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中国东北样带(NECT):十年集成与未来挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为“国际地圈-生物圈计划(IGBP)”的15条陆地样带之一,中国东北样带(Northeast China Transect,NECT)在IGBP核心项目“全球变化与陆地生态系统(GCTE)”中已经建立10年之久。该样带位于中纬度温带半干旱地区,跨越北纬42~46,东经110~132,其主要全球变化驱动因素为降水,次要驱动因素为土地利用强度。在过去的10年里,中国东北样带的研究进展表现在以下几个方面:生态数据库发展、气候及其变异性、植物对环境的生态生理响应、植被和景观变化、生物多样性格局及其变化、植物功能型和植物性状及气候梯度分析、生产力和碳动态、花粉-植被相互关系、痕量气体放散、土地利用和土地覆盖变化以及生物地理和生物地球化学模拟。为达到更高水平的集成研究,中国东北样带今后需要:统一框架下的坚实的基础数据集、进一步的野外实验和观测、从斑块、景观到生物群区尺度的植被结构、过程和功能的集成模拟、样带内和与其他IGBP样带研究结果的相互比较、多学科交叉研究、国内和国际协作以及完整的科学计划和实施对策。  相似文献   

倪健  李宜垠  张新时 《生态学报》1999,19(5):622-629
中国东北样带(NECT)是国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP)全球变化研究的陆地样带之一。该样带在东经112°与130°30′之间沿北纬43°30′设置,长约1600km,跨越北纬42°~46°,宽约300km,位于中纬度温带地区以降水或湿润度/干燥度为主要全球变化驱动因素,自东至西沿一个连续的空间过渡梯度,植被类型或生物群区是由温带针阔叶混交林、温带落叶阔叶林、农田及温带草原的3个亚地带:草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原等类型组成。给出了样带的基本生态地理特征及其梯度分析,包括其地理位置、地形地貌、气候梯度、土壤类型、土地利用格局、植被类型、主要优势种和群落类型的生态地理特征以及全新世适宜期的植被分布格局。这些特征沿经向均表现出明显的梯度分布。  相似文献   

比较了沿 1 6 70km长的中国东北样带 (NECT)分布的在繁殖习性上不同的植物功能型 ,克隆植物 (clonalplant)与非克隆植物 (non_clonalplant)的光合作用、蒸腾作用、气孔导度、水分利用效率。所测定的 2 1 8种植物中有1 1 5种属于克隆植物。对于灌木和草本植物功能型而言 ,净光合速率 (Pn)和水分利用效率 (WUE)在样带东西两端较低 ,在样带中间较高 ;蒸腾速率在温带荒漠植物分布的西端出现升高的趋势。在森林乔木、森林灌木、森林草本、草甸草原灌木、草甸草原草本、典型草原灌木、典型草原草本、荒漠草原灌木、荒漠草原草本等不同功能型的植物中 ,典型草原灌木和草本植物的光合生理指标较高。在相同的生长环境中 ,克隆植物比非克隆植物表现出较高的Pn 以及其他生理指标。克隆植物的光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率分别比非克隆植物高出 2 2 %、1 5 %、2 3%和 1 4 %。这种现象表明克隆植物在CO2 、光能和水分资源利用能力上优于非克隆植物  相似文献   

判别分析是多元统计分析中判断个体所属类型的一种重要方法。以中国东北样带(NECT)作为研究平台,利用判别分析鉴别植物光合功能型。采用国际上先进的植物光合测定系统LCA4便携式光合仪和CID_203便携式叶面积仪在野外所测定的植物生理生态参数,选取51个来自C3功能群的植物种和15个来自C4功能群的植物种构建判别模型,进行光合碳同化途径的判别。用马氏距离和后验概率判别准则进行回判,准确率达到98.48%。利用此判别模型可以根据任一植物的光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度和叶温与大气温度之差4项指标判别该植物的光合碳同化功能型  相似文献   

