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Synopsis Green razorfish are Caribbean wrasses that live in harems on shallow sand or seagrass beds, which offer little cover for predator avoidance (PA). Field observations showed that non-conspecific fishes that intruded were either attacked, ignored, or actively avoided. Food competitors and small piscivores were attacked by male razorfish. Razorfish PA behaviors varied among three habitats with different substratum compositions, suggesting that these fish possess phenotypic plasticity for PA behavior. In a rocky-rubble habitat, razorfish dove into the coarse sand for PA, but most sand dives observed there were to soften a small site for future PA. In a sandbed habitat, they hid among coral branches and dove into the sand when attacked; few maintenance dives were observed as soft sand was widespread. In a seagrass habitat, they hid among blades of grass for PA, and dove into the sand less frequently than at the other sites. Some female razorfish that were transferred among habitats adopted PA behaviors similar to those of females in the new site, while others did not, suggesting that behavioral plasticity is not universal in this species. Razorfish spawned lower in the water column in the presence of natural predators and a predator model, than when these were absent. When the predator model was introduced into a male's territory during spawning periods, there was a reduction in his courtship rate, but not in the number of spawns he achieved. Predation pressure may reduce males' long-term fitness by causing decreased courtship rates which can facilitate sex change in harem females.  相似文献   

Abstract: A radioimmunoassay (RIA) using 125I-labeled antigen was developed for the quantitative determination of two goldfish brain proteins (ependymins β and γ). The proteins were isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and cells of the ependymal zone surrounding goldfish brain ventricles. The turnover rates of β and γ were previously shown to be specifically enhanced after the animals successfully acquired a new pattern of swimming behavior. Femtomole quantities of ependymin β were measurable by the RIA. In applications of the assay, β and γ ependymins were found to have common immunological properties, since 125I-β-antigen bound to antibody could be displaced by unlabeled ependymin γ as well as ependymin β but not by a variety of other proteins including several purified glycoproteins isolated from goldfish brain. The ependymins were shown to constitute 14% of the total protein content of the brain extracellular fluid and also to be present as a minor component of the serum proteins (0.3%). Ependymins β and γ have an immunological reactivity in these fractions that can be increased by a factor of 30 on heating. The data suggest that the antigenicity of the molecules is highly masked, and that it may require some unraveling of the quaternary structure of the proteins before maximal interaction with the antisera becomes possible.  相似文献   

Behavior has been viewed as a pacemaker of evolutionary change because changes in behavior are thought to expose organisms to novel selection pressures and result in rapid evolution of morphological, life history and physiological traits. However, the idea that behavior primarily drives evolutionary change has been challenged by an alternative view of behavior as an inhibitor of evolution. According to this view, a high level of behavioral plasticity shields organisms from strong directional selection by allowing individuals to exploit new resources or move to a less stressful environment. Here, I suggest that absence of clear mechanisms underlying these hypotheses impedes empirical evaluation of behavior’s role in evolution in two ways. First, both hypotheses focus on behavioral shifts as a key step in the evolutionary process but ignore the developmental mechanisms underlying these shifts and this has fostered unwarranted assumptions about the specific types of behavioral shifts that are important for evolutionary change. Second, neither hypothesis provides a means of connecting within-individual changes in behavior to population-level processes that lead to evolutionary diversification or stasis. To resolve these issues, I incorporate developmental and evolutionary mechanisms into a conceptual framework that generates predictions about the types of behavior and types of behavioral shifts that should affect both micro and macroevolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Although the neural and genetic pathways underlying learning and memory formation seem strikingly similar among species of distant animal phyla, several more subtle inter- and intraspecific differences become evident from studies on model organisms. The true significance of such variation can only be understood when integrating this with information on the ecological relevance. Here, we argue that parasitoid wasps provide an excellent opportunity for multi-disciplinary studies that integrate ultimate and proximate approaches. These insects display interspecific variation in learning rate and memory dynamics that reflects natural variation in a daunting foraging task that largely determines their fitness: finding the inconspicuous hosts to which they will assign their offspring to develop. We review bioassays used for oviposition learning, the ecological factors that are considered to underlie the observed differences in learning rate and memory dynamics, and the opportunities for convergence of ecology and neuroscience that are offered by using parasitoid wasps as model species. We advocate that variation in learning and memory traits has evolved to suit an insect's lifestyle within its ecological niche.  相似文献   

