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In February 1978, in Puerto Montt (Chile) the palearctic species Drosophila subobscura was detected. The expansion of the species in this country has been very rapid, and now it is found over a distance of at least 2000 km North-South. The newly established populations are very flourishing and show a high degree of inversion chromosomal polymorphism. On the basis of the chromosomal arrangements present, an hypothesis can be formulated about the origin and characteristics of the founder group. Possibly, the founders came from Eastern or South Eastern Spain and formed a group of 10 or more individuals. The colonization of D. subobscura in Chile seems to follow the model of expansion of a cosmopolitan species, passively transported by man rather than the more active expansion of colonizers less tied to human activity, envisaged in Carson's models of colonization processes. The high level of chromosomal polymorphism observed in the populations of D. subobscura in Chile, coincides with this interpretation.This work has been supported by a grant from the Programa de Cooperación con Iberoamérica. Ministerio de Universidades e Investigación. Spain, by the Comisión de Investigación de la Universidad de Chile (Proyecto B-027-794) and Proyecto PNUD/UNESCO (RLA 78/024).  相似文献   

Conclusiones Se efectúa el estudio de 5 observaciones del llamado Micetoma maduromicósico de pulmón en sus aspectos, histopatológico, micológico y clínico.Todas ellas pertenecen a mujeres y configuraron el cuadro de cavidad bronquial empastada, anotando el predominio de su localización en el lóbulo superior izquierdo.Se señala la uniformidad de los caracteres morfológicos que presenta la masa miceliana llamada grano en todos los casos estudiados, en los cuales no fué posible individualizar la existencia de órganos de fructificación que permitiéran una clasificación, cuando más no fuera, genérica del hongo observado.Se critica la aplicación del término Micetoma para éstos casos con igual criterio que el clásico, que supone una enfermedad micótica primitiva, razón por la cual se prefiere hablar de cavidad con contenido micótico o maduromicótico.En el único caso que se logró cultivar al hongo parásito, el estudio micológico del mismo permitió aislar una especie del GéneroAspergillua con caracteres morfológicos sumamente atípicos.
Summary The author presents the study of five observations of the so-called Maduromycosis-mycetoma of the lungs in their clinical, histopathologic and mycologic aspects.The pathologic features in all these cases have been found in bronchial cavities of women, situated in the upper lobe of the lung. A compact mycelial mass, the grain, filled up these cavities.In one of the five cases a fungus was cultivated which was classified as belonging to the GenusAspergillus Michelii, with abnormal and atypical features.Short criticism is presented about the concept Maduromycosis mycetoma of the lung, applied by authors designating this process.

Resumen Se investigó la posible acción inhibitoria in vitro de antibióticos en disco sobre algas microscópicas, potencialmente patógenas para el hombre, del Género Prototheca y la especie P. wickerhamii.Se utilizó el método de disco-placa en medio de Agar de Saboureaud.Resultaron como inhibidores in vitro: Amikacina, Colistina, Dibekacina, Framicetina, Gentamicina, Kanamicina, Lividomicina, Neomicina, Polimixina, Paromomicina, Ribostamicina, Sisomicina y Tobramicina.Se destaca el interés del estudio de sensibilidad a estas drogas ante un caso de Protothecosis humana.
We investigated the possible inhibitory action in vitro by antibiotic containing discs against microscopic alga that are potential human pathogens of the genus Prototheca especially P. wickerhamii.The results indicated that inhibitors in vitro included amicacin, colistin, dibecacin, framicetin, gentamycin, kanamycin, lividomycin, neomycin, polymyxin, paromomycin, ribostamycin, sisomycin and tobramycin.We emphasize the interest in the effectiveness at these drugs in a case of human protothecosis.

