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Resin and the Resistance of Conifers to Fomes annosus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GIBBS  J. N. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(3):649-665
Roots of young trees of different conifer species, Scots pine,Corsican pine, Sitka spruce, and Douglas fir were inoculatedwith Fomes annosus. In the pines, infection was negligible butin the other genera the central wood was extensively invaded.The process of infection was studied further in Sitka spruceby means of a root-severing technique in which an inoculum blockwas forced between the cut ends of a root. In most trees a centralrot developed which in some extended up into the butt: the meanextent of growth recorded was 30 cm in 14 months. In the severedroot portions infection also occurred but F. annosus was subsequentlyreplaced to a considerable extent by other micro-organisms,particularly in trees growing on a peat soil. A similar centralrot developed after inoculations of Norway spruce. The resistance of pine sapwood and the outer wood of spruceand Douglas fir can be explained at least partially by the structureand viability of the resin duct system. Larch, Douglas fir,spruce, and pine form a series showing increasing complexityand activity of the resin system. In addition, studies carriedout on the resin yields of pines growing under different conditionsshowed that the resistance of a tree to F. annosus is correlatedwith its ability to mobilize resin. Site factors, forest management,host age vigour, genetic constitution, and past history mayall influence resin mobilization.  相似文献   

Morphological and biogeographical evidence suggests that theheavy-metal ecotype of Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. has evolvedfrom a hybrid group between the subspecies maritima from saltmarshes and the subspecies elongata from sandy soils. As partof a study on the ecotypic differentiation in A. maritima, Znresistance was compared in populations from these three ecotypes.To study the long-term growth response to elevated Zn concentrations,an artificial soil was made from ion-exchange resin embeddedin an inert sand matrix, in which metal ions were buffered byan ion-exchange system as in natural soils. In contrast to hydroponics,this artificial soil systems is suitable for long-term cultivationand it provides more reproducible growth conditions than a soilsystem. The long-term growth response in the artificial soilsystem was compared to the growth response to elevated Zn concentrationsin a sand nutrient-solution system. In short-term tests, populationsfrom non-metalliferous soils were more sensitive to Zn concentrationsof 1.0 mmol –1 than the heavy-metal populations. However,in long-term tests, the growth of adult plants from all populationswas not inhibited by Zn concentrations up to 2.8 mmol kg–1dry soil (equivalent 26% of cation-exchange capacity). The Znresistance of all populations could therefore be sufficientfor their survival on Zn mine soils. The discrepancy betweenlong-term tests and short-term tests is discussed with respectto the hypothesis that ‘sensitive’ populations maydiffer from ‘resistant’ populations in the expressionof Zn-resistance mechanisms. Key words: Armeria maritima, growth tests, heavymetal resistance, synthetic ionexchange resins, Zn  相似文献   

This paper considers statistical analyses for comparing thedistribution of root length density (RLD) of apple trees underdifferent rootstocks and tree spacing. The source data includedRLD values (cm cm-3) measured by soil coring the root systemsof eight trees in each of two seasons. We formulated a regressionmodel which assumed the RLD dropped exponentially with soildepth, and this relationship varied with the radial distancefrom the tree. The model fitted to the log transformed meandata described the RLD distribution well. Young trees (5-year-old)of M.26 (semi-dwarf) and MM.106 (semi-vigourous) had a highermean RLD and showed a more layered vertical distribution, comparedwith trees of the dwarf Mark rootstock. Differences among rootstockswere not evident in older (9-year-old) trees. In general, youngroot systems were more bowl shaped, whereas older trees hada higher RLD further away from the tree trunk. RLD is a positiveand continuous variable except for the possibility of an excessof exact zeros. A generalized linear model with a Poisson-gammatype distribution allows modelling of individual RLD data withzeros contributing to parameter estimation. It does not, however,provide simplicity of biological interpretation. In this paperwe present a model that assumes the realization of RLD datais due to a Bernoulli and an exponential process. The fittingof the Bernoulli-exponential model by maximum likelihood isillustrated, and further generalization suggested.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Malus domestica(Borkh.), Fuji, rootstock, root system, soil core sampling, Bernoulli–exponential model.  相似文献   

