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The induction of freezing tolerance in bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) cell culture was used to investigate the activity of absisic acid (ABA) analogs. Analogs were either part of an array of 32 derived from systematic alterations to four regions of the ABA molecule or related, pure optical isomers. Alterations were made to the functional group at C-1 (acid replaced with methyl ester, aldehyde, or alcohol), the configuration at C-2, C-3 (cis double bond replaced with trans double bond), the bond order at C-4, C-5 (trans double bond replaced with a triple bond), and ring saturation (C-2′, C-3′ double bond replaced with a single bond so that the C-2′ methyl and side chain were cis). All deviations in structure from ABA reduced activity. A cis C-2, C-3 double bond was the only substituent absolutely required for activity. Overall, acids and esters were more active than aldehydes and alcohols, cyclohexenones were more active than cyclohexanones, and dienoic and acetylenic analogs were equally active. The activity associated with any one substituent was, however, markedly influenced by the presence of other substituents. cis, trans analogs were more active than their corresponding acetylenic analogs unless the C-1 was an ester. Cyclohexenones were more active than cyclohexanones regardless of oxidation level at C-1. An acetylenic side chain decreased the activity of cyclohexenones but increased the activity of cyclohexanones relative to their cis, trans counterparts. Trends suggested that for activity the configuration at C-1′ has to be the same as in (S)-ABA, in dihydro analogs the C-2′-methyl and the side chain must be cis, small positional changes of the 7′-methyl are tolerable, and the C-1 has to be at the acid oxidation level.  相似文献   

Cellular and extracellular protein profiles from Bromus inermis Leyss. cv Manchar cell suspension cultures cold hardened by low temperature and abscisic acid (ABA) treatment were analyzed by one- and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cellular proteins (25, 165, 190, and 200 kilodaltons) increased by low temperature growth and cellular proteins (20, 25, 28, 30, 32, 37, 40, 45, 200 kilodaltons) increased by exogenous ABA treatment were identified. Low temperature treatment inhibited the synthesis of a 22 kilodalton protein and ABA treatment resulted in the synthesis of two extracellular proteins (17 and 21 kilodaltons). Low temperature and ABA-induced hardening conditions increased or induced a 25 and a 200 kilodalton protein. The 25 and a 30 kilodalton protein previously shown to be enriched by ABA-induced hardening conditions at both 3 and 23°C temperatures co-fractionated with the crude membrane fraction (30,000g sediment). The 200 kilodalton protein was detected in the 30,000g supernatant. Two-dimensional analysis of the crude membrane fraction resolved the 30 kilodalton protein band into a major polypeptide with an apparent isoelectric point of 6.85.  相似文献   

A 2-gram fresh weight inoculum of bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss. culture BG970) cell suspension culture treated with 7.5 × 10−5 molar abscisic acid (ABA) for 7 days at 25°C survived slow cooling to −60°C. Over 80% of the cells in ABA treated cultures survived immersion in liquid N2 after slow cooling to −40 or −60°C. In contrast, a 6-gram fresh weight inoculum only attained a hardiness level of −28°C after 5 days of ABA treatment. Ethanol (2 × 10−2 molar) added to the culture medium at the time of ABA addition, inhibited the freezing tolerance of bromegrass cells by 25°C. A 6-gram inoculum of both control and ABA treated bromegrass cells altered the pH of the medium more than a 2-gram inoculum. ABA inhibited the increase in fresh weight of bromegrass by 20% after 4 days. Both control and ABA (10−4 molar) treated alfalfa cells (Medicago sativa L.) grown at 25°C hardened from an initial LT50 of −5°C to an LT50 of −23°C by the third to fifth day after subculture. Thereafter, the cells dehardened but the ABA treated cells did not deharden to the same level as the control cells. ABA inhibited the increase in fresh weight of alfalfa by 50% after 5 days.  相似文献   

Bromus inermis Leyss cell cultures treated with 75 micromolar abscisic acid (ABA) at both 23 and 3°C developed more freezing resistance than cells cultured at 3°C. Protein synthesis in cells induced to become freezing tolerant by ABA and low temperature was monitored by [14C]leucine incorporation. Protein synthesis continued at 3°C, but net cell growth was stopped. Most of the major proteins detected at 23°C were synthesized at 3°C. However, some proteins were synthesized only at low temperatures, whereas others were inhibited. ABA showed similar effects on protein synthesis at both 23 and 3°C. Comparative electrophoretic analysis of [14C]leucine labeled protein detected the synthesis of 19, 21 and 47 kilodalton proteins in less than 8 hours after exposure to exogenous ABA. Proteins in the 20 kilodalton range were also synthesized at 3°C. In addition, a 31 kilodalton protein band showed increased expression in freezing resistant ABA treated cultures after 36 hours growth at both 3 and 23°C. Quantitative analysis of [14C]leucine labeled polypeptides in two-dimensional gels confirmed the increased expression of the 31 kilodalton protein. Two-dimensional analysis also resolved a 72 kilodalton protein enriched in ABA treated cultures and identified three proteins (24.5, 47, and 48 kilodaltons) induced by low temperature growth.  相似文献   

