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The pollen-specific promoter of the LAT52 gene is known to direct expression of marker proteins during the last stages of pollen maturation and in very early pollen tube growth.We have examined the expression of LAT52-GUS during later stages of pollen tube growth in style and ovary of the relatively long-styled species Nicotiana alata. GUS activity was detected histochemically and found to be present in germinating pollen grains of N. alata and in tubes growing through the upper part of the style. No GUS activity was detected in 99% of the pollen tubes growing through the lower part of the style, but activity was present in tubes within the ovary. This finding indicates that the LAT52 promoter is regulated in growing pollen tubes, and is most active during the earliest and latest stages of pollen tube growth. GUS activity was also detected in some ovules, where it presumably marked the release of pollen tube cytoplasm into the ovule. The distribution of ovules with GUS activity within the ovary is not consistent with high-precision pollen tube guidance to the ovule. Received: 16 August 1999 / Revision accepted: 20 December 1999  相似文献   

S-RNases are implicated in both inter- and intra-specific pollen rejection in Nicotiana. At least two mechanisms contribute to S-RNase dependent rejection of pollen from self compatilble species such as Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and N. tabacum. Cloned S-RNases from self incompatible N. alata expressed in styles of self compatible N. tabacum cause rejection of N. tabacum pollen through a factor-independent mechanism. However, rejection of N. plumbaginifolia pollen occurs only when S-RNases are expressed in conjunction with non-S-RNase factors from N. alata (factor-dependent pollen rejection). Here, we compared the pollen rejection activity of four RNases in these two systems. Recombinant RNase expression levels in the factor-dependent N. plumbaginifolia system were insufficient to cause pollen rejection. However, three S-RNases were active in the factor-independent N. tabacum pollen rejection system. This system shows the broadest specificity of any system so far examined. However, RNaseI from E. coli could not cause N. tabacum pollen rejection. Thus, RNase activity alone is not sufficient for pollen rejection. Our results suggest that S-RNases are specially adapted to function in pollen rejection. Received: 15 December 2000 / Accepted: 1 May 2001  相似文献   

 Style squashes and stylar grafts were used to examine the growth of Nicotiana alata pollen tubes in self-compatible and self-incompatible styles. Compatible tubes typically showed a uniform layer of callose deposition in the walls and in small plugs spaced at regular intervals within the tube. Incompatible tubes were characterised by the variability of callose deposition in the walls and by larger, closer and more irregularly spaced plugs. There was no difference in the growth rate of compatible and incompatible tubes during growth through the stigma, but within the style most compatible tubes grew 20–25 mm day-1 (maximum 30 mm day–1), whereas incompatible tubes grew 1.0–1.5 mm day-1 (maximum 5 mm day–1). Many incompatible tubes continued to grow until flowers senesced, and only a small proportion died as a consequence of tip bursting. Grafting compatibly pollinated styles onto incompatible styles showed that the incompatible reaction could occur in pollen tubes between 2 and 50 mm long, and that inhibition of pollen tube growth occurred in both the upper and lower parts of the transmitting tract. Grafting incompatibly pollinated styles onto compatible styles showed that the incompatible reaction was fully reversible in at least a proportion of the pollen tubes. The findings are not consistent with the cytotoxic model of inhibition of self-pollen tubes in solanaceous plants, which assumes that the incompatible response results from the degradation of a finite amount of rRNA present in the pollen tube. However, if pollen tubes do in fact synthesise rRNA, the findings become consistent with this model. Received: 23 May 1996 / Revision accepted: 22 August 1996  相似文献   