Resumen El procedimiento de intercambio iónico empleado en este trabajo ha mostrado ser un método eficiente, sencillo y rápido, para eliminar las fracciones antigénicas aniónicas de un extracto crudo deP. brasiliensis.Su empleo permitió la obtención de un antígeno purificado que contiene algunas de las fracciones catiónicas del extracto crudo. El antígeno responsable de la formación del arco E fue identificado en el extracto purificado, mediante análisis inmunoelectroforético.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Ziel der Abhandlung ist die Untersuchung der grundlegenden Prinzipien einer autonombiologischen Kausalität. Wenn die Biologie in autonomer Weise auf ihr gemässe Prinzipien gegründet werden soll —wie das die Physik in ihrer Sphäre auch durchgeführt hat —, dann muss das biologische Denken sich zunächst von einem Idol befreien, das ihr von der klassischen Physik aufgezwungen ist. Das ist der Begriff des Mechanismus, der bei seiner Schaffung gewiss von grossem Werte auch für die Biologie gewesen ist, der aber heute dem biologischen Denken grossen Schaden dadurch zufügt, dass er es in eine ihm völlig fremde Richtung zwängt.Die Organismen und alle ihre Organe von der einfachsten Zellorganelle bis zum komplexesten Organsystem sind aber keine Mechanismen sondern Holismen (Smuts). Es wird versucht, die wesentlichen Kriterien des Holismusprinzips zu bestimmen. Zunächst gilt für sie das Axiom von v.Ehrenfels, demzufolge jeder Holismus mehr ist als die Summe seiner Teile. Das wird im einzelnen genauer analysiert. Weiterhin gilt für Holismen das Kompensationsprinzip vonGoethe. Damit im Zusammenhang stehen die Prinzipien der spezifischen Energie vonJohannes Müller, das Prinzip vonRedi (Omne Vivum ex Vivo), das Prinzip vonVernadsky über die Konstanz der Biosphäre, das Prinzip der phylogenetischen Kompensationen und das Prinzip von der Ektropie der Biosphäre.Alle diese Prinzipien werden im einzelnen diskutiert und analysiert. In engstem Zusammenhang miteinander bilden sie ein autonomes Axiomengefüge für die Biologische Erkenntnis, durch welches wiederum die eigentümlich biologische Kausalität charakterisiert ist. Genau in diesem Sinne sind Holismen verae causae (Smuts).
Contenido El presente ensayo tiene por fin supremo la investigación de los principios basicos de una autónoma causalidad biologica. Si se quiere fundar la Biologia en sus propios principios autónomos —como se lo ha hecho también con la Fisica misma —, entonces será primeramente necesario que la Biologia se delibera de una ideologia completamente extraña para ella, la cual la Fisica clásica le ha transferido. Esto es el concepto del mecanismo, que en su origin ha sido de gran valor también para la Biologia, pero que hoydia produce enorme daño a la Biologia.Los organismos y todos sus órganos de la mas simple organela celular hasta el mas complicado sistema de órganos sin embargo de ninguna manera no son mecanismos sino al contrario holismos (Smuts). Ahora se ensaya de determinar los criterios esenciales del principio del holismo. Primero es valido para los holismos el axioma de v.Ehrenfels que dice que cada Organismo representa más que la suma de sus partes. Además vale para holismos el principio de la compensación deGoethe. Con esto están relacionados los principios de la energia especifica deJuan Müller, el axioma deRedi (Omne Vivum ex Vivo), el principio deVernadsky acerca de la constancia de la biósfera, el principio de las compensaciones filogenéticas y el principio de la ectropia de la biósfera.Todos los mencionados principios y axiomas serán discutidos y analizados en sus particularidades. En su conjunto representan ellos un sistema de axiomas autónomos para el conocimiento biológico, el cual como tal caracteriza también la asi llamada causalidad biologica. Precisamente en tal sentido son los holismos verae causae (Smuts).

Diese Abhandlung ist Herrn Prof. Dr. v.Buddenbrock in Verehrung zum 70. Geburtstag dargebracht.  相似文献   

The present work deals with localization of previously unknown polymerization sites of the fibrin DD-fragment. D-dimer we obtained has a pronounced inhibitory effect on fibrin polymerization (IC50 = 0.06 M). The inhibitory effect of the D-fragment disappeared after reduction and carboxymethylation. However, polypeptide chains DD (B134-461) and DD (63-411)2 of the DD-fragment, isolated by preparative electrophoresis, displayed their inhibitory activity. For instance, the rates of fibrin protofibril lateral association were decreased twice in the presence of DD and DD chains at their molar ratios to fibrin of 0.40 and 0.15, respectively. The IC50 values for DD and DD were 0.24 and 0.10 M, respectively. Highly specific inhibition of protofibril lateral association suggests that the protofibril lateral association sites are located in B134-461 and 63-411 regions of the fibrin D-domain. Our data confirm those reported by Doolittle et al. regarding the -chain and a hypothesis about -chain of fibrin D-domain (Yang, Z., Mochalkin, I., and Doolittle, R. F. (2000) Biochemistry, 97, 14156-14161).  相似文献   