大型森林动态监测样地是研究群落尺度森林动态变化的最优途径之一。中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio)始建于2004年,是全球森林生物多样性监测网络(ForestGEO)最活跃的组成部分之一。CForBio森林动态监测样地一般为20ha,同时建立3–5个1–3ha辅助样地,以统一技术规范对胸径≥1 cm的木本植物进行定位监测,旨在长期监测中国主要森林类型的生物多样性格局与动态,研究其形成和维持机制。本文简要介绍了CForBio的概况、主样地建设、数据共享、能力建设、基于长期监测数据的主要科学发现以及科学支撑和服务,夯实CForBio监测与研究、拓展专题网络并加强能力建设,可为以监测数据为基础的森林生物多样性保护管理决策以及国际履约提供科学依据。  相似文献   

 以中国东北样带(NECT)为依托,基于沿样带的野外观测和土壤实测数据,分析了沿样带的土壤碳、氮、磷的空间分布格局及其与年降水、年均温之间的关系。结果表明:样带内土壤有机碳、土壤全氮、土壤有效氮、土壤全磷、土壤有效磷沿经度均呈现出东高西低的分布趋势;降水量和温度对土壤碳、氮、磷的作用强度顺序分别为土壤有效氮、土壤有机碳、土壤全氮、土壤全磷和土壤有效磷;并建立了土壤有机碳、土壤全氮、土壤有效氮、土壤全磷、土壤有效磷与年降水、年均温之间的多项式回归方程,为样带陆地碳收支评估及养分循环提供基础资料。  相似文献   

2010年6月21–25日(中国南京)生物多样性是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。近年来,全球范围内生物多样性受到严峻威胁,生物多样性保护刻不容缓。开展生物多样性监测,能为保护生物多样性、制定土地利用规划、开展环境影响评价提供重要的科学依据。2010年是国  相似文献   

中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio)目前已经沿纬度梯度从寒温带到热带布设23个大型森林动态样地, 监测1,893种木本植物, 代表我国木本植物种类的近1/6。CForBio的主要目标之一是研究森林群落的构建机制。本文综述了近20年来CForBio在群落构建机制探索方面取得的进展, 包括生物多样性时空格局、生境过滤、生物相互作用、局域扩散和区域因素以及利用新技术取得的新认知等。CForBio研究发现: (1)生境过滤和扩散限制共同决定种-面积关系及β多样性等多样性格局, 但二者的相对作用在不同样地及不同尺度存在差异; (2)生境过滤对局域群落构建的作用广泛存在, 但很难量化其对群落构建的重要性; (3)同种负密度制约在不同气候带样地普遍存在, 负密度制约的强度主要由植物菌根类型介导, 并随植物生活史类型、功能性状及环境变化而变化; (4)扩散限制在局域群落构建中发挥关键作用, 而区域因素如区域地质历史、区域物种库大小等塑造不同生物地理区群落之间的生物多样性差异; (5)宏观和微观两个方面的新技术促进群落构建机制的研究。在宏观方面, 遥感技术以低成本使大范围、多尺度的连续群落生物多样性监测和时空比较研究成为可能; 另一方面, 叶绿体基因技术和代谢组学等微观技术能促进推导群落构建的分子机制。同时, 本文还总结了以往研究的不足, 并展望了基于森林动态样地开展群落构建机制研究的未来发展, 特别强调了: (1)关注群落构建研究中的尺度问题; (2)深入开展多维度(物种、功能和系统发育)、多营养级生物互作相关的研究; (3)拓展全球变化对群落构建影响的研究; (4)融合观测-实验-模型多种手段开展群落构建机制的研究; (5)连结“群落构建理论研究”和“森林管理实践”。总之, 中国森林生物多样性监测网络的长期监测和联网研究是森林群落构建机制研究的重要基础, 也是推动群落构建理论、解决森林管理难题的重要平台。  相似文献   