Changes in water content and dry weight were determined in control cells and those induced to cold harden in response to abscisic acid (ABA) treatment (7.5 × 10−5 molar). Bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss cv Manchar) cells grown in suspension culture at room temperature (23°C) for 7 days acclimated to −28°C (LT50) when treated with ABA, or to −5°C when untreated. ABA significantly reduced cell growth rates at 5 and 7 days after treatment. Growth reduction was due to a decrease in cell number rather than cell size. When the cell water content was expressed as percent water (percent H2O) or as grams water per gram dry weight (gram H2O/gram dry weight [g DW]), the water content of hardy, ABA-treated cells decreased from 85% to 77% or from 6.4 to 3.3 g H2O/g DW in 7 days. Control cell water content remained static at approximately 87% and 7.5 g H2O/g DW. However, cell water content, expressed as milligrams water per million cells (milligram H2O/106 cells), did not differ in ABA-treated or control cells. The dry matter content of ABA-treated cells, expressed as milligram DW/106 cells increased to 3.3 milligram/106 cells in 7 days, whereas the dry weight of the control cells remained between 1.4 to 2.1 milligrams/106 cells. The osmotic potential of ABA-treated cells decreased by the fifth day while that of control cells increased significantly and then decreased by day 7. Elevated osmotic potentials were not associated with increased ion uptake. In contrast to much published literature, these results suggest that cell water content does not decrease in ABA-treated cells during the induction of freezing tolerance, rather the dry matter mass per cell increased. Cell water content may be more accurately expressed as a function of cell number when accompanying changes to dry cell matter occur.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to increase freezing toleranceof bromegrass (Bromus in-ermis Leyss cv. Manchar) cell suspensioncultures from a LT50 (the temperature at which 50% cells werekilled) of –7 to – 30?C in 5 days at 23?C. Our objectivewas to study the qualitative changes in the translatable RNApopulation during ABA induced frost tolernace. In vitro translationproducts of poly(A)+ RNA isolated from bromegrass cells withor without 75 µM ABA treatment for various periods oftime were separated by 2D-PAGE and visualized by fluorography.SDS soluble proteins from the same treatments were also separatedby 20-PAGE. After 5 days treatment, at least 22 new or increasedabundance SDS soluble polypeptides were observed. From fluorographs,29 novel or increased abundance in vitro translation productscould be detected. The pattern of changes between ABA inducedSDS-soluble proteins and translation products from the 2D gelswere similar. A time course study (0–7 days) showed that17 of the 29 translation products were detected after 1 dayABA treatment, and at least 14 were present after 1 h. Coldtreatment (+4?C) induced fewer changes in the pool of translatableRNA than with ABA treatment. Three translation products inducedby cold appear to be similar to 3 of the ABA induced translationproducts. The majority of the ABA inducible translatable RNAsappeared at 10 µM or higher which coincides with the inductionof freezing tolerance. Many of these ABA inducible RNAs persisted7 days after ABA was removed from the media and correspondinglythe LT50 (–17?C) was still well above the control level(–17?C). The results suggest that ABA alters the poolof translatable RNAs during induction of freezing tolerancein bromegrass suspension culture cells. 1Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No.9256. (Received August 3, 1990; Accepted October 18, 1990)  相似文献   

The effects of culture conditions on abscisic acid (ABA)-inducedfreezing tolerance were determined in smooth bromegrass Bromusinermis Leyss cv. Manchar) cell suspension cultures. Bromegrasscultures initiated with 2 g fr wt of cells achieved maximumfreezing tolerances (greater than –32?C) at 25 to 30?Cin the presence of 75 to 100 µM ABA. High levels of freezingtolerance induced by ABA were correlated with high growth ratesat 25 and 30?C. In control cells, incubation at 10?C inducedoptimum levels of hardiness with minimal growth. Prolonged exposure(6 weeks) of cells to 3?C, with or without ABA, increased freezingtolerance only by several degrees. Exogenous ABA concentrationsgreater than 100 µM were not inhibitory to growth. Repeatedexposure to ABA, however, retarded growth and made the cellstolerant to temperatures below –40?C. Removal of ABA fromthe medium resulted in dehardening of the cells both at 25 and3?C. Nitrogen had a marginal effect on ABA-induced hardeningat 25?C, but inhibited age-dependent hardening of control cellcultures. Light had no effect on the freezing tolerance of culturedcells. Addition of 10% sucrose, 30 min prior to freezing, tobromegrass cells treated with ABA for 4 days increased freezingtolerance more than 15?C. These observations are discussed inrelation to the contrasting behaviour of the low temperatureand photoperiod dependent cold acclimation of plants (Received July 14, 1989; Accepted October 23, 1989)  相似文献   