Summary The microorganisms responsible for the fermentation of iru, obtained from local producers, were isolated and identified. Only bacteria were involved in the fermentation; the species areMicrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Citrobacter freundii, Lactobacillus salivarius andStreptococcus pyogenes. Microbial population, temperature, pH and moisture content increased with increase in period of fermentation. A progressive in titratable acidity accompanied the fermentation.
Resumen Se aislaron e identificaron los microorganismos responsables de la fermentación de iru obtenido de productores locales. En el proceso de fermentación unicamente estaban implicadas bacterias que se identificaron como:Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Citrobacter freundii, Lactobacillus salivarius yStreptococcus pyogenes. La población microbiana, la temperatura, el pH y el contenido en humedad se incrementaron al aumentar el periodo de fermentación. Se observó un decremento progresivo del título de acidez a lo largo de la fermentación.

Résumé Les microorganismes responsables de la fermentation des iru obtenus de producteurs locaux ont été isolés et identifiés. Seules des bactéries sont impliquées dans la fermentation. Les espèces sontMicrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Citrobacter freundii, Lactobacillus salivarius etStreptococcus pyogenes. La population microbienne, la température, le pH et la teneur en eau agumentent avec l'augmentation du temps de fermentation. Une baisse progressive de l'acidité titrable accompagne la fermentation.

Summary Candida wickerhamii produces one endocellular and one exocellular -glucosidase. Both enzymes are repressed by glucose in the wild-type strain. In the M7 mutant ofC. wickerhamii, which was previously demonstrated to be derepressed for endocellular -glucosidase biosynthesis, the exocellular -glucosidase is derepressed and hyperproduced when cellodextrins are added to the culture medium. This enzyme, which was produced constitutively in the wildtype, has thus become inducible in the M7 mutant strain. The interest of this strain for industrial production of -glucosidases is discussed.
Resumen Candida wikerhamii produce dos -glucosidasas: una endocelular y otra exocelular. Ambos enzimas son reprimidos por glucosa en la cepa salvaje. Al añadir celodextrina al medio de cultivo del mutante M7 deC. wickerhamii, en el cual se ha demostrado ya la desrepresión de la síntesis de -glucosidasa endocelular, se desreprime la -glucosidasa extracelular obteniéndose una hiperproducción de este enzima. Dicho enzima que era producido de forma constitutiva en el tipo salvaje, se ha convertido en inducible en la cepa mutante M7. Se discute el interés de esta cepa para la producción industrial de -glucosidasas.

Résumé Candida wickerhamii produit deux -glucosidases, l'une endo- et l'autre exocellulaire. Les deux enzymes de la souche sauvage sont réprimées par le glucose. Le mutant M7, chez qui il a été antérieurement constaté que la synthèse de la -glucosidase endocellulaire est déréprimée, l'enzyme exocellulaire est elle aussi déréprimée et hyper-produite lorsque des cellodextrines sont ajoutées au milieu de culture. Cette enzyme, qui est constitutive chez la souche sauvage, est donc devenue inductible chez le mutant M7. Cette souche est intéressante pour la production industrielle de -glucosidases.

Summary Metabolic stabilization of pharmacologically active peptides can be achieved by incorporation of sterically hindered non-natural amino acids, e.g. C , -disubstituted amino acids.-Trifluoromethyl substituted amino acids, a subclass of C , -disubstituted amino acids, also fulfil this requirement while featuring additional properties based on the electronic influence of the fluorine substituents.This review summarizes the results concerning the stability of peptides containing-TFM amino acids towards proteolysis by-chymotrypsin. Furthermore, configurational effects of-TFMAla on the proteolytic stability of peptides are explained using empirical force field calculations. The influence of-TFMAla incorporation on the secondary structure of selected tripeptide amides is compared to the effects exerted by its fluorine-free analogue, aminoisobutyric acid.Finally, results on metabolic stabilization and biological activity of modified thyrotropin releasing hormone are interpreted.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural changes in pancreatic cells were studied following glucose-induced insulin secretion in vitro, at two different extracellular pH (7.4 and 7.8). The pancreata perfused at pH 7.4 exhibited a biphasic insulin response to glucose challenge together with signs of increased emiocytotic activity and numerous microtubules in the cells. Conversely, the pancreata perfused at pH 7.8 showed a significant decrease in insulin secretion, and their cells revealed scarce emiocytotic images and a marked increase of intracellular granulolysis. These results represent the ultrastructural correlate of the reduced insulin secretion produced by metabolic alkalosis in the perfused rat pancreas.The authors wish to thank Mrs. Elma P. de Gagliardino and Mrs. Susana Rivas for excellent technical assistance.This research was partially supported by funds from CONICET and CIC, Pcia de Bs.As. C.L. Gómez Dumm, O.R. Rebolledo and J.J. Gagliardino are members of Carrera del Investigador del CONICET (Argentina)  相似文献   

