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Protein phosphorylation of quiescent human skin fibroblasts was analyzed following stimulation by epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, serum, or 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. In mitogen-treated cells, a markedly increased phosphorylation of two Mr = 43,000 proteins and two Mr = 41,000 proteins was always detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. More acidic forms were the dominant species and contained phosphotyrosine, phosphoserine, and phosphothreonine, while the basic forms contained phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine. The two Mr = 41,000 proteins were structurally related to each other. All mitogens seemed to stimulate the phosphorylation of each protein with the same site specificity. Induction of the same set of phosphoproteins was observed in mitogen-stimulated rat and mouse fibroblasts as well. These stimulated phosphorylations occurred rapidly, were maximal 5 min after exposure of cells to mitogens, and diminished gradually after 30 min. Mitogen-induced phosphorylation of these proteins was correlated to the extent of mitogen-stimulated DNA synthesis. In addition, such increased protein phosphorylation was not observed in exponentially growing cells, nor in Rous sarcoma virus-transformed rat cells. Thus, phosphorylation of the Mr = 43,000 and 41,000 proteins, which represents a common and specific response of cells to mitogens, could constitute an early event involved in the control of cellular G0----G1 transition.  相似文献   

We have carried out a comparative study of the protein tyrosine phosphorylation induced by a wide range of mitogenic stimuli on a single cell type, Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. For this purpose we have used high-affinity antibodies directed to phosphotyrosine residues on proteins (Wang: Mol. Cell. Biol. 5:3640-3643, 1985) in immunoblotting and immunofluorescence microscopy experiments. Immunoblotting experiments showed that all of the mitogens tested, including epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, insulin, fetal calf serum, trypsin, and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, increased the phosphorylation on tyrosine of a number of proteins. Most of the increase in tyrosine phosphorylation induced by each factor involved a small set of proteins with apparent molecular weights (Mr) above 50,000. Following stimulation with epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and basic fibroblast growth factor, increased phosphotyrosine modification of proteins with molecular weights corresponding to those of the respective receptors was observed. A protein band of apparent Mr 160,000 contained substantially increased levels of phosphotyrosine following insulin treatment, but tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor was apparently below the level of detectability. The phosphotyrosine content of proteins with apparent Mr of 220,000, 120,000, and 70,000 was increased by all the agents tested. Phosphorylation on tyrosine of most of the proteins increased within a few minutes of the mitogenic stimulation, reached a peak, and returned more slowly to basal levels. Immunofluorescence labeling with the antibodies specific for phosphotyrosine showed a substantial increase in the amount of phosphotyrosine containing proteins only in the presence of platelet-derived growth factor and fetal calf serum. This finding suggests that most of the proteins phosphorylated on tyrosine in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts are not concentrated in specific subcellular structures, but rather are diffusely distributed throughout the cell and are therefore not detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Rat embryo fibroblast cells grown under stress (e.g. heat shock, arsenite, or amino acid analogue treatment) show elevated levels of a number of proteins with apparent molecular masses between 28,000-110,000 daltons (i.e. stress proteins). It is shown that the smaller 28,000-dalton stress proteins, which do not contain methionine, are comprised of at least four isoforms, all of which appear related as determined by one-dimensional peptide mapping. [32P]H3PO4 labeling of normal and stressed cells demonstrates that three of the four 28-kDa isoforms are phosphoproteins. In the course of other studies phosphorylation of two 28,000-dalton proteins was observed in quiescent rat embryo fibroblasts following the addition of either the phorbol diester, phorbol-12-myristate-13 acetate, a calcium ionophore, A23187, or simply fresh serum. It is shown here that these two 28,000-dalton proteins are in fact two of the 28 kDa mammalian stress proteins.  相似文献   

