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The vertical and seasonal distributions of the phytoflagellate Cryptomonas spp., and its most common, the planktonic ciliate predators (Oligotrichida, Scuticociliatida, Hypotrichida and Prostomatida) were investigated in chemocline region of small saline, meromictic lake Shunet (Siberia, Russia) during 2003 and 2005. The lake has a pronounced chemocline, with abundance of purple and green sulphur bacteria. Vertical distribution of the Cryptomonas populations near the oxic/anoxic boundary layer was studied at close intervals in water sampled using a hydraulically operated thin-layer sampler. In both summer and winter, Cryptomonas peaked in water stratum 5–10 cm above anoxic zone or in the anoxic zone water column in the chemocline (about 5 m). Ciliate densities and biomass were also much higher in chemocline than in mixolimnion. The range of diurnal migration of Cryptomonas population was not very wide, and it was restricted to layers with high light intensity. The ciliates were sometimes detected above the upper border of the anoxic zone but also several centimetres below this zone.  相似文献   

Seasonal studies of the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community of the water column of the saline eutrophic meromictic Lake Shunet (Khakassia) were performed in 2002 (June) and 2003 (February-March and August). From the redox zone down, the lake water was of dark green color. Green sulfur bacteria predominated in every season. The maximum number of green sulfur bacteria was 10(7) cells/ml in summer and 10(6) cells/ml in winter. A multi-syringe stratification sampler was applied for the study of the fine vertical distribution of phototrophs in August 2003; the sampling was performed every five centimeters. A five-centimeter-thick pink-colored water layer inhabited by purple sulfur bacteria was shown to be located above the layer of green bacteria. The species composition and ratio of purple bacterial species depended on the sampling depth and on the season. In summer, the number of purple sulfur bacteria in the layer of pink water was 1.6 x 10(8) cells/ml. Their number in winter was 3 x 10(5) cells/ml. In the upper oxygen-containing layer of the chemocline the cells of purple nonsulfur bacteria were detected in summer. The maximum number of nonsulfur purple bacteria, 5 x 10(2) cells/ml, was recorded in August 2003. According to the results of the phylogenetic analysis of pure cultures of the isolated phototrophic bacteria, which were based on 16S rDNA sequencing, green sulfur bacteria were close to Prosthecochloris vibrioformis, purple sulfur bacteria, to Thiocapsa and Halochromatium species, and purple nonsulfur bacteria, to Rhodovulum euryhalinum and Pinkicyclus mahoneyensis.  相似文献   

Seasonal studies of the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community of the water column of the saline eutrophic meromictic Lake Shunet (Khakassia) were performed in 2002 (June) and 2003 (February–March and August). From the redox zone down, the lake water was of dark green color. Green sulfur bacteria predominated in every season. The maximum number of green sulfur bacteria was 107 cells/ml in summer and 106 cells/ml in winter. A multi-syringe stratification sampler was applied for the study of the fine vertical distribution of phototrophs in August 2003; the sampling was performed every 5 cm. A 5-cm-thick pink-colored water layer inhabited by purple sulfur bacteria was shown to be located above the layer of green bacteria. The species composition and ratio of purple bacterial species depended on the sampling depth and on the season. In summer, the number of purple sulfur bacteria in the layer of pink water was 1.6 × 108 cells/ml. Their number in winter was 3 × 105 cells/ml. In the upper oxygen-containing layer of the chemocline the cells of purple nonsulfur bacteria were detected in summer. The maximum number of nonsulfur purple bacteria, 5 × 102 cells/ml, was recorded in August 2003. According to the results of the phylogenetic analysis of pure cultures of the isolated phototrophic bacteria, which were based on 16S rDNA sequencing, green sulfur bacteria were close to Prosthecochloris vibrioformis, purple sulfur bacteria, to Thiocapsa and Halochromatium species, and purple nonsulfur bacteria, to Rhodovulum euryhalinum and Pinkicyclus mahoneyensis.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical and molecular biological study of the chemocline and sediments of saline meromictic lakes Shira and Shunet (Khakasia, Russia) was performed. A marked increase in the rates of sulfate reduction and methanogenesis was revealed at the medium depths of the chemocline. The rates of these processes in the bottom sediments decreased with depth. The numbers of the members of domains Bacteria, Archaea, and of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization with rRNA specific oligonucleotide probes labeled with horseradish peroxidase and subsequent tyramide signal amplification. In the chemocline, both the total microbial numbers and those of Bacteria were shown to increase with depth. The archaea and SRB were present in almost equal numbers. In the lake sediments, a drastic decrease in microbial numbers with depth was revealed. SRB were found to prevail in the upper sediment layer and archaea in the lower one. This finding correlated with the measured rates of sulfate reduction and methanogenesis.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical and molecular biological study of the chemocline and sediments of saline meromictic lakes Shira and Shunet (Khakass Republic, Russia) was performed. A marked increase in the rates of sulfate reduction and methanogenesis was revealed at the medium depths of the chemocline. The rates of these processes in the bottom sediments decreased with depth. The numbers of Bacteria, Archaea, and of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization with rRNA specific oligonucleotide probes labeled with horseradish peroxidase and subsequent tyramide signal amplification. In the chemocline, both the total microbial numbers and those of Bacteria were shown to increase with depth. The archaea and SRB were present in almost equal numbers. In the lake sediments, a drastic decrease in microbial numbers with depth was revealed. SRB were found to prevail in the upper sediment layer and archaea in the lower one. This finding correlates with the measured rates of sulfate reduction and methanogenesis.  相似文献   