中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio)作为我国生物多样性科学综合研究平台, 其发展过程和研究成果对促进我国生物多样性研究具有重要意义, 掌握其研究态势与热点变化可为CForBio的长远发展以及其他生态监测研究提供参考。本文对2007-2017年间CNKI数据库和Web of Science核心合集数据库中CForBio发表的论文进行了较为全面的文献计量分析。结果表明: 2007年以来, CForBio发表论文的数量整体上呈快速上升趋势, 从2007年的3篇增长到2017年的55篇, 其中SCI收录论文的增长较为明显(从2007年的1篇增长到2017年的34篇)。金光泽(70篇)、马克平(68篇)、郝占庆(68篇)等学者发表论文数量较多, 中国科学院的植物研究所(104篇)、沈阳应用生态研究所(67篇)、华南植物园(59篇)等是CForBio中相对活跃的研究机构, 但各样地负责机构和学者间的合作仍较少, 跨机构间的协同研究还有待提高。CForBio的研究热点主要体现在树木空间分布格局、植物功能性状、树木密度制约、群落系统发育等方面, 为揭示我国不同气候带森林群落构建机制提供了大量的理论依据。未来CForBio的研究应加强国内外机构间的合作创新并建立数据共享途径, 注重近地面遥感、多源数据融合等新技术的应用, 在生物多样性格局的多尺度与多维度解析、植物-土壤反馈机制、树木冠层和根系的结构与功能等方向持续开展深入研究。  相似文献   

Analysis of information from about 287 sample plots on Northeast China Transect (NECT) indicated that between 1986 and 1994 at latitude 43.48° N to 43.55° N and longitude 124.93° E to 131.28° E, the relative abundance of different tree species changed differently. The change of relative abundance for the moisture-sensitive tree species, such as Quercus mongolica and Larix olgensis, was helpful to detect climate change. Use of GIS software and the and w indices of tree diversity on NECT showed that the areas of high and medium tree diversity decreased, respectively, while the area of low tree diversity increased. The heterogeneity of habitats along the NECT increased with climate change and local human activities.  相似文献   

Wang  R.Z. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(1):71-79
Natural occurrence of C4 species, life forms, and their longitudinal distribution patterns along the Northeast China Transect (NECT) were studied. Six vegetation regions experiencing similar irradiation regimes, but differing in longitude, precipitation, and altitude were selected along the NECT from 108 to 131 °E, around altitude of 43.5 °N. Seventy C4 species were identified in 41 genera and 13 families. 84 % of the total C4 species were found in four families: Gramineae (38 species), Chenopodiaceae (11 species), Cyperaceae (5 species), and Amaranthaceae (5 species). C4 grasses make up 54 % of the total identified C4 species along the NECT and form the leading C4 family in meadow, steppe, and desert along the NECT. C4 Chenopodiaceae species make up about 16 % of the C4 species and become less important, particularly in the meadow and the eastern end of the NECT. 57 % of the total C4 species are therophytes and 37 % are hemicryptophytes, which is consistent with floristic composition and land utilization. In general, the number of C4 species decreased significantly from the west to the east or from dry to moist areas along the NECT, and was remarkably correlated with annual precipitation (r 2= 0.677) and aridity (r 2= 0.912), except for salinized meadow region. The proportion of C4 species from all the six vegetation regions was considerably correlated with these two climatic parameters (r 2= 0.626 or 0.706, respectively). These findings suggest that the natural occurrence of C4 species varies significantly along the large-scale longitudinal gradient of the NECT. The notable relationship of C4 species number and proportion in the flora with variations in annual precipitation and aridity suggest that these two climatic parameters are the main factors controlling the longitudinal distribution patterns of C4 species along the NECT.  相似文献   

This study examine the notion of plant community complexity in a broad sense and develop a new measure based on the average length L(S) (L(S)=∑ qj=1p jl j ) of the communication-theoretical parsimonious code required to describe the community (S). Total complexity may be differentiated into organized and unorganized complexity. The author refers to Shannon-Wiener entropy H(S) (H(S)=-∑ qj=1 p j log 2 p j ) and Renyi entropy H 12 (S) (H α(S)=11-αlog 2∑ qj=1 p α j , where α =12) as “disorder-based complexity", L(S) as “total complexity" and the difference Δ(S)=L(S)-H(S) and Δ 12 (S)=L(S)-H 12 (S) as “structural complexity". The complexity and diversity of typical plant communities along the NECT (Northeast China Transect) were discussed. The results suggest that structural complexity is higher in the lightly grazed grassland than the heavily grazed grassland. Clearly, structural complexity and disorder-based diversity are not substitutes for one another and should be considered as autonomous, equally important properties. Δ 12(S) measures a community complexity distinct form the disorder-based complexity H 12 (S) .  相似文献   

