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N Bennett  A Sitaramayya 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1710-1715
The inactivation of excited rhodopsin in the presence of ATP, rhodopsin kinase, and/or arrestin has been studied from its effect on the two subsequent steps in the light-induced enzymatic cascade: metarhodopsin II catalyzed activation of G-protein and G-protein-dependent activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase. The inactivation of G-protein (from light-scattering measurements) and that of phosphodiesterase (from measurements of cGMP hydrolysis) have been studied and compared in reconstituted systems containing various combinations of the proteins involved (rhodopsin, G-protein, phosphodiesterase, kinase, and arrestin). Our results show that rhodopsin kinase alone can terminate the activation of G-protein and that arrestin speeds up the process at a relative concentration similar to that reported in the rod (half-maximal effect at 50 nM for 4.4 microM rhodopsin). Measurements of rhodopsin phosphorylation under identical conditions show that in the presence of arrestin total metarhodopsin II inactivation is achieved when only 0.5-1.4 phosphates are bound per bleached rhodopsin, whereas in the absence of arrestin it requires binding of 12-16 phosphates per bleached rhodopsin. Phosphodiesterase activity can similarly be turned off by kinase, and the process is similarly accelerated by arrestin.  相似文献   

Physicochemical characterization of bovine retinal arrestin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The native conformation of bovine retinal arrestin has been characterized by a variety of spectroscopic methods. The purified protein gives rise to a near uv absorption band centered at 279 nm which results from the absorbance of its 14 tyrosine and one tryptophan residue. The extinction coefficient for this absorption band was determined to be 38.64 mM-1, cm-1 using the tyrosinate-tyrosine difference spectrum method; this extinction coefficient is ca. 17% lower than the previously reported value, and provides estimates of protein concentration which are in good agreement with estimates from the Bradford colorimetric assay. When native arrestin is purified to homogeneity, it displays a fluorescence spectrum which is dominated by tyrosine emission with no discernible contribution from tryptophan. Observation of the tyrosine-like fluorescence is dependent on the purity and structural integrity of the protein. Denaturation of arrestin by guanidine hydrochloride results in a diminution of tyrosine fluorescence and the concomitant appearance of a second fluorescence maximum at ca. 340 nm, presumably due to the single tryptophan residue. Thermal denaturation of arrestin leads to a conformation characterized by a broad fluorescence band centered at ca. 325 nm. Study of the arrestin fluorescence spectrum as a function of temperature indicates that the thermal denaturation is well modeled as a two-state transition with a transition midpoint of 60 degrees C. Temperature-dependent far uv circular dichroism studies indicate that changes in secondary structure occur coincident with the change in fluorescence. Studies of the temperature dependence of arrestin binding to light-adapted phosphorylated rhodopsin shows a strong correlation between the fluorescence spectral features of arrestin and its ability to bind rhodopsin. These data suggest that the relative intensities of tyrosine and tryptophan fluorescence are sensitive to the structural integrity of the native (i.e., rhodopsin binding) state of arrestin, and can thus serve as useful markers of conformational transitions of this protein. The lack of tryptophan fluorescence for native arrestin suggests an unusual environment for this residue. Possible mechanisms for this tryptophan fluorescence quenching are discussed.  相似文献   

In rod photoreceptors, arrestin localizes to the outer segment (OS) in the light and to the inner segment (IS) in the dark. Here, we demonstrate that redistribution of arrestin between these compartments can proceed in ATP-depleted photoreceptors. Translocation of transducin from the IS to the OS also does not require energy, but depletion of ATP or GTP inhibits its reverse movement. A sustained presence of activated rhodopsin is required for sequestering arrestin in the OS, and the rate of arrestin relocalization to the OS is determined by the amount and the phosphorylation status of photolyzed rhodopsin. Interaction of arrestin with microtubules is increased in the dark. Mutations that enhance arrestin-microtubule binding attenuate arrestin translocation to the OS. These results indicate that the distribution of arrestin in rods is controlled by its dynamic interactions with rhodopsin in the OS and microtubules in the IS and that its movement occurs by simple diffusion.  相似文献   

The fraction of proteins capable of binding to photoreceptor membranes in a Ca2+-dependent manner was isolated from bovine rod outer segments. One of these proteins with apparent molecular mass of 32 kD (p32) was purified to homogeneity and identified as annexin IV (endonexin) by MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry. In immunoblot, annexin IV purified from bovine rod outer segments cross-reacted with antibodies against annexin IV from bovine liver. This is the first detection of annexin IV in vertebrate retina.  相似文献   

