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Juvenile and adult scale characteristics were used to compare two juvenile groups of Atlantic salmon in a large subarctic river in northern Scandinavia: individuals that have migrated from the main stem into small tributaries and those which remain in the main stem. Body size and scale measurements indicated enhanced growth in migratory parr as compared to their resident main stem counterparts. Analysis of adult salmon scale characteristics using maximum likelihood estimators revealed that 20% of the adults had been in the tributaries before the end of their second year of life, and more than 30% more had moved into the tributaries in the third year. Tributary fish matured at a smaller size and younger age (one-sea-winter salmon) than those rearing in the main stem which included a higher proportion of multi-sea-winter salmon. In addition, when smolt ages and ages at maturity were compared, older female smolts often resulted in smaller spawners and younger smolts, larger spawners. Small female spawners were more likely to survive to become repeat spawners.  相似文献   

Since juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) occupy a similar habitat in Lake Ontario tributaries, we sought to determine the degree of diet similarity between these species in order to assess the potential for interspecific competition. Atlantic salmon, an historically important but currently extirpated component of the Lake Ontario fish community, are the focus of a bi‐national restoration effort. Presently this effort includes the release of hatchery produced juvenile Atlantic salmon in Lake Ontario tributaries. These same tributaries support substantial numbers of naturally reproduced juvenile Pacific salmonids including Chinook salmon. Subyearling Atlantic salmon and subyearling Chinook salmon had significantly different diets during each of the three time periods examined. Atlantic salmon fed slightly more from the benthos than from the drift and consumed mainly chirononmids (47.0%) and ephemeropterans (21.1%). The diet of subyearling Chinook salmon was more closely associated with the drift and consisted mainly of chironomids (60.2%) and terrestrial invertebrates (16.0%). Low diet similarity between subyearling Atlantic salmon and subyearling Chinook salmon likely minimizes competitive interactions for food between these species in Lake Ontario tributaries. However, the availability of small prey such as chironomids which comprise over 50% of the diet of each species, soon after emergence, could constitute a short term resource limitation. To our knowledge this is the first study of interspecific diet associations between these two important salmonid species.  相似文献   

Few studies have quantified juvenile salmon growth among different habitats or evaluated the mechanisms controlling salmon growth and survival. We used otolith microstructure to compare daily relative growth rates among main-channel riverine areas, off-channel ponds, and non-natal seasonal tributaries of the Sacramento River, CA. We compared prey availability, prey preference, and stomach fullness between these sites. We observed larger average otolith growth increments, higher prey densities, and warmer water temperatures in both off-channel ponds and non-natal seasonal tributaries compared to the main-channel areas in both 2001 and 2002. Our findings suggest that warmer temperatures and abundant prey in off-channel habitats during Central Valley Chinook salmon rearing periods may lead to higher growth rates, which in turn may improve juvenile survival. Our results suggest that off-channel habitats may be critical habitats to include in conservation and management plans for juvenile salmon.  相似文献   

Population estimates of Salmo sular L. and Salmo trutta L. were made by electrofishing at 39 stations spaced along the main river and tributaries. Within the tributaries there was a tendency for the standing crop, the average weight of individual fish and the proportion of juvenile salmon to trout to decline in an upstream direction The survey included an ayessnient of a salmon alevin restocking project.  相似文献   

Increased mortality of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), related to lowered levels of stored energy following the loss of ice cover during winter, has been observed after hydropower development in the subarctic River Alta, northern Norway. Drift samples were compared to examine if drift densities, and thus drift prey availabilities for juvenile salmon, were lower in the ice-free than the ice-covered area. In addition, juvenile salmon stomach contents were compared to benthos and drift in the ice-free area to examine salmon winter feeding habitat. Zooplankton, originating from the reservoir, dominated drift at the ice-free site but had lower densities at the downstream ice-covered site. Excluding zooplankton, Chironomidae comprised most of the remaining drift at both the ice-free and ice-covered site, followed by Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Simuliidae. No Trichoptera were found in the drift samples. There was no consistent diel periodicity in drift. Benthos was dominated by Chironomidae, followed by Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera. Other invertebrates occurred in low numbers. Juvenile salmon demonstrated size-selective feeding and fed mainly on Ephemeroptera, followed by Trichoptera and Plecoptera. No zooplankton and few Chironomidae were found in the stomach samples. Stomach content was more similar to benthos than to drift, indicating a larger extent of benthic than drift feeding. No evidence was found for the hypothesis that lack of ice cover reduced the invertebrate drift or caused diel periodicity in the drift. Differences in drift between areas with and without ice could not account for the observed differences in mortality of juvenile salmon during the winter in these areas.  相似文献   

Our aim was to determine how beavers affect habitats and food resources for juvenile salmon in the Kwethluk River in western Alaska.

