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Upon floral induction, the primary shoot meristem of an Arabidopsis plant begins to produce flower meristems rather than leaf primordia on its flanks. Assignment of floral fate to lateral meristems is primarily due to the cooperative activity of the flower meristem identity genes LEAFY (LFY), APETALA1 (AP1), and CAULIFLOWER. We present evidence here that AP1 expression in lateral meristems is activated by at least two independent pathways, one of which is regulated by LFY. In lfy mutants, the onset of AP1 expression is delayed, indicating that LFY is formally a positive regulator of AP1. We have found that AP1, in turn, can positively regulate LFY, because LFY is expressed prematurely in the converted floral meristems of plants constitutively expressing AP1. Shoot meristems maintain an identity distinct from that of flower meristems, in part through the action of genes such as TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1), which bars AP1 and LFY expression from the influorescence shoot meristem. We show here that this negative regulation can be mutual because TFL1 expression is downregulated in plants constitutively expressing AP1. Therefore, the normally sharp phase transition between the production of leaves with associated shoots and formation of the flowers, which occurs upon floral induction, is promoted by positive feedback interactions between LFY and AP1, together with negative interactions of these two genes with TFL1.  相似文献   

Growth of flowering stems in wild-type Arabidopsis is indeterminate. Many flowers arise sequentially on the flanks of apical meristems in a phyllotactic spiral. We have isolated eight recessive mutants of a gene, terminal flower, in which inflorescences become determinate. Flower primordia sooner or later ‘invade’ the meristem summit leading to cessation of its further growth. Primary apical meristems usually terminate with several part-flowers which lack pedicels, and several normal pedicellate flowers may arise first. By contrast apical meristems of secondary branches usually produce only a single pedicellate flower. Plant height is also reduced and more rosette inflorescences develop. These growth patterns occur in six strong mutants raised at 25°C under continuous light. In two weak mutants termination occurs much later with many more flowers arising before eventual termination. Termination is similarly delayed in at least one of the strong mutants grown at lower temperatures. The tfl mutation does not affect the indeterminate growth of flower meristems, at least in-so-far as this occurs in agamous mutants. The tfl locus is at the top of linkage group 5, close to RFLP 447. We propose that the TFL gene product supports the activity of an inhibitor of flower primordium initiation. This inhibitor would normally prevent flowers from arising on the inflorescence apex but in tfl mutants it may readily fall below its threshold of activity. The TFL gene may be one of a class responsible for evolutionary changes between indeterminate and determinate growth.  相似文献   

Plants respond to changes in the environment by altering their growth pattern. Light is one of the most important environmental cues and affects plants throughout the life cycle. It is perceived by photoreceptors such as phytochromes that absorb light of red and far-red wavelengths and control, for example, seedling de-etiolation, chlorophyll biosynthesis and shade avoidance response. We report that the terminal flower2 (tfl2) mutant, carrying a mutation in the Arabidopsis thaliana HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN1 homolog, functions in negative regulation of phytochrome dependent light signalling. tfl2 shows defects in both hypocotyl elongation and shade avoidance response. Double mutant analysis indicates that mutants of the red/far-red light absorbing phytochrome family of plant photoreceptors, phyA and phyB, are epistatic to tfl2 in far-red and red light, respectively. An overlap between genes regulated by light and by auxin has earlier been reported and, in tfl2 plants light-dependent auxin-regulated genes are misexpressed. Further, we show that TFL2 binds to IAA5 and IAA19 suggesting that TFL2 might be involved in regulation of phytochrome-mediated light responses through auxin action.  相似文献   

Analysis of interactions between mutations abruptus and leafy and previous data on interaction of abruptus with homeotic mutations apetala1, apetala2, and apetala3 showed that the functions of the ABRUPTUS/PINOID (ABR/PID) gene are as follows: (1) it directs pattern formation in inflorescence axis specifying the development either of floral meristem (FM) or of cauline leaves; (2) in concert with the leafy gene, it participates in the formation of FM; (3) it is involved in the determination and the formation of floral organ primordia in the first, second, and third whorls. Auxin accumulation in the abr mutant cells in callus culture was shown indicating the involvement of the ABR/PID gene in regulation of auxin efflux from cells. It is suggested that the ABR/PID expression in the sites of formation of FM and floral organs leads to local reduction in auxin level, which in turn, enhances expression of the LFY and homeotic genes responsible for FM formation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Citrus trees have a long juvenile phase that delays their reproductive development by between 6 and 20 years, depending on the species. With the aim of accelerating their flowering time, we transformed juvenile citrus seedlings to constitutively express the Arabidopsis LEAFY (LFY) or APETALA1 (AP1) genes, which promote flower initiation in Arabidopsis. Both types of transgenic citrus produced fertile flowers and fruits as early as the first year, notably through a mechanism involving an appreciable shortening of their juvenile phase. Furthermore, expression of AP1 was as efficient as LFY in the initiation of flowers, and did not produce any severe developmental abnormality. Both types of transgenic trees flowered in consecutive years, and their flowering response was under environmental control. In addition, zygotic and nucellar derived transgenic seedlings had a very short juvenile phase and flowered in their first spring, demonstrating the stability and inheritance of this trait. These results open new possibilities for domestication, genetic improvement, and experimental research in citrus and other woody species.  相似文献   