FAHN  A.; BENAYOUN  J. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(4):857-863
Development of the resin duct cavity, sites of resin synthesisin the epithelial cells and elimination of resin from the protoplastwere studied in roots of young Pinus halepensis seedlings. Itis suggested that the Golgi bodies are involved in dissolutionof the middle lamella in the region of the future duct cavityby secretion of lytic enzymes into the cell walls. In earlystages of duct development osmiophilic droplets were observedin plastids, periplastidal and cytoplasmic ER, Golgi vesicles,mitochondria, nuclear envelope and in the cytoplasm. In thelatter they were often observed to be surrounded by a membrane.Electron micrographs suggested that elimination of resin dropletsfrom the protoplast occurs by their becoming surrounded by plasmalemmainvaginations.  相似文献   

The Infection of Pine stumps by Fomes annosus and other fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MEREDITH  D. S. 《Annals of botany》1959,23(3):455-476
A study of the infection biology of stump-colonizing fungi hasshown that certain species, for instance Fomes annosus, Peniophoragigantea, Stereum sanguinolentum, and several causing blue-stain,initiate infection of fresh stumps by means of air-borne sporeswhich colonize the cut surface. The incidence of natural infectionis reduced considerably by applying creosote to the surfaceimmediately after felling. High resin content of stumps is correlatedwith increased resistance to infection. Marked seasonal variationin the incidence of stump infection by F. annosus and P. giganteawas observed. The spore content of the air, and competitionbetween fungi in stumps, are considered to be important factorsaffecting this variation. Initial colonization of stump roots usually proceeds from thebody of the stump. Invasion of roots by saprophytes presentin the soil or litter also occurs but only many months afterfelling. Crowns of plantation pines may bear many spores of stump-colonizingfungi, including F. annosus. Under the conditions described,the proportion of stump infections ascribable to rain-splash-bornespores was small compared with that caused by wind-borne spores.  相似文献   

Tyler  Germund 《Annals of botany》1993,71(4):295-301
Germination, establishment and growth of Melica ciliata L.,an 'acidifuge' species of rocky habitats in Europe, were studiedexperimentally and related to chemical properties of the soilsolution, including pH, base cation composition, Al concentrationand speciation, and Mn concentration. M. ciliata failed to establishin acid leptite soil. However, it was able to grow in solutionat pH 3·6 and exhibited vigorous growth at pH 3·9,a typical soil solution pH of leptite sites, which Melica isunable to colonize. Higher concentrations of Mn than those measuredin any leptite soil solutions did not influence growth. Exposureto 0·037 mmol l-1 (1 mg l-1) of Al3+, a concentrationusually exceeded in the soil solution of leptite sites, severelyretarded root growth. Speciation technique applied to Al insoil solutions obtained by centrifugation demonstrated a closerelationship between H+ and Al concentrations and, in particular,between H+ and free ionic (quickly reacting) Al species. Soilsolution concentrations of free ionic Al proved to be < 0·002mmol l-1 in sites lacking Melica , but often > 0·10mmol l-1 in site lacking Metalica . It is concluded that theinability of M. ciliata to establish in acid soils is not primarilydue to the high H+ concentration but to the high soil solutionconcentrations of Al, especially free Al ionic species at lowsoil pH.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Melica ciliata, distribution, soil solution, pH, aluminium speciation, manganese, base cations, iron  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) stolons become buried inthe field. It was observed that this also occurred in the greenhousewhere the accepted mechanisms of burial, treading by livestockand earthworm casting, did not occur. It was also observed thatthe crown of seedling T. repens plants become closely appressedto the soil. Experiments showed that, regardless of varietyof T. repens or depth of planting, all seedling hypocotyls firstlift the cotyledons clear of the soil, then ‘ contract’towards the soil until the cotyledons are in contact with orbelow the soil surface. Auxanometers were used to measure therate and extent of this contraction and were also attached tostolon nodes in experiments which showed that stolons move downwardsrelative to the soil surface and that the speed and extent ofthis duration varied with soil type. A further experiment showedthat only rooted nodes show this behaviour. The force exertedby the contraction of nodal roots was estimated experimentallyas 0.21 N g-1fresh root. A mechanism for the root contraction,based on examination of root anatomy of seedling tap-roots andnodal roots, is suggested. These experiments provide evidencefor root contraction in T. repens which may lead to stolon burial.The importance of this to T. repens as a pasture species andas a means of further improving T. repens varieties is discussed.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company White clover, Trifolium repens, L., stolon, seedling, burial, root, nodes, nodal, force, contractile, soil resistance, pasture, phloem, fibres.  相似文献   