Summary The oxidized form of the mercuric ion binding protein MerP has been studied by two-dimensional NMR. MerP, which is a periplasmic water-soluble protein with 72 amino acids, is involved in the detoxification of mercuric ions in bacteria with resistance against mercury. The mercuric ions in the periplasmic space are first scavenged by the MerP protein, then transported into the cytoplasm by the membrane-bound transport protein MerT, and finally reduced to elementary (nontoxic) mercury by the enzyme mercuric reductase. In this work, the 1H NMR spectrum of oxidized MerP (closed disulfide bridge) has been assigned by using homonuclear 2D NMR techniques. The secondary structure and global fold have been inferred from the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data. The secondary structure comprises four -strands and two -helices, in the order 112324. The protein folds into an antiparallel -sheet, 2314, with the two antiparallel helices on one side of the sheet. The folding topology is similar to that of acylphosphatase, the activation domain of porcine pancreatic procarboxypeptidase B, the DNA-binding domain of bovine papillomavirus-1 E2 and the RNA-binding domains of the U1 snRNP A and hnRNP C proteins. However, there is no structural similarity between MerP and other bacterial periplasmic binding proteins.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the mRNAs for rabbit and human-hemoglobins shows that synonymous changes in codons have accumulated three times as rapidly as nucleotide replacements that produced changes in amino acids. This agrees with predictions based on the so-called neutral theory. In addition, seven codon changes that appear to be single-base changes (according to maximum parsimony) are actually two-base changes. This indicates that the construction of primordial sequences is of limited significance when based on inferences that assume minimum base changes for amino acid replacements.  相似文献   

For the detection of polymorphisms within the 5-flanking region of the -lactoglobulin (-LG) -encoding gene a nucleotide sequence containing 795 bp of the promoter and 59 bp of exon I was cloned and sequenced. After comparing the sequence from the DNA of 11 diverse cows (different breeds and milk-protein yields), 14 singlebp substitutions were identified within the 5-flanking region and two in the 5-untranslated region (5-UTR) of exon I. Some of the variants are located in potential binding sites for trans-acting factors or in the 5-UTR. A PCR-based RFLP analysis was performed, and the genotypes of an additional 60 cows were identified at five variable 5-flanking sites. The results reveal three frequent combinations between the A and B alleles of the protein-coding region and the novel 5-flanking DNA variants. This finding may explain the differences of the protein-variant-dependent -LG synthesis (A>B) observed in vivo. A sequence comparison of the bovine and ovine promoters reveals an homology of 92.8% and shows a higher degree of conservation between positions -600 and -300.  相似文献   