Populations of the marine gastropod Littorina saxatilis from exposed rocky shores of NW Spain provide one of the few putative cases of sympatric ecological speciation. Two ecotypes with large differences in shell morphology and strong assortative mating are living at different vertical levels of the shore separated by a few meters. It has been hypothesized that shell size is the main determinant for the reproductive isolation observed between the ecotypes, and that several shell shape traits are subject to divergent natural selection and are responsible for the adaptation of each ecotype to its respective habitat. Using embryos extracted from wild females we obtain estimates of genetic variation for shell size and shape and compare them with those from neutral molecular markers. Estimates of heritability are significantly larger for the ecotype found in the upper shore than for that in the lower shore, in concordance with a similar result observed for heterozygosity of neutral markers. The large genetic differentiation between ecotypes for the shell traits, contrasting the smaller close to neutral differentiation between populations of the same ecotype, supports the implication of the traits in adaptation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Goldfish were trained for 4 h to swim with an attached polystyrene foam float and tested for retention 3 days later. Intracerebroventricular injection of anti-ependymin antisera was shown to prevent long-term memory formation of this vestibulomotor learning task, as reported previously. In further experiments, fish were killed 4–14 h after the start of training. The brains were dissected, incubated in an isoosmolar solution for collection of proteins of the brain extracellular fluid (ECF), homogenized, and fractionated by differential centrifugation. The ECF, a supernatant fraction enriched in cytoplasmic constituents (S3), and various par-ticulate subcellular fractions were analyzed for their epen-dymin contents by radioimmunoassay. No statistically significant changes that might be induced by the learning were revealed in any of the participate fractions. Steady-state concentrations of ependymins in the cytoplasm, however, increased temporarily by 39% in fish that had mastered the training task as compared with nonlearning animals (passive and active controls). In the ECF, the specific concentration of ependymins first decreased to 88% of control levels (4–5 h after the start of training), but later on, it increased to 138% (8–14 h). Apparently, ependymins present in the ECF are used during biochemical reactions of memory consolidation. The resulting decrease in extracellular epen-dymin concentrations might trigger their resynthesis in the cytoplasm and lead to an increased release of these glyco-proteins into the ECF.  相似文献   

Recently, a general model based on scaling of metabolic rate and reaction kinetics that predicts dependence of various biological rates on temperature and body size has been proposed as a core of the “Metabolic Theory of Ecology” (MTE). However, its thermal component has been rarely explicitly tested and its usefulness for prediction of thermal effect on key life-history traits such as reproductive rate and hence fitness is still questionable. Here, we tested its applicability to temperature-dependent rate of clutch production in a tropical gecko. The thermal effects on reproductive rates in reptiles are only poorly known and difficult to estimate, because most species lay clutches largely infrequently. Females of the Madagascar ground gecko (Paroedura picta) lay clutches in unusually short intervals, which allowed us to use this species as a model for estimation of dependence of rate of clutch production on temperature. We kept adult females at three constant temperatures (24, 27, 30 °C) and recorded their reproductive characteristics. Increasing temperature positively influences rate of clutch production, but in a manner not predicted by a simple model of reaction kinetics. The results in P. picta suggest that predictions of fitness consequences of shifts in thermal environment can be more complicated than expected under the general relationship of the MTE.  相似文献   

The European rose-hip fruit fly Rhagoletis alternata (Diptera, Tephritidae) infests hips of Rosa species. This fly includes R. rugosa, an Asian species now cultivated all over Europe, in its host range. Differences in size and biomass of hips between the ancestral host R. canina and the new host translate into better growth, shorter larval development of larvae within hips of R. rugosa and larger body size and fertility of flies which developing in the new host. In turn this causes different interactions with other organisms of the food-web centred on the host plant. The importance of nutrition and phenotypic plasticity is twofold: they generate a considerable part of life-history diversity within a species and reinforce differences in the ecological context of the ancestral and new host.  相似文献   