The effects of soil bulk density and hence strength on two contrastingspecies of herbaceous annuals, the dicot sunflower (HelianthusannuusL.) and the monocot maize (Zea maysL.), were investigatedby comparing the morphology and mechanics of field-grown plantsin soil with a low and high bulk density. Soil with a low bulkdensity had a significantly lower penetration resistance (118±4.4kPa) than the high bulk density soil (325±12.2 kPa;P<0.0001).Soil strength affected shoot and root systems of both speciesbut had no significant effect on shoot height. In both speciesroots were thicker closer to the stem base in strong soil comparedto those in weaker soil. Sunflower tap-roots growing in strongsoil tapered more rapidly than those in weak soil. Only in maize,however, were roots growing in weak soil stiffer than thosein strong soil. Despite only small absolute differences in thepenetration resistance of the soil both species growing in strongsoil had greater anchorage strength than those in weak soil.As a consequence more plants in weak soil lodged compared withthose growing in strong soil. This study shows that plants can,to a small extent, respond to changes in soil strength, butthat changes do not appear to compensate fully for alterationsin soil conditions. Furthermore it may be possible, by manipulatingsoil strength, to control lodging.Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany Roots, compaction, soil strength, anchorage mechanics, bulk density, thigmomorphogenesis, lodging,Helianthus annuusL.,Zea maysL.  相似文献   

Carrot roots were found to be resistant to Pythium aphanidermatumbut not to Rkizopus stolonifer. Such factors as temperatureof incubation for the inoculated hosts and pH of the host tissuedid not provide any clue to the resistance of carrot to theformer pathogen. Tests for a preformed inhibitor of pectic enzymesof the fungus in carrot, or formation of such a substance asa result of host-fungus interaction, gave negative results.The resistance was attributed to the presence of a phenoliccompound in carrot, which inhibited the growth of the former,but not of the latter. When the factor for resistance was appliedin the susceptible hosts at the site of inoculation with thefungus, the hosts showed resistance.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll content of a water column (WCC), which is commonlyused as an index of the phytoplankton abundance, is affectedby the choice of the sampling depths and by the variations ofthe vertical structure of density. For instance, the thicknessof the water layer, between two sigma-t values, which containsthe deep chlorophyll maximum, can vary with internal waves.The resulting noise often dominates the mesoscale variationsof the observed water-column chlorophyll (OWCC). Sigma-t dependentstatistics (mean, standard deviation) of the chlorophyll concentrationare computed using the observations at 29 casts from a 22-day-longfixed station in an oligotrophic environment at 15•S, 173°E.For each cast, these statistics, the sampling depths, and thewater density at these sampling depths, allow the estimationof a station-dependent ‘expected water-column chlorophyll’(EWCC). The ratio of EWCC to the overall likelihood of WCC duringthe fixed station (i.e. the mean of all OWCC) is a measure ofthe effect of sampling and variable density structure at eachcast. When this effect is removed, the noise in WCC estimatesdecreases significantly. The time variations of WCC during thefixed station then show a trend with relatively high valuesduring the first days, followed by a 12-day-long period withlow values. A regular increase occurred from 1 October, whichwas accompanied by high carbon fixation rates and was mainlydue to an increase of the chlorophyll concentration betweenthe surface and the deep chlorophyll maximum. New productionduring this active phase was estimated to be 535 mgC m–2day–1, corresponding to 62% of the total production. Breakingof internal waves which were recorded at the beginning of thegrowth phase and vertical mixing of nutrients can explain theobservation.  相似文献   

