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The fate of representative fermentation products (acetate, propionate, butyrate, lactate, and ethanol) in hot spring cyanobacterial mats was investigated. The major fate during incubations in the light was photoassimilation by filamentous bacteria resembling Chloroflexus aurantiacus. Some metabolism of all compounds occurred under dark aerobic conditions. Under dark anaerobic conditions, only lactate was oxidized extensively to carbon dioxide. Extended preincubation under dark anaerobic conditions did not enhance anaerobic catabolism of acetate, propionate, or ethanol. Acetogenesis of butyrate was suggested by the hydrogen sensitivity of butyrate conversion to acetate and by the enrichment of butyrate-degrading acetogenic bacteria. Accumulation of fermentation products which were not catabolized under dark anaerobic conditions revealed their importance. Acetate and propionate were the major fermentation products which accumulated in samples collected at temperatures ranging from 50 to 70°C. Other organic acids and alcohols accumulated to a much lesser extent. Fermentation occurred mainly in the top 4 mm of the mat. Exposure to light decreased the accumulation of acetate and presumably of other fermentation products. The importance of interspecies hydrogen transfer was investigated by comparing fermentation product accumulation at a 65°C site, with naturally high hydrogen levels, and a 55°C site, where active methanogenesis prevented significant hydrogen accumulation. There was a greater relative accumulation of reduced products, notably ethanol, in the 65°C mat.  相似文献   

This review summarizes a decade of research in which we have used molecular methods, in conjunction with more traditional approaches, to study hot spring cyanobacterial mats as models for understanding principles of microbial community ecology. Molecular methods reveal that the composition of these communities is grossly oversimplified by microscopic and cultivation methods. For example, none of 31 unique 16S rRNA sequences detected in the Octopus Spring mat, Yellowstone National Park, matches that of any prokaryote previously cultivated from geothermal systems; 11 are contributed by genetically diverse cyanobacteria, even though a single cyanobacterial species was suspected based on morphologic and culture analysis. By studying the basis for the incongruity between culture and molecular samplings of community composition, we are beginning to cultivate isolates whose 16S rRNA sequences are readily detected. By placing the genetic diversity detected in context with the well-defined natural environmental gradients typical of hot spring mat systems, the relationship between gene and species diversity is clarified and ecological patterns of species occurrence emerge. By combining these ecological patterns with the evolutionary patterns inherently revealed by phylogenetic analysis of gene sequence data, we find that it may be possible to understand microbial biodiversity within these systems by using principles similar to those developed by evolutionary ecologists to understand biodiversity of larger species. We hope that such an approach guides microbial ecologists to a more realistic and predictive understanding of microbial species occurrence and responsiveness in both natural and disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

A variety of contemporary techniques were used to investigate the vertical distribution of thermophilic unicellular cyanobacteria, Synechococcus spp., and their activity within the upper 1-mm-thick photic zone of the mat community found in an alkaline siliceous hot spring in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Detailed measurements were made over a diel cycle at a 61°C site. Net oxygenic photosynthesis measured with oxygen microelectrodes was highest within the uppermost 100- to 200-μm-thick layer until midmorning, but as the day progressed, the peak of net activity shifted to deeper layers, stabilizing at a depth of 300 μm from midday throughout the afternoon. Examination of vertical thin sections by bright-field and autofluorescence microscopy revealed the existence of different populations of Synechococcus which form discrete bands at different vertical positions. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene segments from horizontal cryosections obtained at 100-μm-thick vertical intervals also suggested vertical stratification of cyanobacterial, green sulfur bacterium-like, and green nonsulfur bacterium-like populations. There was no evidence of diel migration. However, image analysis of vertical thin sections revealed the presence of a narrow band of rod-shaped Synechococcus cells in which the cells assumed an upright position. These upright cells, located 400 to 800 μm below the surface, were observed only in mat samples obtained around noon. In mat samples obtained at other time points, the cells were randomly oriented throughout the mat. These combined observations reveal the existence of a highly ordered structure within the very thin photic zone of this hot spring microbial mat, consisting of morphologically similar Synechococcus populations that are likely to be differentially adapted, some co-occurring with green sulfur bacterium-like populations, and all overlying green nonsulfur bacterium-like populations.  相似文献   