Primary structure analysis of the four river buffalo -globin chains showed that haplotypes A and B differ from each other by a substitution at codon 64 that may encode Ala or Asn. The A haplotype encodes two -globin chains, I1 and II3, which differ at positions 129 and 131: I1 has 64 Ala, 129 Phe, 131 Asn; II3 has 64 Ala, 129 Leu, 131 Ser. The B haplotype encodes two -globin chains, I2 and II4, which differ at positions 10 and 11: I2 has 10 Ile, 11 Gln, 64 Asn; II4 has 10 Val, 11 Lys, 64 Asn. Apart from the Ala/Asn polymorphism at position 64, amino acid substitutions in allelic and nonallelic -globin chains seem to have arisen by single point mutations. Detection of electrophoretically silent mutations due to neutral amino acid substitutions and their influence on the isoelectric point are discussed. Furthermore, primary structures of river buffalo -globin chains are compared to other species of the Bovidae family to suggest evolutionary events that have characterized the amino acid substitutions of river buffalo hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Residual toxicities of registered and selected experimental pesticides used on citrus against Agistemus industani Gonzalez (Acari: Stigmaeidae) were compared. Pesticides considered highly toxic to A. industani were: abamectin 0.15 EC at 731ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, pyridaben 75WP at 469g/ha, ethion 4EC at 7.01l/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, propargite 6.55 EC at 3.51l/ha, chlorfenapyr 2SC at 1.46l/ha applied alone or in combination with FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, sulphur 80DF at 16.81kg/ha, dicofol 4EC at 7.01l/ha, fenbutatin oxide 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 1.68kg/ha+ferbam 76 GF at 5.60kg/ha, ferbam 76GF at 11.21kg/ha, neem oil 90EC at 46.8l/ha, and copper hydroxide DF (40% metallic copper) at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha. Pesticides that were moderately to slightly toxic included: copper sulphate 98% at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, fenbuconazole 2F at 280ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil applied alone at 46.8l/ha or 23.4l/ha, and diflubenzuron 25WP at 1.40kg/ha. Pesticides that were non-toxic included: fenbuconazole 2F at 585ml/ha, malathion 57EC at 5.85l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, carbaryl 80S at 3.36kg/ha, chlorpyrifos 4EC at 4.68l/ha, and formetanate 92SP at 1.12kg/ha. Understanding the toxic effects of field weathered pesticides against key predacious mite species is important for effective IPM. The results of this study provide a comparison of direct and indirect toxic effects of various pesticides to A. industani under field conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A complete set of isogenic wheat/rye D-genome substitutions were produced by crossing an inbred line of spring rye Secale cereale L. cv. Prolific to a tetraploid wheat, the A-and B-genomes of which had previously been extracted from hexaploid wheat, Triticum aestivum L. em Thell. cv. Thatcher. After chromosome doubling, the derived hexaploid triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) was backcrossed to 6x Thatcher and selection for wheat/rye substitution lines was carried out in BCF3 to BCF6 families by using Giemsa C-banding. Five fertile disomic wheat/rye D-genome substitution lines were obtained and their chromosomal constitution was determined to be 1D/1R, 2D/2R, 7D/4R, 6D/6R, 7D/7R. The two remaining 3R and 5R substitutions are at the moment in a monosomic condition. Another 1D/7R substitution was detected but this plant was very weak and sterile, indicating that only substitutions between homoeologous chromosomes result in fertile, vigorous plants. Furthermore, many rye telocentrics as well as rye-rye and rye-wheat translocations were selected. Since all lines selected in this program share the same genetic background of Thatcher wheat, genetic heterogeneity is excluded. The material is very useful, therefore, for analyzing the effects of different rye chromosomes or chromosome segments in an otherwise homozygous background.Contribution No. 797  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal variations of marine (collected at the ten fathom line-Station A) and estuarine (collected at the Mouth of the Vellar estuary-Station I) plankton of Porto Novo (India) are described, covering the period 1960–63. The biological, temporal and numerical variations of phytoplankton and zooplankton are described for the two stations. The succession of species was more or less similar at both stations, but certain forms like colonial Radiolaria, Scyphomedusae, Anthozoa, trochophore of Sipunculids, Stomatopod larvae and Protochordate larvae were relatively more confined to Station A, and crustacean larvae other than Stomatopods Actinotrocha larva, fish eggs and larvae were relatively more confined to Station I.The Diatom main peak was about June–July at Station A and about May–July at Station I. The Diatom peak was generally heralded with the appearance of Coscinodiscus. Noticluca usually showed three spurts- mainly two distict ones about May–June and August. The third development was only during certain years and not so intensive. Copepods showed two peaks generally during June–July after few days of the Diatom bloom, and during October–November following the first monsoon rains.The peaks of Diatoms, Peridinians, Noctiluca, Molluscan larvae and Tunicate larvae were more marked at Station A than at Station I. A rich and varied zooplankton was observed about February at Station A. The appearance of salps at Station A seems in a way to be related to salinity, when the salinity values were between 28.89–34.55, the salps appearing more with a fall in salinity. Similarly at Station I, Creseis acicula, Prawn larvae and fish larvae seem to be associated with a sudden fall in temperature and salinity when the monsoon rains start, at Station I.The numerical relationship of plankton at Station A was generally inverse between phyto- and zooplankton and this was generally parallel at Station I.
Sumario La variación estacional del plancton marino (collectado en la ten fathom lineestacción A) y estuarino (Mouth of the Vellar estuary) és descrita para el período 1960–63. Las variaciones biológicas, temporales y numéricas del fitoplancton y del zooplancton son descritas para las dos estacciones. La succesión de especies fué más o menos comparable en las dos estacciones; algunas formas como colonial radiolaria, scyphomedusae, anthozoa, trochophore y sipunculids, stomatopod larvae, y protochordate larvae fuéron confinadas a la estacción A, y otras como crustacean larvae, Actinotrocha larva, peces eggs y larvae confinades a la estacción I.El maximum para las diatomeas ocurrió en Junio–Julio en la estacción A,y Mayo–Junio en la estación I. Las diatomeas están representadas principalmente por el génere Coscinodiscus antes del maximum. El maximum para Noctiluca fue observado en Mayo–Junio y en Agosto. Los copepodes presentaran dos períodos de maximum Junio–Julio despues del maximum de las diatomeas y en Octubre–Noviembre. El maximum de las diatomeas, peridianians, Noctiluca, molluscan larvae y tunicate larvae en la estacción A fué mas distincto que en la estacción en el estuario. El zooplancton se mostró rico y variado en Febrero en la estacción A.La presencia de salpas en la estacción A parace ser relacionada en ciertos aspectos con la diminuición de la salinidad cuando esta fué 28.89–34.55. Por la misma forma la presencia de Creseis acicula, prawn larvae, peces eggs y larvae parace ser relacionada con diminuición de salinidad y temperatura del agua durante Octobre–Noviembre–Deciembre en la estacción I. Las relaciones numéricas del plancton indican que en la estacción A fueran contrarias y en la estacción I paralelas.