1. Prior to pupation, lepidopteran larvae enter a wandering phase lasting up to 30 h before choosing a pupation site. Because stillness is important for concealment, this behaviour calls for an adaptive explanation. 2. The explanation most likely relates to the need to find a suitable pupation substrate, especially in terms of shelter from predation, and given that many predators and parasitoids use host plants as prey‐location cues, mortality probably decreases with distance from the host plant. Hence, remaining on the host includes a long‐term risk, while moving away from the host introduces an increased risk during locomotion. 3. Bivoltine species that overwinter in the pupal stage produce two kinds of pupae; non‐diapausing pupae from which adults emerge after 1–2 weeks, or diapausing pupae that overwinter with adults emerging after 8–10 months. 4. Given the hypothesis of distance‐from‐host‐plant‐related predation, this should select for phenotypic plasticity with larvae in the diapausing generation having a longer wandering phase than larvae under direct development, if there is a trade‐off between mortality during the wandering phase and accumulated mortality during winter. 5. Here this prediction is tested by studying the duration of the wandering period in larvae of the partially bivoltine swallowtail butterfly, Papilio machaon, under both developmental pathways. 6. The results are in agreement with the predictions and show that the larval wandering phase is approximately twice as long under diapause development. The authors suggest that the longer duration of the wandering phase in the diapause generation is a general phenomenon in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

The prey species composition and feeding rate of the pit-making ant lion larva,Myrmeleon bore Tjeder, which inhabits open sandy areas, were examined. Not less than 30 prey species, most of which were ants, were collected during a research period of 1.5 years. First instar larvae most often (81.1%) captured ants. Although 3rd instar larvae captured larger-sized prey than individuals of any other instar, they also captured small prey. The feeding rate of 3rd instar larvae was estimated by using the frequency of observed predation (FOP; (no. of ant lions handling a prey)/(total no. of pits observed)), the prey-handling time and the rhythm of daily foraging activity. FOP ofM. bore larvae was constant on the whole from spring to autumn. It was estimated that each captured 1.25 prey per day on average during this period. This estimate, however, was the feeding rate for days on which there was no rain. Assuming that the larvae cannot capture prey due to pit destruction when there is more than 10 mm of rainfall per day, the figure was reduced to 1.03 prey/day. The estimated feeding rate was evaluated with reference to larval foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Whereas many plasticity studies demonstrate the importance of inducible defences among prey, far fewer investigate the potential role of inducible offences among predators. Here we ask if natural differences in a snail's shell hardness can induce developmental changes to a predatory crab's claw size. To do this, we fed Littorina obtusata snails from either thick- or thin-shelled populations to captive European green crabs Carcinus maenas. The crabs' shell-breaking behaviour dominated among those fed thin-shelled snails, whereas crabs fed thick-shelled snails mostly winkled flesh through the shell opening without damaging the shell itself (a.k.a. aperture-probing behaviour). Significantly, the size of crab crusher claws grew in proportion to the frequency of shell-crushing behaviour and, for a same shell-crushing frequency, crabs fed thick-shelled snails grew larger crusher claws than those fed thin-shelled snails after two experimental moults. Diet and behaviour had no effect on the growth of the smaller cutter claws of same individuals, providing good evidence that allometric changes to crusher claws were indeed a result of differential use while feeding. Findings indicate that both predation habits and claw sizes are affected by green crabs' diet, supporting the hypothesis that prey-induced phenotypic plasticity contributes to earlier accounts of shell-claw covariance between this predator and its Littorina prey in the wild.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid assessments and especially the RNA/DNA ratio are used widely as indices of growth rate or nutritional condition of larval fish. Methodological aspects are considered with the aim of defining a most reliable analytical procedure. Laboratory calibrations can give conflicting results, but general and common features may be drawn from a global examination. A high variability of RNA content, and thus RNA/DNA ratio, was revealed by estimates at the individual level and seems to be more related to feeding condition in late larval or juvenile stages than in yolk-sac and first-feeding larvae. An alternative is suggested, based on the relative DNA content which appears more stable and sensitive to starvation during these early stages. The consistency of such a pattern is strongly supported by findings about regulation of ribosomal RNA content of tissues, and especially white muscle, by nutrition. Determination of a threshold founded on a simple observation of morphological development stages is proposed as a base to define the best way to assess the larval nutritional condition. Some field applications are reviewed briefly. Finally an appraisal of the advantages and drawbacks of the different nucleic acid-based indices is attempted, which permits delineation of some prospects for future research.  相似文献   