Patterns of (sup14)CO(inf2) incorporation into molecular components of the thermophilic cyanobacterial mat communities inhabiting hot springs located in Yellowstone National Park and Synechococcus sp. strain C1 were investigated. Exponentially growing Synechococcus sp. strain C1 partitioned the majority of incorporated (sup14)CO(inf2) into protein, low-molecular-weight metabolites, and lipid fractions (45, 22, and 18% of total incorporated carbon, respectively). In contrast, mat cores from various hot springs predominantly accumulated polyglucose during periods of illumination (between 77 and 85% of total incorporated (sup14)CO(inf2)). Although photosynthetically active, mat photoautotrophs do not appear to be rapidly growing, since we also detected only limited synthesis of macromolecules associated with growth (i.e., protein and rRNA). To test the hypothesis that polysaccharide reserves are fermented in situ under the dark anaerobic conditions cyanobacterial mats experience at night, mat cores were prelabeled with (sup14)CO(inf2) under illuminated conditions and then transferred to dark anaerobic conditions. Radiolabel in the polysaccharide fraction decreased by 74.7% after 12 h, of which 58.5% was recovered as radiolabeled acetate, CO(inf2), and propionate. These results indicate tightly coupled carbon fixation and fermentative processes and the potential for significant transfer of carbon from primary producers to heterotrophic members of these cyanobacterial mat communities.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate fraction of a hot spring sulfur-turf bacterial mat was shown to contain cellulose by the examination of neutral sugar composition, methylation analysis, and the identification of free oligosacchrides obtained from an acetolyzate of the desulfurized sulfur-turf mat. This suggested that the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria composing the sulfur-turf were producers of cellulose.  相似文献   

Microelectrodes were used to measure oxygen, pH, and oxygenic photosynthetic activity in a hot spring microbial mat (Octopus Spring, Yellowstone National Park), where the cyanobacterium Synechococcus lividus and the filamentous bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus are the only known phototrophs. The data showed very high biological activities in the topmost layers of the microbial mat, resulting in extreme values for oxygen and pH. At a 1-mm depth at a 55°C site, oxygen and pH reached 900 μM and 9.4, respectively, just after solar noon, whereas anoxic conditions with a pH of 7.2 were measured before sunrise. Although diurnal changes between these extremes occurred over hours during a diurnal cycle, microbial activity was great enough to give the same response in 1 to 2 min after artificial shading. Oxygenic photosynthesis was confined to a 0.5- to 1.1-mm layer at sites with temperatures at or above about 50°C, with maximum activities in the 55 to 60°C region. The data suggest that S. lividus is the dominant primary producer of the mat.  相似文献   

Among the various microbial mats that develop in geothermal hot springs in solfataric fields, colorless sulfur-turf (ST)—macroscopic white bundles consisting of large sickle-shaped bacteria belonging to Aquificales and elemental sulfur particles–develops in a limited environment of geothermal effluent containing hydrogen sulfide with neutral pH and low in oxygen. Photosynthetic cyanobacterial mat (CY) often grow just downstream of chemolithotrophic ST, or they coexist with ST where the temperature is slightly lower. Knowledge of the environmental regimes of these microbial mats will lead to better understanding of the distribution of thermophilic microorganisms on the Earth and provide clues about evolutionary processes in the microbial ecosystems of the Precambrian era. We studied the environmental parameters of the boundary zone and examined the distribution of these types of mats and measured the in situ growth rates of the microorganisms composing them. In situ examination revealed that temperature and Eh constrain the development of the microbial mats. At the boundary between ST and CY, temperature and Eh ranged between 51.1°C and 63.2°C and between ?112 mV and ?25 mV, respectively. These environmental parameters were not significantly different among Japanese, Yellowstone (North American), and Icelandic hot spring effluents with genetically similar thermal sulfur oxidizers. Sickle-shaped bacteria rarely coexist with cyanobacteria, although they can potentially grow in some CY environments. This suggests that the boundary between ST and CY might be partly determined by exclusive ecological competition.  相似文献   

The algal-bacterial mat of a high-sulfate hot spring (Bath Lake) provided an environment in which to compare terminal processes involved in anaerobic decomposition. Sulfate reduction was found to dominate methane production, as indicated by comparison of initial electron flow through the two processes, rapid conversion of [2-14C]acetate to 14CO2 and not to 14CH4, and the lack of rapid reduction of NaH14CO3 to 14CH4. Sulfate reduction was the dominant process at all depth intervals, but a marked decrease of sulfate reduction and sulfate-reducing bacteria was observed with depth. Concurrent methanogenesis was indicated by the presence of viable methanogenic bacteria and very low but detectable rates of methane production. A marked increased in methane production was observed after sulfate depletion despite high concentrations of sulfide (>1.25 mM), indicating that methanogenesis was not inhibited by sulfide in the natural environment. Although a sulfate minimum and sulfide maximum occurred in the region of maximal sulfate reduction, the absence of sulfate depletion in interstitial water suggests that methanogenesis is always severely limited in Bath Lake sediments. Low initial methanogenesis was not due to anaerobic methane oxidation.  相似文献   