The effect of differences in applied pressure and time of sampling on pH values of xylem sap collected using the leaf pressurization technique was examined in two grapevine varieties originating from contrasting habitats (Vitis vinifera L., cvs. Sabatiano and Mavrodafni) after subjecting them to drought. Three fractions of xylem sap exudates were collected from each leaf according to differences in applied pressure; fractions (I), (II) and (III) corresponding to 1 MPa, 2 MPa and 2.5 MPa pressure, respectively. The pH values in fraction (I) were significantly lower than those in fractions (II) and (III). The sap pH values in fraction (III) seemed to better correspond to changes in leaf apoplastic pH. The time of sampling was found to strongly influence xylem pH values. In particular, a positive relationship between predawn xylem pH values and soil drying was observed. Conversely, xylem pH values measured later during the day (i.e. at 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 am) were not significantly affected by the reduction in soil water availability in both varieties. It is suggested that the most suitable period for sap sampling in order to better discriminate drought effects on xylem sap pH is at predawn. Furthermore, there were significant differences in pH values as well as in the sensitivity of stomatal conductance to pH between the two varieties. These differences might be related to strategy differences between grapevine varieties for adaptation to drought.  相似文献   

Inhibition of lignin biosynthesis in Triticum aestivum L. rootsby Mn deficiency has been suggested as the mechanism of reducedresistance of Mn-deficient wheat roots to infection by the take-allfungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici). This study evaluatedphenolics and lignin accumulation in roots of wheat genotypesdiffering in Mn efficiency (measured as growth and yield inMn-deficient soils) and take-all resistance. Seedlings of theMn-inefficient, take-all sensitive genotype Bayonet and theMn-efficient, more take-all resistant genotype C8MM were grownin nutrient solution without added Mn for 18 d and then transferredto a Mn-deficient sandy soil fertilized with Mn at 0 or 30 mgkg-1. Both genotypes had Mn-deficient roots and shoots at thetime of transfer to the soil. Roots of both genotypes were inoculatedwith the take-all fungus 0, 1, 3 and 7 d after transfer. Twenty-fourhours after inoculation, take-all fungus penetrated the rootstele of take-all sensitive Bayonet but not of more resistantC8MM wheat. Rates of phenolics and lignin accumulation in rootsdeclined steadily during growth in soil for up to 8 d, werehigher in mature, fully differentiated parts of the root systemcompared to distal, younger root tissue, and were higher inBayonet than in C8MM. Manganese fertilization did not significantlyinfluence rates of phenolics and lignin accumulation but reduceddepth of radial penetration by hyphae in both genotypes. Therate of phenolics accumulation was positively (r = 0·91to 0·96) correlated with the rate of lignin accumulation.Mn-efficient C8MM had a higher rate of lignin accumulation perunit of phenolics than Mn-inefficient Bayonet over a wide rangeof phenolics synthesis rates. From this we suggest that C8MMhas a more efficient mechanism for conversion of phenolics tolignin, the trait which appears related to higher take-all resistanceof this genotype.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, lignin, manganese, phenolics, resistance, roots, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

In a field experiment to investigate the sources and effectson growth of Ca in the calcifuge moss Pleurozium schreberi,significant quantities of Ca reached the growing shoot apicesfrom a CaCO3 layer placed on the mineral soil surface Top applicationsof 0.5 and 5 mol m–3 CaCl2 raised the exchangeable andintracellular Ca concentrations and displaced natural exchangeableK and Mg The 5 mol m–3 CaCl2 treatment also caused a significantreduction in intracellular Mg indicating that Mg uptake is dependenton an initial exchange step No growth differences were notedbetween treatments, possibly because ionic changes had not reacheda detrimental level within the 28 weeks of the experiment ina second experiment, shoot apices of Pleurozium schreberi, Pseudoscleropodiumpurum and Calliergon cuspidatum were grown on nylon gauze underintermittent distilled-water mist At weekly intervals the shootswere saturated with CaCl2 solutions providing factorial combinationsof Ca and pH Growth of C cuspidatum and P purum from chalk soilwas reduced at high (0.01) Ca concentration whereas Pleuroziumschreberi and Pseudoscleropodium purum from acidic clay wereunaffected The pH treatments did not significantly affect mossgrowth Initial tissue levels of K and Mg were lower in the mossesfrom chalk and it is suggested that the CaCl2 treatments causednutrient deficiencies in these plants Mosses from acidic soilcontained less exchangeable Ca than the chalk plants and grewpoorly in the absence of CaCl2, perhaps due to the developmentof Ca deficiency Bryophyte growth, calcium uptake, pH, mineral nutrition, Pleurozium schreberi, Pseudoscleropodium purum, Calliergon cuspidatum  相似文献   