沙埋对无芒雀麦种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了沙埋对浑善达克沙地植物群落中多年生禾草无芒雀麦种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明:无芒雀麦种子能在深度≤12cm的沙埋中萌发,≤8cm的沙埋中出苗.在此范围内,随着沙埋深度的增加,无芒雀麦种子的萌发率和出苗率逐渐降低.沙埋深度在植株高度的33%时,无芒雀麦1周龄和2周龄幼苗均全部存活,且总生物量≥对照(未沙埋幼苗);当沙埋深度增至植株高度的66%时,1周龄和2周龄幼苗的存活率分别降至70%和25%,生长也受到抑制;而遭受全部沙埋时,1周龄和2周龄幼苗均不能存活.遭受沙埋后,无芒雀麦幼苗分配较多的生物量用于地上部分的生长,其生物量分配模式改变可能是无芒雀麦幼苗对沙埋环境的重要适应对策.  相似文献   

The properties of two enantiomeric synthetic acetylenic abscisic acid (ABA) analogs (PBI-51 and PBI-63) in relation to ABA-sensitive gene expression are reported. Using microspore-derived embryos of Brassica napus as the biological material and their responsiveness to ABA in the expression of genes encoding storage proteins as a quantitative bioassay, we measured the biological activity of PBI-51 and PBI-63. Assays to evaluate agonistic activity of either compound applied individually showed a dose-dependent increase in napin gene expression on application of PBI-63. Maximal activity of about 40 [mu]M indicated that PBI-63 was an agonist, although somewhat weaker than ABA. PBI-63 has a similar stereochemistry to natural ABA at the junction of the ring and side chain. In contrast, PBI-51 showed no agonistic effects until applied at 40 to 50 [mu]M. Even then, the response was fairly weak. PBI-51 has the opposite stereochemistry to natural ABA at the junction of the ring and side chain. When applied concurrently with ABA, PBI-63 and PBI-51 had distinctly different properties. PBI-63 (40 [mu]M) and ABA (5 [mu]M) combined gave results similar to the application of either compound separately with high levels of induction of napin expression. PBI-51 displayed a reversible antagonistic effect with ABA, shifting the typical ABA dose-response curve by a factor of 4 to 5. This antagonism was noted for the expression of two ABA-sensitive genes, napin and oleosin. To test whether this antagonism was at the level of ABA recognition or uptake, ABA uptake was monitored in the presence of PBI-51 or PBI-63. Neither compound decreased ABA uptake. Treatments with either PBI-51 or PBI-63 showed an effect on endogenous ABA pools by permitting increases of 5- to 7-fold. It is hypothesized that this increase occurs because of competition for ABA catabolic enzymes by both compounds. The fact that ABA pools did not decrease in the presence of PBI-51 suggests that PBI-51 must exert its antagonistic properties through direct competition with ABA at a hormone-recognition site.  相似文献   

Thin sections of a bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) cell suspension culture, examined electron microscopically, revealed unusual, often lens-shaped, spaces in cell walls. Freeze-fracture replicas of similar material demonstrated the presence of lamellae within the cell walls, both within comparable lens-shaped spaces and more extensively at cell wall surfaces. The cell wall also displayed strong yellow-green autofluorescence. It is proposed that lipidic material is present in these cell walls, the chemical identity of which is presently under investigation.  相似文献   

The effects of growth temperature (2°C and 24°C), abscisic acid (ABA) concentration, duration of exposure to ABA, and light were assessed for their ability to induce acclimation to freezing temperatures in callus cultures of Lotus corniculatus L. cv Leo, a perennial forage legume. The maximal expression of freezing tolerance was achieved on B5 media containing 10−5 molar ABA, at 24°C for 7 or 14 days. Under these culture conditions, the freezing tolerance of the callus approximated that observed in field grown plants. In contrast, low temperatures (2°C) induced only a limited degree of freezing tolerance in these cultures. Viability was assessed by tetrazolium reduction and by regrowth of the callus. The two assays often differed in their estimates of absolute freezing tolerance. Regression analysis of the temperature profile suggested that there may be two or more distinct populations of cells differing in freezing tolerance, which may have contributed to the variability between viability assays.  相似文献   