The potential to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis after prolonged burial below the photic zone was studied at 0.1-mm depth intervals in the thick, laminated Microcoleus chthonoplastes mats growing in Solar Lake, Sinai. The buried mat community lost about 20% of its photosynthetic potential with depth per annual layer down to 8- to 10-year-old layers at a 14-mm depth. In some of the older layers, below a 30-mm depth, light-dependent oxygen consumption which increased with increasing light intensity was observed. Possible mechanisms for this phenomenon are (i) pseudocyclic electron transport (Mehler reaction), (ii) interactions between respiratory electron transport and photosynthetic electron transport, (iii) photorespiration, and (iv) photooxidation.  相似文献   

The diversity of nitrogenase genes in a marine cyanobacterial mat was investigated through amplification of a fragment of nifH, which encodes the Fe protein of the nitrogenase complex. The amplified nifH products were characterized by DNA sequencing and were compared with the sequences of nitrogenase genes from cultivated organisms. Phylogenetic analysis showed that similar organisms clustered together, with the exception that anaerobic bacteria clustered together, even though they represented firmicutes, (delta)-proteobacteria, and (gamma)-proteobacteria. Mat nifH sequences were most closely related to those of the anaerobes, with a few being most closely related to the cluster of (gamma)-proteobacteria containing Klebsiella and Azotobacter species. No cyanobacterial nifH sequences were found from the mat collected in November when Microcoleus chthonoplastes was the dominant cyanobacterium, but sequences closely related to the cyanobacterium Lyngbya lagerheimeii were found during summer, when a Lyngbya strain was dominant. The results indicate that there is a high diversity of heterotrophic nitrogen-fixing organisms in marine cyanobacterial mats.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antiserum prepared against Chloroflexus aurantiacus reacted with all Chloroflexus strains examined but not with other morphologically or physiologically similar bacteria. Only one of three filament types in a natural hot spring cyanobacterial mat reacted with this antiserum. Reacting filaments remained antigenically positive deep within the mat in material estimated to be several years old.  相似文献   

Oscillatoria terebriformis, a thermophilic cyanobacterium, carried out a diel vertical movement pattern in Hunter's Hot Springs, Oreg. Throughout most daylight hours, populations of O. terebriformis covered the surface of microbial mats in the hot spring outflows below an upper temperature limit of 54°C. Upon darkness trichomes moved downward by gliding motility into the substrate to a depth of 0.5 to 1.0 mm, where the population remained until dawn. At dawn the population rapidly returned to the top of the mats. Field studies with microelectrodes showed that the dense population of O. terebriformis moved each night across an oxygen-sulfide interface, entering a microenvironment which was anaerobic and reducing, a dramatic contrast to the daytime environment at the mat surface where oxygenic photosynthesis resulted in supersaturated O2. Laboratory experiments on motility with the use of sulfide gradients produced in agar revealed a negative response to sulfide at concentrations similar to those found in the natural mats. The motility response may help explain the presence of O. terebriformis below the mat surface at night. The movement back to the surface at dawn appears to be due to a combination of phototaxis, photokinesis, and the onset of oxygenic photosynthesis which consumes sulfide.  相似文献   

Benthic cyanobacterial mats with the filamentous Microcoleus chthonoplastes as the dominant phototroph grow in oxic hypersaline environments such as Solar Lake, Sinai. The cyanobacteria are in situ exposed to chemical variations between 200 μmol of sulfide liter−1 at night and 1 atm pO2 during the day. During experimental H2S to O2 transitions the microbial community was shown to shift from anoxygenic photosynthesis, with H2S as the electron donor, to oxygenic photosynthesis. Microcoleus filaments could carry out both types of photosynthesis concurrently. Anoxygenic photosynthesis dominated at high sulfide levels, 500 μmol liter−1, while the oxygenic reaction became dominant when the sulfide level was reduced below 100 to 300 μmol liter−1 (25 to 75 μmol of H2S liter−1). An increasing inhibition of the oxygenic photosynthesis was observed upon transition to oxic conditions from increasing sulfide concentrations. Oxygen built up within the Microcoleus layer of the mat even under 5 mmol of sulfide liter−1 (500 μmol of H2S liter−1) in the overlying water. The implications of such a localized O2 production in a highly reducing environment are discussed in relation to the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis during the Proterozoic era.  相似文献   

