea accumulated in response to low moisture availability can serve a cryoprotective role in freeze-tolerant ectotherms.  相似文献   

Certain PKC isoforms are stimulated by insulin and interact with IR as well as with IRS, but it is still not clear if specific PKC isoforms regulate IR signaling directly or through IRS-1. PKCalpha may regulate IRS activity in response to insulin. We investigated the possibility that PKCalpha may be important in insulin signaling. Studies were conducted on skeletal muscle in adult mice and on L6 skeletal cells. PKCalpha is constitutively associated with IRS-1, and insulin stimulation of PKCalpha causes disassociation of the two proteins within 5 min. Blockade of PKCalpha inhibited insulin-induced disassociation of PKCalpha from IRS1. Selective inhibition of PKCalpha increased the ability of insulin to reduce blood glucose levels. Insulin stimulation activates PKB and increases the association of PKCalpha with PKB. Blockade of PKCalpha increased threonine phosphorylation of PKB. We suggest that PKCalpha regulates insulin signaling in skeletal muscle through its disassociation from IRS-1 and association with PKB.  相似文献   

There is good evidence from cell lines and rodents that elevated protein kinase C (PKC) overexpression/activity causes insulin resistance. Therefore, the present study determined the effects of PKC activation/inhibition on insulin-mediated glucose transport in incubated human skeletal muscle and primary adipocytes to discern a potential role for PKC in insulin action. Rectus abdominus muscle strips or adipocytes from obese, insulin-resistant, and insulin-sensitive patients were incubated in vitro under basal and insulin (100 nM)-stimulated conditions in the presence of GF 109203X (GF), a PKC inhibitor, or 12-deoxyphorbol 13-phenylacetate 20-acetate (dPPA), a PKC activator. PKC inhibition had no effect on basal glucose transport. GF increased (P < 0.05) insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose (2-DOG) transport approximately twofold above basal. GF plus insulin also increased (P < 0.05) insulin receptor tyrosine phosphorylation 48% and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) activity approximately 50% (P < 0.05) vs. insulin treatment alone. Similar results for GF on glucose uptake were observed in human primary adipocytes. Further support for the hypothesis that elevated PKC activity is related to insulin resistance comes from the finding that PKC activation by dPPA was associated with a 40% decrease (P < 0.05) in insulin-stimulated 2-DOG transport. Incubation of insulin-sensitive muscles with GF also resulted in enhanced insulin action ( approximately 3-fold above basal). These data demonstrate that certain PKC inhibitors augment insulin-mediated glucose uptake and suggest that PKC may modulate insulin action in human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Slow myosin heavy chain 2 (MyHC2) gene expression in fetal avian skeletal muscle fibers is regulated by innervation and protein kinase C (PKC) activity. Fetal chick muscle fibers derived from the slow twitch medial adductor (MA) muscle express slow MyHC2 when innervated in vitro. The same pattern of slow MyHC2 regulation occurs in MA muscle fibers in which PKC activity is inhibited by staurosporine. To further test the function of PKC activity in the regulation of slow MyHC2 expression, wild-type and dominant-negative mutations of PKCalpha and PKCtheta were overexpressed in MA muscle fibers in vitro. Overexpression of wild-type PKCalpha and PKCtheta cDNAs resulted in increased PKC activities in muscle fibers and concomitant repression of slow MyHC2 expression under conditions that normally induced gene expression. Point mutations leading to single amino acid substitutions were generated in the ATP binding domains of PKCalpha and PKCtheta. Overexpression of CMVPKCalphaR368 and CMVPKCthetaR409 resulted in decreased PKC activities in transfected MA muscle fibers. Furthermore, transfection of CMVPKCalphaR368 and CMVPKCthetaR409 mutant constructs into MA muscle fibers did not repress the capacity of these fibers to express slow MyHC2 when cultured in medium containing staurosporine or when innervated. These results indicate that PKC activity represses slow MyHC2 expression and that PKC down-regulation, possibly in response to innervation, is required but not sufficient for slow MyHC2 expression.  相似文献   

