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Continuous operation of a new bioreactor for air pollution control called the foamed emulsion bioreactor (FEBR) has been investigated. The effect of several liquid feeding strategies was explored. The FEBR exhibited high and steady toluene removal performance (removal efficiency of 89%-94%, elimination capacity of 214-226 g/m3h at toluene inlet concentration of 1 g/m3) for up to 360 h, when 20% of the culture was replaced every 24 h by a nutrient solution containing 4 g/L of potassium nitrate as a nitrogen source. This feeding mode supported a high cell activity measured as INT reduction potential and active cell growth without being subject to nitrogen limitation. In comparison, operating the FEBR with the liquid in a closed loop (i.e., batch) resulted in a significant decrease of both the removal efficiency of toluene and INT reduction activity. Operation with feeding active cells resulted in stable and effective treatment, but would require a significant effort for mass culture preparation. Therefore, the continuous process with periodically feeding nutrients was found to be the most practical and effective operating mode. It also allows for stable operation, as was shown during removal of low concentration of toluene or after pollutant starvation. Throughout the study, INT reduction measurements provided insight into the process. INT reduction activity data proved that under normal operating conditions, the FEBR performance was limited by both the kinetics and by mass transfer. Overall, the results illustrate that engineered gas-phase bioreactors can potentially be more effective than conventional biofilters and biotrickling filters for the treatment of air pollutants such as toluene.  相似文献   

Recently, a new type of bioreactor for air pollution control referred to as the foamed emulsion bioreactor (FEBR) has been developed. The process relies on the emulsion of an organic phase with a suspension of an actively growing culture of pollutant-degrading microorganisms, made into a foam with the air undergoing treatment. In the current paper, a diffusion and reaction model of the FEBR is presented and discussed. The model considers the fate of the volatile pollutant in the emulsion that constitutes the liquid films of the FEBR. Oxygen limitation as well as substrate inhibition were included in the biokinetic relationships. The removal of toluene vapors served for the validation of the model. All the model parameters were determined by independent experiments or taken from the literature. The model predictions were found to be in good agreement with the experimental data and the model provided useful insights on the phenomena occurring in the FEBR. Model parametric sensitivity studies and further discussion of the factors that limit the performance of the FEBR are presented in Part 2 of this paper.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of a conceptual model of a foam emulsion bioreactor (FEBR) used for the control of toluene vapors in air was examined. Model parametric sensitivity studies showed which parameters affect the removal of toluene (as model pollutant) in the FEBR the most significantly, and enabled definition of the limits of the process. Detailed examination of the results indicated that the process is highly complex and that both mass transfer and kinetic limitations can coexist in the bioreactor system. These results will help with the optimization of the design and operation of FEBRs.  相似文献   

Biotechniques for air pollution control   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
This paper gives an overview of present biological techniques for the treatment of off-gases and the techniques that are being developed at the moment. The characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, costs and application area are discussed and compared. Biological off-gas treatment is based on the absorption of volatile contaminants in an aqueous phase or biofilm followed by oxidation by the action of microorganisms. Biofilters, bioscrubbers and biotrickling filters are used for elimination of odour and bioconvertable volatile organic and inorganic compounds and are enjoying increasing popularity. This popularity is a result of the low investment and operational costs involved compared to physico-chemical techniques and the elimination efficiencies that can be obtained. The operational envelop is still extending to higher concentrations and gas flow rates (exceeding 200,000 m3 h–1) and a broader spectrum of degradable compounds. Research and development on the use of membranes and the addition of activated carbon or a second liquid phase to the biological systems may lead to a more efficient elimination of hydrophobic compounds and buffering of fluctuating loads. Shorter adaptation periods can be obtained by inoculation with specialized microorganisms. Improved design and operation are made possible by the growing insights in the kinetics and microbiology and supported by the development of models describing biological off-gas treatment. In conclusion, biotechniques are efficient and cost effective in treating off-gases with concentrations of biodegradable contaminants up to 1–5 g/m3. They could play a justified and important role in air pollution control in the coming years.Abbreviations VOC volatile organic compound - NO x gaseous oxides of nitrogen  相似文献   