Dynamics of cyclic GMP synthesis in retinal rods   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Burns ME  Mendez A  Chen J  Baylor DA 《Neuron》2002,36(1):81-91
In retinal rods, Ca(2+) exerts negative feedback control on cGMP synthesis by guanylate cyclase (GC). This feedback loop was disrupted in mouse rods lacking guanylate cyclase activating proteins GCAP1 and GCAP2 (GCAPs(-/-)). Comparison of the behavior of wild-type and GCAPs(-/-) rods allowed us to investigate the role of the feedback loop in normal rod function. We have found that regulation of GC is apparently the only Ca(2+) feedback loop operating during the single photon response. Analysis of the rods' light responses and cellular dark noise suggests that GC normally responds to light-driven changes in [Ca(2+)] rapidly and highly cooperatively. Rapid feedback to GC speeds the rod's temporal responsiveness and improves its signal-to-noise ratio by minimizing fluctuations in cGMP.  相似文献   

To study the effect of the intensity, duration, spectral composition, and diameter of the light spot on the amplitude and shape of the response of single rods of the frog retina, potentials were recorded intracellularly. The rods tested could be divided into two groups on the basis of their responses to light spots of different spectral composition: those with maxima of sensitivity at 507 ± 8 nm and 442 ± 8 nm. With an increase in the intensity of light the response amplitude rose gradually and the time for the response to rise to its maximum was shortened. A bright flash temporarily inhibited the sensitivity of the cell to subsequent test flashes. If light spots of larger diameter (1000–1500 µ) were presented a delayed depolarization wave, due to illumination of the distant surroundings of the receptor, was observed in the course of recovery of the photic response; this effect was maximal for stimulation with red light and it was evidently induced by horizontal cell activity. The possible functional role of the depolarizing effect of illumination of the distant surroundings of the receptor is discussed.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 84–92, January–February, 1975.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-binding protein recoverin may regulate visual transduction in retinal rods and cones, but its functional role and mechanism of action remain controversial. We compared the photoresponses of rods from control mice and from mice in which the recoverin gene was knocked out. Our analysis indicates that Ca2+-recoverin prolongs the dark-adapted flash response and increases the rod's sensitivity to dim steady light. Knockout rods had faster Ca2+ dynamics, indicating that recoverin is a significant Ca2+ buffer in the outer segment, but incorporation of exogenous buffer did not restore wild-type behavior. We infer that Ca2+-recoverin potentiates light-triggered phosphodiesterase activity, probably by effectively prolonging the catalytic activity of photoexcited rhodopsin.  相似文献   

Exposure of an intact vertebrate eye to light bleaches the rhodopsin in the photoreceptor outer segments in spatially nonuniform patterns. Some axial bleaching patterns produced in toad rods were determined using microspectrophotometric techniques. More rhodopsin was bleached at the base of the outer segment than at the distal tip. The shape of the bleaching gradient varied with the extent of bleach and with the spectral content of the illuminant. Monochromatic light at the lambda max of the rhodopsin gave rise to the steepest bleaching gradients and induced the greatest changes in the form of the gradient with increasing extent of bleach. These results were consistent with a mathematical model for pigment bleaching in an unstirred sample. The model did not fit bleaching patterns resulting from special lighting conditions that promoted the photoregeneration of rhodopsin from the intermediates of bleaching. Prolonged light adaptation of toads could also produce axial rhodopsin gradients that were not fit by the bleaching model. Under certain conditions the axial gradient of rhodopsin in a rod outer segment reversed with time in the light: the rhodopsin content became highest at the base. This result could be explained by an interaction between the pattern of bleaching and the intracellular topography of regeneration.  相似文献   

The renewal of protein in retinal rods and cones   总被引:32,自引:24,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The renewal of protein in retinal rods and cones has been analyzed by quantitative electron microscope radioautography in adult frogs injected with a mixture of radioactive amino acids. Protein synthesis occurs predominantly in the ergastoplasm, localized in the myoid region of the photoreceptor cells. Much of the newly formed protein next flows through the Golgi complex. In rods, a large proportion of the protein then moves past the mitochondria of the ellipsoid segment, passes through the connecting cilium into the outer segment, and is there assembled into membranous discs at the base of that structure. Discs are formed at the rate of 36 per day in red rods and 25 per day in green rods at 22.5° C ambient temperature. In cones, a small proportion of the protein is similarly displaced to the outer segment. However, no new discs are formed. Instead, the protein becomes diffusely distributed throughout the cone outer segment. Low levels of radioactivity have been detected, shortly after injection, in the mitochondria, nucleus, and synaptic bodies of rods and cones. Nevertheless, in these organelles, the renewal process also appears to involve the utilization of protein formed in the ergastoplasm of the myoid.  相似文献   

The amount of Na+ and K+ in isolated bovine retina outer segments and slices of outer segments obtained from frozen and freeze-dried bovine and frog retinas was established. It is shown that during the conventional procedure of isolation nearly 75% of the Na+ and K+ present in native structures was lost.

