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We present evidence that repair of DNA damage induced by decay of incorporated 125I after replication of the labeled duplex of Escherichia coli requires the recA+ gene function. Furthermore, only about half of the cells survive after label segregation even when that repair function is present. Our results support the possibility that repair of 125I decay-induced lesions is asymmetric, being limited to damage initiated in only one of the two strands of the DNA duplex.  相似文献   

Under the balanced condition of growth of E. coli cells, no distinct difference is observed in stable RNA and protein synthesis between CP78 (rel+) and CP79 (rel), whereas a considerable difference is present in RNA accumulation between NF161 (rel+) and NF162 (rel), where NF161 < NF162. The RNA content of NF161 is lower than that of NF162 in four different cultures with different growth rates. These two sets of isogenic pairs of rel+ and rel strains are commonly used in the study of rel gene function; however, NF161 is a mutant in the spoT gene whose product may be responsible for the degradation of ppGpp. The basal levels of ppGpp in these four strains growing with three different growth rates were examined: NF161 (rel+spoT) has a much higher content of ppGpp than do other strains. Furthermore, the contents of ppGpp tend to be lower when the above four strains are growing at a faster rate. Thus a close correlation seems to exist between the content of RNA and the basal level of ppGpp under the condition of balanced growth.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the “masked message” of unfertilized eggs consists of nontranslatable mRNP particles was directly tested by in vitro translation of mRNPs in a system derived from wheat germ. Three classes of mRNPs were tested: particles prepared from sea urchin eggs in buffers containing 0.35 M K+, particles prepared from sea urchin eggs in 0.35 M Na+, and particles released with EDTA in 0.35 M K+ from polysomes of sea urchin embryos cultured in the presence of actinomycin D. The mRNA content of particles was monitored by determination of poly(A) content. The wheat germ system used is quantitatively stimulated by addition of mRNA derived from eggs or from any of the classes of mRNPs used. Particles prepared from eggs with Na+ or released from polysomes contain less protein than particles isolated from eggs in K+, and as expected these particles are fully translatable in vitro. Particles prepared from eggs in buffers containing 0.35 M K+ produce little or no stimulation in the in vitro system. That this lack of translation represents in vivo masking is indicated by several considerations: (1) The nontranslatable particles were prepared in 0.35 M K+ and 5 mM Mg2+, ion concentrations similar to those found in echinoderm eggs; (2) density and sedimentation rate characteristics of the particles are little changed by isolation; (3) RNA extracted from isolated particles is fully translatable; and (4) particles prepared from polysomes or under conditions which destabilize RNPs are translatable. These data support the masking hypothesis for the protein synthesis repression system of eggs.  相似文献   

Anabaena sp. CA does not synthesize heterocysts or express nitrogenase activity when grown with nitrate as the nitrogen source. Heterocysts and nitrogenase are induced in such cultures by various tryptophan analogs. The effect does not require inhibition of de novo protein synthesis in the culture. It is restricted to tryptophan analogs only, and, more specifically, to those which can be incorporated into proteins. dl-7-Azatryptophan was effective at triggering both heterocysts and nitrogenase when incubated in the culture for only 1–2 h, even though 6–7 h was required for heterocysts to fully mature and nitrogenase activity to be expressed. Chloramphenicol completely negated this effect, supporting the idea that the analogs are either incorporated into protein themselves or trigger the synthesis of proteins which initiate complete development of mature heterocysts. Using toluene-permeabilized cells, we have shown that anthranilate synthetase, the first key enzyme in tryptophan biosynthesis, has glutamine-dependent activity. This activity can be effectively feedback inhibited by the various tryptophan analogs at concentrations which are also effective in triggering heterocyst differentiation. These data provide firm evidence for a link between tryptophan biosynthesis, nitrogenase synthesis, heterocyst differentiation, and primary ammonia assimilation.  相似文献   