Clover (Trifolium subterraneum L. cv. Mt. Barker) was grownin solution culture with adequate (+P) or no phosphate (–P).Cell walls were extracted from roots in such a way that theywere uncontaminated by other cellular materials. Phosphataseactivity was assayed using p-nitro-phenylphosphate (NPP). Phosphatasebound to cell walls had a pH optimum between 5.0 and 6.0, irrespectiveof the P supply to the plants. Activity of phosphatase boundto cell walls increased with electrolyte concentration of theassay medium at pH 6.5 but not at pH 5.5. This increase in activitywas probably due to a higher degree of ionization of the cellwall at pH 6.5 than at pH 5.5, and to effects of high ionicstrength in decreasing the mutual repulsion of negatively chargedNPP from negative charges on the cell walls. Cell wall-boundphosphatase did not exhibit Michaelis-Menten kinetics: the concentrationof NPP at which activity was half the maximum rate (S0.5) was0.7 mM for cell walls extracted from roots of both +P and –Pplants. Up to 30% of the phosphatase activity bound to cellwalls could be removed using buffer solutions of high pH andhigh ionic strength which contained Triton X100. Both soluble and cell wall-bound phosphatase(s) of roots increasedin activity with P deficiency. The phosphatase activity of cellwalls increased 1.5 fold as the P concentration in the rootsfell from 0.4–0.2% dry weight. Experiments with sterileroots of clover showed that increases in cell wall-bound phosphataseactivity associated with P deficiency were not due to microbialcontamination. It is argued that phosphatase(s) in cell wallsof roots could make a substantial contribution to the P nutritionof clover in soils deficient in inorganic phosphate by hydrolysingorganic phosphate compounds in the soil. Key words: Phosphatase, Clover, Roots, Phosphorus deficiency, Cell walls  相似文献   

Discrete-depth, hourly mesozooplankton samples were collectedover a 92 h period in May 1992 at an anchor station within theSeine Region of Freshwater Influence (ROFI) (English Channel).The mesozooplankton community defined as a euryhaline marineassemblage was dominated by the calanoid copepods Acartia spp.,Temora longicornis and Centropages hamatus, the cladoceran Evadnenordmanni and the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica. The semi-diurnaltidal current was the dominant factor in determining the short-termtemporal changes in the community in terms of density and speciescomposition so that zooplankton patches displayed oscillatingmotion in relation to tidal advection. Although a few species(e.g. Pleurobrachia pileus) exhibited higher densities aroundlow tide, maximum densities were observed for most species (e.g.T.longicornis and E.nordmanni) around high tide, according tosalinity variations. Diurnal changes were only reported forcyclopoid copepods (i.e. Halicyclops sp. and Cyclopina sp.)which wer$$$ mainly endobenthic during the day and moved intothe water column at night. Besides temporal changes in depth-averageddensities, most species exhibited vertical migrations at dieland/or tidal periods. Tidal vertical migrations were reportedonly for a few taxa and could be the result of passive mechanisms(e.g. vertical mixing) rather than of active behaviour. Dielvertical migrations were observed in most of the abundant taxa.While this migration pattern did not appear to be an adaptationto predator avoidance within the Seine ROFI, it could regulatehorizontal transport of organisms and promote their retention.The consequences of the short-term mesozooplankton fluctuationsfor sampling designs are discussed.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of the adults of six species of euphausiids,Thysanöessa gregaria, Nematoscelis megalops, Euphausiaamericana, E.gibboides, E.hanseni, Stylocheiron longicorne,as well as the larval stages of E.hanseni, were studied duringa 48 h cycle at a fixed station in the northern Benguela upwellingsystem. All the species, except T.gregaria and S.longicorne,proved to perform diel vertical migration, but both migratoryand non-migratory species appeared to be segregated in spaceduring night-time hours, regardless of potential prey (phytoplanktonand copepods). It is suggested that water column structure andhydrographic discontinuities caused by a warm, depth-localizedintrusion, as well as the reproductive strategies of particularspecies, are responsible for this pattern. Eggs and larval stagesof E.hanseni were concentrated near the surface, and the effectof the short-term pulses of the intrusion on their abundanceis discussed.  相似文献   