 Seed output is determined by two processes: resource acquisition and the allocation of resources to seeds. In order to clarify how the reaction norm of seed output is controlled by the phenotypic expression of its two components, we examined the genetic components of plasticity of seed dry mass, plant size, and reproductive allocation under different conditions of soil nutrient availability and conspecific competition among eight families of Abutilon theophrasti. Without competition, the reaction norm of seed mass of the families crossed between the lowest and other nutrient levels, although neither of its components, plant size and reproductive allocation, showed such a response. The crossing reaction norm (i.e., reversal of relative fitnesses of different genotypes along the environmental gradient) of seed mass resulted from (1) a trade-off between plant size and reproductive allocation, and (2) changes in the relative magnitude of genetic variances in plant size and reproductive allocation with soil nutrient availability. While allocation was more important in determining seed mass under limiting nutrient conditions, plant size became more important under high-nutrient conditions. There were no significant genetic variances in seed mass, plant size, and reproductive allocation in the competition treatment, except at the highest nutrient level. The results show that plant competition mitigated the effects of genetic differences in plant performance among the families. We discuss the results in relation to maintenance of genetic variation within a population. Received: 16 August 1996 / Accepted 26 April 1997  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity of HPA and fear responses in rats has been proposed to be mediated by environment-dependent variation in active maternal care. Here, we review this maternal mediation hypothesis based on the postnatal manipulation literature and on our own recent research in rats. We show that developmental plasticity of HPA and fear responses in rats cannot be explained by a linear single-factor model based on environment-dependent variation in active maternal care. However, by adding environmental stress as a second factor to the model, we were able to explain the variation in HPA and fear responses induced by postnatal manipulations. In this two-factor model, active maternal care and environmental stress (as induced, e.g., by long maternal separations or maternal food restriction) exert independent, yet opposing, effects on HPA reactivity and fearfulness in the offspring. This accounts well for the finding that completely safe and stable, as well as, highly stressful maternal environments result in high HPA reactivity and fearfulness compared to moderately challenging maternal environments. Furthermore, it suggests that the downregulation of the HPA system in response to stressful maternal environments could reflect adaptive developmental plasticity based on the increasing costs of high stress reactivity with increasingly stressful conditions. By contrast, high levels of environmental stress induced by environmental adversity might constrain such adaptive plasticity, resulting in non-adaptive or even pathological outcomes. Alternatively, however, developmental plasticity of HPA and fear responses in rats might be a function of maternal HPA activation (e.g., levels of circulating maternal glucocorticoid hormones). Thus, implying a U-shaped relationship between maternal HPA activation and HPA reactivity and fearfulness in the offspring, increasing maternal HPA activation with increasing environmental adversity would explain the effects of postnatal manipulations equally well. This raises the possibility that variation in active maternal care is an epiphenomenon, rather than a causal factor in developmental plasticity of HPA and fear responses in rats. Developmental plasticity of HPA and fear responses in rats and other animals has important implications for the design of animal experiments and for the well-being of experimental animals, both of which depend on the exact underlying mechanism(s). Importantly, however, more naturalistic approaches are needed to elucidate the adaptive significance of environment-dependent variation of HPA reactivity and fearfulness in view of discriminating between effects reflecting adaptive plasticity, phenotypic mismatch and pathological outcomes, respectively.  相似文献   