We report the identification of proteins induced in response to RET/PTC2, an oncogene implicated in thyroid cancers. Anti-phosphotyrosine antibody affinity resin was used to purify Tyr(P)-containing and interacting proteins from 293T and NIH3T3 cells which were transfected with kinase active or inactive RET/PTC and RETMEN2 oncogenes. Proteins were separated by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE, extracted by in-gel digestion, and identified by MALDI-TOF peptide mass fingerprinting. The expression and tyrosine phosphorylation of Sam68, a protein implicated in mRNA nucleocytoplasmic translocation and splicing, were further examined in RET-transfected cells and thyroid tumors. Of relevance, cells transfected with RETMEN2B examined for anti-phosphotyrosine bound proteins, showed other proteins implicated in splicing: DEAD-box p68 RNA helicase, SYNCRIP, and hnRNP K. Western blotting analysis suggested that these proteins are singularly tyrosine phosphorylated in RETMEN2B-transfected cells, and that they constitutively bind with Sam68. The study concludes that regulation of splicing factors is likely to be important in RET-mediated thyroid carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Incubation of quiescent Chinese-hamster fibroblasts (CCL39) with alpha-thrombin, a potent mitogen for the cells, was found to stimulate the rapid phosphorylation of two 43,000-Mr and two 41,000-Mr proteins at tyrosine, threonine and/or serine, and two 63,000-Mr proteins at serine. Insulin, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) are weak mitogens for cells; insulin and TPA did not stimulate the phosphorylation of those proteins significantly, whereas EGF stimulated their phosphorylation to the same extent as did alpha-thrombin. We analysed alpha-thrombin-induced protein phosphorylation at different external pH values in CCL39 and in the mutant derivative PS120, which lacks Na+/H+-antiport activity. We showed that cytoplasmic alkalinization, a common and early response to mitogens, is not required to trigger phosphorylation of 63,000-, 43,000- and 41,000-Mr proteins, either at tyrosine or serine and threonine residues. This finding contrasts with the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6, which takes place only at permissive pH for reinitiation of DNA synthesis. These results, demonstrating that phosphorylation of 63,000-, 43,000- and 41,000-Mr proteins and cytoplasmic alkalinization are not coupled, reinforce the idea that the site of action of intracellular pH controlling the commitment of G0/G1-phase-arrested cells to DNA synthesis might be restricted to mitogen-stimulated S6 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Onset of cell proliferation is associated with enhanced turnover of the polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, particularly evident in the massive increase in the activity of the rate-limiting enzyme in their production, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). The physiological functions of these polyamines, however, have remained unclear. Here we report that treatment of LSTRA cells for 2-18 h with alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), an irreversible inhibitor of ODC, decreased the amount of phosphotyrosine in several cellular substrates including the T cell protein tyrosine kinase p56lck. No reductions in the amount of p56lck, overall synthesis of protein and DNA, or cell viability were observed until much later. DFMO did not affect the catalytic activity of p56lck in vitro and the activity of p56lck immunoprecipitated from DFMO-treated cells was unaltered. Addition of putrescine, the reaction product of ODC, completely reversed the effect of DFMO on tyrosine phosphorylation. Finally, we provide evidence that polyamines reduce the activity of cellular protein tyrosine phosphatases toward endogenous substrates. Our results suggest that polyamines may influence the extent of tyrosine phosphorylation during cell proliferation and malignant transformation, perhaps by modulating the rate of dephosphorylation of specific target proteins.  相似文献   

To determine the role of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the activation of phospholipase D (PLD), electropermeabilized HL-60 cells labeled in [3H]alkyl-phosphatidylcholine were treated with vanadate derivatives. Micromolar concentrations of vanadyl hydroperoxide (V(4+)-OOH) induced accumulation of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins. Concomitantly, V(4+)-OOH or a combination of vanadate and NADPH elicited a concentration- and time-dependent accumulation of phosphatidic acid (PtdOH). In the presence of ethanol a sustained formation of phosphatidylethanol was observed, indicating that a type D phospholipase was activated. A good correlation was found to exist between the accumulation of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins and activation of PLD. The V(4+)-OOH concentration dependence of the two responses was nearly identical, and the time course of activation was similar, with tyrosine phosphorylation preceding PLD activation by approximately 1 min. The ability of V(4+)-OOH to induce both responses was found to be strictly dependent on the presence of ATP and/or Mg2+, suggesting that PLD activation involves phosphotransferase reactions. Accordingly, ST638, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, reduced concomitantly tyrosine phosphorylation and PLD activation elicited by V(4+)-OOH. The mechanism of action of V(4+)-OOH was investigated. The diacylglycerol kinase inhibitors, dioctanoylethylene glycol and R59022 potentiated PLD stimulation by exogenous diacylglycerol but not by V(4+)-OOH. Moreover, stimulation by V(4+)-OOH and by phorbol esters was synergystic. Therefore, diacylglycerol-induced activation of protein kinase C is unlikely to mediate the effects of V(4+)-OOH. The response of PLD to V(4+)-OOH was larger than that to guanosine 5'-(gamma-thio)triphosphate. Moreover, the effects of GTP gamma S and V(4+)-OOH were additive. Hence, activation of G proteins cannot account for the stimulation of PLD by V(4+)-OOH. V(4+)-OOH also triggers a burst of O2 consumption by the NADPH oxidase. Inhibition of PtdOH accumulation by addition of ethanol or by ST638 abolished this respiratory burst. Together, the results establish a strong correlation between tyrosine phosphorylation, PLD activation, and stimulation of the NADPH oxidase in HL-60 cells, suggesting a causal relationship.  相似文献   

