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Summary The preservation of lysozyme (LZM) antigenicity was studied in paraffin embedded tissue blocks. The reactivity for LZM varied with the type of tissue studied, the fixative used, the osmolarity and pH of the fixative, fixation time and temperature, and the method of dehydration. In both rat and human tissues equeous fixatives were superior to nonaqueous fixatives in retaining LZM antigenicity. Brief fixation in fixatives of low osmolarity enhanced LZM staining in the parenchymatous tissues but diminished staining in human cartilage; prolonged fixation in fixatives of high osmolarity gave opposite results. Least affected by fixation was the LZM antigenicity in the serous cells of the glands of the respiratory tract. These cells also stained most intensely for LZM of all autopsy material studied.Studies supported by grants from the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation and Finska Läkaresällskapet  相似文献   

Immunoperoxidase techniques were used to study the preservation of the antigenicity of human lactoferrin (LF) of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and various exocrine glandular cells in paraffin-embedded tissue blocks and cytocentrifuged cell smears. Tissues fixed in Carnoy's fluid in contrast to other fixatives used, showed good preservation of LF antigenicity irrespective of the fixation time. Cell smears fixed in Carnoy's fluid showed diffuse nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for LF, although morphologic integrity was poorly preserved. Granular cytoplasmic staining for LF with no staining of nuclei was seen in cell smears fixed in buffered formol acetone for 2--10 min. The nature of nuclear LF staining and future applications of the present methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes studied after being placed in culture for 1–6 wk progressively lost stimulating ability, i.e., lymphocyte defined antigens, when tested in one way mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) but retained several other identifiable membrane components as well as the capacity to respond to mitogenic stimuli. Lymphocytes placed in culture with motogenic doses of PHA and Con-A after 1 and 2 wk strongly stimulated autologous responding fresh lymphocytes, but the MLC response of allogeneic fresh lymphocytes to stimulating lectin treated cells was even lower than the response to stimulating allogeneic cultured lymphocytes. The HL-A antigens on lectin treated cells or on lymphocytes through 6 wk in culture were clearly identifiable. Assays for T cell rosettes and B cell surface immunoglobulin showed both cell types to be present in numbers equal to fresh lymphocytes for up to 5 wk after culturing. However, the Fc receptor site on B cells was lost from cultured lymphocytes at the same time that MLC stimulation was lost. It is concluded that plant lectins can unmask new mitogenic sites on the cell surface as well as mask or delete existing sites, and that culturing lymphocytes for 1–6 wk will produce somewhat similar modulations. Modulation of surface membrane components by tissue culture or lectins may, therefore, have a profound effect in altering transplantation immunogenicity.  相似文献   