Soluble sugars were extracted by low speed centrifugation fromthe apoplast of leaves of barley (Hordeum distichum L.) infiltratedwith water. Infection of the leaf with the brown rust fungus(Puccinia hordeii) resulted in a reduction in the concentrationof sucrose, glucose and fructose in the apoplast. Sugars werepresent in an apoplastic space occupying 12 and 17 cm3 m–2of leaf area in healthy and infected tissue, respectively. Uptakeof hexoses by intercellular hyphae is suggested as a cause ofthis reduction. The pH of apoplastic sap extracted from rust-infectedleaves was increased to pH 7·3 from pH 6·6 incontrols. The effect of a reduced apoplastic sugar pool andincreased pH on export from infected leaves is discussed. Key words: Apoplast, barley (Hordeum distichum L.), brown rust (Puccinia hordeii Otth.), pH, sucrose, hexose  相似文献   

Berntson  G. M. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(3):281-284
Fractal dimensions of the root systems of Betula populifoliaand Betula alleghaniensis grown at two levels of soil nutrientswere calculated from tracings of root systems (Fitter and Stickland,1992a) and from roots removed from the soil using a pin-board(Tatsumi, Yamauchi and Kono, 1989). The fractal dimensions obtainedfrom these two methods showed similar qualitative patterns betweenspecies and nutrient treatments, but were not significantlycorrelated with one another. These observations suggest thatcurrent methods used for estimating the fractal dimensions ofplant root systems are not yet reliable. It is suggested thatthe calculation of fractal dimensions needs to be carried outin three dimensions in order to appropriately quantify the fractaldimensions of plant root systems.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Betula populifolia Marsh (gray birch), Betula alleghaniensis Britton (yellow birch), fractal dimension, root system  相似文献   

The architecture of a tree root system may influence its abilityto withstand uprooting by wind loading. To determine how theroot branching pattern may alter the anchorage efficiency ofa tree, artificial model root systems with different topologiesand branching angles were built. The root systems were embeddedat various depths in wet sand and the pull-out resistance measured.A model to predict the uprooting resistance from the data collectedwas designed, allowing predictions of anchorage strength withregards to architecture. The dominant factors influencing pull-outresistance were the depth and length of roots in the soil. Themost efficient type of branching pattern predicted by the programwas one with an increased number of roots deep in the soil.The optimum branching angle most likely to resist pull-out isa vertical angle of 90° between a lateral and the main axis.The predicted mechanically optimal radial angle between a lateralbranch and its daughter is between 0 and 20°. Values ofbranching angle are compared with those measured in real woodyroot systems of European larch and Sitka spruce. Root architecture; root anchorage; pull-out resistance; windthrow; Picea sitchensis ; Larix decidua  相似文献   

Imhoff  S.  Pires da Silva  A.  Tormena  C.A. 《Plant and Soil》2000,219(1-2):161-168
Soil properties can be changed by several factors, such as plant roots and animal trampling. The identification of spatial heterogeneity of these properties depends on the sampling scale. This study was developed to test the hypothesis that soil chemical and physical properties beneath elephant-grass plants are different from those between them. The research was carried out in a soil classified as Kandiudalfic Eutrudox. Forty-eight soil samples were collected from 0-10 cm depth (24 beneath plants and 24 between plants). The following properties were measured: pH, organic matter, S, available P, K, Ca and Mg exchangeable, sum of bases, cation exchange capacity, base saturation percentage, dry-aggregate distribution, bulk density and soil penetration resistance. Statistical analyses (t test) indicated that there were no significant differences in soil chemical properties in relation to spatial position. However, significant differences were observed in soil physical properties, with higher values of bulk density and soil resistance to penetration between the plants than beneath the plants.  相似文献   

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