The average amount of K+ in bovine outer segments is 158 mmoles/kg dry wt.; Na+, 136 mmoles/kg dry wt. In frog outer segments there is: K+, 133 mmoles/kg dry wt.; Na+, 91 mmoles/kg dry wt.

With the help of the electron microscopic technique Na+ was shown to be located predominantly in the sacs of the outer segments. As for K+, it is, in all probability, in the extrasaccular space which agrees with some experimental biochemical data obtained.  相似文献   

Vertebrate rod photoreceptors adjust their sensitivity as they adapt during exposure to steady light. Light adaptation prevents the rod from saturating and significantly extends its dynamic range. We examined the time course of the onset of light adaptation in bullfrog rods and compared it with the projected onset of feedback reactions thought to underlie light adaptation on the molecular level. We found that adaptation developed in two distinct temporal phases: (1) a fast phase that operated within seconds after the onset of illumination, which is consistent with most previous reports of a 1-2-s time constant for the onset of adaptation; and (2) a slow phase that engaged over tens of seconds of continuous illumination. The fast phase desensitized the rods as much as 80-fold, and was observed at every light intensity tested. The slow phase was observed only at light intensities that suppressed more than half of the dark current. It provided an additional sensitivity loss of up to 40-fold before the rod saturated. Thus, rods achieved a total degree of adaptation of approximately 3,000-fold. Although the fast adaptation is likely to originate from the well characterized Ca(2+)-dependent feedback mechanisms regulating the activities of several phototransduction cascade components, the molecular mechanism underlying slow adaptation is unclear. We tested the hypothesis that the slow adaptation phase is mediated by cGMP dissociation from noncatalytic binding sites on the cGMP phosphodiesterase, which has been shown to reduce the lifetime of activated phosphodiesterase in vitro. Although cGMP dissociated from the noncatalytic binding sites in intact rods with kinetics approximating that for the slow adaptation phase, this hypothesis was ruled out because the intensity of light required for cGMP dissociation far exceeded that required to evoke the slow phase. Other possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in structure of the disks of retinal rods in hypotonic solutions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Association of guanylate cyclase with the axoneme of retinal rods   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Axonemes were isolated from purified bovine retinal rod outer segments by dissolving the outer segment membranes in detergent and separating the axonemes by centrifugation on a linear detergent-containing sucrose density gradient. Guanylate cyclase (GTP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC 4.61.2) activity was concentrated in the axoneme fraction. Guanylate cyclase eluted in the void volume when detergent-solubilized rod outer segments were subjected to exclusion chromatography on Sepharose 4B. Attempts to extract guanylate cyclase from isolated axonemes with salt, EDTA, base and other reagents were successful.  相似文献   

The submicroscopic organization of the retinal rods of the rabbit has been studied with high resolution electron microscopy in thin longitudinal and cross-sections. The outer rod segment consists of a stack of flattened sacs or cisternae each of them limited by a thin homogeneous membrane of about 30 A. The membrane of the rod sacs is attached to the surface membrane and is also in continuity with short tubular stalks of about 100 to 150 A which apparently end in relation with the connecting cilium. The bundle of filaments that constitute the connection between the outer and the inner segments is described under the name of connecting cilium. This fibrous component has a structure that is very similar to that of the cilium. It shows 9 pairs of peripheral filaments of about 160 A in diameter, a matrix material, and a surface membrane. Very infrequently two central single filaments are observed. The connecting cilium has a typical basal body in the inner segment; its distal end penetrates the outer segment, where it establishes some structural relation to the rod sacs. The relationships and submicroscopic organization of the connecting cilium were studied in longitudinal and in cross-sections passing at different levels of the rod segments. The inner rod segment shows two distinct regions: a distal and a proximal one. The distal region, corresponding to the ellipsoid of classical histology is mainly composed of longitudinally packed mitochondria. It also contains the basal body of the cilium, vacuoles of the endoplasmic reticulum, dense particles, and intervening matrix with very fine filaments. In the proximal region of the inner segment the mitochondria are lacking and within the matrix it is possible to recognize elements of the Golgi complex, vacuoles of the endoplasmic reticulum, dense particles and numerous neuroprotofibrils of 160 to 200 A in diameter which collect and form a definite bundle at the exit of the rod fiber. The interpretation of the connecting fibers as a portion of a cilium and of the outer segment as a differentiation of the distal part of a primitive cilium are discussed. The importance of the continuity of the surface membranes of the outer segment, connecting cilium, and inner segment is emphasized and its possible physiological role is discussed.  相似文献   