We describe a method to fluorescently label microgram quantities of high molecularweight RNA with acriflavine. The method involves hydrolyzing the RNA with HCl at pH 1.0 for 10 min to obtain segments of about 80 nucleotides. The 3′-terminal phosphate is removed from the ribose with alkaline phosphatase, and the terminal ribose is oxidized with periodate to form dialdehydes. Acriflavine is bound to the dialdehyde by the formation of a Schiff's base, and unbound acriflavine is removed by dialysis followed by chromatography on a Sephadex G-25 column eluted with phosphate buffered guanidine-HCl. Human 18 S rRNA bound 0.94 acriflavine molecules per 100 nucleotides and had a fluorescence excitation maximum at 460 nm and an emission maximum at 508 nm. If the hydrolysis step was omitted, this RNA bound only 0.12 acriflavine molecule per 100 nucleotides. Acriflavine-labeled high molecular weight yeast RNA showed a fluorescent intensity which was proportional to RNA concentration to a 1000-fold dilution.  相似文献   

The first measurement has been made of the number of diverse mRNA sequences (mRNA sequence complexity) in the total polysomes of a eucaryotic system, the sea urchin gastrula. mRNA was purified of nuclear RNA and any other heterogeneous RNA contaminants by release from polysomes with puromycin. Trace quantities of labeled nonrepetitive DNA fragments were hybridized with an excess of mRNA. The hybridization reaction followed ideal first order kinetics in mRNA concentration. At completion of the hybridization reaction, 1.35% of the nonrepetitive DNA was present as mRNA-DNA hybrid. The hybridized DNA was extracted and was at least 70% hybridizable with mRNA, demonstrating a 50-fold purification of the expressed sequences. This purified DNA fraction reassociated with excess unfractionated sea urchin DNA at a rate identical to that of the total nonrepetitive DNA tracer. The mRNA had therefore been hybridized to nonrepetitive DNA sequence, and the amount of hybrid could be used as a direct measure of the mRNA sequence complexity.The complexity of the gastrula mRNA can be calculated as about 17 million nucleotides, sufficient to comprise some 14,000 distinct structural genes. This result also provides an estimate of the number of diverse proteins being translated in the gastrula. From the rate of mRNA-DNA hybrid formation, we estimate that about 8% of the mRNA belongs to this complex class, and that less than 500 copies of each species of message in this class exist per embryo. Most of the mRNA population consists of a relatively small number of diverse species represented a much larger number of times.  相似文献   

Two methods for the separation of α-fetoprotein (AFB) and albumin using (A) affinity chromatography on Blue Sepharose CL-6B and (B) ampholyte displacement chromatography are described. The heterogeneity of immunoreactive human AFP is demonstrated by ampholyte displacement chromatography; possibly seven variants of AFP can be distinguished by this method.  相似文献   

The relationship between the inhibition of DT diaphorase [NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone): EC.] by 4-hydroxycoumarin and the 1,3-indandione derivates was investigated. Evidence is presented that these two classes of anticoagulants, although both acting as competitive inhibitors with respect to NAD(P)H, bind to different sites of the enzyme in a synergistic fashion. These findings are interpreted as indicative of a cooperativity between different substrate-binding sites of the enzyme.Neutral phospholipids exert effects on partially purified rat-liver DT diaphorase similar to those earlier obtained with nonionic detergents. The effects concern several kinetic parameters of the enzyme, including V, Km for electron donor and acceptor, and Ki for various inhibitors. The changes in the kinetic parameters vary in extent and direction according to the individual phospholipids.  相似文献   

The polypeptide chains of Xenopus laevis hemoglobin have been analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and acid-urea gel electrophoresis. Four components can be distinguished, each having an approximate molecular weight of 13,000 daltons. Messenger RNA coding for the globin chains has been isolated and characterized. In a denaturing acrylamide gel the mRNA has an approximate molecular weight of 250,000 daltons. The complexity of the RNA is consistent with the presence of four different mRNA molecules, each of this molecular weight. When the mRNA is assayed in a wheat germ in vitro translation system, four polypeptides are synthesized corresponding to the four globin subunits. The relative proportion of the four synthesized polypeptides appears to vary according to the developmental stage of the red blood cells used for mRNA isolation. Hybridization of a complementary DNA (cDNA) copy of the globin mRNA to Xenopus laevis DNA in DNA excess indicates that each of the globin genes is present in one to three copies per haploid genome.  相似文献   