We examined the population of unicellular cyanobacteria (Synechococcus) in the upper 3-mm vertical interval of a 68°C region of a microbial mat in a hot spring effluent channel (Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming). Fluorescence microscopy and microsensor measurements of O2 and oxygenic photosynthesis demonstrated the existence of physiologically distinct Synechococcus populations at different depths along a light gradient quantified by scalar irradiance microprobes. Molecular methods were used to evaluate whether physiologically distinct populations could be correlated with genetically distinct populations over the vertical interval. We were unable to identify patterns in genetic variation in Synechococcus 16S rRNA sequences that correlate with different vertically distributed populations. However, patterns of variation at the internal transcribed spacer locus separating 16S and 23S rRNA genes suggested the existence of closely related but genetically distinct populations corresponding to different functional populations occurring at different depths.  相似文献   

The diurnal variation in the microgradients of O2, H2S, and Eh were studied in the benthic cyanobacterial mats of a hypersaline desert lake (Solar Lake, Sinai). The results were related to light intensity, light penetration into the mat, temperature, pH, NH4+, photosynthetic activity, pigments, and the zonation of the microbial community. Extreme diurnal variation was found, with an O2 peak of 0.5 mM at 1 to 2 mm of depth below the mat surface during day and a H2S peak of 2.5 mM at 2 to 3 mm of depth at night. At the O2-H2S interface, the two compounds coexisted over a depth interval of 0.2 to 1 mm and with a turnover time of a few minutes. The photic zone reached 2.5 mm into the mat in summer, and the main 14CO2 light fixation took place at 1 to 2 mm of depth. During winter, light and photosynthesis were restricted to the uppermost 1 mm. The quantitative dynamics of O2 and H2S were calculated from the chemical gradients and from the measured diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   

狮子头热泉菌席样品环境总DNA提取方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对狮子头热泉7个环境菌席样品所提取的总DNA进行纯度检测、提取得率计算和DGGE分析,比较了3种直接和1种间接DNA提取方法。结果表明:综合利用多种裂解方式比单一裂解方式更能充分释放环境DNA;其中3种方法获得的DNA片段能够进行后续16S rDNA扩增;针对同一样品,不同方法提取的环境DNA,可获得不同DGGE群落指纹图谱;间接提取法提取的总DNA,能更好地反映狮子头热泉菌席的微生物多样性。  相似文献   

腾冲热海眼镜泉粉红色菌藻席的细菌组成分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
应用免培养法系统研究眼镜泉粉红色菌藻席的细菌组成。经过克隆筛选,测定了23个克隆的16S rDNA插入片段的近全序列。与GenBank的序列进行比对和相似性分析,结果表明,组成该菌藻席的细菌分属于Proteobacteria、Firmicutes、Bacteroidetes、Actinobacter、Deinococcus-thermus、Aquificals 6个类群(phylum),表现出了高度的细菌多样性。结合分析温度相近的5个热泉:Octopus spring、Haegindi and Fluidir spring、Olkelduhals、Grendalur spring中的菌藻席细菌组成,表明生态位相近的不同环境中,其物种组成相近。Aquificales是中性或弱碱性高温热泉菌藻席群落的优势物种。  相似文献   

Many hardwater rivers of the Seine basin (France) have gradually become affected by extensive stromatolite ( sensu Monty 1973) growth during the last 30 years. In some cases, calcareous buildup development is fast enough to cement large sectors of the stream bed. Although static aspects (mineralogy, morphology, microflora) are well known, few attempts have been made so far to understand the dynamics and regulating factors of buildup development. The formation of an encrusting algal mat was studied from 1996 to 1998 in a hardwater river of Seine-Maritime (France). The structural organization of all stromatolitic buildups was highly homogeneous in all sites. Encrusted microflora settled only on stable, solid substrates and were largely dominated by the cyanobacterial genus Phormidium . Annual dynamics of calcitic structure development closely followed the cyanobacterial microflora growth phases. The main determining factor of encrusting microflora extension appeared to be river-bed stability. Current velocity seems to play a fundamental part on at least two scales. On the "site scale" (100 m2), the discharge variations determine the spatial distribution of the fine-grained, unstable deposits that cannot host encrusting microflora. On the "substrate scale" (0.1 to 1 m2), the maximum cyanobacterial biomass increases with current velocity. The maximal extension rate measured in the present study showed that a stable, cobble river floor could be cemented by cyanobacterially driven calcareous deposits in 6 to 7 months.  相似文献   

The importance of sulfate respiration in the microbial mat found in the low-sulfate thermal outflow of Mushroom Spring in Yellowstone National Park was evaluated using a combination of molecular, microelectrode, and radiotracer studies. Despite very low sulfate concentrations, this mat community was shown to sustain a highly active sulfur cycle. The highest rates of sulfate respiration were measured close to the surface of the mat late in the day when photosynthetic oxygen production ceased and were associated with a Thermodesulfovibrio-like population. Reduced activity at greater depths was correlated with novel populations of sulfate-reducing microorganisms, unrelated to characterized species, and most likely due to both sulfate and carbon limitation.  相似文献   

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