Glycosyl hydrolases are important mediators of plant cell wall modification during plant development. These enzymes catalyse the hydrolytic release of specific sugars, such as L-arabinose, from the polysaccharide-rich cell wall matrix. The cloning and expression analysis of two genes, AtASD1 and AtASD2, encoding putative alpha-L-arabinofuranosidases in Arabidopsis thaliana are reported here. AtASD1 and AtASD2 identities were assigned on the basis of homology to plant and microbial family 51 glycoside hydrolases. Using RT-PCR, RNA gel blot analysis and reporter gene expression analysis, AtASD1 and AtASD2 were shown to have different developmental expression profiles. High levels of AtASD1 promoter activity are present in multiple tissues during vegetative and reproductive growth. AtASD1 expression is particularly intense in zones of cell proliferation, the vascular system, developing and regressing floral tissues, and floral abscission zones. By comparison, AtASD2 expression is limited to the vasculature of older root tissue and to some floral organs and floral abscission zones.  相似文献   

A mutation in theCENTRORADIALIS (CEN) gene ofAntirrhinum and in theTERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1) gene ofArabidopsis causes their indeterminate inflorescence to determinate. We clonedCEN/TFL1 homologs fromNicotiana tabacum, the wild-type of which has a determinate inflorescence. TheCEN gene was expressed in the inflorescnece meristem and kept its inflorescence meristem identity, whereas the tobacco homolog (NCH) was expressed at a low level throughout the plant’s development. AlthoughCEN andNCH are highly homologous genes, they may have been recruited to different developmental functions during their evolution. TwoNCH genes are derived from amphidiploidN. tabacum, but both of them hybridized with its diploid parents,N. sylvestris andN. tomentosiformis. Southern blotting, and the genomic organization ofTFL1 inArabidopsis revealed that anotherCEN homolog exists in the genome ofArabidopsis. These results suggest that there are two copies of theCEN homolog per diploid plant. The extended abstract of a paper presented at the 13th International Symposium in Conjugation with Award of the International Prize for Biology “Frontier of Plant Biology” These two authors contributed to this work equally.  相似文献   

Gregis V  Sessa A  Colombo L  Kater MM 《The Plant cell》2006,18(6):1373-1382
Loss-of-function alleles of AGAMOUS-LIKE24 (AGL24) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) revealed that these two similar MADS box genes have opposite functions in controlling the floral transition in Arabidopsis thaliana, with AGL24 functioning as a promoter and SVP as a repressor. AGL24 promotes inflorescence identity, and its expression is downregulated by APETALA1 (AP1) and LEAFY to establish floral meristem identity. Here, we combine the two mutants to generate the agl24 svp double mutant. Analysis of flowering time revealed that svp is epistatic to agl24. Furthermore, when grown at 30 degrees C, the double mutant was severely affected in flower development. All four floral whorls showed homeotic conversions due to ectopic expression of class B and C organ identity genes. The observed phenotypes remarkably resembled the leunig (lug) and seuss (seu) mutants. Protein interaction studies showed that dimers composed of AP1-AGL24 and AP1-SVP interact with the LUG-SEU corepressor complex. We provide genetic evidence for the role of AP1 in these interactions by showing that the floral phenotype in the ap1 agl24 svp triple mutant is significantly enhanced. Our data suggest that MADS box proteins are involved in the recruitment of the SEU-LUG repressor complex for the regulation of AGAMOUS.  相似文献   

Rosaceae is a large family, however, our understanding of its phylogeny is based largely on morphological observations. To understand the relationship between subfamilies Rosoideae, Amygdaloideae, Maloideae and Spiraeoideae at a molecular level, we isolated and compared the plant phosphatidyl ethanolamine-binding protein-like genes TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1)-like and CENTRORADIALIS (CEN)-like, which are involved in the control of shoot meristem identity and flowering time. A comparison of gene structures and phylogenetic tree analyses by the Neighbor-Joining method showed that each of the two TFL1-like (MdTFL1-1 and MdTFL1-2) and CEN-like genes (MdCENa and MdCENb) in Maloideae were classified into two distinct clades. The TFL1-like and CEN-like genes of Gillenia in Spiraeoideae belonged to monophyletic Maloideae groups, suggesting that Gillenia and Maloideae have a common near ancestor. However, the Gillenia TFL1-like gene does not contain the insertion sequence of the third intron that is found in MdTFL1-2-like genes of the members of Maloideae such as apple, Korean whitebeam, quince, and Siberian mountain ash. Therefore, after the Maloideae ancestor genome became polyploid through hybridization between Gillenia-like species or genome doubling, an insertion sequence of the third intron of MdTFL1-2-like genes was generated.  相似文献   

Flowering (inflorescence formation) of the grass Lolium temulentum is strictly regulated, occurring rapidly on exposure to a single long day (LD). During floral induction, L. temulentum differs significantly from dicot species such as Arabidopsis in the expression, at the shoot apex, of two APETALA1 (AP1)-like genes, LtMADS1 and LtMADS2, and of L. temulentum LEAFY (LtLFY). As shown by in situ hybridization, LtMADS1 and LtMADS2 are expressed in the vegetative shoot apical meristem, but expression increases strongly within 30 h of LD floral induction. Later in floral development, LtMADS1 and LtMADS2 are expressed within spikelet and floret meristems and in the glume and lemma primordia. It is interesting that LtLFY is detected quite late (about 12 d after LD induction) within the spikelet meristems, glumes, and lemma primordia. These patterns contrast with Arabidopsis, where LFY and AP1 are consecutively activated early during flower formation. LtMADS2, when expressed in transgenic Arabidopsis plants under the control of the AP1 promoter, could partially complement the organ number defect of the severe ap1-15 mutant allele, confirming a close relationship between LtMADS2 and AP1.  相似文献   

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