张广来  张宁  任亚运 《生态学报》2022,42(19):7932-7940
以2003年实施的大气污染防治重点城市政策为准自然实验,运用双重差分模型从区域层面分析了大气污染规制对城市空气污染治理的影响,研究发现:(1)大气污染规制在1%的显著性水平下降低了重点城市的工业二氧化硫排放强度,工业二氧化硫排放量以及城市PM2.5年均浓度值。(2)大气污染防治重点城市政策实施后的9年时间内有效减少了12215.8万t城市工业二氧化硫排放量,并且使得城市PM2.5年均浓度改善2.97μg/m3,下降比分别达到了36.2%和8.5%,平均每年减少了3.7%的城市工业二氧化硫排放量并降低0.944%的城市PM2.5浓度值。(3)大气污染防治重点城市政策对于城市空气污染治理主要是通过减少能源消耗量、增加城市污染治理力度、促进规制地区产业结构转型升级和提升生产技术水平等渠道予以实现。  相似文献   

李竞  侯丽朋  唐立娜 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8845-8859
改革开放以来,中国经济迅猛发展,但大气污染等环境问题日益突出。进入21世纪,我国通过颁布实施多项大气污染防治政策,将京津冀及周边地区、长三角地区、珠三角地区等大气污染较严重的区域划定为重点区域,针对性制定治污措施和实施减排工程,努力推动区域环境空气质量改善。基于2000-2019年我国31个省(自治区、直辖市)(以下简称31个省份)GDP,以及SO2、PM10、NO2三项大气污染物浓度数据,利用环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC,Environmental Kuznets Curve)模型,对31个省份和京津冀及周边地区、长三角地区、珠三角地区的经济增长情况、大气污染物浓度演变以及二者之间的关系进行了系统全面的分析评估。研究结果显示:(1)近年来实施的各项大气污染防治政策,特别是2013年以来颁布实施的《大气污染防治行动计划》《打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划》,推动环境空气质量改善的同时,促进了经济发展与环境保护长期关系协调性逐步增强,除NO2浓度呈U型外,31个省份SO2浓度、PM10浓度与人均GDP的EKC曲线呈倒U型和倒N型,并处于快速下降阶段。(2)京津冀及周边地区SO2浓度与人均GDP呈倒U型,且处于快速下降阶段;PM10和NO2浓度均呈现U型关系,且均处于上升期。(3)长三角地区SO2、PM10浓度与人均GDP呈现倒U型和U型,但均处于下降阶段;NO2浓度与人均GDP无相关关系。(4)珠三角地区SO2、PM10和NO2浓度与人均GDP均呈现倒U型关系,且均处于下降阶段。为此,建议"十四五"期间我国政府要继续实施新一轮的大气污染防治行动计划,聚焦机动车NOx污染管控,大力推动NO2浓度稳步下降,以实现我国环境空气质量持续改善,为统筹经济高质量发展和生态环境高水平保护奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

化学性大气污染的植物修复与绿化树种选择(综述)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
简要介绍化学性大气污染的植物修复过程与机理,阐述植物对空气污染物抗性研究的主要方法和抗性指标,以及修复大气污染绿化树种的选择依据。  相似文献   

A mathematical model that incorporates mass transfer process and biofilm reactions is presented to predict the performance of a trickle-bed air biofilter (TBAB) for treating toluene (T) and acetone (ACE) mixtures. The model consists of a set of mass balance equations for T, ACE and oxygen in the bulk gas phase and within the biofilm. The gas phase T and ACE concentrations predicted by the model were in good agreement with the measured data available in a previous study. The important parameters were evaluated in the sensitivity analysis to determine their respective effects on the model performance. Four parameters were identified as strongly influencing the model performance, the surface area of the biofilm per unit volume of packing material (A S), the empty-bed residence time (EBRT), the maximum specific growth rate of microorganism ( m), and the microbial yield coefficient (Y). A practical application of the model to derive the performance equation of TBAB is also given.  相似文献   