中国东北样带(NECT)植物群落复杂性与多样性研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在更广的意义上考虑群落复杂性的概念,将群落总复杂性分离为基于无序的复杂性和结构复杂性,并以群落的两个原始数据-群落组分(例如种群)数和各组分个体的比例分布为基础,用描述群落的最小剩余码的平均码长L(S)=q/∑/j=1pjlj(其中lj为物种S的相对多度的Huffman码字长度,q是物种数,pj满q/∑/j=1pj=1)测度群落总复杂性,用Shannon-Wiener熵H(S)=-q/∑/j=1p  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to examine the morphological variations of Leymus chinensis along the climatic gradient of the North‐east China Transect (NECT), from 115° to 125° E, in the vicinity of 43.5° N, in north‐eastern China. Ten sites selected for plant sampling along the gradient have approximately uniform theoretical radiation, but differ in precipitation and geographical elevation. The results of analyses showed that vegetative and reproductive shoot heights, flag leaf lengths and widths and seed numbers per inflorescence increased from the west to the east with precipitation, but decreased with aridity. Leaf lengths and widths for most leaf types from 115° to 124° E exhibited little variations. Significant correlations of plant heights, flag leaf lengths and widths and seed numbers per inflorescence with large‐scale climatic variables (e.g. annual precipitation, aridity) and geographical variation (longitude) found in this study indicated that climatic factors have significant effects on some morphological traits of L. chinensis along the NECT.  相似文献   

Accelerated terrestrial ecosystem carbon turnover and its drivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The terrestrial carbon cycle has been strongly influenced by human‐induced CO2 increase, climate change, and land use change since the industrial revolution. These changes alter the carbon balance of ecosystems through changes in vegetation productivity and ecosystem carbon turnover time (τeco). Even though numerous studies have drawn an increasingly clear picture of global vegetation productivity changes, global changes in τeco are still unknown. In this study, we analyzed the changes of τeco between the 1860s and the 2000s and their drivers, based on theory of dynamic carbon cycle in non‐steady state and process‐based ecosystem model. Results indicate that τeco has been reduced (i.e., carbon turnover has accelerated) by 13.5% from the 1860s (74 years) to the 2000s (64 years), with reductions of 1 year of carbon residence times in vegetation (rveg) and of 9 years in soil (rsoil). Additionally, the acceleration of τeco was examined at biome scale and grid scale. Among different driving processes, land use change and climate change were found to be the major drivers of turnover acceleration. These findings imply that carbon fixed by plant photosynthesis is being lost from ecosystems to the atmosphere more quickly over time, with important implications for the climate‐carbon cycle feedbacks.  相似文献   

Tang  H.P.  Zhang  X.S. 《Photosynthetica》1999,37(1):97-106
Discriminant analysis is an important method in multivariable statistic analysis to show what type an individual should belong to. Based on actual field photosynthetic value set obtained from our research platform, North East China Transect (NECT), a new approach, developed from the concept and principle of discriminant analysts, was proposed to distinguish C3 and C4 plants. Indices related to plant photosynthetic capacity measured by an LCA4 photosynthesis system were selected to build the discriminant model which is based on four related parameters: net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, and difference in temperature between leaf surface and atmosphere. Compared with other approaches, the present one is fast, straightforward, and efficient. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations result in increased plant carbon inputs to soil that can accelerate the decomposition of native soil organic matter, an effect known as priming. Consequently, it is important to understand and quantify the priming effect for future predictions of carbon–climate feedbacks. There are potential pitfalls, however, when representing this complex system with a simple, first‐order model. Here, we show that a multi‐pool soil carbon model can match the change in bulk turnover time calculated from overall respiration and carbon stocks (a one‐pool approach) at elevated CO2, without a change in decomposition rate constants of individual pools (i.e., without priming). Therefore, the priming effect cannot be quantified using a one‐pool model alone, and even a two‐pool model may be inadequate, depending on the effect size as well as the distribution of soil organic carbon and turnover times. In addition to standard measurements of carbon stocks and CO2 fluxes, we argue that quantifying the fate of new plant inputs requires isotopic tracers and microbial measurements. Our results offer insights into modeling and interpreting priming from observations.  相似文献   

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