Transfer of resistance to the phosphorothioamidate herbicide, amiprophosmethyl (APM), from the β-tubulin mutant of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia to the interspecific N. plumbaginifolia (+) N. sylvestris and to the intertribal N. plumbaginifolia (+) Atropa belladonna somatic hybrids has been demonstrated. Transfer to the recipient species was accomplished by: (1) symmetric hybridisationand (2) asymmetric hybridisation using γ-irradiation of donor protoplasts. Cytogenetic analysis confirmed the hybrid origin of the hybrids obtained. It was established that most of them typically inherited no more than three donor chromosomes, although it was possible to obtain symmetric hybrids in the case of symmetric fusion. Immunofluorescent microscopy analysis has shown that protoplasts of the mutant, and of the N. plumbaginifolia (+) N. sylvestris and N. plumbaginifolia (+) A. belladonna hybrids, retained the normal structure of interphase microtubule (MT) arrays and mitotic figures after treatment with 5 μM APM, whereas MTs of protoplasts of the recipients were destroyed under these conditions. It was also shown that hybrid clones contained an altered β-tubulin isoform originating from the N. plumbaginifolia mutant. The selected hybrid clones were characterised by cross-resistance to trifluralin, a dinitroaniline herbicide with the same mode of anti-MT action. Some of the somatic hybrids which could flower were fertile. It was established that seeds of some fertile hybrids were able to germinate in the presence of 5 μM APM. The results obtained thus support the conclusion that the technique of somatic hybridisation, especially asymmetric fusion, can be used to transfer APM resistance from the N. plumbaginifolia mutant to different (related and remote) plant species of the Solanaceae, including important crops. Received: 22 December 1997 / Accepted: 27 July 1999  相似文献   

The influence of kanamycin on the percentage of pollen germination and on tube growth of pollen from non-transformed and transformed plants of various species containing a chimaeric kanamycin resistance gene (NPTII) was investigated. Pollen grains isolated from kanamycin resistant plants expressed resistance when germinating in vitro, whereas kanamycin impaired tube growth of pollen from non-transformed plants. Pollen grains from transgenic plants were less sensitive and produced significantly longer tubes. mRNAs of the chimaeric gene are probably presynthesized concurrently with the other mRNAs during microsporogenesis, and kanamycin resistance is expressed by mRNA translation during pollen tube elongation. Received: 24 August 1999 / Revision accepted: 20 October 1999  相似文献   

 Cytological details of endosperm development after pollination with irradiated pollen were studied in Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit) cultivar Hayward. Pollinations were carried out involving five different sources of pollen (Matua, Tomuri, Burt, Berryman, and fruiting male) irradiated with gamma rays at doses of 700 and 900 Gy. Non-irradiated crosses were used as controls. Irradiated pollen induced development of approximately 25–30% of the ovules. Two types of ovules were observed: (1) with both embryo and endosperm and (2) with endosperm only. No mitotic abnormalities were found in control or irradiated endosperms. Mitotic divisions were regular and nuclei spherical and evenly spaced. However, the cells of irradiated endosperm usually contained low amounts of storage products. Ploidy level of the endosperms was evaluated by nuclear size (volume) with the use of image analyzis. Mean nuclear size in control and irradiated endosperms was 1598.3 and 750.9 μm3, respectively. It is concluded that endosperm produced after pollination with irradiated pollen is autonomous and represents the 2n level. Received: 14 October 1998 / Revision accepted: 10 March 1999  相似文献   

 A new method for assessing the effects of test compounds on Nicotiana alata pollen tubes in culture is described. Pollen tubes grow from a cluster of grains placed beneath a thin layer of gelled medium in which test substances are incorporated and from which evaporation is prevented by a covering layer of oil. Pollen tubes can grow to 8 mm in length in 24 h, which corresponds to about 25% of the maximum growth rate in styles. Growth is non-destructively measured. The developmental stages reached by cultured tubes are similar to those of tubes growing in styles; growth changes from being reserve-dependent to reserve-independent, callose plugs form, and the nucleus of the generative cell divides. Because culture volumes are small (10–20 μl per replicate), the effects of known concentrations of microgram quantities of compounds on the growth of pollen tubes can be tested. Received: 25 February 1997 / 21 July 1997  相似文献   