Cognition is defined as the processes by which animals collect, retain and use information from their environment to guide their behaviour. Thus cognition is essential in a wide range of behaviours, including foraging, avoiding predators and mating. Despite this pivotal role, the evolutionary processes shaping variation in cognitive performance among individuals in wild populations remain very poorly understood. Selection experiments in captivity suggest that cognitive traits can have substantial heritability and can undergo rapid evolution. However only a handful of studies have attempted to explore how cognition influences life‐history variation and fitness in the wild, and direct evidence for the action of natural or sexual selection on cognition is still lacking, reasons for which are diverse. Here we review the current literature with a view to: (i) highlighting the key practical and conceptual challenges faced by the field; (ii) describing how to define and measure cognitive traits in natural populations, and suggesting which species, populations and cognitive traits might be examined to greatest effect; emphasis is placed on selecting traits that are linked to functional behaviour; (iii) discussing how to deal with confounding factors such as personality and motivation in field as well as captive studies; (iv) describing how to measure and interpret relationships between cognitive performance, functional behaviour and fitness, offering some suggestions as to when and what kind of selection might be predicted; and (v) showing how an evolutionary ecological framework, more generally, along with innovative technologies has the potential to revolutionise the study of cognition in the wild. We conclude that the evolutionary ecology of cognition in wild populations is a rapidly expanding interdisciplinary field providing many opportunities for advancing the understanding of how cognitive abilities have evolved.  相似文献   

Axel Meyer 《Molecular ecology》2017,26(20):5582-5593
Colonization of novel habitats is typically challenging to organisms. In the initial stage after colonization, approximation to fitness optima in the new environment can occur by selection acting on standing genetic variation, modification of developmental patterns or phenotypic plasticity. Midas cichlids have recently colonized crater Lake Apoyo from great Lake Nicaragua. The photic environment of crater Lake Apoyo is shifted towards shorter wavelengths compared to great Lake Nicaragua and Midas cichlids from both lakes differ in visual sensitivity. We investigated the contribution of ontogeny and phenotypic plasticity in shaping the visual system of Midas cichlids after colonizing this novel photic environment. To this end, we measured cone opsin expression both during development and after experimental exposure to different light treatments. Midas cichlids from both lakes undergo ontogenetic changes in cone opsin expression, but visual sensitivity is consistently shifted towards shorter wavelengths in crater lake fish, which leads to a paedomorphic retention of their visual phenotype. This shift might be mediated by lower levels of thyroid hormone in crater lake Midas cichlids (measured indirectly as dio2 and dio3 gene expression). Exposing fish to different light treatments revealed that cone opsin expression is phenotypically plastic in both species during early development, with short and long wavelength light slowing or accelerating ontogenetic changes, respectively. Notably, this plastic response was maintained into adulthood only in the derived crater lake Midas cichlids. We conclude that the rapid evolution of Midas cichlids’ visual system after colonizing crater Lake Apoyo was mediated by a shift in visual sensitivity during ontogeny and was further aided by phenotypic plasticity during development.  相似文献   

Rapid diversification is common among herbivorous insects and is often the result of host shifts, leading to the exploitation of novel food sources. This, in turn, is associated with adaptive evolution of female oviposition behavior and larval feeding biology. Although natural selection is the typical driver of such adaptation, the role of sexual selection is less clear. In theory, sexual selection can either accelerate or impede adaptation. To assess the independent effects of natural and sexual selection on the rate of adaptation, we performed a laboratory natural selection experiment in a herbivorous bruchid beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus). We established replicated selection lines where we varied natural (food type) and sexual (mating system) selection in a 2 x 2 orthogonal design, and propagated our lines for 35 generations. In half of the lines, we induced a host shift whereas the other half was kept on the ancestral host. We experimentally enforced monogamy in half of the lines, whereas the other half remained polygamous. The beetles rapidly adapted to the novel host, which primarily involved increased host acceptance by females and an accelerated rate of larval development. We also found that our mating system treatment affected the rate of adaptation, but that this effect was contingent upon food type. As beetles adapted to the novel host, sexual selection reinforced natural selection whereas populations residing close to their adaptive peak (i.e., those using their ancestral host) exhibited higher fitness in the absence of sexual selection. We discuss our findings in light of current sexual selection theory and suggest that the net evolutionary effect of reproductive competition may critically depend on natural selection. Sexual selection may commonly accelerate adaptation under directional natural selection whereas sexual selection, and the associated load brought by sexual conflict, may tend to depress population fitness under stabilizing natural selection.  相似文献   