This article deals with the results of the study of diatom algae of Lake Shira. The list of found algae contains 95 species (126, including infraspecific taxa). A brief ecological and geographical analysis of the algal flora is made.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - We conducted a monitoring study on the dynamics of the abundance, biomass, and vertical distribution of the cryptophyte population in meromictic saline Lake Shira (90.11 E,...  相似文献   

The anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community of the brackish meromictic Lake Shira (Khakassia) was investigated in August 2001, July 2002, and February-March 2003. In all the periods of investigation, the prevailing microorganisms were purple sulfur bacteria similar to Lamprocystis purpurea in morphology and pigment composition. Their highest number (3 x 10(5) cells/ml) was recorded in July 2002 at the depth of 15 m. According to 16S rRNA gene analysis, the strain of purple sulfur bacteria isolated in 2001 and designated ShAm01 exhibited 98.6% similarity to the type strain of Thiocapsa roseopersicina and 94.4-97.1% similarity to the type strains of Tca. pendens, Tca. litoralis, and Tea. rosea. The minor microorganisms of the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community within the period of investigation were nonsulfur purple bacteria phylogenetically close to Rhodovulum strictum (98.3% similarity, strain ShRb01), Ahrensia kielensis (of 93.9% similarity, strain ShRb02), Rhodomicrobium vannieli (of 99.7% similarity, strain ShRmc01), and green sulfur bacteria, phylogenetically close to Chlorobium limicola (of 98.7% similarity, strain ShCl03).  相似文献   

The anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community of the brackish meromictic Lake Shira (Khakassia) was investigated in August 2001, July 2002, and February–March 2003. In all the periods of investigation, the prevailing microorganisms were purple sulfur bacteria similar to Lamprocystis purpurea in morphology and pigment composition. Their highest number (3 × 105 cells/ml) was recorded in July 2002 at the depth of 15 m. According to 16S rRNA gene analysis, the strain of purple sulfur bacteria isolated in 2001 and designated ShAm01 exhibited 98.6% similarity to the type strain of Thiocapsa roseopersicina and 97.1–94.4% similarity to the type strains of Tca. pendens, Tca. litoralis, and Tca. rosea. The minor microorganisms of the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterial community within the period of investigation were nonsulfur purple bacteria phylogenetically close to Rhodovulum strictum (98.3% similarity, strain ShRb01), Ahrensia kielensis (of 93.9% similarity, strain ShRb02), Rhodomicrobium vannieli (of 99.7% similarity, strain ShRmc01), and green sulfur bacteria, phylogenetically close to Chlorobium limicola (of 98.7% similarity, strain ShCl03).  相似文献   