 It is known that pollen tubes contain two high molecular weight polypeptides which share some biochemical and immunological properties with dynein heavy chains. This paper reports data on the subcellular localization of the two dynein heavy chain-related polypeptides during pollen tube growth. Immunofluoresence studies using a purified antibody (Dy-1) raised against a synthetic peptide reproducting the P-loop conserved sequence of dynein heavy chains showed spot-like structures, with a characteristic distribution pattern that depended on the tube length. Biochemical evidence confirmed the presence of dynein heavy chain-related bands in the pollen tube membrane fraction. The association of proteins carrying dynein heavy chain-related polypeptides to cell membranes was affected by detergent (Triton×100), whereas other stripping agents, like NaCl and Na2CO3, did not significantly influence the interaction of dynein heavy chain-related doublet with their cytoplasmic targets. These data suggest that dynein heavy chain-related polypeptides associate with membranous organelles within the vegetative cell of Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes, implying their involvement in the cytoplasmic distribution of these organelles. Received: 22 May 1997 / Revision accepted: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

 Microtubules in pollen tubes are evident within the vegetative and generative cell cytoplasm. This observation led to the formulation of several hypotheses regarding the role of microtubules in cytoplasmic movement and the migration of the vegetative nucleus/generative cell along the pollen tube. The study of microtubular motor proteins in pollen tubes followed the discovery and characterization of an immunoreactive homolog of mammalian kinesin in tobacco pollen tubes. Recent identification of dynein-related polypeptides in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum and pollen of Ginkgo biloba is a significant step in the definition of the role of microtubule function within pollen and pollen tubes. Received: 31 May 1996 / Revision accepted: 26 July 1996  相似文献   

The distribution of cellulose and callose in the walls of pollen tubes and grains of Nicotiana tabacum L. was examined by electron microscopy using gold-labelled cellobiohydrolase for cellulose and a (1,3)-β-D-glucan-specific monoclonal antibody for callose. These probes provided the first direct evidence that cellulose co-locates with callose in the inner, electron-lucent layer of the pollen-tube wall, while both polymers are absent from the outer, fibrillar layer. Neither cellulose nor callose are present in the wall at the pollen-tube tip or in cytoplasmic vesicles. Cellulose is first detected approximately 5–15 μm behind the growing tube tip, just before a visible inner wall layer commences, whereas callose is first observed in the inner wall layer approximately 30 μm behind the tip. Callose was present throughout transverse plugs, whereas cellulose was most abundant towards the outer regions of these plugs. This same distribution of cellulose and callose was also observed in pollen-tube walls of N. alata Link et Otto, Brassica campestris L. and Lilium longiflorum Thunb. In pollen grains of N. tabacum, cellulose is present in the intine layer of the wall throughout germination, but no callose is present. Callose appears in grains by 4 h after germination, increasing in amount over at least the first 18 h, and is located at the interface between the intine and the plasma membrane. This differential distribution of cellulose and callose in both pollen tubes and grains has implications for the nature of the β-glucan biosynthetic machinery. Received: 20 February 1988 / Accepted: 25 March 1998  相似文献   

A coherent picture of pollen tube growth is beginning to emerge that couples ion dynamics with biochemical, biophysical and cytological processes in ordered and controlled feedback circuits that define the nature of polarized apical growth. It is a paradox, however, that complete understanding of the mechanical forces that drive cell elongation in this system still remains to be fully achieved. The results of our recent studies to characterize Cl ion dynamics during apical growth in tobacco pollen tubes led us to re-examine this question in the light of a possible force-generating role provided by hydrodynamic flow. Previously we found that oscillatory Cl efflux from the apex is closely coupled to oscillatory growth and the cell volume of the apical domain. Cl influx occurs in a region of the tube that is distal to the clear zone; hence, a vectorial flow of anion traverses the apical domain and fluxes out of the tip with oscillatory dynamics. Because of the effects that this could induce on charge and osmotic potentials, water could potentially flow through the apical domain, linked to the flux of Cl. This conjecture is consistent with studies in other plant cells that demonstrate a pivotal role for flux through anion channels in the control or normalization of osmotic status. In the current report, the relationship between Cl efflux oscillations and the physical characteristics of the apical dome during oscillatory growth is examined in closer detail. Evidence is presented that shows a cyclic deformation of the extreme apex occurs during the growth pulse and is correlated with cyclic Cl efflux. In addition, there is a dramatic increase in the number and density of clear thread-like zones traversing the apical plasma membrane during the process of tip elongation. Possible functional roles of Cl flux and hydrodynamics are discussed in the context of what drives tip elongation during cycles of pollen tube growth. Received: 23 November 2000 / Revision accepted: 19 June 2001  相似文献   