Brassica napus suspension-cultured cells can be hardened to a lethal temperature for 50% of the sample of −20°C in eight days at room temperature with abscisic acid. During the induction of freezing tolerance, changes were observed in the electrophoretic pattern of [35S]methionine labeled polypeptides. In hardening cells, a 20 kilodalton polypeptide was induced on day 2 and its level increased during hardening. The induction of freezing tolerance with nonmaximal hardening regimens also resulted in increases in the 20 kilodalton polypeptide. The 20 kilodalton polypeptide was associated with a membrane fraction enriched in endoplasmic reticulum and was resolved as a single spot by two-dimensional electrophoresis. In vitro translation of mRNA indicate alteration of gene expression during abscisic acid induction of freezing tolerance. The new mRNA encodes a 20 kilodalton polypeptide associated with increased freezing tolerance induced by either abscisic acid or high sucrose. A 20 kilodalton polypeptide was also translated by mRNA isolated from cold-hardened B. napus plants.  相似文献   

Em基因的表达受ABA诱导,干旱和盐胁通过增加ABA含量或改变植物细胞对ABA的敏感性而诱导Em基因的表达。植物Em基因启动子存在3个功能区:5′远端AT富集区通过影响转录调节表达量,作用类似于非专一性增强子;ABA应答元件ABRE在ABA存在的情况下与转录因子EmBP1相互作用能显著增强Em基因的表达;5′UTR可能通过转录后调控而影响最终表达水平 。  相似文献   

Treatments as diverse as exposure to low temperature (LT), exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), or drought resulted in a 4 to 5[deg]C increase in freezing tolerance of the annual herbaceous plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To correlate the increase in freezing tolerance with the physiological changes that occur in response to these treatments, we studied the alterations in water status, endogenous ABA levels, and accumulation of rab18 (V. Lang and E.T. Palva [1992] Plant Mol Biol 20: 951-962) mRNA. Exposure to LT and exogenous ABA caused only a minor decline in total water potential ([psi]w), in contrast to a dramatic decrease in [psi]w during drought stress. Similarly, the endogenous ABA levels were only slightly and transiently increased in LT-treated plants in contrast to a massive increase in ABA levels in drought-stressed plants. The expression of the ABA-responsive rab18 gene was low during the LT treatment but could be induced to high levels by exogenous ABA and drought stress. Taken together, these results suggest that the moderate increases in freezing tolerance of A. thaliana might be achieved by different mechanisms. However, ABA-deficient and ABA-insensitive mutants of A. thaliana have impaired freezing tolerance, suggesting that ABA is, at least indirectly, required for the development of full freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. W. 38) callus grown on a shoot-forming medium was exposed to gibberellic acid (GA3) and abscisic acid (ABA) for varying lengths of time and at different periods during culture. The results suggest that if the tissue accumulated sufficient GA3 prior to the initiation of meristemoids and shoot primordia, repression of shoot formation occurred. This repression was not reversed by increasing the levels of auxin or cytokinin in the medium, but ABA could partially overcome the GA3 repression of shoot formation.  相似文献   

Optically active forms of abscisic acid (ABA) and their oxygenated metabolites were tested for their biological activity by examining the effects of the compounds on the reversal of gibberellic acid-induced [alpha]-amylase activity in barley (Hordeum vulgare cv Himalaya) aleurone layers and the induction of gene expression in barley aleurone protoplasts transformed with a chimeric construct containing the promoter region of an albumin storage protein gene. Promotion of the albumin storage protein gene response had a more strict stereochemical requirement for elicitation of an ABA response than inhibition of [alpha]-amylase gene expression. The naturally occurring stereoisomer of ABA and its metabolites were more effective at eliciting an ABA-like response. ABA showed the highest activity, followed by 7[prime]-hydroxyABA, with phaseic acid being the least active. Racemic 8[prime]-hydroxy-2[prime],3[prime]-dihydroABA, an analog of 8[prime]-hydroxyABA, was inactive, whereas racemic 2[prime],3[prime]-dihydroABA was as effective as ABA. The differences in response of the same tissue to the ABA enantiomers lead us to conclude that there exists more than one type of ABA receptor and/or multiple signal transduction pathways in barley aleurone tissue.  相似文献   

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