The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is essential for maintaining retinal homeostasis by removing and recycling photoreceptor outer segment (POS) in membranes. It also produces and secretes growth factors involved in retinal homeostasis. Arrestin 1 (ARR1) is specifically expressed in photoreceptors (PRs) and a vital molecule for keeping visual cycle between PRs and RPE. In the present study, we showed the expression of ARR1 was decreased by form-deprivation (FD) in retina of rat. The ARR1 was detected in the RPE of the controls but not in the RPE of FD, which indicates RPE phagocytes POS containing ARR1. Furthermore, we overexpressed ARR1 in cultured human RPE and revealed the ARR1 upregulates bFGF expression and downregulates TGF-β1, -β2 and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). The upregulation of bFGF by ARR1 directly works for PR survival and the downregulation of TGF-βs by ARR1 inhibits epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) of RPE, which is the underlying mechanism of keeping retinal homeostasis. Our results also indicate the regulation of ARR1 expression in RPE might become a novel therapeutic option for various ocular diseases.  相似文献   

The distribution of NAD kinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase within membranes of both outer and inner retina rod segments was studied by the sucrose gradient centrifugation of crude outer segment preparations. Rhodopsin and retinoldehydrogenase served as markers for outer segment membranes, whereas succinate dehydrogenase was a marker for inner ones. It is shown that NAD kinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase are localized within inner segment membranes of the photoreception cell and that the activity of these enzymes in the crude preparations is due to contamination of the inner segments.  相似文献   

The physical origin and functional significance of the near infra-red light scattering changes observable upon flash illumination of diluted suspensions of magnetically oriented, permeabilised frog retinal rods has been reinvestigated with particular attention paid to the degree with which transducin remains attached to the membrane. In the absence of GTP, the so called binding signal is shown to include two components of distinctive origins, widely different kinetics, and whose relative amplitudes depend on the dilution of the suspension and resulting detachment of transducin from the disc membrane. The fast component is a consequence of the fast interaction between photoexcited rhodopsin (R*) and the transducin remaining on the membrane. Its kinetics monitors a structural modification of the discs caused by a change in electrostatic interaction between closely packed membranes upon the formation of R*-T complexes. The slow component monitors the slow rebinding to the membrane and possible subsequent interaction with excess R* of T-GDP which, in spite of its low solubility, had eluted into solution given the high dilution of the permeated rods. In the presence of GTP, the so called dissociation signal includes a fast, anisotropic release component that specifically monitors the release into the interdiscal space of T -GTP formed from the membrane-bound pool, and a slower isotropic loss component monitoring the leakage from the permeated rod of the excess T -GTP which did not interact with the cGMP phosphodiesterase. The amplitudes of both components depend exclusively on the membrane bound T-GDP pool. The kinetics of the loss component is limited by the size and degree of permeation of the rod fragments, rather than by the dissociation rate of T -GTP from the membrane.Abbreviations ROS rod outer segment - R rhodopsin - R* photoactivated rhodopsin - T, T-GDP, T -GDP, T -GTP, T transducin and its various forms - T mb, T sol: T bound to membrane or soluble - PDE cGMP-phosphodiesterase - GTP guanosine 5-triphosphate - GDP guanosine 5-diphosphate - GDP S guanosine 5-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) - cGMP guanosine-3-5 cyclic-monophosphate - DTT dithiothreitol - HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine-ethane sulfonic acid - TRIS Tris (hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

In this study, we address the mechanism of visual arrestin release from light-activated rhodopsin using fluorescently labeled arrestin mutants. We find that two mutants, I72C and S251C, when labeled with the small, solvent-sensitive fluorophore monobromobimane, exhibit spectral changes only upon binding light-activated, phosphorylated rhodopsin. Our analysis indicates that these changes are probably due to a burying of the probes at these sites in the rhodopsin-arrestin or phospholipid-arrestin interface. Using a fluorescence approach based on this observation, we demonstrate that arrestin and retinal release are linked and are described by similar activation energies. However, at physiological temperatures, we find that arrestin slows the rate of retinal release approximately 2-fold and abolishes the pH dependence of retinal release. Using fluorescence, EPR, and biochemical approaches, we also find intriguing evidence that arrestin binds to a post-Meta II photodecay product, possibly Meta III. We speculate that arrestin regulates levels of free retinal in the rod cell to help limit the formation of damaging oxidative retinal adducts. Such adducts may contribute to diseases like atrophic age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Thus, arrestin may serve to both attenuate rhodopsin signaling and protect the cell from excessive retinal levels under bright light conditions.  相似文献   

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