Summary The prolonged exposure of pollen Nicotiana tabacum to high humidity at both room temperature and 38° C did not affect membrane integrity as revealed by the fluorochromatic reaction (FCR) test, but did affect pollen vigour. At room temperature germination was not affected, although tube growth was reduced; at 38° C, there was both a reduction in tube growth and delayed germination. When the pollen was subjected to 1 h hydration followed by 1 h desiccation (up to a maximum of four cycles) at room temperature, a reduction in the FCR, germination and tube length after each desiccation treatment was observed. Subsequent hydration fully restored the FCR, but only partially restored germination and tube growth. At 38° C, however, FCR, germination, and tube growth were drastically reduced. The implications of these results on the relationship between FCR and germinability, the responses of pollen exposed to humidity and temperature stress in the field, and on pollen storage are discussed.  相似文献   

 Pollen from 13 species of gymnosperms and angiosperms was studied for soluble and insoluble carbohydrates at dispersal. Starch reserves stored during pollen development give rise to carbohydrates at maturity. Combinations of different types of carbohydrates in mature pollen may depend on the extent of starch hydrolysis. An inverse relationship was found between the extent of starch hydrolysis and sucrose content. If the starch was scarcely de-polymerized, the cytoplasm had very low levels of soluble sugars and none of the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive material as found in pollen not subject to high dehydration (Cucurbita pepo L., Zea mays L.). After total or partial starch hydrolysis, insoluble PAS-positive oligo/polysaccharides were found in the cytoplasm associated with much soluble sugar, and the pollen grains were dehydrated at dispersal as in Typha latifolia L., Chamaerops humilis L., Trachycarpus excelsa Wendl., and other specimens. Intermediate levels of starch and soluble sugars, together with cytoplasmic PAS-positive material, characterized species with dehydrated pollen such as Pinus halepensis Miller. Carbohydrates may be related to pollen longevity, which largely depends on the abundance of sucrose, which is known to protect membrane integrity. The relationship between PAS-positive material and pollen viability is unclear at present. Received: 30 July 1996 / Revision accepted: 18 December 1996  相似文献   

In vitro pollen germination and tube length studies are valuable in elucidating mechanisms (germination capacity and rate, tube growth rate) possibly associated with genetic differences in male transmission. On each of two collection dates, the percentage germination and tube length of the binucleate pollen grains from five diverse sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) genotypes were determined at eight times (30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 240, 300 min) after inoculation on a semisolid medium containing 10% (100 g l-1) sucrose (C12H22O11), 0.4% (4 g l-1) purified agar (Fisher Lot 914409), 0.1% (1 g l-1) calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2 ⋅ 4H2O] and 0.01% (100 mg l-1) boric acid (H3BO3). Before heating, the pH of the medium was adjusted to 7.0 with a 0.1 N potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. Over the five genotypes, 5% germination was found 30 min after inoculation and a maximum of 37% germination 120 min after inoculation with no significant changes thereafter. As indicated by the highly significant genotype×time after inoculation interaction, the genotypes differed in the time at which germination was initiated and maximum germination attained. Over all five genotypes, the tube length was 91 μm 30 min after inoculation, reaching a maximum of 1000 μm 300 min after inoculation. As shown by the highly significant genotype×time after inoculation interaction, the genotypes differed in the time at which tube length was observed and the maximum tube length was attained. Little or no relationship between percent germination and tube length was observed among the genotypes. For both percent germination and tube length, the statistical significance of collection date and its interactions with genotype and time after inoculation indicated that environment in the form of collection date was also an influencing factor. These results indicated that genetic differences among genotypes were present for in vitro germination capacity, germination rate and tube growth rate and that these factors singly or in combination could alter male transmission of genetic elements. Received: 5 February 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