H S Earp  R A Rubin  K S Austin  R C Dy 《FEBS letters》1983,161(2):180-184
A membrane fraction from Raji human lymphoblastoid cells exhibited tyrosine-specific kinase activity. Vanadate increased tyrosine phosphorylation up to 5-fold; serine and threonine phosphorylation were unchanged. The stimulation was detectable within 15 s at 0 degrees C and at concentrations of vanadate (0.3 and 1.0 microM) present in normal tissues and blood. The tyrosine phosphorylation of two substrates, M1 61 000 and 55 000, was dependent upon vanadate and incorporation into these substrates represented the majority of the vanadate-sensitive tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The ability of thrombin and collagen to induce protein-tyrosine phosphorylation in intact human platelets was assessed by using antibodies to phosphotyrosine in conjugation with immunoblots. Upon stimulation by thrombin there was an increase in the amount of protein-tyrosine phosphorylation of three bands with molecular masses of 135, 124, and 76 kDa in a time-dependent manner. The tyrosine phosphorylation in these three proteins increased in a concurrent fashion and reached a maximum level in 10 s and then a plateau or a slight decrease. Stimulation by collagen was also followed by an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of 135- and 124-kDa proteins. Unlike stimulation by thrombin, collagen induced no obvious tyrosine phosphorylation of 76-kDa protein. The time courses for thrombin- or collagen-induced protein-tyrosine phosphorylation were similar to that for [14C] serotonin release. These results suggest that 135- and 124-kDa proteins are a common set of proteins that become phosphorylated on tyrosine residue during platelet activation.  相似文献   

Activation of the NADPH oxidase was examined in electrically permeabilized human neutrophils exposed to non-hydrolysable guanine nucleotides. Guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP[S]) induced a marked increase in the rate of O2 consumption, which was partially resistant to staurosporine, an inhibitor of protein kinase C, under conditions where the response to diacylglycerol was virtually abolished. The respiratory burst elicited by GTP[S] was dependent on the presence of ATP and Mg2+, suggesting involvement of phosphorylation reactions. Accordingly, phosphoprotein formation was greatly stimulated by the guanine nucleotide. The polypeptide phosphorylation pattern induced by GTP[S] was similar to, but not identical with, that observed with diacylglycerol, indicating the activation of kinases other than protein kinase C by the guanine nucleotide. The possible involvement of tyrosine kinases was assessed by immunoblotting using anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. Treatment of electroporated cells with GTP[S] stimulated the accumulation of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins. This effect was not induced by diacylglycerol, indicating that tyrosine phosphorylation is not secondary to stimulation of protein kinase C. The results indicate that, in neutrophils, activated G-proteins can stimulate tyrosine kinase and/or inhibit tyrosine phosphatase activity. Changes in the amounts of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins may signal activation of the respiratory burst.  相似文献   

In quiescent Balb/c 3T3 cells, competence factors such as platelet-derived growth factor and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) activated MAP kinase, whereas progression factors such as insulin did not. Insulin was, however, capable of activating MAP kinase in cells pretreated with TPA. Moreover, TPA plus insulin activated MAP kinase more strongly and for a longer time period than did TPA alone. Treatment of Balb/c 3T3 cells with competence factors stimulated phosphorylation of the 350-kDa protein which was immunoprecipitated with antibodies against brain high-molecular-weight microtubule-associated protein MAP1, whereas insulin treatment did not stimulate the phosphorylation. Insulin could induce, however, further increase in the phosphorylation of the 350-kDa protein, when added simultaneously with TPA or added to the TPA-treated cells. The enhanced phosphorylation of the 350-kDa protein thus correlated with the MAP kinase activation. As insulin acts synergistically with TPA to induce initiation of DNA synthesis in the quiescent Balb/c 3T3 cells, it seems that activation of MAP kinase and enhanced phosphorylation of the 350-kDa protein are accompanied by the initiation of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Transformation of cultured chick lens epithelial cells with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (tsRSV) leads to radical changes in cell shape and interactions. When cultured at the restrictive temperature (42 degrees C), the transformed cells largely retained epithelial morphology and intercellular adherens junctions (AJ), whereas on switch to the permissive temperature (37 degrees C) they rapidly became fibroblastoid, their AJ deteriorated, and cell adhesion molecules (A-CAM) (N-cadherin) largely disappeared from intercellular contact sites. The microfilament system that was primarily associated with these junctions was markedly rearranged on shift to 37 degrees C and remained associated mainly with cell-substrate focal contacts. These apparent changes in intercellular AJ were not accompanied by significant alterations in the cellular content of several junction-associated molecules, including A-CAM, vinculin, and talin. Immunolabeling with phosphotyrosine-specific antibodies indicated that both cell-substrate and intercellular AJ were the major cellular targets for the pp60v-src tyrosine-specific protein kinase. It was further shown that intercellular AJ components serve as substrates to tyrosine kinases also in nontransformed lens cells, because the addition of a combination of vanadate and H2O2--which are potent inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatases--leads to a remarkable accumulation of immunoreactive phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in these junctions. This finding suggests that intercellular junctions are major sites of action of protein tyrosine kinases and that protein tyrosine phosphatases play a major role in the regulation of phosphotyrosine levels in AJ of both normal and RSV-transformed cells.  相似文献   