Interactions between birds and fish are often overlooked in aquatic ecosystems. We studied the influence of Atlantic salmon and brown trout on the breeding population size and reproductive output of the white‐throated dipper in a Norwegian river. Acidic precipitation led to the extinction of salmon, but salmon recolonized after liming was initiated in 1991. We compared the dipper population size and reproductive output before (1978–1992) and after (1993–2014) salmon recolonization. Despite a rapid and substantial increase in juvenile salmon, the breeding dipper population size and reproductive output were not influenced by juvenile salmon, trout, or total salmonid density. This might be due to different feeding strategies in salmonids and dippers, where salmonids are mainly feeding on drift, while the dipper is a benthic feeder. The correlation between the size of the dipper population upstream and downstream of a salmonid migratory barrier was similar before and after recolonization, indicating that the downstream territories were not less attractive after the recolonization of salmon. Upstream dipper breeding success rates declined before the recolonization event and increased after, indicating improved water quality due to liming, and increasing invertebrate prey abundances and biodiversity. Surprisingly, upstream the migratory barrier, juvenile trout had a weak positive effect on the dipper population size, indicating that dippers may prey upon small trout. It is possible that wider downstream reaches might have higher abundances of alternative food, rending juvenile trout unimportant as prey. Abiotic factors such as winter temperatures and acidic precipitation with subsequent liming, potentially mediated by prey abundance, seem to play the most important role in the life history of the dipper.  相似文献   

Synopsis A comparison was done between growth in Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar, parr from natal rivers and small tributaries in the subarctic River Teno watercourse in northern Finland (70° N, 28° E). Salmon do not spawn in these tributaries but juveniles enter the brooks from their spawning rivers. Parr from these brooks (age groups 1 + and 2 +) were larger, so were their recorded annual growth increments, than those caught simultaneously in the River Teno. First year growth was also better in brook parr, although both groups had spent their first year in the main river. The brook water temperature was lower than that in the main rivers through-out the growing season. On the other hand, drifting food resources were more abundant in brooks. It has been suggested that better growth and a longer residence in fresh water result in the larger smolts being produced in the brooks relative to the main river. Differences in habitat selection and subsequent differences in the smolt age and size of fish from the same place of origin reflect the distinct life histories of the salmon in the River Teno.  相似文献   

In juveniles of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar of two age groups (0+ and 1+) living in the mainstream and in the tributary of the subarctic Varzuga River, the activity of some enzymes was determined (cytochrome c oxidase, malate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and 1-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase), reflecting the intensity of the direction of principal pathways of carbohydrate metabolism and of synthesis of ATP. The effect of environmental conditions on growth and development of different age groups is different. Underyearlings (0+) living in the tributary are characterized by an advanced locomotor performance and growth rate. They possess a higher level of aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism and assimilation of carbohydrates for synthesis of structural and stock compounds in comparison with yearlings living in the mainstream. No significant differences are found between two-summer-old fish (1+) from different habitats in parameters of energy metabolism. This demonstrates that the living conditions for them in the tributary are not so favorable as from underyearlings. The food items in the tributary are small and numerous, i.e., are more available for salmon underyearlings. Parrs 1+ feed on large invertebrates and feeding in the mainstream is preferable. The differences in parameters of energy metabolism of juvenile salmon manifesting themselves in the first year of life make the basis for the fact that the subsequent smoltification of parrs and migration for feeding occur at different ages—2+, 3+, or 4+. This contributes to the formation of the complex age structure of the Varzuga stock of salmon.  相似文献   

Feeding rate experiments were conducted for pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha fry [mean fork length ( L F) 39 mm], juveniles (103–104 mm L F) and juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta (106–107 mm L F). Fishes were presented with small copepod ( Tisbi sp.) or larger mysid shrimp ( Mysidopsis bahia ) prey at varying densities ranging from 1 to 235 prey l−1 in feeding rate experiments conducted at water temperatures ranging from 10·5 to 12·0° C under high light levels and low turbidity conditions. Juvenile pink and chum salmon demonstrated a type II functional response to mysid and copepod prey. Mysid prey was readily selected by both species whereas the smaller bodied copepod prey was not. When offered copepods, pink salmon fry fed at a higher maximum consumption rate (2·5 copepods min−1) than larger juvenile pink salmon (0·4 copepods min−1), whereas larger juvenile chum salmon exhibited the highest feeding rate (3·8 copepods min−1). When feeding on mysids, the maximum feeding rate for larger juvenile pink (12·3 mysids min−1) and chum (11·5 mysids min−1) salmon were similar in magnitude, and higher than feeding rates on copepods. Functional response models parameterized for specific sizes of juvenile salmon and zooplankton prey provide an important tool for linking feeding rates to ambient foraging conditions in marine environments, and can enable mechanistic predictions for how feeding and growth should respond to spatial-temporal variability in biological and physical conditions during early marine life stages.  相似文献   