Young adult male rabbits were inoculated with antigens prepared from regenerating (blastema stage) and nonregenerating tail tissues of the newtDiemictylus viridescens. Blood was collected from these rabbits after six weeks of semiweekly injection, two weeks of respite, and two more weeks of injections. A Freund adjuvant was added to the antigen preparations at the time of injection in order to elicit the anamnestic effect.Ouchterlony agar diffusions of the newt antigen preparations vs. the rabbit antisera were carried out. The resulting patterns of precipitation bands were compared and photographed.The strongest precipitation reactions of a given series were those between the antigen preparations made from nonregenerating tissue and their homologous antisera. The weakest reactions occurred between regenerating tissue antigens and regenerating tissue antisera. The strength of the antigen-antibody reactions was judged by the number of bands appearing in the diffusion plate and by the distinctness of these bands. Reactions of intermediate strength occurred between regenerating antigens and nonregenerating antisera, between nonregenerating antigens and regenerating antisera, and between antigens and antisera of different series.The loss of antigenicity during the blastemal period was considered to be related to the destruction of tissue in the wound areas at this time, and to indicate a quantitative rather than a qualitative loss of protein in regenerating tissue.This work is taken from data submitted to the Department of Biology of Fordham University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and was supported in part by a grant from the New York City Cancer Committee of the American Cancer Society.The author acknowledges his indebtedness to Dr.Alexander Wolsky of Fordham University, under whose direction this investigation was carried out, and Dr.John J. Corbett of Manhattan College and Lederle Laboratories.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoperoxidase techniques were used to study the preservation of the antigenicity of human lactoferrin (LF) of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and various exocrine glandular cells in paraffin-embedded tissue blocks and cytocentrifuged cell smears. Tissues fixed in Carnoy's fluid in contrast to other fixatives used, showed good preservation of LF antigenicity irrespective of the fixation time. Cell smears fixed in Carnoy's fluid showed diffuse nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for LF, although morphologic intergrity was poorly preserved. Granular cytoplasmic staining for LF with no staining of nuclei was seen in cell smears fixed in buffered formol acetone for 2–10 min. The nature of nuclear LF staining and future applications of the present methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Determinants of OmpF porin antigenicity and structure.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sixty-six murine hybridomas raised to Escherichia coli B/r porin were used to identify and differentiate the epitopes of this outer membrane protein. Anti-porin monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were raised against outer membrane fragments, purified native trimeric porin (trimer), and purified sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured monomeric porin (monomer). Immunochemical and flow cytometric methods identified five distinct cell surface-exposed determinants on OmpF. The peptide composition of porin epitopes was determined by analysis of mAb reactivity with cyanogen bromide-generated peptide fragments. Four of 43 anti-monomer mAb reacted with surface exposed sites on OmpF, defining epitopes that consist of residues within CNBr peptides d2, d3, and B. The anti-porin mAb panel was also used to evaluate changes in porin antigenic structure in strains with short ompF deletions. Flow cytometric experiments indicated that despite changes in porin permeability, little if any alteration of surface epitopes occurred in these strains. Western immunoblot analysis of the mutant porins showed loss of reactivity with numerous mAb, which was caused by changes in three spatially distinct epitopes at residues 108-111, 118-123, and 124-129. Our findings indicate that in these ompF mutants the residues responsible for altering porin permeability are not exposed on the cell surface, but are buried within the tertiary structure of the protein. One of these regions, which is apparently involved in the determination of channel permeability characteristics, is conserved among 15 of 16 different porin molecules which were screened with the anti-OmpF mAb panel.  相似文献   

Conclusions There have been changes in the practice of fixation over the past 10 years. There seem to be at least two different pressures working. On the one hand, there is increasing diversity in cell biological techniques which in turn demands more variable fixation procedures. Some of these have been outlined. Some of this change in practice has percolated through to pathology where it has been found to be diagnostically useful. In surgical pathology on the other hand, there is the continuing financial pressure for more rapid through-put of specimens which includes more rapid fixation, often with the loss of potential for subsequent chemical investigations. These are the horns of the dilemma; both are wanted at the same time.It seems that there is no magical fixative in sight which will permit all investigations on all tissues. Rather, it seems that the future will hold increasing diversity in fixation procedures which will demand that practitioners be well informed as to possibilities which, hopefully, may lend to better understanding of the problems and mechanisms of fixation.  相似文献   