Intermediates of chromosomal DNA replication in Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The product of bacteriophage T4 gene 63 has two activities, one which catalyzes the attachment of tail fibers to base plates during morphogenesis (TFA) and one which catalyzes the joining of single-stranded polynucleotides (RNA ligase). The only phenotype attributed to mutations in gene 63 is a defect in attachment of tail fibers leading to fiberless T4 particles. However, it is suspected that TFA and RNA ligase are unrelated activities of the same protein since they have very different requirements in vitro.We have isolated new mutants which have lost the RNA ligase but have retained the TFA activity of the product of gene 63. These mutants exhibit defects in T4 DNA replication and late gene expression in some strains of Escherichia coli. This work allows us to draw three conclusions: (1) the TFA and RNA ligase activities are unrelated functions of the gene 63 product making this the prototype for a protein which has more than one unrelated function; (2) the RNA ligase is probably involved in DNA metabolism rather than RNA processing as has been proposed: (3) the RNA ligase and polynucleotide 5′ kinase 3′ phosphatase of T4 perform intimately related functions.  相似文献   

We have fractionated homogenates of Chinese hamster cells grown in tissue culture, and found that >80% of those cells' DNA-dependent DNA polymerase appears localized in the soluble cytoplasm. The Chinese hamster cytoplasmic DNA polymerase is very similar to DNA polymerases from several mammalian sources: it is large and heterogeneous (165,000–200,000 daltons), sensitive to sulfhydryl-blocking reagents and absolutely requires double stranded templates containing free 3′-OH primers. Two distinct species of DNA polymerase also have been isolated from purified Chinese hamster nuclei. One nuclear DNA polymerase appeared to be identical to DNA polymerase found in the cells' soluble cytoplasm. The second polymerase, comprising 1.5–3% of the total DNA polymerase activity, was found only in nuclear extracts. That enzyme is resistant to sulfhydryl-blocking reagents and has an apparent molecular weight of 49,000. The data discussed in this report suggest that Chinese hamster cells, like other mammalian cell types, possess at least two DNA-dependent DNA polymerases that might participate in replicative DNA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Conformational energy computations have been carried out to determine the favorable ways of packing a right-handed alpha-helix on a right-twisted antiparallel or parallel beta-sheet. Co-ordinate transformations have been developed to relate the position and orientation of the alpha-helix to the beta-sheet. The packing was investigated for a CH3CO-(L-Ala)16-NHCH3 alpha-helix interacting with five-stranded beta-sheets composed of CH3CO-(L-Val)6-NHCH3 chains. All internal and external variables for both the alpha-helix and the beta-sheet were allowed to change during energy minimization. Four distinct classes of low-energy packing arrangements were found for the alpha-helix interacting with both the parallel and the anti-parallel beta-sheet. The classes differ in the orientation of the axis of the alpha-helix relative to the direction of the strands of the right-twisted beta-sheet. In the class with the most favorable arrangement, the alpha-helix is oriented along the strands of the beta-sheet, as a result of attractive non-bonded side-chain-side-chain interactions along the entire length of the alpha-helix. A class with nearly perpendicular orientation of the helix axis to the strands is also of low energy, because it allows similarly extensive attractive interactions. In the other two classes, the helix is oriented diagonally relative to the strands of the beta-sheet. In one of them, it interacts with the convex surface near the middle of the saddle-shaped twisted beta-sheet. In the other, it is oriented along the concave diagonal of the beta-sheet and, therefore, it interacts only with the corner regions of the sheet, so that this packing is energetically less favorable. The packing arrangements involving an antiparallel and a parallel beta-sheet are generally similar, although the antiparallel beta-sheet has been found to be more flexible. The major features of 163 observed alpha/beta packing arrangements in 37 proteins are accounted for in terms of the computed structural preferences. The energetically most favored packing arrangement is similar to the right-handed beta alpha beta crossover structure that is observed in proteins; thus, the preference for this connectivity arises in large measure from this energetically favorable interaction.  相似文献   

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