Avian malaria has historically played an important role as a model in the study of human malaria, being a stimulus for the development of medical parasitology. Avian malaria has recently come back to the research scene as a unique animal model to understand the ecology and evolution of the disease, both in the field and in the laboratory. Avian malaria is highly prevalent in birds and mosquitoes around the world and is amenable to laboratory experimentation at each stage of the parasite''s life cycle. Here, we take stock of 5 years of experimental laboratory research carried out using Plasmodium relictum SGS1, the most prevalent avian malaria lineage in Europe, and its natural vector, the mosquito Culex pipiens. For this purpose, we compile and analyse data obtained in our laboratory in 14 different experiments. We provide statistical relationships between different infection-related parameters, including parasitaemia, gametocytaemia, host morbidity (anaemia) and transmission rates to mosquitoes. This analysis provides a wide-ranging picture of the within-host and between-host parameters that may bear on malaria transmission and epidemiology.  相似文献   

We currently face significant, anthropogenic, global environmental challenges and the role of ecologists in mitigating these challenges is arguably more important than ever. Consequently there is an urgent need to recruit and train future generations of ecologists, both those whose main area is ecology, but also those involved in the geological, biological and environmental sciences. Here we present the results of a horizon scanning exercise that identified current and future challenges facing the teaching of ecology, through surveys of teachers, students and employers of ecologists. Key challenges identified were grouped in terms of the perspectives of three groups: students, for example the increasing disconnect between people and nature; teachers, for example the challenges associated with teaching the quantitative skills that are inherent to the study of ecology; and society, for example poor societal perceptions of the field of ecology. In addition to the challenges identified, we propose a number of solutions developed at a workshop by a team of ecology teaching experts, with supporting evidence of their potential to address many of the problems raised. These proposed solutions include developing living labs, teaching students to be ecological entrepreneurs and influencers, embedding skills-based learning and coding in the curriculum, an increased role for learned societies in teaching and learning, and using new technology to enhance fieldwork studies including virtual reality, artificial intelligence and real-time spoken language translation. Our findings are focused towards UK higher education, but they should be informative for students and teachers of a wide range of educational levels, policy makers and professional ecologists worldwide.  相似文献   

The brain can learn new tasks without forgetting old ones. This memory retention is closely associated with the long-term stability of synaptic strength. To understand the capacity of pyramidal neurons to preserve memory under different tasks, we established a plasticity model based on the postsynaptic membrane energy state, in which the change in synaptic strength depends on the difference between the energy state after stimulation and the resting energy state. If the post-stimulation energy state is higher than the resting energy state, then synaptic depression occurs. On the contrary, the synapse is strengthened. Our model unifies homo- and heterosynaptic plasticity and can reproduce synaptic plasticity observed in multiple experiments, such as spike-timing-dependent plasticity, and cooperative plasticity with few and common parameters. Based on the proposed plasticity model, we conducted a simulation study on how the activation patterns of dendritic branches by different tasks affect the synaptic connection strength of pyramidal neurons. We further investigate the formation mechanism by which different tasks activate different dendritic branches. Simulation results show that compare to the classic plasticity model, the plasticity model we proposed can achieve a better spatial separation of different branches activated by different tasks in pyramidal neurons, which deepens our insight into the memory retention mechanism of brains.  相似文献   

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