Fixation and processing of tissue to paraffin blocks permit thin (4-5 µm) sections of tissues to be cut. Tissues and their subcellular components and surrounding stroma are visualized by cutting thin sections and staining them histochemically or immunohistochemically and viewing the sections using a bright field microscope. During the last century, anatomists and pathologists have used fixation with 10% neutral buffered formalin (10% NBF) as the fixative of choice. Also, both human and veterinary pathologists have trained to use fixation with 10% NBF, so these professionals are reluctant to change the familiar microscopic appearance of diagnostic tissues by using different fixatives. In addition, the effects of tissue processing on the microscopic appearance of tissue essentially has been ignored in most studies. Archives of paraffin blocks of pathological tissue contain essentially paraffin blocks fixed in 10% NBF. Therefore, if retrospective studies use archival paraffin blocks to correlate the molecular features of diseases with their outcomes, the studies must be based on tissue fixed in 10% NBF. Studies of how fixation in 10% NBF interacts with histochemical and immunohistochemical staining are limited in number and most are based on relatively long fixation times (≥36 h). Currently, fixation times in 10% NBF have been reduced to <24 h. Little is known about fixation in 10% NBF and its interaction with tissue processing for any period of fixation, especially short times. Less is known about how fixation of tissues with 10% NBF interacts with more modern assays using immunohistochemistry, real time quantitative polymerise chain reaction (PCR), and techniques that depend on analysis of proteins extracted from paraffin blocks including multiplex immunoassays or mass spectrometry. In general, multiple antibody–antigen combinations are reported not to work in tissues fixed in 10% NBF, i.e., loss of immunorecognition is nearly complete for such antibody–antigen combinations as Ki67/MIB, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and Progesterone receptor (PR), and partial for Bcl-2. Several models have been developed to study the interactions of tissue fixation and immunorecognition, but most have viewed the problem with immunorecognition as completely caused by fixation. Also, some of the models discussed in this special symposium do not predict the effects of fixation on frozen tissues fixed in 10% NBF and not processed to paraffin blocks. This article is a brief review of issues attending the use of 10% NBF combined with tissue processing as an interrelated process to study biomarkers identified by immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of endogenous peroxidase activity in rat, mouse and human thyroid follicle cells was studied with electron microscopic cytochemistry after incubation in 3-3-diaminobenzidine (DAB).In all three species enzyme activity was found at the apical plasma membrane (facing the follicle lumen) as well as in intracellular compartments. The enzyme activity in the apical plasma membrane was more sensitive to changes in fixation conditions than the activity in intracellular compartments. Under optimal conditions more than 90% of the follicle cells in normal rat thyroids displayed a cytochemical reaction at the apical plasma membrane.In all three species the reaction product at the apical plasma membrane formed a gradient which extended into the colloid which otherwise was unreactive. Evidence obtained indicated that this gradient was not due to the presence of soluble peroxidase in the lumen but most likely signified the diffusion of the reaction product from the membrane-bound enzyme.This study was supported by Grant No. 12X-537 from the Swedish Medical Research Council  相似文献   

The distribution of endogenous peroxidase activity in rat, mouse and human thyroid follicle cells was studied with electron microscopic cytochemistry after incubation in 3-3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB). In all three species enzyme activity was found at the apical plasma membrane (facing the follicle lumen) as well as in intracellular compartments. The enzyme activity in the apical plasma membrane was more sensitive to changes in fixation conditions than the activity in intracellular compartments. Under optimal conditions more than 90% of the follicle cells in normal rat thyroids displayed a cytochemical reaction at the apical plasma membrane. In all three species the reaction product at the apical plasma membrane formed a gradient which extended into the colloid which otherwise was unreactive. Evidence obtained indicated that this gradient was not due to the presence of soluble peroxidase in the lumen but most likely signified the diffusion of the reaction product from the membrane-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary A morphological and morphometrical study was performed on testicular cells after microwave stabilization of the tissue while immersed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS), 0.9 NaCl or Tris-HCl. Fixation in Carnoy's fluid without irradiation was chosen as a control chemical fixation method. After microwave stabilization or chemical fixation, the testes were embedded in paraffin or in plastic (glycolmethacrylate).An excellent morphology, comparable to that after chemical fixation in Carnoy's fluid, was observed in the plastic sections of tissue irradiated in PBS or NaCl, even when the sections were subsequently treated with an aggressive reagent at high temperature, required for the Feulgen reaction. The nuclear area of the microwave-stabilized Sertoli cells was 37–46% smaller in haematoxylin-eosin stained, paraffin sections in comparison with that in the glycolmethacrylate sections. The microwave-stabilized, paraffin-embedded tissue was much more vulnerable to the hot HCl treatment of the Feulgen staining than the chemically fixed tissue, resulting in an additional 10–20% decrease in nuclear size. The latter finding is particularly important for quantitative microscopy, where the Feulgen staining method is often employed.  相似文献   

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