 We examined the influence of pollen competitive environment on pollen performance in Mirabilis jalapa. We used the number of pollen grains and the number of pollen tubes per pistil as measures of pollen competition. Pollen germination, pollen tube penetration into the style, and pollen tube growth rates were used as measures of pollen performance. All three measures of pollen performance were affected by the competitive environment. Pollen germination was greatest at intermediate pollen load sizes. The percentage of germinated pollen grains that penetrated the stigma and grew into the style decreased with pollen load size. Pollen tube growth rate in the style was greater and more variable with larger numbers of pollen tubes in the style. Controlling for the degree of selection at the stigma indicated that pollen-pollen or pollen-style interactions were the likely causes of increased growth rates. Received: 28 October 1996 / Revision accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

Biogenesis and function of the lipidic structures of pollen grains   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
 Pollen grains contain several lipidic structures, which play a key role in their development as male gametophytes. The elaborate extracellular pollen wall, the exine, is largely formed from acyl lipid and phenylpropanoid precursors, which together form the exceptionally stable biopolymer sporopollenin. An additional extracellular lipidic matrix, the pollen coat, which is particularly prominent in entomophilous plants, covers the interstices of the exine and has many important functions in pollen dispersal and pollen-stigma recognition. The sporopollenin and pollen coat precursors are both synthesised in the tapetum under the control of the sporophytic genome, but at different stages of development. Pollen grains also contain two major intracellular lipidic structures, namely storage oil bodies and an extensive membrane network. These intracellular lipids are synthesised in the vegetative cell of the pollen grain under the control of the gametophytic genome. Over the past few years there has been significant progress in elucidating the composition, biogenesis and function of these important pollen structures. The purpose of this review is to describe these recent advances within the historical context of research into pollen development. Received: 1 November 1997 / Revision accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Temperature is a major climatic factor that limits geographical distribution of plant species, and the reproductive phase has proven to be one of the most temperature-vulnerable stages. Here, we have used peach to evaluate the effect of temperature on some processes of the progamic phase, from pollination to the arrival of pollen tubes in the ovary. Within the range of temperatures studied, 20 degrees C in the laboratory and, on average, 5.7 degrees C in the field, the results show an accelerating effect of increasing temperature on pollen germination and pollen tube growth kinetics, as well as an increase in the number of pollen tubes that reach the style base. For the last two parameters, although the range of temperature registered in the field was much lower, the results obtained in the laboratory paralleled those obtained in the field. Increasing temperatures drastically reduced stigmatic receptivity. Reduction was sequential, with stigmas first losing the capacity to sustain pollen tube penetration to the transmitting tissue, then their capacity to offer support for pollen germination and, finally, their capacity to support pollen grain adhesion. Within a species-specific range of temperature, this apparent opposite effect of temperature on the male and female side could provide plants with the plasticity to withstand changing environmental effects, ensuring a good level of fertilization.  相似文献   

Summary.  In eudicot postmeiotic tetrads, apertures are usually joined in pairs in highly conserved areas. These appear to be located at the last points of contact persisting at the end of cytokinesis between the cytoplasm of the future microspores. In order to investigate the relationship between cytokinesis and aperture formation, aperture distribution within postmeiotic tetrads and the progression of meiosis were studied in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Ambalema. This variety (inbred line) produces about 85% tricolporate pollen and 15% tetracolporate pollen grains. In addition, about 7% of tetrads are composed of four equal-sized microspores and a supernumerary pseudomicrospore of small size and an equal proportion of tetrads exhibit unpaired apertures (these apertures are not joined in pairs within tetrads). Observation of cytokinesis indicates that both unpaired apertures and pseudomicrospores could result from the persistence of late communications between microsporocytes. Observations of tetrads indicate that an increase in the number of elements that are separated during cytokinesis is correlated with an increase in microspore aperture number. All data converge to support the hypothesis that aperture site determination is partly controlled by the number of walls formed to separate the different elements of the tetrad. Received May 22, 2002; accepted October 29, 2002; published online April 2, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Laboratoire de Ecologie, Systematique et Evolution, Batiment 362, Université Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex, France.  相似文献   

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