Chronic sepsis promotes a stable increase in pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDHK) activity in skeletal muscle. PDHK is found tightly bound to the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex and as free kinase. We investigated the ability of sepsis to modify the activity of the PDHK intrinsic to the PDH and free PDHK. Sepsis was induced by the intraabdominal introduction of a fecal-agar pellet infected with E. coli and B. fragilis. Five days later, mitochondria were isolated from skeletal muscle and PDHK measured in mitochondrial extracts. Sepsis caused an approximate 2-fold stimulation of PDHK. The mitochondrial extracts from control and septic rats were fractionated by gel chromatography on Sephacryl S-300 to separate PDHK intrinsic to PDH complex and free PDHK. PDH complex eluted at void volume and was assayed for PDHK intrinsic to the complex. The activity of PDHK intrinsic to PDH complex was a significantly increased 3 fold during sepsis. Free PDHK activity eluted after the PDH complex and its activity was enhanced by 70% during sepsis. Incubation of PDHK intrinsic to PDH with dichloroactate, an uncompetitive inhibitor of PDHK, showed the PDHK from septic rats relatively less sensitive to inhibition than controls. These results indicate that sepsis induces stable changes in PDHK in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Protein kinase D1, PKD1, is a novel serine/threonine kinase whose altered expression and dysregulation in many tumors as well as its activation by several mitogens suggest that this protein could regulate proliferation and tumorigenesis. Nevertheless, the precise signaling pathways used are still unclear and the potential direct role of PKD1 in tumor development and progression has not been yet investigated. In order to clarify the role of PKD1 in cell proliferation and tumorigenesis, we studied the effects of PKD1 overexpression in a human adenocarcinoma breast cancer cell line, MCF-7 cells. We demonstrated that overexpression of PKD1 specifically promotes MCF-7 cell proliferation through accelerating G0/G1 to S phase transition of the cell cycle. Moreover, inhibition of endogenous PKD1 significantly reduced cell proliferation. Taken together, these results clearly strengthen the regulatory role of PKD1 in cell growth. We also demonstrated that overexpression of PKD1 specifically diminished serum- and anchorage-dependence for proliferation and survival in vitro and allowed MCF-7 cells to form tumors in vivo. Thus, all these data highlight the central role of PKD1 in biological processes which are hallmarks of malignant transformation. Analysis of two major signaling pathways implicated in MCF-7 cell proliferation showed that PKD1 overexpression significantly increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation state without affecting Akt phosphorylation. Moreover, PKD1 overexpression-stimulated cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth were totally impaired by inhibition of the MEK/ERK kinase cascade. However, neither of these effects was affected by blocking the PI 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway. Thus, the MEK/ERK signaling appears to be a determining pathway mediating the biological effects of PKD1 in MCF-7 cells. Taken together, all these data demonstrate that PKD1 overexpression increases the aggressiveness of MCF-7 breast cancer cells through enhancing their oncogenic properties and would, therefore, define PKD1 as a potentially new promising anti-tumor therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase-1 (PP-1) and -2A (PP-2A), two regulatory subunits of PP-1, the glycogen-binding subunit G and inhibitor-2 (I-2), kinase FA, and casein kinase II (CK-II) were investigated in skeletal muscle of diabetic rats 2 days after streptozotocin injection. FA and CK-II activate PP-1 in vitro and might be involved in the activation of PP-1 by insulin. Following muscle fractionation we found that (1) diabetes decreased both basal and trypsin-stimulated PP-1 activities; the decrease was more significant in the glycogen-bound and microsomal fractions than in the cytosol (cytosolic PP-1 decreased as specific activity but not as activity/g of muscle); also PP-2A was lower in diabetic cytosols; (2) less G was immunoprecipitated from diabetic glycogen-bound fractions compared to controls, while I-2 was not significantly changed; (3) diabetes decreased also FA (assayed as PP-1 activator) and CK-II (assayed using a synthetic peptide as substrate); (4) diabetes did not have any effect on phosphorylase (a + b) activity in the glycogen-bound fraction. Altogether the data show that acute diabetes decreased PP-1, one of its regulatory subunits and two potentially physiological regulators of PP-1, in addition to PP-2A. This may indicate that insulin is responsible for the long-term regulation of the same enzymes that are also under acute insulin control.  相似文献   

In cultured chick skeletal muscle cells loaded with Fura-2, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors herbimycin A and genistein abolished both the fast inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphatedependent Ca(2+) release from internal stores and extracellular Ca(2+) influx induced by 1alpha, 25(OH)(2)-vitamin D(3) (1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3)). Daidzein, an inactive analog of genistein, was without effects. Tyrosine phosphatase inhibition by orthovanadate increased cytosolic Ca(2+). Anti-phosphotyrosine immunoblot analysis revealed that 1alpha, 25(OH)(2)D(3) rapidly (0.5-10 min) stimulates in a concentrationdependent fashion (0.1-10 nm) tyrosine phosphorylation of several myoblast proteins, among which the major targets of the hormone could be immunochemically identified as phospholipase Cgamma (127 kDa), which mediates intracellular store Ca(2+) mobilization and external Ca(2+) influx, and the growth-related proteins mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase (42/44 kDa) and c-myc (65 kDa). Genistein suppressed the increase in phosphorylation and concomitant elevation of MAPK activity elicited by the sterol. Both genistein and the MAPK kinase (MEK) inhibitor PD98059 abolished stimulation of DNA synthesis by 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3). The sterol-induced increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of c-myc, a finding not reported before for cell growth regulators, was totally suppressed by the specific Src inhibitor PP1. These results demonstrate that tyrosine phosphorylation is a previously unrecognized mechanism involved in 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) regulation of Ca(2+) homeostasis in hormone target cells. In addition, the data involve tyrosine kinase cascades in the mitogenic effects of 1alpha, 25(OH)(2)D(3) on skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   

Physical exercise is a potent stimulator of mitogen-activatedprotein (MAP) kinase signaling. To determine if this activation issecondary to systemic responses to exercise or due to muscle contractile activity per se, an isolated muscle preparation was developed. Contractile activity in vitro significantly increased p44MAPK andp42MAPK phosphorylation by 2.9- and 2.4-fold, respectively. Contraction-stimulated MAP kinasephosphorylation was not decreased in the presence of D-tubocurarine or calphostin C,suggesting that neither neurotransmitter release nordiacylglycerol-sensitive protein kinase C mediates thecontraction-induced activation of this signaling cascade. However,PD-98059, an inhibitor of MAP kinase kinase (MEK), inhibited thecontraction-induced increases in MAP kinase phosphorylation. PD-98059did not alter contraction-induced increases in glucose uptake orglycogen synthase activity, demonstrating that MAP kinase signaling isnot necessary for these important metabolic effects of contractileactivity in skeletal muscle. These data suggest that contractileactivity of the skeletal muscle fibers per se, and not responses toneurotransmitter release, hormones, or other systemic factors, isresponsible for the stimulation of MAP kinase signaling with physical exercise.


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