Toluene and acetone mixtures are commonly encountered from the manufacture of semi-conductor or opto-electronic apparatus. This study attempts to employ a trickle-bed air biofilter (TBAB) for treating toluene and acetone mixtures under different gas flow rates and influent concentrations. In the pseudo-steady-states, the elimination capacities of toluene and acetone increased but the removal efficiencies decreased with the increase of influent carbon loading. The removal efficiencies of toluene were higher than those of acetone, indicating that toluene is a preferred substrate in the mixtures. Greater than 90% removal efficiencies were achieved with influent carbon loadings of toluene and acetone below 125 and 15 g/m3 h, respectively. The TBAB appears efficient for controlling toluene and acetone mixture with medium toluene and low acetone loadings. Applicable operating conditions of TBAB for treating mixed toluene and acetone emission are suggested.  相似文献   

Air pollution is a serious environmental issue that has been long recognized. Whereas government policies attempt to reduce air pollution by controlling various pollution sources, research on risk perception of air pollution tends to treat air pollution as a single unified risk and neglects the complication of the polluting sources. Previous research consistently demonstrates that lay people have an inaccurate understanding of air pollution and are unwilling to change their behaviors to decrease pollution. However, these findings can hardly be employed in policy-making because researchers and policy-makers treat air pollution differently. The aim of the present study is to obtain a nuanced understanding of people's risk perception of air pollution from different sources. Moreover, we propose a new risk dimension, Self-Relevancy, and try to understand people's reluctance to change their behaviors to reduce pollution. Three main findings emerged. First, we demonstrated that people perceived each air pollution source differently. Second, factor analysis of risk characteristics showed that ratings of Self-Relevancy questions mainly loaded on the same factor, which indicates the robustness of the Self-Relevancy risk dimension. Finally, we found that people's ratings of Self-Relevancy positively predicted their perceived risk for some of the pollution sources. These findings highlight the importance of investigating sub-categories of risks and exploring the risk dimension of Self-Relevancy in future risk perception research to provide detailed and informative data for policy-makers.  相似文献   

Air pollution exposure has been increasing extensively and there are evidence suggesting that exposure to air pollution during pregnancy can lead to congenital defects in the offspring. Recent findings suggested that microRNAs (miRNAs) might play important roles in the pathogenesis of developmental defects. However, the miRNAs profile pattern in the air pollution-exposed embryos remains unknown. RNA sequencing was performed to determine the differentially expressed miRNAs in the rat embryos (gestation day 9) with or without air pollution exposure. The potential functions and the associated mechanisms of these differentially expressed miRNAs were determined using Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway and Gene Ontology (GO) analyses. The regulatory networks of mRNA–miRNA interactions were also reconstructed. As compared with the control group, a total of 291 miRNAs were differentially expressed in the rat embryos from the air pollution-exposed group, in which 204 and 87 miRNAs were significantly downregulated and upregulated, respectively. These miRNAs were predicted to deregulate mitotic spindle organization, cellular respiration, glycolate metabolism, and proteasome. Extensive regulation of target genes by miR-346, miR-504, miR-214-3p and miR-1224 was also predicted. Our results suggested that miRNAs may play crucial roles in the pathogenesis of air pollution-induced congenital spinal defects through deregulating multiple biological processes.  相似文献   

Summary A long-term field experiment permanently measuring gas exchange in the top of a 70-year-old spruce, continued for through the 1990 growing season. Two gas exchange chambers were run simultaneously under identical climatic conditions. One of two similar twigs was exposed to ambient air whereas the other received pure air. These experiments aimed to examine the ability of the stomata to control water balance, comparing pure and ambient air. This was done not only in natural climatic conditions but also in experimental, specifically maintained stress situations. Special care was taken to ensure that only steady state values of stomatal responses are related to the environmental stimuli. During a drought period lasting several weeks, overshooting transpiration values were documented for the ambient air. The two twigs do not merely differ in their control capacity, but the behaviour of the stomata in ambient air deviates from the norm. The increasingly uncontrolled water losses during the drought period have a negative effect on photosynthetic capacity. The influence of water deficit on stomatal response to other environmental factors (light, CO2) is shown. Due to deficient control quality of the stomata lower stress tolerance in the face of drought is suggested in ambient air as compared with pure air. By tracing dysfunctions to structural changes in the cell walls of the stomatal apparatus, a mechanism is described explaining forest decline under the combined influence of air pollutants and drought stress.  相似文献   