The endothelial adherens junction is formed by complexes of transmembrane adhesive proteins, of which beta-catenin is known to connect the junctional protein vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin to the cytoskeleton and to play a signaling role in the regulation of junction-cytoskeleton interaction. In this study, we investigated the effect of neutrophil activation on endothelial monolayer integrity and on beta-catenin and VE-cadherin modification. Treatment of cultured bovine coronary endothelial monolayers with C5a-activated neutrophils resulted in an increase in permeability as measured by albumin clearance across the monolayer. Furthermore, large scale intercellular gap formation was observed in coincidence with the hyperpermeability response. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that beta-catenin and VE-cadherin staining changed from a uniform distribution along the membrane of control cells to a diffuse pattern for both proteins and finger-like projections for beta-catenin in neutrophil-exposed monolayers. Correlatively, there was an increase in actin stress fiber formation in treated cells. Finally, beta-catenin and VE-cadherin from neutrophil-treated endothelial cells showed a significant increase in tyrosine phosphorylation. Our results are the first to link neutrophil-mediated changes in adherens junctions with intercellular gap formation and hyperpermeability in microvascular endothelial cells. These data suggest that neutrophils may regulate endothelial barrier function through a process conferring conformational changes to beta-catenin and VE-cadherin.  相似文献   

Rabbit antiserum raised against highest molecular weight microtubule-associated protein (MAP-1) of brain immunoprecipitated 350,000-, 300,000-, and 80,000-mol-wt phosphoproteins of rat embryo fibroblasts (3Y1-B). The 350,000-mol-wt protein was sensitive to heat as was brain MAP-1, but the 300,000- and 80,000-mol-wt proteins were not. These polypeptides were hardly phosphorylated in cells in the quiescent G0 phase but were rapidly phosphorylated after addition of serum, epidermal growth factor, phorbol ester, insulin, or transferrin in the presence of calcium ions. All these agents also induced incorporation of [3H]-thymidine into DNA. These polypeptides were detected in isolated microtubules and cold-resistant filaments by immunoblotting. Since the 350,000-mol-wt polypeptide was detected in the membrane, the cytoskeletons, and the nucleus, and has been suggested to function as a linker, its rapid phosphorylation might represent an early process in transduction of the signal of mitogenic stimulation to the nucleus.  相似文献   

The human melanoma growth-stimulatory activities (MGSA alpha, beta, gamma/GRO) are products of immediate early genes coding for cytokines that exhibit sequence similarity to platelet factor-4 and beta-thromboglobulin. MGSA/GRO alpha has been demonstrated to partially complete for binding to the approximately 58-kDa neutrophil receptor for another beta-thromboglobulin-related chemotactic protein, IL-8. We demonstrate that when [125I]MGSA/GRO alpha was cross-linked to receptors/binding proteins from human placenta, there were two major [125I]MGSA cross-linked bands of approximately 64,000 and approximately 84,000 Mr. Because [125I]MGSA exists primarily in monomer and dimer forms at the concentrations used here, it is not clear whether the receptor/binding proteins represented by the cross-linked bands are approximately 50,000 and approximately 70,000 or approximately 58,000 and approximately 78,000 Mr. Ligand binding to the receptor proteins is associated with enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of substrates, including proteins in the same Mr range as the MGSA/GRO receptor/binding proteins.  相似文献   