Management of multiple exploited stocks of anadromous salmonids in large catchments requires understanding of movement and catchment use by the migrating fish and of their harvesting. The spawning migration of sea trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was studied in the River Tweed, UK, using acoustic telemetry to complement exploitation rate data and to quantify catchment penetration. Salmon (n = 79) and sea trout (n = 65) were tagged in the tidal-influenced Tweed in summer–autumn. No tagged salmon left the river before spawning, but 3% (2010) and 8% (2011) of pre-spawning sea trout dropped out. Combined tag regurgitation/fish mortality in salmon was 12.5%, while trout mortality was 6% (2010) and 0% (2011). The estimated spawning positions of salmon and sea trout differed; tagged salmon were mostly in the main channel while trout occurred mostly in the upper Tweed and tributaries. Early fish migrated upstream slower than later fish, but sea trout moved through the lower-middle river more quickly than salmon, partly supporting the hypothesis that the lower exploitation rate in autumn of trout (1 vs 3.3% for salmon) there is generated by differences in migration behaviour.  相似文献   

Diel variation in habitat use of subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), subyearling coho salmon (O. kisutch), yearling steelhead (O. mykiss), and yearling Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was examined during the spring in two tributaries of Lake Ontario. A total of 1318 habitat observations were made on juvenile salmonids including 367 on steelhead, 351 on Chinook salmon, 333 on Atlantic salmon, and 261 on coho salmon. Steelhead exhibited the most diel variation in habitat use and Chinook the least. Juvenile salmonids were generally associated with more cover and larger substrate during the day in both streams. Interspecific differences in habitat use in both streams occurred with Atlantic salmon (fast velocities) and coho salmon (pools) using the least similar habitat. Chinook salmon and Atlantic salmon used similar habitat in both streams. These findings should help guide future management actions specific to habitat protection and restoration of Atlantic salmon in Lake Ontario tributaries.  相似文献   

Off-channel habitat has become increasingly recognized as key for migratory fishes such as juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Hence, floodplain habitat has been identified as critical for the continued persistence of California’s Central Valley salmon, particularly the Yolo Bypass, the primary floodplain of the Sacramento River. To provide insight into factors supporting juvenile salmon use of this 240 km2, partially leveed floodplain, we examined inter- and intra-annual relationships between environmental correlates and residency time, apparent growth, emigration, migratory phenotype, and survival over more than a decade for natural-origin (“wild”) fish and experimentally-released hatchery fish. Flood duration was positively associated with hatchery juveniles residing longer and achieving larger size. Wild juveniles grew larger and emigrated later with cumulative temperature experience (accumulated thermal units) and warmer average annual temperatures during flood years. Within years, both wild and hatchery salmon departed the floodplain as flood waters receded. Parr-sized juveniles dominated outmigrant composition, though fry and smolt-sized juveniles were also consistently observed. Survival to the ocean fishery was not significantly different between hatchery fish that reared in the Yolo Bypass versus those that reared in the main stem Sacramento River. Our study indicates improved frequency and duration of connectivity between the Sacramento River and the Yolo Bypass could increase off-channel rearing opportunities that expand the life history diversity portfolio for Central Valley Chinook salmon.  相似文献   

Four tributaries of Lake St-Jean (Québec, Canada) are used for spawning and juvenile habitat by land-locked Atlantic salmon. Spawning runs have drastically declined since the mid-1980s, and consequently, a supportive-breeding programme was undertaken in 1990. In this study, we analysed seven microsatellite loci and mtDNA, and empirically estimated effective population sizes to test the hypotheses that (i) fish spawning in different tributaries form genetically distinct populations and (ii) the supportive breeding programme causes genetic perturbations on wild populations. Allele frequency distribution, molecular variance and genetic distance estimates all supported the hypothesis of genetic differentiation among salmon from different tributaries. Gene flow among some populations was much more restricted than previously reported for anadromous populations despite the small geographical scale (40 km) involved. Both mtDNA and microsatellites revealed a more pronounced differentiation between populations from two tributaries of a single river compared with their differentiation with a population from a neighbouring river. The comparison of wild and F1-hatchery fish (produced from breeders originating from the same river) indicated significant changes in allele frequencies and losses of low-frequency alleles but no reduction in heterozygosity. Estimates of variance and inbreeding population size indicated that susceptibility to genetic drift and inbreeding in one population increased by twofold after only one generation of supplementation.  相似文献   