A novel bioreactor for the biodegradation of toxic aromatic solvents, such as benzene, toluene, and xylenes in liquid effluent stream, was developed. Silicon tubing was immersed in the completely mixed and aerated bioreactor, and liquid toluene as a model solvent was circulated within the tubing. Toluene diffused out of the tube wall and was transferred at high rate into the culture broth, where biodegradation occurred. The effect of operating parameters on the toluene transfer rate was investigated. During continuous operation, the biodegradation rate was considerably higher than those obtained using conventional methods. A mathematical model was established for continuous biodegradation, and simulation results coincided with the experimental results. The performance and operational criteria of the bioreactor were analyzed on the basis of both the experimental and simulation results. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

快速城市化和工业化进程造成了一系列大气污染问题,亟需在宏观尺度上解析大气污染时空分布规律。景观生态学关注格局与过程耦合,景观"源汇"理论可对应解析大气污染物的源与汇效应,将景观生态学的理论与方法引入大气污染研究中已成为解决当前区域发展与大气污染权衡的有效途径。从景观生态学视角辨识了景观与大气污染物的源汇关系,系统梳理了景观格局与大气污染的定量关系,指出当前景观格局指标仍需进一步完善以表征大气污染时空分布特征,而高质量大气污染物时空数据的缺乏是限制景观格局与大气污染过程耦合分析的重要因素,拓展应用景观"源汇"理论,定量解析景观格局对大气污染的源汇效应,同时进一步研发遥感反演技术,实现大气污染物分布格局的精细刻画,将为区域景观规划提供重要支撑。强化大气污染研究中的景观生态学分析途径,将有助于深化景观生态学格局与过程耦合研究体系,也将为景观可持续管理提供有力的科学支撑。  相似文献   

Traffic-related air pollution (TRAP), including particulate matter (PM) in respirable coarse and fine size fractions (PM10 and PM2.5), is known to have exposure effects on human health and environment. Real-time PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were collected from the study locations in Bangkok, Thailand, using TSI AM510 particle counters. Temperature and % relative humidity (%RH) were also collected. Data were compared to data from the closest station of the Pollution Control Department (PCD), Thailand. Real-time mean concentration varied from 86 to 1107 µg/m3 (PM10) and varied from 25 to 664 µg/m3 (PM2.5). In addition, real-time mean PM10 (223.1 µg/m3) was nearly four times greater than that measured by the PCD station, 60 µg/m3. Temperature and %RH from real-time air monitoring and PCD station were comparable. In each study location (five locations, two in morning and afternoon/evening), there were significant positive correlations between PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations and significant negative correlations between temperature and RH%. Results suggested that outdoor TRAP via measured real-time PM concentrations were more realistic exposure concentration estimates among street vendors as related to respiratory and other symptoms than data obtained from PCD station. Nevertheless, PM10 as measured by the PCD station might be a reasonable surrogate for estimated outdoor PM2.5 exposure.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents melissopalynological investigations applied to air pollution studies. During this research honey produced in an urban environment was subjected to pollen analysis. Also, the honey was chemically analysed for studies using the bee as a bioindicator of heavy metal pollution (Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni). In 1987–88, 96 samples from the cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia were examined. Palynological analysis under the microscope was complemented by direct observations of the environment, e.g. movements of honey-bees, phenology, plant distribution. Results of melissopalynological analysis proved the wide potential of bees as bioindicators. Moreover, these data supply useful information for the full interpretation of chemical analyses. In particular, it is possible to verify the correspondence between honey and monitored period to check if the sample was in fact produced in the previous month. It is also possible to correlate the honey and the monitored site, i.e., the preferential routes of bees. Finally, it is worthwhile pointing out the presence of the honeydew in the composition of the examined sample: this substance can act as a ?trap? for airborne particles, increasing their concentration in honey.  相似文献   


1. 1. The application method of fuzzy control to air conditioning environment is shown taking home and railcar air conditioners as an example.

2. 2. The control system developed by us includes the capacity control as the basic application example, the control to determine a set temperature, and that to correct automatically the set temperature.

Author Keywords: Fuzzy control; environmental control; home air conditioners; railcar air conditioners; temperature control; airflow control; energy saving  相似文献   

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