The results presented here demonstrate that an elevation in the cellular levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP) increases the phosphorylation of an Mr = 58,000 cellular protein in quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 cells. The enhancement of 32Pi incorporation into the Mr 58,000 cellular protein was detected as early as 1 min and reached a maximum after 20 min of treatment. The role of cAMP in the phosphorylation of Mr = 58,000 protein is substantiated by the following lines of evidence: a) a variety of agents that cause cAMP accumulation in 3T3 cells, including cholera toxin, 5'-N-ethylcarboxamideadenosine (NECA), PGE1, and 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (IBMX) increased the phosphorylation of the same Mr 58,000 cellular protein as demonstrated by peptide mapping; b) inhibitors of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase potentiated the ability of low concentrations of the adenylate cyclase activators NECA, PGE1, and forskolin to increase Mr 58,000 phosphorylation; and c) permeable derivatives of cAMP such as 8BrcAMP were also effective and specific in promoting Mr 58,000 phosphorylation. Detergent extraction, immunoblotting, and immunoprecipitation identified the Mr = 58,000 phosphoprotein as vimentin, the main protein subunit of the intermediate filaments of mesenchymal cells including Swiss 3T3 cells. Studies with intact 3T3 cells revealed that an increase in the intracellular level of cAMP induced a marked redistribution and collapse of the intermediate filaments. These results raise the possibility that an intact intermediate filament network may restrict the reinitiation of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

In an attempt to elucidate the intracellular events regulating the proliferation of endothelial cells (EC), we have compared the phosphorylation events in membranes prepared from proliferating (sparse) and quiescent (confluent) EC. Triton-solubilized membranes from sparse and confluent EC were incubated at pH 6.5 in the presence of divalent cations and [32P]ATP. Membrane proteins were then separated by SDS-PAGE and the radiolabeled phosphoproteins visualized by autoradiography. The overall kinase activity per milligram protein was 1.7 +/- 0.2-fold greater in membranes prepared from proliferating than from quiescent cells. The extent of phosphorylation was dramatically elevated in sparse over confluent samples for four phosphoproteins having the following approximate molecular masses: 180, 100, 97, and 55 kDa. The 180 and 100 kDa phosphoproteins exhibited 3.6- and 7.4-fold higher labeling, respectively, in sparse than in confluent membranes and both were phosphorylated on serine residues exclusively. The 97 kDa phosphoprotein was 11.6-fold higher in sparse membranes and contained both phosphoserine (p-ser) and phosphotheronine (p-thr), the latter comprising 61% of the radioactivity. The 55 kDA phosphoprotein contained 62% p-ser, 16% p-thr, and 22% phosphotyrosine (p-tyr) and was 2.3-fold higher in sparse membranes. Of these four phosphoproteins, only the 55 kDa protein was phosphorylated in confluent samples to an appreciable degree. Whereas the p-ser and p-thr content of the 55 kDa band increased moderately in sparse vs. confluent sample (1.8-fold increase), the tyrosine residues of this protein in sparse membranes were radiolabeled to a much greater extent relative to confluent membranes (5.4-fold increase). Analysis of the cofactor requirements of the FC membrane kinase(s) revealed that Mn2+ is the optimum cofactor and that Mg2+ can replace Mn2+ only for the kinase acting on the 100 kDa band. This suggests the presence of multiple EC membrane kinases. In the presence of both cofactors, the phosphorylation pattern is similar to the pattern obtained with Mn2+ alone. The kinase activity acting on all four phosphoproteins was independent of Ca2+, cAMP, cGMP, and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. The mechanism responsible for the difference in kinase activity of proliferating vs. quiescent cells was not due to an inhibitor or enhanced phosphatase activity in confluent cells; the phosphorylation patterns obtained with sparse solubilized membranes and a mixture of sparse and confluent solubilized membranes were similar.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Capacitation (activation) of mammalian spermatozoa is accompanied by protein phosphorylation, elevation of the intracellular calcium concentration and an increased plasma membrane fluidity. The subcellular localization of tyrosine phosphorylation during capacitation have not yet been elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate whether boar sperm capacitation induces tyrosine phosphorylation of plasma membrane proteins. Capacitation induced tyrosine phosphorylation of 3 proteins (27, 37, and 40 kDa), which coincided with an increase in the plasma membrane fluidity. The importance of the induced tyrosine phosphorylation in sperm binding to the zona pellucida and the induction of the acrosome reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Posttranslational protein modifications and their interaction are an important way for the regulation of activities of proteins and their supramolecular complexes. More than 50 soluble proteins phosphorylated on tyrosine were detected in pea (Pisum sativum L., cv. Truzhenik) roots by one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis and immunoblotting with a highly specific antibody (PY20). The level of tyrosine phosphorylation of these proteins was changed under in situ action of redox and alkylating agents.  相似文献   

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