Partial and total loss of function mutant alleles of a putative Drosophila homologue (DPhK-) of the vertebrate phosphorylase kinase -subunit gene have been isolated. DPhK- is required in early embryonic processes, such as gastrulation and mesoderm formation; however, defects in these processes are seen only when both the maternal and zygotic components of DPhK- expression are eliminated. Loss of zygotic expression alone does not appear to affect normal embryonic and larval development; some pupal lethality is observed but the majority of mutant animals eclose as adults. Many of these adults show defects in their leg musculature (e.g. missing and degenerating muscles), in addition to exhibiting melanised tumours on their leg joints. Loss of only the maternal component has no obvious phenotypic consequences. The DPhK gene has been cloned and sequenced. It has an open reading frame (ORF) of 1680 by encoding a 560 amino acid protein. The predicted amino acid sequence of DPhK- has two conserved domains, the catalytic kinase and calmodulin-binding domains, separated by a linker sequence. The amino acid sequence of DPhK- is homologous to that of mammalian PhK- proteins but differs in the length and amino acid composition of its linker sequence. The expression of DPhK- mRNA is developmentally regulated. We discuss the implications of these observations.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the two polypeptide chains ( and) that comprise the murine Ia antigens were localized within distinct regions of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). This was accomplished by correlating allelic forms of the and chains with the MHC congenic strains of mice from which they were isolated. Allelic forms of and chains were distinguished by their unique structural markers, such as isoelectric points, amino acid sequences or peptide maps. The results indicate that the structural genes for both the and chains of I-A subregion antigens are located within the K to I-A genetic interval. In contrast, the gene encoding the chain of I-E subregion antigens is located outside of theI-E subregion and within the K to I-B genetic interval. These findings may have important implications for analysis of observations that complementation by twoI-region genes is sometimes required for development of immune responses.  相似文献   

The relationship of abscisic acid (ABA) and 2-trans-abscisic acid (t-ABA) to alternate bearing has been examined in Wilking mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) trees. Leaves, stems and buds of trees loaded with fruit (on trees) had 4.3, 6.0 and 2.2 fold higher ABA levels than the corresponding organs from off trees. Leaves had higher ABA levels than stems and buds in both on and off trees. t-ABA was non-detectable in Wilking leaf, stem and bud tissue. Amounts of t-ABA not exceeding 40% of the ABA content, were found in Shamouti and Valencia orange buds and in Wilking fruit peel.The elevated levels of ABA in on tree organs may reflect a stress imposed by the fruit overload.  相似文献   

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