Comparative sequence analysis of a 16S rRNA gene clone library from the chemocline of the meromictic Lake Cadagno (Switzerland) revealed the presence of a diverse number of phototrophic sulfur bacteria. Sequences resembled those of rRNA of type strains Chromatium okenii DSM169 and Amoebobacter purpureus DSM4197, as well as those of four bacteria forming a tight cluster with A. purpureus DSM4197 and Lamprocystis roseopersicina DSM229. In situ hybridization with fluorescent (Cy3 labeled) oligonucleotide probes indicated that all large-celled phototrophic sulfur bacteria in the chemocline of Lake Cadagno were represented by C. okenii DSM169, while small-celled phototrophic sulfur bacteria consisted of four major populations with different distribution profiles in the chemocline indicating different ecophysiological adaptations.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and abundance of Gammarus lacustris in the pelagic zone of two fishless meromictic lakes, L. Shira and L. Shunet, in Southern Siberia (Russia), was studied with the underwater video recording system and using vertical hauls. In both lakes, during summer stratification, Gammarus was distributed non-homogenously, with a stable peak in the metalimnion. The average depth of Gammarus population in the pelagic zone was significantly correlated with the depth of the thermocline. Gammarus abundances obtained using vertical plankton hauls with net were quite comparable with those obtained from video records. The peak abundance of Gammarus in the pelagic zone of the lakes observed with underwater video amounted up to 400 individuals m−2, while the peak animal densities in the metalimnion reached 50 ind. m−3. The data are compared with previously published abundances of Gammarus in the littoral of Lake Shira. Both littoral and pelagic can be equally important habitats for amphipods in meromictic lakes. The absence of fish in the pelagic zone, high oxygen concentration, low water temperature, increased seston concentration, elevated water density in the metalimnion and the anoxic hypolimnion can be the most probable combination of factors that are responsible for the peak of Gammarus in the metalimnion of these lakes.  相似文献   

During summer thermal stratification, a broad transition zone with hypoxic conditions is formed in meromictic ferruginous Lake Kuznechikha between the thermocline and the main gradient of water mineralization. In this zone, the chemical composition of water undergoes an ecologically significant transformation due to overlapping gradients of nutrient concentrations and redox conditions. We present an analysis of a strongly vertically structured community of prokaryotic and eukaryotic phototrophs developing in the lake as a whole and especially in the transition zone. In early summer 2009, a sequence of phototrophic organisms with depth in order Chlorophyceae → Chromatiales → Chloroflexales → Euglenales → Chlorobiales was observed in the transition zone, while cyanobacteria were almost completely absent. Biomass maximum of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria was located between the peaks of phototrophic picoplankton and euglenoids. Such a coexistence of oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophs in a wide range of depths is highly unusual and sharply distinguishes Lake Kuznechikha from waterbodies with sulphide-containing monimolimnion.  相似文献   

Comparative sequence analysis of a 16S rRNA gene clone library from the chemocline of the meromictic Lake Cadagno (Switzerland) retrieved two clusters of sequences resembling sulfate-reducing bacteria within the family Desulfovibrionaceae. In situ hybridization showed that, similar to sulfate-reducing bacteria of the family Desulfobacteriaceae, bacteria of one cluster with similarity values to the closest cultured relatives of between 92.6 and 93.1% resembled free cells or cells loosely attached to other cells or debris. Bacteria of the second cluster closely related to Desulfocapsa thiozymogenes DSM7269 with similarity values between 97. 9 and 98.4% were generally associated with aggregates of different small-celled phototrophic sulfur bacteria, suggesting a potential interaction between the two groups of bacteria.  相似文献   

Using different techniques of molecular biology we investigated the bacterial diversity of the chemocline of the meromictic Lake Cadagno. Cloning of a total community 16S rDNA PCR product and subsequent screening with a combination of amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) analysis revealed that 30 of 47 randomly selected clones were unique. Partial sequencing and comparative analysis indicated a high bacterial diversity dominated by the gamma-Proteobacteria (33.3%). Most of these rDNA clone sequences were not closely related to any 16S rDNA sequence in the database. In a second approach, the TTGE pattern from an environmental sample was compared with the migration of the cloned 16S rDNA fragments. Four clone types were identified on the environmental pattern by excising and sequencing comigrating bands, three of which were well represented in the library: two Chromatiaceae species and one sequence affiliated with the Desulfobulbus assemblage. Using the fluorescent in situ hybridization technique we essentially confirmed the results of the cloning experiments and the TTGE analysis.  相似文献   


Lake Corlo is a dammed reservoir for hydro-electrical purposes in Northern Italy. Weekly samplings were made from May to August 1985 in the euphotic layer. Two major categories, flagellates and diatoms, alternatively dominated the algal community. Flagellates prevailed with stratified conditions. The strong influence of hydraulic conditions on phytoplakton succession is emphasized.  相似文献   

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