Feeding activity of migrating wild Atlantic salmon smolts was investigated in different types of tributaries of the River Teno, northernmost Finland. General feeding activity and the amount of surface prey in the stomachs were correlated inversely with proportion of habitats with high water velocity in the tributaries.  相似文献   

Zooplankton in the main channel of the Nakdong River and in three tributaries was sampled from June 1994 to September 1995. Planktonic rotifers (Brachionus spp., Keratella spp., and Polyarthra spp.), cyclopoid nauplii and small cladocerans (Bosmina longirostris) were numerically dominant. There was considerable longitudinal variation of zooplankton biomass in the main channel as well as spatial heterogeneity among the major tributaries. In the middle region of the main channel, between river kilometer (RK) 170 and 150 above the estuary dam, total zooplankton abundance sharply increased from less than 100 ind. L—1 to more than 1,000 ind. L—1. In a downstream direction toward the estuary dam, phytoplankton biomass increased while total zooplankton biomass decreased. However, as shown by the increasing transport of zooplankton biomass, zooplankton was diluted in the reach of the estuary dam. Advective effects from major tributaries appear to be the contributory factor for the higher zooplankton biomass in the middle region. Overall, rather the external factors (flushing, retention) than internal factors (e.g., phytoplankton) appear to be responsible for changes in zooplankton abundance toward the river mouth.  相似文献   

Pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, are the most abundant wild salmon species and are thought of as an indicator of ecosystem health. The salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, is endemic to pink salmon habitat but these ectoparasites have been implicated in reducing local pink salmon populations in the Broughton Archipelago, British Columbia. This allegation arose largely because juvenile pink salmon migrate past commercial open net salmon farms, which are known to incubate the salmon louse. Juvenile pink salmon are thought to be especially sensitive to this ectoparasite because they enter the sea at such a small size (approx. 0.2 g). Here, we describe how 'no effect' thresholds for salmon louse sublethal impacts on juvenile pink salmon were determined using physiological principles. These data were accepted by environmental managers and are being used to minimize the impact of salmon aquaculture on wild pink salmon populations.  相似文献   

Life history variation is fundamental to the evolution of Pacific salmon and their persistence under variable conditions. We discovered that Chinook salmon sort themselves into surface- and bottom-oriented groups in tanks within days after exogenous feeding. We hypothesised that this behaviour is correlated with subsequent differences in body morphology and growth (as measured by final length and mass) observed later in life. We found consistent morphological differences between surface and bottom phenotypes. Furthermore, we found that surface and bottom orientation within each group is maintained for at least one year after the phenotypes were separated. These surface and bottom phenotypes are expressed across genetic stocks, brood years, and laboratories and we show that the proportion of surface- and bottom-oriented offspring also differed among families. Importantly, feed delivery location did not affect morphology or growth, and the surface fish were longer than bottom fish at the end of the rearing experiment. The body shape of the former correlates with wild individuals that rear in mainstem habitats and migrate in the fall as subyearlings and the latter resemble those that remain in the upper tributaries and migrate as yearling spring migrants. Our findings suggest that early self-sorting behaviour may have a genetic basis and be correlated with other phenotypic traits that are important indicators for juvenile migration timing.  相似文献   

1. The effects of woody debris on stream habitat of juvenile masu salmon ( Oncorhynchus masou ) were examined at two spatial scales, stream reach and channel unit, for first to thirdorder tributaries of the Teshio River in northern Hokkaido, Japan. The fortyeight study reaches were classified into three distinct types: coarsesubstrate steppool (CSP), coarsesubstrate poolriffle (CPR) and finesubstrate poolriffle (FPR) reaches. Each reach type included reaches with different riparian settings, broadly classified as forest (relatively undisturbed forest and secondary forest after fires) or grassland (bamboo bushland and pasture).
2. The reachscale analyses showed that neither total pool volume nor pooltopool spacing was correlated with woody debris abundance in any of the three reach types. Masu salmon density was positively correlated with both woodydebris cover area and total cover area, but not with total pool volume in the reaches.
3. Channelunitscale analyses revealed that woody debris reduced nonpool velocity, increased pool depth and retained fine sediment in pools in FPR reaches, where the size of woody debris was very large relative to the substrate material size. However, woody debris did not influence any of the hydraulic variables (depth, velocity, substrate) in either nonpools or pools of CSP and CPR reaches. Habitat use by masu salmon in nonpools or pools was affected by woodydebris cover area or total cover area rather than by hydraulic variables in any of the reach types.
4. The effects of woody debris on habitat at the reach and channelunit scales in the study area were less than those indicated by previous work in the Pacific Northwest, North America, owing to the relatively small size of the riparian trees. However, the overall results suggested that woody debris in the study area contributed to masu salmon habitat by providing cover at the smaller, microhabitat scale.  相似文献   

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